HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/12/1957 ........"<0 . "'''TIO.la~fJ .v~J'!.~b. P..... ". Oouncil Room, August 12, 1957. Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, rlembers'all present excepting Crs. Presson ar,d Preston, the t:ayor presidlr1g I lo;tinutes of last regular meeting and special meeting were read and on motion confirmed. COI.Th'UI'ICATIONS FrOI!1 strike ar.d Strike, Tow:r. Solicitors in reference to the Town leasing office space in the former post office building ar:d stating that tn their opinion this can be done by the Corporation and such leases should be granted by by-law. Received and filed. From Strike and Strike, Town Solicitors in reference to the exchange of lar.ds with Fred De .Tong enclosing deed EiEd their account for $87.50. Also account from J. Van Nest for ,account for appraisal of property. 'I'~;oved b~' Gr. His: gon and seoonded by Cr. Lethar,cue thet the letter be recei'led and file~ and tr.e account for $87.50 be r€d.d. Also account for J. Van Nest for $15.00 be paid.;, Carried. . . From Strike ar:d Strike, Tcmn SolicitorEi enclosing copy of mortgage to Crown Assets Dis- I posal Corporution for the purchase of the post office building and enclosiIl€ their ec- .t I' count for $141.75 for services. ~Ioved by Dr. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Brough the t the letter be recelved end filed and their account for $141.75 be :paid. Carried. FroI:l. StrH~e and Strike, Town Solicitors in reference to by-law #1667 to amend sub-div- :i8ioo control by-law. :t.;oved b~r Cr. H1r,gon, seconded by Reeve Little that the letter be referred to by-laws. Carried. on road expenditures, Toronto. enclosing audit report From the Dey:ertme nt of Hir:hwa}'s, ,for 1956. !Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Higgon that the report be referred to the ROods land Streets Committee. Curried. From the Hydro Electric Power Commission, Toronto, in reference to the relocation of ,trensmission lines on Waverly Baad fit an estiI:1bted cost to the Town of $1980.00. 11;oved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Dr. Carruthers that the letter be referred to the IBoE1rd of 'iiorks CorrJ'littee 'Hi th power to act.. Carried. From the Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advjsing of a r;etient bei.ng admitted to BOWllJ.anville !IIIemarial hospttal. Received &Ld filed. jFrom the Count iE-;s Clerk, Cot1ourg enclosiIlf, copy or by-law to eqm:l.lize the assessment ifor count~' purposes for 1958. Eeceived and filed. ,From lIrs. Gladys Rice, 77 Ontario Street refJuesting the removal of a tree in front of Iher prope 1'ty. 11~oved b~' Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Lath.an~ue tho.t the request be referred to the IPublic Propert~' Committe e wi tr. power to L.ct. Carried. :FroI'1 ~:r. A.lbert S.. Naylor, Sect.. 'l'1'eas. NorthU.I:lsr1and-Durltam }t'ireman's AssocL:tion 1'e- fJuestinc ttat two firemen be Ilw,ed froD1 the Fire Department to 6.ttend a school for fire fightIng in Cobourg to begin in September, one ni€ht a Vleek for 22 weeks. l10ved by Cr. Hifgon, seconded by Cr. Brough that the request be referred to the Fire COI1:J:littee with power to act with exrenses of the firemen paid. Ch1'ried. FrOLl the Bowmarville A:ernorial Park AS8ocjation requesting that the lease on the land now held by them be exter:ded to 99 years afl they expect t.o make an addition to the present club house. :r..loved by Reeve Little, secor.ded by Cr. Brou€h that the letter be referred 'to the Town ,Solicitors for udvise us to whether a leE-se ca: be Fiven for 99 years. Carried. !FroI!1 the Registrar of l\:otor Vehicles, Tormto, enclosiI1€-', E1n approved copy of b~'-law ,#166). Received ar d filed. il"rom Northul!.berlaLd-Durham Health Unit, Co'bourg enclosiIlf: report for June 1957. ! Received and filed. iFrom the Department of Finance, Ottawa, b.:unicipal Gre...nts Division enclosing schedule of !6.ccepted values of federal property for 1957 ~rant in lieu of taxes. Received and filed. iFrom the Clerk of the Town of Fort ':~1'ie, enClosing copy of resolution in receipt of the :costs of e_ vote under pro vi si6ns of sections 68 and 20 of the liquor license act and Irequesting that approval be granted b~' Council. Ih':oved by Dr. Garruthe rs. second ad by Cr. Brouf~h tlLat the re solut ion be eI. dor sed ar~d :copy forwerded to Ontario },runici.pe.l Association as requested. Carried. !From tlle Depar tl'1ent of })lanninF: end Deve lopme nt, Tor onto t in reference to thetrbD sfer iof lar,a to Fred De Jon€,. Received and f'iled. I~'rom F.J. Donevan and Assoc:l.ates, Osha.wat enClosing descri.ption of lar..d et the East Beac Ito be taken over by the Town for roe..d allowance. [KOVed by Cr. Brought seconded by Cr. Hif,gon that the letter he referred to the BoW'd of \ Norks, Carried. '-.... '",:;;;'::1,1 r' V:.~:., ~ ;~~ Council Room, August. 12, 1957. COll.'UlTICf.TIOrS (cont'd. I, M:ove d by question i Cr. Higf;on, seconded by Cr. Flee that the Finance Gor.IDlittee investifate and the account of the auditors witl:c power to act. Carried. RErO!~TS Dr. Carruthers presented report froB the l"ins..nce Committee subnitting sundr~r accounts amounting to $19,003.63 ard pUblic school build ine accounts amountitlf; to $1769 .42, /~/ certified as beinv correct a~d re commer dine' paynent. Received and filed. .." Cr. Brough reported on the l:eeting of the BO<Olrd of liorks and Lloved, seconded by Cr. Lathangue t1:at the report be adopte d. Carried. !.:oved by Cr. Higgon, seconded by Cr. l3rolt€;h tt\st Air. Stanley Green be appointed as care tu}:er of the Post Office buildine: at a salary of $50.00 monthly. Carried. llfoved b:,.' Cr. Riggon, seconded by Cr. Fice thet the pUblic property cotrelittee be author- ized to adverti sa ttlE ofn ces arid arartnert for rent in tte post oft ice building if advisable. Carried. Moved by Dr. Carrutt,er s, second ed b~' Cr. Rroufh thet the PUblic Property Commit tee be : authorized to investif;b.te the possibIlitles at' purchb.siIl.~; blinds or frostinG for the : windows in t:r..e auditorium or some other sun-proof coveril1€:. Carried. Moved by Cr. Hig~;on, seconded by Cr. BroU€:h tho.t the rublic Utilities Commission be instructed to extend thE raw li€:hts on l':lng Street to ~ George St. Carried. 1:oved b~' Cr. HH.:~on, seconded br Cr. Lathangue ttlat the Futilc l'roperty Committee be authopLed to udverti se for ter,ders for fUflla oil for two of tILe tovlll buildinf,s. Carried. -Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Cr. Rrow:h thut the Police Comn-,itt,ee be authorized to purchase the countif1E' Jil8.chine &I:O uoin selector at a cost of $750.00. Carried. 1:oved by Reeve Little I seconded by Cr. Fice tr_at tt.e Police Conmittee be authorized to J1urche se a piJ:>E' strE.tf,ht.enir~: devj ce foI' the ME-tel' posts &t an 8TilJl'oxin:ate cost of ~90.00 Carried. Moved b~' !teeve Little, seconded by Cr. Hiff,on that the Fire Brirade be granted $117.50 being .50~~of money redeived for out of tOVln 1'jres. Carried. /) l!oved by Cr. Lath&nr:ue, seconded by Cr. Brout';h thE:.t the Llons Club be requested to . re-locate the resuscitator frotl the ~,:emol'iC.tl Hospotal to the Fire tIall or Police Station. Carried. BY-IJ,i/8 'l'he By-Law to 8rlend I3j'-La.w If16l4 wus fiver trle third reading with all blur,ks filled in, passed end ordered to be s:tgned flr~d set-led. r,:ovlCld bJ' Heeve Litt.le, seconded by Cr. Fice that the in abeyance ar.o tt6t reconrr1enoation be brought in b~' re{:ular Meeting. I".atter of 4 hour parking be left the Police Gommittee at the L8Xt Carried. On motion Counc 11 ad ,iourned. ~j / ~IY\A/" L.c . r . I (C~"rk , ./ // _ ,,/I ,1/ Jh~ Ic:. ('~--r h:ayor. \ \--- ,"',"H'" 1- ''''/''ii'd'( 7d,,;!~ , '. I I I I l Oouncil Hoom July 15, 1957. Moved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Dp. Rv. Carruthers Council be held on Monday, AUfust 12th. Moved by Cr. Lathangue, seconded by Cr. Presson that Scott, Brookdale Kinsway Nurseries, stating that the allowance on the Base Line east by 12 noon, Saturday take such action as they deem advi sable. that the next regular meeting of "Carried ". a letter be sent to hlr. Norren J. fence be removed for the Town road July 20th, otherwi se the TOWIl wi 11 "carried" On Motion Council adjourned. SJ;f:t Le. o e . "-....- /J / . /7 / / F ,,1. (1{;- L- (;:4 'l,-,~ Liayor . -~