HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/02/1958
Regular meeting of' council was held on
Councillor Lathangue, mayor presiding.
motion confirmed.
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Minutes of last regular meeting were on !
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From Clerk Treasurer of Tweed, Ontario enclosing copy of resolution petitioning the
Federal Government to take early and effective steps to prevent strike ~ction on
the Railways and to assure that the public interest be safe guarded as proposed by
the Kellock Royal Co~iasion. " Received & Filed. "
From Strike 8Ijd Strike enclosing memorandum of an agreement between Victor R. 'l'ookey
and the Town for the construction and maintenance of a Mausoleu~ in the Cemetery.
Moved by Cr. Sturrock, seconded bS' Cr. Preston that the agreement be signed by the
mayor end the clerk and that if the ~ausoleumbreaks up in fifty years the narrol
Co. must re-build it at their expense and at no cost to the Municipality and that
the Mausoleum be placed in a location suitable to the Harrol Co. and the
Municipality. " Carried. rl
From Mr. A. E. Cole and others petitioning for the construction of a cement sidewblk ,
on the north side of Rehder Ave. certified by the Clerk as being sufficiently signed
Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Brough that the petition be approved and
work proceed with other sidewalk construction. n Carried. "
From Brookdale Klngsway Nursery stating that the trees on the Cemetery land would be
removed this fall or early spring and that the land will be put in good condition.
" Received &: liled. "
From Northumberlal1d aLd J)urham Health unit enclos:ng report :tor April.
" Received & ~iled. "
From Northumberland and Durham lIealth Unit in reference to Rabies.
" Heceived & ]'i1ed. 11
From Counties Clerk, Cobourg enclosing statement of' County H.ate for 1958 amountiLg
to 472,707.43. tr Rece! ved & ji'iled. fI
From Counties Olerk, ~obourg stating that bank interest would be allowed on all
pre-payments 01' the County l'tate. " Received &: ~'iled. "
From iJounties iJlerk, L.:obourg advising of pEltients beine: admitted to kemorial
Hospital, BOWmt1LVille. " Received & I'lled. "
From Mr. Alan Lymer, 1 OrchurdvIew Blvd., requesting that the sidewalK in front of
his property be extended for &bout 4> feet to June Street.
Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by up. Hv. niggon that the request be referred to
the Roads and Streets Comrrlittee to investigate and to report baCK. "Carried. n
From the Ontario Municipal Association f.ldvistng of B conference to be held in
Fereus on Saturday June 21st anc! requestinf that representative os sent.
" Reoeived & FlIed. "
From Salvation Arrr-.y, bowmanville stating trist they are contemplating tin erection of
a new Sunday School build:_ng on their lot on Division Street and one of the projects
for the building fund will be sale of lone :pla;yine records composed of hymn singine
and Local Solos and the playing of the Salvati(")D Army band and requesting permisslon
to use the Bown~anville Coat of Arms beside the salvation Army Ltrest on the lal-\le
of the records.
Moved by ~v. Carruthers, seconded by Dp. Rv. Higgon tht1t permiSSion De granted.
tI Carried. "
From Ron ~. Richards, Secretary of the Bowranville nranch of the ;,...;aDbdial1 Legion
requesting exemption of taxes on the Legion Building on Queen Street excepting
school tax for 1958.
Moved by Dp. Rv. Higgon, seconded by l;r. nrough that a by-law be prepared exempting
the Canadian Legion trom l1J5t. taxes excepting school taxes. tI Carried. "
From the Canadian National Lnstitute ror tne blind, Linwell Hall, advising of the
admittance or two residents of bO'~."'_anville and stating that tIle 'l'own would be
responsible for any nospit!:ll aCCOllr:,-S whictl Lhey are anable to pay.
Voved by Cr. Brough, seconded b} ~r. Presson that the letter be received and filed
and Lhbt the institute be notified that they are forMer residents of' the Town.
" LJarried. "
l"rom uepartment of' Highways, 'foronto enClosing co'Cy of' the approved by-law for 1958
expenditures on Roads and Streets to a total of ~33,OOO.OO.
" Received &
Filed. "_J
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COUKCIL ROOM, June 2, 1958.
Rv. Carruthers presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting sundry
accounts an:.ount:.ng to 4jj14,620.J6 certified as being correct and recommending
"leyment. tI Received & Adopted. "
Cr. Brough reported on a meeting 01' the Board of Works Bnd moved seconded by
::;r. Hobbs that the reported be adopted. " Carried. "
Moved by Dp. Rv. Higgon, seconded by Cr. Preston that the steps leading from the
South door of' the 'l'own Hall be covered with Linoleum at approximate cost of fi150.00
and that the outside steps at the main entranee be repaired at approximate cost of
$175.00. .. Carried. ..
Cr. Presson reported on a meet~ng of the Police ~ommittee and moved seconded by
Cr. Sturrock thut the report be adopted. " Carried. "
Moved by Cr. Presson, secondedoy Dp. Rv. Higgon thet a letter -be sent to Glen li'ry
commending him t'or his assistance to the Police Department and thanking him for
his services. " Garried. "
Moved. by Cr. Presson, seconded by Dp. Rv. higgon thut the letter received from
the rolice AssociEltion be referred to the Police CO!"'.mi ttee to report back.
" Carried. "
Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by ~r. Freston that kr. nalter !lackney be appointed
Fire Chief 8Ild Mr. ~'ranK L. Calver be appointed Deputy Chief as from August 1st,
1958 and that letters be sent to them advisir:g of their appointment by Council.
Rv. 0arruthers asked pern:ission to introduce the f'ollowi ng by-laws.
Fer the appointment Dr a fawn Official.
To provide for supplementary expenditures on
Hoads or streets for 1958.
Granted and reud the first time on mntior, rule JJ was suspended und cOlwcil went
into committee ot the. whole on second readtne the mayor in the chair. On committee
rising the neyer reported the second rebding with ell blanks filled in. By-Laws
wece then read a. sEocond and third time passed cu~d ordered to be s,Lf:ned and sealed.
Moved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Preston tr~t a delgation be named by the mayor
to interview ~he Minister at highways to request that a Clover Leaf be constructed
at the intersection nf/faverley H.oad and Highway 401. " Carried. "
Moved by Cr. Sturrock, seconded by Rv. Carruthers that ~r. Albert Cole be instructed
to prepare a plan of' the Cemetery tlt an approximate cost of ,p75.00. h t,;arried. "
On motion council adjourned.
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