HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/03/1957 . ".~~"=H\L I --- ,I,f/" >IY".,I .y i~.'1': Council Room September )rd, 1957 Regul&r meeting of Council was held on above date., members all present the Kayar prsid'1ng. li.ir:ntes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed. 1..r ,Albert Stnrrock addressed Council atating that gates had been procurred and should be installed at the entrances to the }:>E\rkine lot from the properties of S.R. James and E.V. Osborne and elso reported on progress of securing land for laneway behind the stores on the South side of King Street between Division and Temperance streets and stating that it was irlpossihle to secure options on thr land at the present time. !w,oved by Cr Brough seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the project be carried on as far as possible, starting lit Temperanc e St eusterly under t~e supervi 51 on of t.he Civic Committee. " Carried tI CanmrrCATIONS From Bowrnanville Chamber of Commerce requesting that the,uestion of tW\7 year term of office for members of Council be submitted to tbe electors at the next municipal eHction. 1:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgon thut El committee be appointed to stUdy the question ~nd bring in 8 report to Council. 11 Carried n The :r.;ayor appointed the Bocrd of "{orks as Ii committee. From Community h:emorial Arena requesting that two new type street lip,hts be erected in the rerking lot at the rear of the Aren&~ 1:oved by Cr Riggan seconded by Cr Brough that t he letter be laid on the teble. " Carried " From Duncan Parkine r.:eters of Canada Ltd, Montreal enclosing invoice for the larking meters and Coin Sorter and Counter. " Rec & Filed If From Cou:rties Clerk, Cobourg advisinf, of patients being a dmitted to Peter borough Civic Hospital, Bowmanville Uemorinl HospitEl.l and 'lloronto General Hospital. If Rec & Filed tI .l!'rom Board of Transport Comrtissloners, Ottawa' advising of EL s1 tting in Ottawa in the matter of E..pplication of the Bell 'l'elephcme Co for increase in rates. 11 Rec & Filed " REPOR~'S Dp Rv Carruthers presented 8. report fron the Finance Committee submitting sundry AI accounts amounting to # 18,270.68, certified as being correct ~nd recommending ~/.I pt..yment. IT Rec & Adopted " Cr Brough reported on the meeting of the Board of 'iiorks, and moved seconded by Cr Higgon that the rflport be adopted. IT Carried" :loved by Cr Lathangue seconded by Rv L1 ttle that II full scale agreement be obtained from 1J.r George Totten for his services to the Town. " Carried If ~;oved b~, Cr Hler,on seconded by Cr Brough thc.t the Clerk be authorized to write t.he Pub;ic Ut.ilities Commission requesting them to install the new l:ercury Vapor Type street lights on Division e.nd '.remperance Jtreets from Church to ';~ueen Street, on Silver Street from Church to King Street l::.nd to install tow of t.he S&Ji8 kind of liehts for the parking lot t.t the rear of th' icrena. 1I Carried If 1,oved by Rv Little seconded b:y Cr Latlumgu8LthL.t the tenners for fuel oil be referred to the} ubIic lroperty Committee with power to act. II Carried IF l,;oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Brough that By-Law No 1658 be amended to mE\ke Church Street not (;. through street IlS formerly. " Carried tl Cr Presson reported on the neeting of the Police COI'mlittee and Moved seconded by Rv Little thet the report of the Comnittee be E.dopted with the exception of the change in the troffic b~'-law. " CBrried " t.oved by Cr Flee seconded by Dp Rv Cnrruthers that no chenge be Ira de in the rarking on the i5ast side of Division Street between kine .s.nd (~ueen Streets. " Carried" !.:ovfld by Cr Presson seconded by Cr Fice that the Police Committee be authorized to advertise for a Constable. II ::iarried 11 J...oved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Pre ston that another street be installed on "iiaverly Hoed South. " Carried 11 Or. I\:ot 1:->n Council ad ,;ourned. ~~ec--- (/ C rk. 12111, -U// /- !u<_ . iA..... ~t-- #1r'---.---"" },~ayor . i I I , I \ ~---- I J