HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/1958 "'::~':I'L~- \Gt/fSL p~:~ ,~~ I Regular meetin~ of council was held on above date members all present with the mayor I presiding. Minutes of last reguler meeting were read and on motion confirmed. C011'm'ICATIONS -'--_.~-------- .- --.. ..- -l COUNCIL ROOM, May 5. 1958. Mr. Halter Rundle, Clerk of the Township of Darlington addressed council in reference to re-constructing a road on the Jrd line being the northern boundary between the 'l'ownshir: hod the Town and requesting the town to share p8rt of the cost. Moved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Rv. Carruthers that the town share the cost with the Township of Darlington for re-bui 1dine: the road. It Carried. " Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Broufh that the Boundary Roud ll.greement wi th the 'rownship of Darlington be renew'3d for 10 years. t! Carried. " From ~~rs. R. J. Kinnetlr Rnd others requesting Lne town to tBke tiction to have the unsanitary condition remedy in the neiehborhood of their properties. Noved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Brouhh that a bY-law be ~rApared to regulate and control sanitary conveniences. "Carried. " From 1~r. Glenholme HUfhes, secretery of the Public Library Board requesting space in the basement of the Libr8ry buildine for the storage of books. Moved by flv. Carruthers. secondAd by Cr. Hobbs that the re~uest Public Property Committee with power to act. From Nr. Nrn. Ellis, 72 O.ntario St., requestir:g the rerr.ovfll of u property. Woved by Cr. 18thBngue, seconded by Cr. Brough that the request be referre~ to the Public Property Committee w1.tn power to act. " Carried. fI FroM ~:r. Samu~l Olver, Ne~rns Ave., statinf thbt a gre~t part of his ISDn was flooded and requesting Lhat some action be Lak~n to remedy the situation. ltove~ by Rv. Carruthers, .seconded by Dr. HV. riigcon that l'r. Olver be ~dvisec that a culvert will be installe6 to drain the land ns soon ~s possible. IF Carried. IF From R. M. hOllingshead Co. .statir::~ t[wt an ort' street location has been provided for loading Bnd unloading trucks at tneir building at the corner or ChurCh and Division Streets Bnd requesting that the Town erect " NO PARKI~G SIGNS tI along the B&St side of t;he driveway betwRp.n their property and that of krs. G. Bouns!?.Jl. ~nved by Gr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Presson that the request be granted and th5nking them for their attention to our letter. "Carried. " From OntHrio Traffic Conference IJ.dvising of a 'frat'fic 'Training Course to be held at .'{estern University, London, Onto from June 2nd to the 13th. Moved by Dp. Rv. Riggon, secor,ded by Cr. Hobbs "that the letter be ref8rred to the Police CommittE'e with :rowsr to act. t! Cflrried. 11 From Depbrtment of Hiphways, Port Hope, in reference to Conl.ecting Link Aereement and statinp thet the 5C% r~tA rsyable under Lhe agreement is increased to R r~te of 75% of the cost for construction of e roso-wny. Moved by Dp. Rv. Higgon, eeconned by Cr. Brough that the letter be aCknowledged. " Carried. 11 From Strike 8nd Strike, Town Solicitors enclosing copy of' Draft Submission to be I'1Eide to the Board of' l'rsLsrort Commissioners in ref8renc"e to the C.P.R. Ch&pel St. Crossing and statin,;::" that they would appreciate receiving Cln;y COInrlents or corrections and apiJrovBl of the submission. Uav8a by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Gr. Brough that the Town Solicitors be instructed to send the subr.Jission to the Board of 'l'rflllsport Commissioners with a parflgrhph deleted. II Carried. IF From Counties Clerk, CObourg advising 01' p8ti8n"t8 being I3dmittf!d to Oshawa General Hospi tal and Bown:an ville 1'~emorial Hospi ta 1. " Received & Fi led. " From Depflrtnlent of Plar.ning and Development, Toronto in reference to the proposed Cent~51 Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. r\~oved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr, Sturrock that the town partjcipate in the proposed Central lake Ontario Conservation Auttorlty. "Carried. tI be referred to the "C8rried. n tree in front of his REPORT" Rv. Carruthers ~resented e report from the Finance Committee submitting sundry accountJ amountinG to $ is,594.08 certified as Geing correct and recommending payment. 1 " Received & Adop"ted. IF , Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Hobos that all full time "Town Employees be I gr&r,ted a maximum of 10 d~ys per year of sick leave with full ray Gnd thfit the said benefit be accumuhtive Over the years to e maximum of ISO days. "ca, rried. "~. I Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Dp. Rv. Higgon that the Bo.~anville DOwling Club \ , .....-- ------,,-----~...._-- ----"----------- "-- --~------"--,,----------------.._- --- --- ---------------- ---------..~----_.._------ -_....~- ":S~';I.\ r-c -~ - CC~- - ~--------_. VeJi-t. p ~~~~ ,,,":;':' be advised I I JJo ! ~gtf l I , ..c_"c_=___-'..,,'=----.:.:--... _"~'~-:__" --0_",-~-_= ...__ ..._un____ ___ ___ .. 1 I -2- RE!'OR'l'S (con It) that their request for a grant in lieu of taxes for 1958 be not granted. II Carried. " Cr. Brough presented e rer:ort from th~ Harks Derartrr:ent and moved seconded by Cr. Hobbs tha't the report be adopted. " Carried. It Eoved by Gr. Broueh seconded by Rv. Carruthers that !'lm. A. Ryder be awardqd the contract for ASt1halt and Prime and thtlt the 1'iller PavlIw Ltd. be aWardee: the contract for f\.sJ::hs 1 t Paving De ing the lowest tend ers reee i ved. -- " Carried. II Moved by Cr. Lathengue, seconded by Cr. HO(Jbs the.t the arrang8Llents for Decoration day at the Cemeter.y be left in the hands of' the Civic Cor:nnittee to contact the CAnadian Legion and ~/inisterial Associ:ltion. " Carried. II Cr. Presson presented ~ report from the Police Gorr~,ittee and moved seconded by Cr. Lathangue that the report be adopted ~ith the exception of installing a red flashing light at the corner of King and Division Streets to be used when the fire siren '.'116.8 sounded which was referred to the Fire Corr:mittee for their cOTlside-ration. " Carried. " Gr. Presson pre8er~ted 8. report froD Chief Kitney which was received Cllld filed. Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Preston t.rH:it the Police Committee have pm.er to-Bct in regard to the llirine o~ a Police Constable. "Carried. II Moved by Dp. Rv. Higcon, seconded by lir. L-,tlw.ngue thflt transDortation be arranged. for perso~s making the traffic COULt. .r C~rried. II Moved by Gr. Hobbs, seconded. by Cr. Brough that council recommend to next yeurl s council th~t the retirinc age for the rire cbief be 68 years and it is quite possible that this could be reduced to 65 years ne~t yetr shd that council would lIke to have the recommendations frOB the firemen es to their Ohoioe of the new chief. " Carried. " be granted $6J5.00 " Carried. " be inserted for certificate of good " Llarried. II Moved by Cr. Hobbs, S8COIlded by "':r. Brough that the fire brigade being 50% of the mO:iey received for outside fires. M:oven by Cr. Hobbs, bBcondad by Cr. Broueh that ::in advertiRement applications for firemeI: for the rire bri~ade and that a medical ~';~lth must acoompany all applications. BY-LANS Rv. Carruthers asked pex'mission to introduce a by-law for the appointment of tOwn offic1.[lls. Granted Bnd read tne firs~ time on motion rule 33 was cOrrllofttee of' the whole on second reartinf the r:18yor in the mfiyor reported the second rel'Jr1 t ng with fi 11 blUI~j< s read 9 second Bcd third tiffie passed and ordered to be suspended and Co,mcil went ii~Lo the ch8ir. On committee rising filled in. By-l~w was then sipred and sealed. }loved by Rv. Carrutters, seconded by Cr. Brou€;h thE:lt 17. photogrBrhic surveyor the town be rtbdeoy the Photographic Survey Gorportltion, Toronto of 3n ""Jrea of !';lppro-...:i- metely 4,100 ocres at the cost of $~..lO per ~cre plus ll'ederal S~les Tax of 1 %. " Carried. " Moved by Cr. BrclU€':h, seconded by Cr. rres-.on that it is hereby resolved that this council proceed und8r Spetlon 8 of the 1.00al Imrroveruent Act to construct a wElter main es fl I,ocal Irr-rrovement from JackPlan R08d northerly along the west lirrit of Scugog Road to the south liffiit of ~ill Lane TH~N8E along the-south-west liffiit of Will LqLe to the termination of ~ill Lene at Scuvog Rosd a~d thence along Scugog Road to Mill Lane south and that the necess~ry by-lbw bp rrepared to COIlstruct the said wElter ~ai~ aDd obtain its approval by the Ontario Vunici~al Board in accordance ~5th the Drovisions of said Section 8. " Carried. " On motion council adjourned. fJ4(fz... ;t~t-~[v~~ MB.yor. . \ "",,---- -----~