HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/02/1957 '''~7~-::::~O'(J r=-:- \'G$;~: <7,,," -- - -- --- --.----.--.- ---1 Council Room. July 2. 1957. Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present exceptlI€ Reeve Little, the )!ayor presiding. The minutes of last regular meeting were read, and on motion confirm.d. COMMUNICATIONS ~~. A. Will.., propri.tor of the Subway Lunch addr....d Council in r.f.r.nc. to ..rving lunch.. and r.fre.hment. to various bu.in.ss pl.c.s in the Town and requestingthet a license be issued. Referred to by-laws. From Mr. J.E. COle, 82 Lib.rty Str.et North and !Jr.. H. Elford, 58 Queen Streat requ.st-i Ing tllit trees. be removed in front of their respective properties. i Moved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Cr. Presson that the request be referred to the Public Properties COlll1llitt.. with power to aot. Cerried. From the D.partment of Municipal Affair., Toronto, .nclosing cheque for $10,634.00 being 50% of unconditional grant for 1957. Rec.ived and fil.d. From Johnson Stewart &:. Co., Toronto, enclosing account for $150.00 for the audit of the Arena books for 1956. Moved by Cr. Preston, .econded by Cr. Lathengue that the letter be laid on the tabl.. Carried. From Mr. Nonnan J. Scott, General :Manger of Brookdale Kingsway Nurseries Limited in ref- erence to the removal of a wire fence on the road allowanoe of base line east. Moved by Cr. Brough, s.cond.d by Cr. Higgon that the lett.r b. laid on the tabl.. Carri.d. From. Oepart:cent of Hi@;hways, Toronto, enClosing approved by-law for the expendi turs or $30,000.00 for construction only, Received and filed. From l:r. Arthur Saund.rs, IVav.rley Road thanking Gouncil for th.ir rememb.ranc. of th.ir 50th weddi~ anniv. rS8ry. Recei ved "nd filed. From the Duncan Parking Meters COl'1~ny of Canada Limited, Montreal, Quebec, enclosing .ign.d copy of purche.. agr.ement for pirking meters and aSking for a c.rtifi.d copy of the resolution pertaining to the purcha se. Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Preston that a copy of the resolution be sent to the Gompiny and thet the lett.r be rec.ived am filed. Carri.d. , From~. Jame. N. Allin, Minist.r of Highways r.qu.sting a.si.tance in obteining c.rtain inventory information and traffic data on our roads and streets. Moved by Cr. Brough, second.d by Cr. Lathangue tbat the l.tter be referr.d to the Works Foreman. Carried. From the DeJ:E.rtment of Municl:ral Affairs I Toronto, enclosing co1)3' of by-law exempting the Canadian Legion from MuniciJal taxes excepting school and local improvement taxes and .tating that the approval of the Department is not r.quir.d. R.ceived and fil.d. From the Globe and l'8il, Toronto, stating thet the boxes which are not .upplied wi th copies of the Glob. and Mail daily will b. remov.d from the str.et.. Rec.ived and fUed. From County Clerk, CObourg, advi.ing of pati.nt. being admitted to the Bowmanville Mem- orial Ho.pital. Rec.ived and fil.d. From the Bell Telephone GomJ'flDY, Toronto in reference to removal of poles on the West l Beach Roa.d 8S requested. lioved by Cr. Brough, seoonded by Cr. Higgon that the natter be referred to the Board of Works with power to act. Carried. From Northuwerland-Durhem liealth Unit enClosing report for May, 1957. Rec.ived end fil. . From City Clerk, Woodstock, Ontario enclosing resolution petitioning Provincial Govern- t'lent to enact legiSlation whereby operators of carnival rides and other like oontrivan- c.. be comp.ll.d to carry sufficient public liability insuranc. to rully protect munic- ; ipalities and other organizations who er:ter"into contract with these operators. : Moved by Dept.Reeve Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Fice that the resolution be .i-~- 'and copies forwarded as reque sted. Carried. ! From George L. Totten, Counties Engineer, Cobourg, in reference to the erection of signs on the county road No.1. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Carruthers, seoonded by {,;r. Higgon that the letter be referred to ! the Chamber of Commerce. Carried. I From the Def6rtment of Municipal At"ft-l.irs, 'foronto, enclOSing copies of by-law to license regulare and govern hawkers and pedlars and w.ggesting that the maximum lioense fee'.rill b. approved ie $75.00. I ; Moved by Cr. Brough, secor.ded by Cr. Higgon thet the letter b. r.f.rr.d to by-law.. I i . Carri. d. . : From AJ.r. A.G. MacNab, registrar of Motor Vehicles, Department of Highways, Tororto, en- '\ clo.ing cOPl' of by-law ,11663 to provide for the installation of parking meter. and stat ,ing thet when it bas redeived the third r.ading the metter of apjrovel will be given " .__.~_.__._~~-,---._.,----_._._----. '..HHa<~ "~"l{d ! v'''''''"' I ~ ;,~':~ ..... I Council Room. JulY 2.1957. Cm!MtJr!ICATIOllS I i immediate consid erat ion. ! Aloved by Cr. Biggon. seconded by Cr. Presson that the letter be referred to by-laws. Carried. REPORTS /to. /~& {, Deputy-Reeve Carruthers presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting sundry accounts amounting to $lJ ,295 .OJ and public school building accounts amounting to A _ $195.50. Certified as being correct and recommending payment. . ,<' Received and adopted. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Carruthers, seconded by Cr. nce tIE t the Clerk be instructed to order placque for the MIre S at' the previous Mayors at a price of #2.00 per name. Carried'r ' Cr. Brough reported on a meeting of the Boord of iiorks and moved, seconded by Gr. Preeto that the report be adopted. Carried. Moved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Depu~-Reeve Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to ' request the Bell Telephone Co. to move a pole at the corner of Devitt Lane and Queen St.! I ~Ri~. : Moved by Cr. Lathangue! seoonded by Depty.Reeve Carruthers that the Board of Works oon- ' tact the Public I1tllit ee Commission in regard to the re-location of poles at Waverly Road and report back at the next Board of Horks Meeting. Carried. I Cr. Presson reported on the meeting of the Police Administration Conmitee end moved, ! seconded by Cr. Fice that the report be adopted. Carri~. I Moved by Cr. Preeson and seconded by Cr. Preston thet the Police Committee be authorized to engage help to oolleot money from the parking meters. Carried. .,..' Moved by Cr. BrOugh, seconded by Cr. lIiggon that the Jfire Brigade be granted .169.50. '1 i being 50% of money received from outside fires. Carried. /{J~~~. . /" / I M~~ .1 Deputy-Reeve Carruthers asked permission to introduoe a by-law for the appointment of I ~~- a town official. I Grented an! read the first time and on motion Rule JJ was suspended and Council went in-. i to cOll1l'littee of the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the chair. I Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Preston that the license be oherged in by-law 1661 be $25 .instead of $100. Carried. On Committee rising, the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. . By-laww for appointment of a town offIcial, to provide for exellption from Municiapl taxer excepting local improvement and school taxes of the property of tm Canadian Legion, that tIE by-law to license, re~ulete and govern hawkers and pedlars, the hy-law to pro- vide for the installotion of parking Meters Were givan the Jrd reading with all blenks :filled in, passed, and ordered to bE. siBned ar.d sealed. ' On motion ~ounoil adjourned. .~. r ~/ /~-,p ~ Clerk r"" V' ./ / 1/ ~,L- 7"l- Mayor -f'//" L (.,,:/'>'-1.. ~ _'____n___ ___'__~,_______ -.,--'--"----"'------------'-~._--,-,--,-,--,----_.---,--,,-