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Council Room, ~arch 3rd, 1958.
Regular m~eting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting
Reeve Carruthers. The Mayor presiding, minutes of last regular and special meetings
were read and on motion confirrred.
1:r. Howard Burgess addressed council in reference to the closing of the C.P.R.
Crossing which gives access to his property.
Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded b~, Cr. Brough that the information received from
Mr. Burgess be passed on to the Town Soliei tor for his information in regard to the
C.P.R. CrOSSing. IT Carried. tI
From Department of Labor, Ottawa, in reference to providing
~oved by Dp. Rv. Riggan, seconded by Cr. Lathangue that the
referred to the Roads and Streets Corr~ittee.
From the BowIDBnville Lions Club, requesting a grant from
of the Lions Corr~unlty Centre for 1958.
1,:oved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Cr. Lathangue that the request be referred to the
Finance Committee with power to act. " Carried. It
From F. F. Uorris Co., thanking the Chief of Police and Police Force for their
co-operation and assistance that they provide for locul funerals.
" Received and Filed. It
From F. F. Uorris Co., Bowmanville, requesting the use of suitable signs in front of
their property which would allow chapel parking only in three meter spaces in the
evenings or any occasion when this is required.
Uoved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Sturrock that the request be referred to the
Police Committee with power to act. " Carried. "
From the Clerk of Darlington Township, enclosing copy of Zoning By-Law No. 2085.
Moved by Dp. Bv. Riggon, seconded by Cr. Presson that the letter be received and
filed tind copy of the By-Law be sent to the Planning BObrd. n Carried. ,.
From the Clerk of the Town of ~hitby, enclosing copy of resolution requesting that
GBe give corq,lete coverage of the -Norld Championship Hockey Game.
" Received and Elled. "
From Northumberland Durham Health Unit, Coboure, in regard to location under the
Public ~ealth Act respecting Slaughter Houses and Mest Processing Plents.
" Received and Filed. ,t
From the Association of Ontario }layors and Reeves, toronto, advising of the
Annual Conference to be held in Stratford, Ontario on June 25th to 27th and
requesting membership in the association.
Moved by Dp. Rv. Higgon, seconded by Cr. F'reston that membership fee of $35.00
be sent for 1958. " Carried. 11
From the Family of the late Nilliam C. Tait, acknowledging with grateful thankS
sympathy Clnd kindly thoughts. J.. n Received and ..:<'i1ed. "
From Ontario 'i'raffie Conference, 'l'oronto, advising of a 'l'raff'ic Irainin{-'; Course
for Foliee to be held in Lor;don from Jur,e 2nd to 13th.
I..:oved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Gr. LElth(jngue tn&t the
Police 0orrm!ittee to report back.
From l.r. Jac].;: lv',iller, requeo::ting permission to erect a
at 77 King Street Nest.
t.oved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Cr. Lathangue that the request be referred to the
Public Property Conur.lttee with power to act. " Carried.. I'
From the },:orthumberland lJurhRIT. Health Unit, Cobourg, enclosing copy of monthly
report for January 1958. " Received and ffiled. "
From l..~r. J. BOUrLEl, Secretary of the 1.110)( Christian School, Seug-og Street, thanking
council for the erection of traffic warning si~ns neer the entr~nees to the school
Qrounds. " Received and Filed. "
From Counties Clerk, Cobourp, advising of natients being admitted to bowxanville
!<lemorial hospital. - " Received lind ii led. If
From l'.,rs. Jean Harness I Secretary of J:,.erwrial Turk Association I askir:g council for
e doeation of 4;:100.00 towards the cuttir>g of 'the c-rl'Jss in the park for 1958.
V:o-.red by Dp. Rv. Higgon, seconded by 8r. Hobbs thC:lt the request be left in obeye.nce
i and thut t.he association be notified that they ....'ill either receive the R"ront or that
I the grass will be eut. 10 :..;arried. ..1' ;U
! '.'rom-.r~orthur.::berl(;.nd 0urham .riealth Unit, Cobourg, enClosing information in regcud to
i septic tanKS and sanitary conveniences.
\ l~.oved by Gr. Presto!:., secondl:';d by Lip. nV. higgon that the letter be _referred to tIle
'~ '-------
-Ninter Work.
eommunic&tion be
" Carried. "
council equal to
the taxes
lett.er be referred to the
" Ca.rried. "
sien in front of his store
'""""", \ r=n- -- ~-~2-
$~~ I.i::lOtird~, of Norl(s und bui_ldir:g Inspector:
IFrom :"':lerk 'J.'re8surer, 'lown of l'ort ;!.;rle, requestiDf" information
r..oved by Dr_ Hv. .l1iggon, seconded by :":1". Brough that the letter
! inforrr:ation l"e""\le3tE~d
I '
IDP. Rv. Riggon presented ~ report from the Finance Comnittee submittiLg sundry 8ccounts
larrounting to $9,108.02. Certified 83 being correct and recomrrcending payment.
I " Recei ved and Adopted. "
leI". Brou~h renorted on a me~tin~ of the Board of Works REd moved seconded by
I Dp. Hv. Biggon that the report be adopted an(~ that tenders be CH.lIsd for the supr1y
i of Gas, Oil Hnd Diesel .?'uel for the tmvn for 1958. If Carried. "
i1~o~~d B~ Dp. R~. Riggan, se?Onded by Cr: ?rough that .the rental "of the '1'owr: Ball
Au.dl torlurE be lnCl'eaSeo to .jp?,O ~ 00 per nlgnt 8 fi from 1\. ay 1st, 1958 UI1d the t the
ceretl::ker be paid $iJ.~OO for cleaning the hall after eBch en€:',egtoment effective from
!/arch 4th. " Carrie d. It
koved by Dp. Rv. lIiggon, seco!:oed by Cr. Freston that- all parties who have property
stored in the up stair dresAIng rOO!T~S be notified thlit this must be removed by
llerch 15th or it will be moved by the town. IT Carried. "_
Cr. Presson reported on a meeting of the Police Corr~ittee and moved ~econded by
Cr. Hobbs that the refJort be adopted. It Carried. II
1:oved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Preston that a New Police Car be purch~sed i'rom
Palmer :Motor Sales at the net cost to the town of $1,300.00. " Carried. If
Cr. Lathangue reJ::orted on f:l rreetir.v of the Civic Committee and moved seconded by
Cr. Sturrock that the rerort be adopted. It Carried. 11
Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Brough that a letter be eent to tte secretary of
the fire brigade thanking firt;;rr.i.en for their co-operBtion for the Centennial Celebrbtlon
fT Carried~ "
Moved by Cr. Lathangue, seconded by Cr. Sturrock that the E. L. rtuddy Co. Ltd., be
notified of' the decisior. of the Civic~onunittee. " Carried. It
no 1& H
" Carried. II
about hef:1lth iJnit.
be answered giving
It Carried. It
Dr. Rv. Higton asked per~ission to introduce a ~y-Law for licen8in~ end regulating
Billiard, Pool and Bagatelle Table and Bowling Alleys.
Granted and read a first tir~e on motion rule 11 was susrended en:; council went into
corr~ittee of the whole, on second read~ng the mayor in the chair. On committee
rising the IT:ayor reading tae sE-cond retiding with ell blanks filled in. By-Law was
then re2id a s6ccrid ar.d thIrd time paRsed and ordered to be signed ,s.nd seoled.
!loved by Dp. riv. Higgon, seconded by Cr. Brough that a letter be "",ent to the
R. }.. HolliLgsnead Co. t::lnd Goodyear 'l'ire l:illd rtubiJer Co., advisinE them of the trl:Jffic
hazz.ard aLu damai:"efl to the flidewalk on Jhurch Street caused by larve trur.:ks parking
in front of the buildinC ut the cornbr of Church and Division Str~t and requestin,g;
thu tan off street loco. t i on be used for lOb-ding or unloadin[ trucks. II Qarrie d. If
1':oved by DI:. Rv. :-iiggon, BEccnded by Cr. Brough that the clerk be in~cta.d, to
obtain irlforrr,ation from the frovir.cial Goverr,rr,ent in regard to aid o^ labor of'
unerr:ployed ar:d uninsurable persons for '1wrk on lv:unicipal ,lacs. 11 Garried. 1I
Koved by Cr. Brougn, seconded by Cr. Lathangue thct the tend~rs for Gravel be h6ld in
obeyance uLtil after consultation with the ~~unici:pal .i:!:figineer. " Garried~ "
1:oved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Dp. H.v. lIiggon that the (;oI;suruer's Gas Co., be
requested to make a thorough check on all existing g&S ~eins in the town by June 1st
to see that they conform with sf:1fety standards L>r;d would reconiI'~end to tIle Ontario Fuel
Board identificable odour be introduced into Natural Gas for i~nedi8te identification
in cese of leaks. It Carried. II
~:oved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Dp. ~tv. liiggon that the Consw::6r's GHS Go. be
requested to furniflh the towr. with a con.plcte plan of Fill Gas lTLuins. " Carried. "
On motion council adjounn€d.
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