HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/1957 '.~~~l.:'~~OI,j ;- ...triC" /\,~J.~~~ {,/ '~'<T Uouncil Haam. June J. 195'( ?egular 'Cleeting of Council he.ld on above date, all I'wmners present., l\:inutes of last regular and spec:tal meetines were read and on motion confirmed. CO]:1:Ul: lliA'l'l OES .froB Car:adian Legion, BowNtLville 5T'arch 1n referE'rlce to Decoration Day at t.he cemetery 1';1'. J. Firth, preRident of t,he SanE..cUan LeGion Ftddressed Gouncil in reference to Decor- ation Day I statinf that is i5 the op~_:r'd_on of the Legi,on t.bat Decoration Day should be Civic instead of h:ilitary. ?Ioved b~1 Cr. Lathangue J seconded by Cr. Hif,fOn thnt proclam&tion be in serted in the statesman ac1visir€ of Decoration DCl~' e.t Bowmanville c8m.etery for e- tentative date of Sunday, JUfl8 16th. CaI'rled. FroN Dnntld H. Brooks arc five (5) I')t,her residents of St. Georee ~;treet cOI'lplaintl1f, Of' tr.e floodlre; on St. Ge:::lrge st. fmo reque~tiT1€ timt nct.ion be tR}{en to remedy the sit- u8tion. CHrried. }'<oved by Cr. Hic€.:on, secor-ced by Cr. :'lrou.c:h tre.t the 1st-tel' be recf2t1.ved er:d filBel a[;d ~Lat the delef~Rtion be RS[Ur8d thf:lt. nction is underway. Carried. From 1:r. ElI1d ~,:rs. G.F. Purdy thal1king Council for reIleTlberb.nce 'If their 50th wedding anniver Bary. Received and fi led. Ji'r')m 1:r. .John n. }.:i1ler, 10 }~il1g: St. E., requesting permission for a taxi stand for OTie car in front of hls husiness plece. ~.:o'Ted by Cr. rresson, sec:mded by Gr. Drouch tb..st the rec;.uest be referred to the J)olice Admin~stl't1tion COf'Fittee tIJ ~nvestjf,ate 811.0. report back, bTO that ~..:r. }:Iiller bp advised that 1:Ie will be ul2.m'Ij'ed 2h ft. tp,rnpoTtJr31y until Ue Police l.dT'1inlstl'ation Corrrdttee reTlort is rece~ved. }';oved on armnendmmt b3' 1)eputy-Heeve GC!.rrntbers, seconded b~' Cr. Fice tflbt tre re'1\~est be furt.Ler invest~.gHted by POU.OR hdninistl'btion Cornnit1.,ee HHd l,~r. ldller be fidv~sed Elccordine:1y. Armendt".Bnt curried. Fran 1:ra. JAMES JJflrcluy, 1J L:'.bert;' ;:Jt. rr. t:.t.d r.lrs. ;'1. .[itnee, 71 'delliq:ton 3t. re- que st'l.n[ t11E't. trees he removed in front of their respect1ve property. lroved b~' Cr. Pro\1E;h, secoYJoed b~' Cr. F)'eston t1lUt the rer:llests be referred tn the Fub- llc Prorflrty COI'U'lit1.,ee w~tl 'Tl0\\.'er t,'"'1 act. Carried. Ji'rom JLr. Irvine Brown, V5ce J-re85cent ('If t.re B;)\'lr',env~ lIe KlnsrJen Clun 8skir'[ !'8rP'.tssion to elose Tenperat;ce St. 'between LiT&: BId Church on l'r:i.day, Jllne 14th from 5:10 p.n. on for tt,e pu1'p'Jse of ho1djI'.~: a bingo. roved by Heeve T~1t.tle, sec0ncleo n~' Cr. RrollC11 that pfCffi' ~.st ion be O'e:r ted. Gerried. From },lr. .I. Rla}:ely, 3ect. Locel 189 Un:.ted ~ubher I'lorl:ers, R":lwmmvil1e stEltinc ttB.t the local nn:on :!.s in favmn' of ]':e,rldrc n,!tel's. Received ana fi led. FroIl rorot'hp.rurber-J.tlT c"-Durrar.; !:ea1th Un~_t, U..--,bo\lJ'f:, er'cl(1sin~: l'1orthly report f()l' April F!57. ltecelvad aul f:Lled. F'rorl the OLtE:.r:o Sef'ety I,eegue, TOl'Ol'i10, st.atillf tl.,<...t t.lwy fl1'A brrlit,e;:inp for the p'dS- e],ttltion 0;" fJ CH,Bt,ion ::::ert1 :-jcete for c, ff'ltbl~t.y free tr8f;-ic tlce;idert rec()rd for 1956 : 0', pd n':...:r. }or>:! st():'l, ~'i'3c,::,>::1 p(l hv De P'lt\ -~Aeve CaE'l'l1 t 1-(-1:" S 1:. he t t,J~ e C ler\', b t~ in~tr\l eted to ,;QU,fy L1'. ,r.n.r',. :~e:'!l01d:l, r,:~r,Pi~&l 'f'['r ('f,er I'")f t".8 Cr!.l,,}'iD ,';:Lfety Lenf;ue thet CL dute fc'r no rJ'(';'E,ntcd.l.on sh0uld he ,Tt;:~r 1.::1t, 'N~' ich ~L.'3 the ~ft:: n-t-' "111' rtn:icipal :Pi.C!lJL'~. C~~rr:i.er1. of pT',.br,L:atinTs in tte l."!wr. (;Ji~T'V -ht:~ iE:'itl'Il,~ted tcc <~.:;ro. a card ed. [lr f~:iC~';'i'lVS, '1'01'01'.1.,0 sU.:.t'irw t'hc~t 1.,1:81;' fL:",,] reuC:'i.LC. ./c130 I'e'111est1.fi.~: !E,PS :)~T' Fl~nrr, U,P, T~(':'~~l 01'tt~rlo r:'.lsetirl, '::'Ol':'~'t.~, l'f'.i;lAstl!lf' Ei Ust !'o;/(,Ij t,y Cr. Lv.tl',bq;u8, sec~:,:dflc1 ry ':j1', F\'e~;totl t"ust t~8 li,:t ,,' Lho:: lO"tLl '--":'':r<izat,lotd. 1~Y'8r, t'rp l',-,'~':.or \' hicle !~:'(.~:ch 01' t I'€- Der(l,'tr1~:nt uy'e r(;turn~.ri-:- coj'~ps of t.J'[.ffj.r~ h~'-l(.nlS'jC\r ty.,:~ :len8 f'or ;~1 ec\:ir." p:':"'rJ'~:es. i'.G'_";d by ReeYe Lit.t1A,~ ~,2c"nded [-'>;' Cr, l'r8s.:-,or, rrc:~'. ('Ir,ts'rio !'ur<cj ra1 /.".socutirm }'e(~\w;lti,rf f" :,",<::t th~ r':qrf)::;ts he CTc.!'ted. C3J":'led. r~l pr~3hil) to t1:.~'lr ASWicieticr. ~~ecei'llwl SIrS.. fj).,d. Pr(~T' '.)e~'~~rtn rt of L,blic: -t07'v.-8, 'l'Of'nrt') "t,i';.thf tr[,t tllf:~ (lIe l'n:lt Offiue ',d 11 be VIJ.- cbtec b~t Vay ?;:nd bui t";3.t ~:eY~j '1I'i.~.} b~ turr.erl over. r<eceivi:::d elf.d fj len.. }.'rorn the Depf,rtr,p.rit of ~Ij,:::t.,;ays, Torc'rtQ ericJcSJr:t: co;: of fipproveo. E08c1 ~~xper:(EtuTe b~r-h:.~i. ';tlce'! vec cl d filed. I' ,J"l'''r'': Cou:r;f'.jes Clerl..;-, C:;'ho\ll'g Fdv!sinC of ]'&tiEr:ts teinc e;.clr,itted to f!J'tit"lhr:\rj lIe lier.-,or- i iEll Hospital. :1eceived fir~d fjled. :0. ! F'roF the Bn',wf..:nville Ch8T~h8T of COfi['erce el'~l()~.Jinp' r:.oni88 of six (6) resolut1.o:r.s ad- lopted P.t a r'eetjrf of tte I30WI'1El.I:Vj J.1e pprcl\&rts corverled h~' the retail 7:erchants sectio \ of t:re BowT'lBf'ville C1:'[I~,'her of Con~erce -ror cor's~derntl(m of' Council. ',---------- - _.. -....".-. . ....- . ..-- ..,,_._---..,,-~_._--' .--.... . . "~7~;T~1'(({ (---~ ~"I ~r'. ;::~~~I],fOVed by Deruty-Reeve Car-rutters, SeC0]Oec'l by Cr. VresBon thlt tre resolutions in I erer,ce to 11Lrkirf !"laters be r"it:'erren to repnrts. Carried. . 'i'he resoJutjOTIS ir: reference to t[,c of:."-strAct r:sI'kin~: lot be received EiT:d filed. IrOVEd by Ueput~l-neeve C&rl~ntrers, secol/led b~' Reeve Little th8.t the res'.)~iJtion in ref- er'sEee to the vddeniIlf: 'if streets ~.n th;; busiress [lrB& be referred to thE:. ROlirrl. ofdorks. Eov<:;d by DeplJty Eeeve Garrutl18rs, secollded 'by Cr. Fice thbt the 1'8s:::l1ution in refer(LCe to the 16ne-wCl)' Elt tl'€ rEar of the st0J'eS on the south s108 of Kin€:; ~)treet betwe:er Scu- gO€; ".r,d Division ntreets U:at 1,;r. ~)turrock be ri"C'"J8sted to J'eport to Counci J. on the pro- Crees of secul'lnf tIe }c:.pe-wEiY. Carried. The resolution in repi.rd to liceIlsj ng ped18:!'s waG r~cflivec1 and fj led. l:'.oved b3' Deputy-Reeve Currutr;ers, secon:.ed 'hy Cr. Brou[h U:at the 1'8so1ution in refer- ence to the erection of SU5thO).f' t.rhffic s1 Fns at tbe corr,ers ""here t:8:rlVerS ard ScuP.or: rnads intersect 'lIit:!:: the 5th Concession rrn:ld, tr,&t thE:J CIerI-: re~uest that Counties erect Si~:LS desif';Iletiq; the d'!'Ection to Bov.T1&n\'ille. Garried. Ilo / (,(, I f'Ln / (~ t. .L ~.~~ i~ il.t1 / & &i> - 2 - Coune) 1 Room. J-una J.. 1957. ref- n~,; FOR TS Deputy-Reeve C~trrutbers preserted a report frOM the Fjnance Conmittee submittinggeneral acc(")unts 8.l'l1ountiI1€ to $11,457.35 a!ld Public School Building acc()unt~ a:rnounting to ':/ $4f)R.6o, certifled as b~in€, corrp-ct, 8:'C l'ecof'lT18ndinf. raY-Mento Hece:i.ved end adopted. '".<1 J,'oved by Deputy-Reeve Carruthers, seconded t1Y Cr. Fice the.t ~500.00 be advanced to tt~e Centennial CotnTIittee as prov~c1ed for in tt~e estir18.te s. . G&rrled. }.'oved by Deputy-Reeve Carrut,!.lers, second ed by Cr. Preston t.ret $2000.00 b~ paid to the Chanher nf Connerce &5 rrovi ded for in tt.e estinates. Carried. VovE:d b~' Deput~l-Heeve CarT'utrers, secondf:ld by Gr. Brough tb:t all town employees exclud- ing tt.e Police F0rce be f~rarted 1 weeks ~s fJfter ori8 ;"8&1' of service und 2 weeks holidays afte l' J ~'e5 J'~ sflrvice. tl'(ke.lt--(L6r,/~ Curried. Cr. Brauch reported OD the rr:eeting of the Brerd of '/larks and ulOved, seconded by Cr. Lathangue that the report be ~d()pted. ~arried. r...loved by Cr. BrouKh, seconded br Cr. Latrbnf~ue that the Clerk be instructed to wr5te 1:1'. G. Totten, t;ounties L:nr:ineer, requestlIlf the countjes to repair and re-construct 'Naverly Road. Carried, J..;oved by Deputy-Heeve Carruther~, seconded by Cr. t1igron that trle Boerd of ivorks be Ei'"en Fluthority to construct a culvert Of' G0Pces~ion Street ~:ast. G&rried. Uovec1 by L:r. Higgon, secorded 'b~' Ree,re Ltttle tt'et tt~e h1'hlic Property.Comrdttee be authorized to purchase an exter.sj,on 1.addp-r for thp. '1'own H&ll. c:arried. Gr,I>rc:::son reported on a meeting 01' the Pnlice 8o:mJ1ittee flrd moved th1;lt the report be adopted. }{ore sr:ec~ fj cally, toot Gouncil authori7,e the installation of Duncan J\..:ilJer !;~od f~l 60 rarkinc "1et81'3. In accC1rdar;ce \'11 th their subIllitted prices in the:h' letter of, I .r.!ay 27th on streets as f:ill.owS: .l'U,nf: StrHet frorrl Scucog to George j .:Jilver Street 1'rnf'" I Kine to Church; Tenperarce ,Cit1'eet from (2ueen to ~hurch (excluding the part in front of i tr\€ !lew post office builj:! t1@', which ~_s t:J be clee..rly signed "15 minute parking tI J; Divisio~ Street frOM (tueen to Church. hll tjrr-_68 to be in accorc1arce with times stipulated in the I. ,p&rking b,y-law. Carried. !1~oved bJ' Hee\re L5.ttle, seconded by Gr. rreston that the lot north of the 'l'O'Jin Hall be ' :rE:3erved for parking for 'l'own 8rrlployeos ar,d of1'tcials only, and that tne police cornrnit- :tee procure sirna <:r:i have t"e!". erected. G8.rried. :}.;oved by Reeve tittle, seconded by Deput;y-~:~eve G&rruthers th&t no action be taken on ;applicE1tion for license for drivine school. Carried. ,'-'oved by ReAve Little, secDnced by Cr. !-lr:1uch t.hElt the (;lerk Of:;: instructed to inform the ,Public L'tjlit.ies Comr:isRion to irlstF;,ll a h"r'lre.nt south of BlEke Sh:1rt's hOU:J8 on tt.e ilake rObd. . Carr~.ed. !r\:oved by Hee'le Llttle, secondAd by Cr. Brouch that the fire co:mlittee heauthorized to pUrCh8-fW a roof ladd"I' for HI;' fire DE~pt,rtr';(--Ort. at Cl cost of ~?5.no. Carried. !3Y-TAilS Reeve l.ittle asked permis:;lon to Introc1uce the followj ng by-1E:.'Ns: To license, rAc;ulste ard [';overn hav.k6rs areA pedlE:rs. To provide for t.he eXBI'Ipthm fr':m Luniel~'tl.l taxation except. for local irnprover-,ent and school purposes of' tn~ ~~roI~Arty of t,ne Car &d~.hn l.ecion. '1'0 pl'ovicle far tt,e IT'stal.lf~t loon of' farld,rs Deters on certaIn streets. To provide rp.gu].E. tj ons 1"e l./!t ive to !X-,rk~_t1f. of' \lehiclt~S :.n the are&s or zOtle s '/Jhere purking meterS fire j.m.telleo HIle rw'ulre t'ne drj.'!t~J~R of Motor vehiclps to mUKeuse of such ~:~ters. To provIde for the ':iual.I,fieat.ior:s of r:~l~;ter eJ.ectricic:.r.s nr,c ;1ourne~""";en elBctrict&ns 80- ~,::uged in electrtcal ir:stellatl OLS [Joel service vm:rk. ", 'R~~~~:"~OI,' "e" , /Vfl'C--;;kL I ~."ml I Grsnted Hnd reRn t.he first tine on l"'.ot.lon rule :0 '"as sl1flpen~.ed EH'd Council went into i corn:ittee of the wh:Jle ')n SPC"1t16 l'Aad~.r..f, Ul€ ~~5J'or in the oheil'" On 80I'1l'llittee r~sjlig I the ~fayor reported the sec0nd r~adlnf" w~_th all U.Ellks filled in. 'l'he by-1ft,.\' to provide 1'01' th6 qualification of master electric1.ans ,-vas [:ven tht: )rd readint; ,vitt; all bl_snfrs fj:'..led in, rsssed end o1'de1'er'! to lie fd~ned urcO s8Bled. Other by-h~ws 'Nere IHid on the thble. The b~.'-law de~Jj_CDatiJ]g throuch h:~_:'hvmys arC. the by--law to provide ref,Ulc.tions for rfcrking of aJ 2- vehicJ.~ s on the streets "tHlre Ci ven a third reHding and ordered to be slgred Lrc sealed. ~,:oved b~-' Deputy-Reeve 8al'ruthers, sflcondec1_ b~l Cr. Hj_t~€:on UIE.1t the Town ..::iolicitor be in- structed to eX:::;l'orriate any rropert~r I"e(~ulred for tb~ extEJ!,sion of the sewage disp0sal plc--,nt. ~,'oved by Dellut~ -f~eeve C3rrutllers, sec0ndetl. by Ur. T,at.llanf,u~ thf:lt the by-la..' no. 1603 to rrovide for the qualifications of nast.er e1ectricibns flnd ,~ourneymen electricians be repealed. Hayed b~' Cr. Bronc};, sf'.ce,pded hy Cr. Prest"m t.hbt t.}l€ Fir,8t1Ce c';on~.ittee be aut.bol'izen to purct-nse a rl6.c~u€ for l'ec0rcHrf the nclIT.l':',S 01' tte previous l\1!l~1"rS fron 1R52 to date. CFlrrj.ed. ~.~ovf;d by Cr. Brourh, seconded ty T)eruty -neeve Carrutl ers thbl. ttle ('rJ.J)be alJd ~,~Bil be re- Quested to rer10verl "ereI' b'lxes fran the streets if the\' arep0t in lIse. CA.rried. },!oved by Heeve Little, seconded by Cr. Fresson thE.t tll~ Plannilg BN;rd be appointed as a Cornrdttee of h.c1.-h13tnent. Carried. On mot.ion Council ec.:'ol1rned. - 3 - Council Roo!71. June J. 1957. CL ,(; '(2// /lJ_\ L-L ..,j., . " - 0:.,,-1' ~~." c.----__\:.. !'a'J'oI' ',,-