HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/1958 '.~,~'~T.CO "~'" , 1,' ,\f--,jj!;.; I; y ~~~~ ,.-, , Council Hoom, April 7th, 1958. Regular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present, excepting Cr. Brough. The Mayor presiding minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and on motion confirmed. COMMUNICA'fIONS From Strike and Strike in reference to C.P.R. Chapel Street Crossing. Moved by Cr. Lathangue seconded, by Cr. Sturrock that the fown Solicitor be instructed to write to the Board of ~rBnsport Commissioners inregarn to the C.P.R. Crossing at Chapel Street leading to the properties of Mr. H. Burgess and Mr. J. Leddy and if it were made a public crossing requesting all information. " Carried. " From ~r. Nervyn Brock, President of the Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club, requesting a grant equal to the 1958 taxes. Mr. J. Regan addressed council in regard to the request of the Bowling vlub. Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Preston that the request be referred to the Finance Committee to report back. " Carried. tl From the Consumer's Gas Co. Oshaw8. in reply to 8 letter sent them in regerd to the Condition of the Gas ~8ins and the conditi~n of odorant. Mr. Charles Norlq District Yanag6r of the Consumer's Gas ~o. addressed council explaining the condition of their Gas Vains and the condition of oderant and precaution taken to defect accidents. " Received & Filed. It From ]'rank Cowan -"0. Ltd. Hoodstock. in reference to 1:unicipal Liability Policy and stating that there would be no incre8se in premium required by the ~stabllahment of PUblic Grossing ove~ the lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Gr. Lathangue that the letter be referred to the Town Solici tor with the other correspondence. " Carried. " Mr. Arthur Stackuruk addressed council inquiring if the north side of Cnurch ~treet between Silver and Scugog Btreets hed been rezoned to a Residential Areb from Commercial. He was informed that the Areti had not been changed. Mr. Aubrey Smith adtires;:;ed council in reference to the proposed Construction of a Mausoleum in the Gemetery. Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Dp~ Rv. Higgon that the matter of of a Uausoleum be brougnt up under the Cemetery report. Fire Chief, C. L. Hooper presented a repcbrt on the number of" fires and for 19>7 and stating that the fire loss for 1957 waS very low. " Received & Filed. n Mr. Georre L. Totten, Consulting Engineer addressed council in reference to the construction of a Storm Sewer lbn Liberty Str~et Soutp. Moved by .Kv. Carruthers, seconded by Dp. Rv. Higgon that council go into committee of the whole to discuss the proposed construction of" a Storm Sewer on Liberty Street South On committee rising it was moved by KV. Carruthers, seconded bJ ])p. Rv. Riggan, that a Storm Sewer be constructed under the Local Improvement Plan on Liberty Street South from King Street to the Baseline with the outlet on the Beseline from Liberty Street to the Creek at a rate of ~J.50 per foot frontage on Liberty Street and *2.00 per fo~t fron~age on the Baseline. Flankage to be charged be exeMpted for hblf of the f16Lkage I but exemption not to exceed the frontage of the properl,y tind debenture to be issued on a 15 year basis. If Carried. fl Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Sturrock that the Clerk be authorized to advertize that council intend to construct as a Local Improvement a Storm Sewer on Liberty Street South from King Street to the Baseline and on the Baseline from Liberty to the Creek outlet. If Carried. It Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Preston that j.:r. Georf:e l'otten be authorized to contact a third year engineering student with the view of hiring him t~ prepare a Contour leap at' the 'l'own and that the person so chosen be responsible co the Chairman of the Board of Works and tnat the Public utilities Commission be approached with the vie~ of sntlring the cost of the Iwork. " Carried. " From Association of Assessing Officers of Ont&ria advising of the annual convention to be held in Peterborough from III_SY 19th to 21st. . Moved by Hv. Carruthers, seconded by Gr. Preston that the Assessor ~r. ~. S. Oke be authorized to attend with all expenses paid. " Carried. n From ~:r. K. Bymons. Counties Clerk, Cobourg, stating that the propety cammi ttee haa a quanity of Ol~~~~ furniture for sale which was used in their old building. ~i Moved by Dp. Hv. Riggan, seconded by Cr. Hobbs, that the letter be referred to the Public Property Committee with power to act. " carried~" From R. K. Kilborne and Associates Ltd. Toronto, offering their services to the rown as Professional Engineers. " Received & Filed. 11 . "--~~ --_._-~ the construction " Carried. IF fire calls """'0. 1- "";""r;jd - yJx., 1.--" <~""" .,ml I CO~~~ICATIONS (con't) hp,.il 7th, 1958 From the Town LaSalle enclosine resolution to be sent to the Minister or Municipal Affairs requesting that the Assessment Act be changed to provide for a Minimum Tax of $6.00 per yeer on Vacant Lots. Moved by Cr4 Presson, seconded by Cr. Preston that the resolution be endorsed and forward to the Minister of Municipal Affairs as requested. tt Carried. " From the Ndlrthumberland and Durham health Vnit enclosing report for February 1958. " Received & Filed. " From the Ontario Fuel Board, Toronto in reply to letter in reference to checking all existing Gas Mains in the Town and st8ting that the Consumer's Gas Co. carried out regular Leak Detection Surveys as a normal maintenance procedure and that the Board requires the Gas Co. to effectively odourize Natural Gas. " Received & Filed. " From the Department of Agriculture, 'L'oronto requesting the appointment of a deed Inspector for 1958. Moved by Cr. Lathangue, seconded by Cr. Hobbs that fur. Lloyd Quinton be appointed Need Inspector at a salary of $75.00 per annum. " Carried. " From Department of Plannine ':nd Develo:!)mant, Toronto, in reference to the Proposed Central Lake Ontario Conservation authority and requesting appointment of a represent&tive to attend the meeting in the Township Hall, nampton. at 2:00 P.M. Tuesday April 22nd. h:oved by kv. Carruthers, seconded b~. Dp. Rv. Higgon thbt the representative of the lown to attend the meeting. From the Department of 1-Junicipal Affairs, 'Toronto, enclosing copy Franchise Extension Act 1958. Moved by Hv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. F'resson that the copy be Civic Committee for further study and to brtng in a report. From S. J. Jackman and ~ons requesting information reg~rding Trees in front of their propert, on 6) Jackman Rd. Uoved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Preston that the reque~t be referred to the Public Property Commi1;tee with power to act. " Carried. " . From the Fire blaTshal1, Toronto adviSing of a l'raining Course for kunicipal .rire Chiet'sl to be held at the University of roronto from April 23rd to 25th. " Received ~ Filed. " From the Goodyear and Tire Rubber Co. in reference to the loading and unloading of trucks at the Hollingshe8d building at the corner of Church ~nd uivision Streets and that they are considering ways and means to ellevi~te the present conditions as soon as possible. tI Received & j1'iled. " From Lake Ontario Development Association, Feterborough enclosing an account for dues for 1958 amounting to ~483.42. Moved by Cr. Sturrock, seconded by Cr. Preston thut the dues for l~58 amounting to $483.42 be paid. From the Durham County District tlighschool Board stating that the board would like to see a sidewalk constructed on the west aide of Division Street from Queen Street to the lane behind Severn's Bakery. Moved by ~p. Rv. Higgon, seconded by Cr. Hobbs that the request be referred to the Bourd of Norks. " Carried. " From the Oshawa Regional Planning Association, Oshbwa, enclosing minutes 01' the last rr.eetj.ng held on tierCD 20th. tI Received & Filed. " From the Durham Count~' lJistrict Highschool Board enclosing copy of budget for IS/58 showing amount of .$55,488.00 required from the 'fown. " Received & Filed. " From Bowmauville Public School Board stating that their estimates for 1~5b will be $112,000.00. " Received & Filed. " From Counties ",lerk, Cobourg advising of patients being admitted to Peterborough Civic Hospital, Oshawa General Hospital and Bowmanville 1;emorial Hospital. " Rece! ved &. .J!'i led. " ~ayor be appointed as " Carried. If of the ~unicipal referred to the "Carried " the removal of t~o El~ REPOR'rs Rv. Carruthers presented a report from th~ Finance Committee submitting sundry account amounting to $26,~30.10 certified as being correct and recommending paymBnt. It Received & Adopted. " Rv. Carruthers presented a report o~ the Roads and Streets Committee and moved seconded by Dp. Rv. Higgon that the report be adopted. " GaJ'ried. " Moved by Dp. Rv. Riggon, secondea b~ Cr. Sturrock that the Public Property CO~dnittee be authorized to mfI.ke alterations to the former Library Room, Police Ortlces and Assessor1s Office at approximate co~t of $2,000.00. "Carried. " \ '~----------- ,"",.",,<., I "~""".'.,!ll, ~.. ,.Iie" ~.. ./ ;~~ ~0 ~ /lo/L3:L Ii,,", I to ~ 3 REPORTS (can't) Arril 7th, 1958 Moved by Dp. Rv. Riggan, seconded by Cr. Preston that the PUblic Property Committee be authorized to proceed with the construction of ~ashrooms and Cells at approximate cost of $3,000.00. " Carried. " koved by D~. Rv. Riggan, seconded by Cr. Presson that the FUblic Property Committee be au~horized to repair the roofs on the two Municipal Building at a approximate cost of $600.00. It Carried. tr Moved by Dp. Iv. Higgon. seconded by Cr. Preston that ~he Public Proper~y Committee be authorized to repair the windows in the Town Hall and to purchase a polisher for th Library Building at an approximate cost aI' $300.00. " rJarrled. " Moved by Dp. Rv. Higgon, seconded by Gr. }reston that the Public Property 00mmittee be authorized to purchase a dicto~hone and cash register suitable for the '.i'own Offices at an approximate cost of ~l ,800.00. " Carried. " Moved by Dp. Rv. Higgon, seconded by Cr. Lathangue that the Public ~roperty 00mmittee be authorized to purchase ;:ihade l'rees, stakes, peate moss and fertilizer for 'the Town Streets at approximate cost of .j;400.00. If Carried. " Moved by Dp. Rv. Riggan, seconded by Cr. Hobbs that the Public Property Committee be authorized to proceed with the paving of the Fire Hall Driveway at an approximate cost of $500.00. " Carried. tI Moved by Dp. Rv. Higgon, seconded by ~r. Sturrock that the Public Property Committee be authorized to call for tenders for the erection of a building at the Cemetery. " Carried. " Moved by Dp. Rv. Higgon, seconded by Cr. Hobbs that the Public Property Committee be authorized to proceed with the planting of shrubbs and plants on the Town hall grounds at approximate cost of $200.00. II Carried. " Moved by Dp. Hv. Higgon, seconded by Rv. Carruthers that the Public Property Committee be authorized to purchase or repair the Lawn ~ower for the Town Hall grounds. " Carried. It Cr. Sturrock reported on a meeting of the Cemetery Committee and moved seconded by Cr. freston that the report be adopted. It Carried. It Cr. Presson reported on a meeting of the Police Committee and moved seconded by Cr. Hobbs that the report be adopted. " Carried. " Moved Cr. HobbS, seconded by Dp. Rv. Higgon that the Fire Brigade be granted $777.50 being 50'% of money receivtd from outside fires. " Carried. " Moved by Gr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Presson that the Fire Corr~ittee be authorized 'to :purchase supplies and equi nment for the i'ire Department amounti ng to approximately ;12,100.00 as provided for in their budget. 11 Carried. 11 BY -LA,.,S Rv. Carruthers aSKed pern::ission to introduce the following by-la'Ns: To borrow mar.ey for current expenses. For the appointment of'l'own Officials for 11)58. Granted and read a first tirr;e on rr:otion rule 33 was susoended and council '/\lent into COIl1I4ittee 01' the whole. On second reading the mayor in' the chair for the purpose of discussing by-laws. On committee risine the mayor reported the second readings with all blanks filled in, by-laws were then read a second and third time passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Rv. Uarruthers, seconded by Cr. Lathangue that all fown Employees be paid every two weeks and that one weeks pay be held back. " Carried. " On motion conncil adjourned. / / / - g , 2~(1?-- Lo Mayor I 1.' (.' {J: /' ~\er . I l '~