HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/1958 ~.\7;~'..~,[(l vf$t~. v ~:.~ "K ~ .;0'0 " Council ROOM. Februar~' )rd. 1958. Regular meetir:g of Council was held on above date :r:Ietlbera all present with the l!ayor presiding. Minutes of Ihst regular meetlt1C were read and oonfirned with adjustment. C01n~1!'ICATIOI'S. From. the John Heward Sooiety. Toronto, askillf, council for a grant. " Referred to Finance Committee From the nemorial Hospitul Board, Bowr~nville. thankinr, council for the use of the Council Chamber aId askir.g for a grant of it mill for 1958. Movsd by cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Hobbs that a grant of 1! mill be made to the Memorial Hospital Board for 1958. " Carried. " From the Bownanville Plan nine and Developnent Board stating that their financial ;1 requirements for 1958 for the Plann~_ng Board and COI!1li1ittee of Adjustment would be $1500.00 Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by C"". Lathangue that the request be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. n Carried. n From the BOWl!E.nvllle Recreation Department stating that at their regular meeting held on January 16th, it was deoided to increase the Recreation Director's salary to $4500.00 as from .January 1st and requesting council to pay this anount. Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded bJ' C,.... Preston thEt the request be .referred to the Finance Cotl1rlittee to re})ort back. tI Carried. n From the Salvation Arrlj', Toronto, 8skine council for a grant for their Red Shield Appeal. Moved by Cr. Preston, seconded by C~. Brourh that the request be referred to the Finance COIilInlttee with power to act. n Carried. tt From the Bowmanville Public Library Bo&rd requesting a grant of .7l~ per capita far 1958 and enclosing a copy of the Library Budget. Moved by Cr. Broup.h, seconded by Cr. Lathan~~ue thttt the request Finance Co~ittee with power to act. Fro~ Mr. Howard Rundle, requeBtin~ advertiseMent in the Year (Screech Owl) and enolosirlC a list of spaces and prices. Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Preston t hat the request Centennial Committee with power to act. From the Northumberlund-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, of December 1957. . From the B. A. Horton Sales Ltd., Toronto. enclosin€~ and Services. Moved by Cr. Brough, seoonded by Rv. Carruthl3rs that the lett;er be referred to the Board of Works. ~ Carried. tt From the Oshawe Regional Planning ASSOCiation, Oshaw6., enclosing minutes of the J'anurary 28th meeting. " Recel ved arid Filed. "' Fron Mr. D. A. Gorrie. District MUllicipal Enr,itleer, Department of Highways, Port Hope, enClosing 1958 Road Estimate by-law. Moved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Sturrock that the By-Law be referred to the Board of dorks. " Carried. " From the Secretary Treasurer, Durh.!tm Cour't~', District High School Board, enclosing Equalized AsseSsLlent and percenta['8s to be used for the High School Levy for 1958 and requesting that this be checked and make finy coraI.1ents that we may wish. Moved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Cr. Lathangue that the letter be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. "' Carried. II Fron the Railway Association or Canada, Contreal, stating tlllit the Suomsr Train Schedule for 1958 will becoDla effective at 12:01 A.I!. Sunday April 27th until 12:01 A. Sunday October 28th and inqUiring if the ~!unicipal1ty intends hevin<; Day Light Saving Time this year and if so the dates between which it will hecor:,:e effective. Moved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Dp. Rv. Hiegon that Day Light ~aving Time be Adopted in tha Town rrOM 12:01 h.~'. Sunday April 27th until 12:01 A.V. Sunday October 26th, 1958 &nd t.hat the l'a:ror issue El proclamation accordln~ly. " Carried. "' be referred to the tt Carried. " Book of the High School be referred to the II Carried. tt enClosing report for the month Received and Filed. . copy of their Traffic Specialties REI'ORTS RVa Carruthers presented a report :from the Finence Committee aubI!1ittiI;g sundry account amounting to $1), 75l.R2 cel'ttfled as being oorrect cwd reoommending paynent. " Rece! ved e.nd Adopted. n Carruthers, seconded by Dp. Rv. Higgon that taxes for 1957 amounting to writtan off being adjustments on tha 1957 Tax Roll. n Carried. n I ~oved by Rv. ~J,l02.47 ba -- '";;;;::\, F ,dft< I .;JP- ~~~ i ~(, , ,',:,~ -2- Council Room, February Jrd, 1958. l I RErm~T~~ (C0N'T) Cr. Brough reported on a meettng of the Board of Works and moved seconded by Rv. Carruthers thb.t the report be udopted. II Carried. " Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded b~' Cr. Brough that the Public Property COImllittee be authorized to illatall the Placque v/lth the names of the former mayors in a suitable location in the Town Hall. n Carried. " Cr. Presson presented e report rro~ Chief Kitney on Police Activities for 1957. l!oved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Preston that Chief Kltney be oommended for his report and the Police be cone;ratulated for their rine 'Nork during 1957. " Carried. " Cr. Hobbs presented a report on a ~eetlnr with the Fire Committee and moved seconded by Cr. Brough that the report be "dopted. n Carried. n Moved by Cr. Brough. seconded by Cr. Preston that a By-Law be prepared to compel occupants and owners to remove all snow Hnd ice from the sidewalks ad.ioining their premises. " Carried. " Moved by Cr. LathanEue. seconded by Cr. Preston that copies be nade of all current By-Laws, indexed and copies supplied to Committees where applioable. " Carried. n Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Stur~ock..~ sUb,loct to the appl'oval of the Pla~ning Board that the following Resolution be sent to the Minister of Planning and Development Toronto. "That this Council request the Ilinister of Planning and Development to call a meeting to cOIlsider the establishn8nt of a COtl:Jorvation Authority on L~Jnde Creek, Qahawa Creek and Bow~nville Creek. includinc all the streams flowinr into Lake Ontario from the East Boundary of Metropolitan Toronto and Region COIlservation Authority in the ,'lest to the East BoundarJ' of Bmrolanville Creek nnd i ts trlbutfl.r~' Sope:r Creek in the East. " lloved by Dp. Rv. Higgon, seconded by Cr. Preston that the Public Property Committee be empowered to request the Town Solicitor to obtain possession of land adjtl.cent to the Town Propert3' purchased t'rOt} the Ra~lntl5 Estate. " Carried. " On motion counail adjourned. @I~/ Cler '/, . / U:' / / '),' / t .L G ,- I 6:~'-L...- Mayor.