HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/1958 '.~7;;~Ld ~. C()llnci.i:Roor;-;:--J~~;~~ry----6:::--i95g. ~. I " :e."" Insufural mseti"f of CouncH was held on above date. the clerk reported on the result of the ]'unicipal elections for lq5~ as follovis:- ]_:H~'("Ir, lTelson H. Oshorne, acclumationt,' Reev8t 'ii. D. Carruthers, I1ajor~ty 567, Deputy REleve, d. D. Hif,gon, ticclar'lation, I Cou.ncillors: Ivan :r. Hobbst 1042, Keith R. Latlmn[:ue, 1012, .!ohn Broueh, 9,9, Lloya G. Preston, 842, O. .T. fres~'iOn, P2P, A. H. sturrocl-:, 793, Public Uttlities CorlI'lission, IV. R. Strike, acc1ur'lation, Puhlic Schoo}_ Board CIHrke I:. NilBon, WilliaN G. Janes, Arthur D. Hooper, acclf:.j1~tion, Vote on two year terM for council, Yes F\6J, No 42R, ms~ority Yes 435. After tal:in~ the oath of office members elect c.d ~ourned for El Divine Service in the auditorium.' , After the ~,8rvice rlenbers takin,f their seats and tho ua~'or gave his lnaucural address outlining inst&nces taken froll the Minutes of the Council I'leetinf, held durinf, 1858 and welcoming the new members to council. Ex-Mavor Varstone addressed council wish:.rw the r,l8nbers tl.ll sucess for 1958. Minut~s of the last councIl Meetir€" were re~t(l a.rd on Motion cnnfil'I'wd. Moved b~r Rv. Carruthers, secondeCl by Cr. Hlf"gon thut the stand:i.nf; conn!.ttees be as follows: First Dftme to be cha:.rnan with the excent:orl of the Boare! of '/lorks. Finunce - Carruther8, BroW:h, Higgon, Hobbs. Chairnun Ei.nd Vice Chc:,j.l'Man to be elected by hoard, Brough, Carruthers, Lathan€:ue, Hiecon, Sturrock, Hobbs. BOElrd of Works - Sub-Committees _ Roeds & Streets - Public Property ~ Garba~e _ Police 1~8ir.tenance 8-- Cemetery _ Police AdrninistrH.tiOlI - Brouch, Lathun€,:u8, Carruthers, Hi~p,on, Preston, sturrock, Sturrook, ~, Lathbnf;ue. L, "'?<.,,5Coit, P-ressoIl, Sturrock, Hobbs, r~athanr:ue. Civic & Relief - I~athanfue, Presson, 3turrock. Fire - Hobhst Brourh, Preston. Preston, Hlf,gon, Presson. "Cerried. " Industrial - Hoved b~" Cr. HiVf:on, secondAd by Cr. Preston thht the follo'dinr; appolnt!!lents, be made for 1958. h!enorlE11 Arena }.!l'tnUrenent COro:1ittee: Brouf"h, Hif,"~~on. t'eI'lorib.l Hospital BOhrd: Plunninf: Board: Presson. JI'. ~~orlov YaDstone &: L. C. I.Tason (3years) f'roI1 C01.\t:c:i.l: Hobbs. Recrehtion CorrWlissior~: 1'reston l:. ~:;turrock. Durhar'l C ountJ. High School Board: Chf.l1rrber of Cmmerce: t. A. PElrker. _ '1; '-\, j T.EJthan€;ue. Library Board: CentenIiiEll Conmittee: Georre Vtce. Preston, Hobbs. " Carried. 11 cm~IT1TICAr::'I(m8 . I From ]'Cr. 'liilliun G. .T&Illes tenderirw his ref,irmitlon as a I'lOuber of th~ PlanninE. and i Development Boerd effec:tivfl imnediately. I Moved by Cr. Hfggon, seconded b~' Gr. Brouf:"h that tho re~dfn..tion be accepted with ~efret and thankinr Er. JfltTles for his pust service. n Carried. tI From R. C. Clirlt-:er, st. ThonL<s, f;,.dvls~_nF' that the plaot1ue for the names 01' the previou mayors should be here in Jbnuary. tI Received & ~~iled. " .q~7~~':b!(~ r-------~----- -- - --------~ ~: -.-----:---.- --: -m - - -:------ --:---::---- :~~~ N',fj!!;., ~ ~~;~ i From h':r. Albert Ruiter tHnderiIlf ~", from December 31st. Moved by Cr. BroLl~h, - 2 - his r8;;iFNtloI\ f1:J cEiretv}:er oj' the It'ire Hall effectlv seconded b~l Cr. Prestor: th~lt t,he reaif:nation be aC(lented. Tt Carried. tI t,he position of c~rettl.b!r at the :Fire From 1<1'. A. T. Fletcher l'lllldnr ttr~licHtton for Hall. ~/oved by Cr. Brough, seoO} ded by Cr. LHthArwue tlUlt, the applicbtioli he referred to the Fire COfl"JIlittoe with pm,Ell' to act. " Carried. " From the BOWJYluflvillEl Chutber of Comr,erce invitin~ nonhers of cound.l to be their v,uests at a dinEl.er to be held fit B:30 p.r'. .;nnuary 16th', at the Bhlnoral hotel. Moved by Cr. l)resson, seconded by Cr. L&thRI'f'Ue that the irivitation he &ccepted with thanks. n Carried. tI From the OntHrio Good Rr)El(1s h.ssocic;t1on udvis5.IT of the Cor~vention to be held in Toronto on }<~ebruElry ~5th ar:n ;;6tll find requestjnp rcenbership to the ~S"ocilltion. Jo.'aved by Cr. BrouR'h~ Reconnect b}. nv. CEirrut,hers thf1.t neml:'AJ'sllir1 fees of ~n5.00 be paid and referred to the Board of Horks. U Carried. " From Oshawa f{egiOIlfll Flanr5_nv Asu)ciutiOI encloslnf coples of Minutes of their November meetinc. " Received &, Filed. 1I From Durhflm County Dlstrict High School BOclrcl. statiq-; ttmt thElY Must build another Hie:h School withIn the next two ~'eHrs and reqnA';tiT'C SUCfeStiOI:S fron COUT'cil &sto the best locfition. " Received & Filed. II From the Children Aid's Snciet~7~ Port Hope which \iUS referred to 195fl Council requesting B rrant. Moved b~' Cr. HOhbs, seconded by Rv. Carruthers th&t the letter be received & filed. " Carried. II referred to 1958 Council re'luesting a Fror.J. the BOw:r;1bnville lrinlsterhll Associ(.t~_on grtint towards thetr truI1s1ent fund. Voved by Cr. Brough~ sf:;condcd b~' Cr. Presson that H Crftut of :iP50.00 be rm.de to the transient funCi. " CflT'l'led. " From Mr. l!aurice R. Stepher:s~ C8.I:ll:eip: ChairntiD oj' the BovJMfiJ1v1J.le RrE\fIch of the Canfl.dian Cencer Societ~. requestiri[ rerm:l.ssion to haIr'!. u one Ili~~ht bllt7- at, the end ('If April. t~ovHd by Cr. :PrestOI"~ secorded by Cr. I..t:~tllElq"ue thllt J't:l1.nission be €-;rElr,_ted if tIle date is open. " Carried. " From Counties clert, Cobourr;, advls:1.1 p of patientH lJs5_nf bdr-,itted to }'e:Plort!.ll Hospital Bowmenville, and S5.ck Children' s Hospltal~ Toronto. Tt Received & F5.,led. It From Glenholrne HU€"hes, Secretary of the PuhJic Library Board ren,uentir:f council to appoint a rIemhe1' to 8e1","8 on the (Hrectory for the next three years. Moved by Cr. Higgon, seconded by Cr. fresson thltt ~rr. Georee Vice he aP1~rd.nted as a member for fi three yeur torrl &nd that 1:1'. Huche s r.e mtvl:~ed aecordir:cly. " Carried. It FrOM Mr. Lawrence C. 1~8son flcth:r on beh,.lf of Hr. Howard Burress in refE::rence to the railway crosBine: e t the erd of Chapel ~)treet mid r€questing thE;.t council nake. application to the Board of 71'&1 sport COInEissionfll's to Make it a Public Crossin~". Moved by Cr. Preston, secor;(1ed by Cr. Sturrock thE:t the let,ter be harded 0'7er to the town solicitor for his i!'tU'~edlE.te sdvice. It Carried. tp From Mr. R. L. rJll~'lor tbJderinv his res5,plRtion HS H mmbe1' of the Police Force. r,~oved by Cr. Riggon, seconded by Rv. CLrruthers 1;htlt h5.s resicnc,tion he accepted. II Carried. " From Northumberland Durhum Health tTntt erlcloH7.nr report fc}i' lTovel1ber 1957. It Received & Filed. It From Mr. Neil l:cClearl request~rle perMisslon to erect a sirn on frout of t,he store at 85 Kine street West. Jo.'oved by Cr. Presson ~ seconded by Cr. J,ntharr:Uf'l that the request he referred to the Public proJ)erty Conrr:it,t.ee with rO'ller to hot. It Carried. II From the Oshawa RecioJ1al Plannlnr A.stwch.l.tion requestirir the rlEll'les of the Menbers who will be sittirf, on the Oshf_wa Regiomil f'lann1.nr lUHloclation frOM the yehr 1958. ~loved by Rv. Cf\rruthers~ seconded by Cr. Hlffon tIwt they be Hdvi:1ed th~lt the mayor and Mr. L. C. Unson will be the represer:tatives frOM D0wnanv:U.le on the Plunninr Associ&tion BOf:lrd. It Carried. It From the St. J"ohn's M;ulaIlce Onttlr~.o COtJIlcil~ 'l'ornr.to, reauestiq; cOllIoil for a frant. Itoved by Cr. Presson~ seconded b~1 Cr. Jturrock thEt the rer:ueHt be referred to the Finar~ce COIrlrli ttee. I! Cttrried. tI From Mr. Georr,e L. Totten~ Conmltr,nt f;l:{'ineer, Cabourg.~ statin€; ttw.t starn sewer from St. Georfe Street, htLS heeri oor".pleted &nd enclosirT bin uccount for his services. I )loved by Cr. Brouch, seconded hy Rv. Curl'uth8r9 that the uccount be ptJid. I " Carried. " i ~ '.".M,U,CO ~- ",;mtie~" /"''Yrv-;,~< r ~,:;,'~ '.~ ~ - 3 - Rl::r''rRTS Rv. Carruthers presented a report t'ron tlle Finance Cor'1rIlttee amountirJC to $15 t410. 77 certified CiS being correct fX:(!. r8COInrlendin€: paynent. " Received & Adopted. " Moved by Cr. Brou~:h, seooI!Cled by Cr. pr.eston that t,he clerk Le in8trueted to apply for the St~tuBry ROt..d fru'.t for 1957. 11 C&I'l'ied. 11 Moved by Cl'. Presson seconded by Cr. LHthanroue t.hut ~rr. DOnE.J.ld l~nderson be. 8nf"hred as a consteble as frol'1 January 1, 1958, at a sHlery of tJ400.00 per C1.nnum. ~;i-i/L-l-u-ct l~oved by Cr. Presson, seconded bj' Cr. Hobbs thut the Police Cool'littee be Eiut..1'fOrized to sper:d ~40.00 for trarnrortation for two con~;tables to atterld Police School in Toronto. " Carl'led. " Moved b~r Cr. Presson) seconcled b:1 Cr. Brouch tlwt l:ichool slens he erect.ed Lt Liberty and Wellinf,ton Street. II Carried. II BY - jJ,dS ~/Al. ~ i tr I i Reeve Carruthers asked ]1Hrr1ission to introQuce the followir1f, bj'-luws:- l/X-.. I lv To authorize the borrowlnf of $-50,000.00 upon dehentuJ'dl for local j' I ' inprove~18nt s. . G To authorize the borrowiJ1f' of ~nOOtO()o.OO for current expenDes. ./ I. Granted and TeLd El first t:'Lr-,e on Motinn. rule 33. was sUflperlded <,:,nc1 councj 1 '/lent irto cOIl1l'littee of the whole on secl)nd rel,dinr the Mayor :tn the clwlr, on comnittee , risiuf the mayor reported the secor:d read~_nF:. That hy-l8.w authol'izinp t.he borrowine of $50,000.00 wag hd,d on thE; t.tdlle the by-law authorizinr the borrowing of $100,000.00 was fiver. a 3rd rebdiI'/,", with all bl~inbJ filled in passed fIld ordered to be sigr-ed ~rd sealed. Moved by Cr. Brough, neconcled by Cr. I.flth€lnf"ue thLt all cheques or notes 01' the CorroratioTl of the 'J.'own of BmJl!l&nville dr<..wn on account with the B&li..k of l'ontre~l to be signed on its behulf by Nelson E. OsborTls, hjc..~'nr, OJ' Ii. D. Carruthers, Reeve, and A. J. Lj1le, Treasurer or Clf(reIlce S. Oka, asaistent tl'CflSnrer and that l~r. L. (". Preston ue authorized to sign &11 chenues on behH1f of the town for the IrduHtrial and Publicity bar:k account w:Lth the Banl: of J.'ontrelll. " Carried. " On Motion councll ad;1ourned. ( c))~ ~- '1/ /l /"' 1Ch-v t. Mayor ( / {>~..~. I I \ ~---_._-_._----