HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/1958
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.v- '''~ Council Room, July 7th, 1958.
Regular meeting of' Council was held on above date lTJ.embers all present, mayor
presiding. Minutes of last regular meetin[, were read and on n:otioIl confirmed.
From the Durham County District High School Board, Bowrr.arv~ 11e, stat'~Ilg that they
had secured an option on a site of about 15 acres iI:1Illed1ately to the e&st of the
Orono Cemetery upon which they intend to build a new High School and rer:juesting
that approval be given by council to construct a new school bnd the choice of the
Mr. A. -R. Strike alid other members of the board ad'.:ri:::ssed councll statinf, that a
new High School is required to acco~odate additional pupils and requesting the
approval of counci.l at the locb.tion selected by the board.
]foved by Cpo Rv. Hig€on, seconded by Cr. Brough that council meet with our
representative on the high School Board before any Cecision is made.
It Carried. II
Mr. 1'. K. CreiGhton, Oshawa Rddressed council representjng l.':r. A. Alexar,der
stating that 1:r. Alexunder had a registered sub-division plan for his property
on Liberty St. Nortb and requesting that he be "'lxempt frol"1 the provisions of' the
su b-di v isl on control by-law. Mr. Grei ~hton ',OJ a s inf()r~led that Mr. Alexander 'Nould
have to abide by the conditions of the sub-division control agreement.
Mr. H. -iiaters, Sanitary inspector addressec'l council in reference to complaints
received concerning unsardtary conditi.0ns of several rroperties tind stating that
this condition could be controlled under the Public Health Act.
~oved by Cr. Brou~l, seconded by Rv. Carruthers that By-Law No. 1460 be repealed.
tI Carried. "
From the BObrd of Transport Cotutission, Ottawa, enclosing copy of letter received
from the Canadi&1l l-acific Railway Lompany and stating tllbt I;l.D inspection of the
Cr18cel Street Grossing would be made by an engineer of the board and tliClt tJ1e
Town would be l<dvised the exact dute of the insneetion.
li:oved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded b;-- Dp. Itv. Higgon that trle Chetrum of tL.e ROads Bnd
Streets Cornmittee, lvorks l"oreman Bnd tOWll Solicitor meet with the el1€,ineer .'Jhen
the insnection is II1'ide. n Carried. II
}'rom Bo~r::ltlrjville rlarmiqr and Developr:e nt Bo~rd recommending tL_ot council gl ve
their b'!:n'roval of the 1-_enriry ten lot sub-div ision uS luid out in a survey :ylan
sulJject to 'the execution of GIll agreerr.ent by },.r. Hendry satisf&ctor~' to the.l'own
in compliance with tile existing by-hn'ls.
Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Gr. Hobbs that courJcil liccept the recoT',rr_Andetion
of the Plan:r:ing Board in reglird to the Hendry sub-div ision:Jnd tohe secretury of
the l'lanring board be notified Bccordingly. " c.:arried. "
From Strike .::..nd Strike, '1'own Solicitors in reference to Lhe :rro:posed asreement
with I._r. 'I'ookey in connection with the construction of H liiBusoleUM in tne Cemetery.
V.oved by hv. Ctirrutl1ers, seconded by V;" Rv. Higgon tbbt the 'l'mvll Solicitors be
instructed to investigate the I:1atter further to 1)rotect tl~e interest of the 'fown.
If GRrried. II
From U:-msurr1l3rls G8S Co. f],'oronto, ercloslrw cory of order of the 0ntClrio ..tuel .ooura
arprovirlg rates. II Receiv.,-;d &. lIi18d. II
From the Oshuwa HpgJ.0W;J.L llar;ninf bOArd enclos-:.nc rninutAs of their meAtings.
II riecaivcd & lI'il~d. II
From 1J~t;:,. ''':lArk, ,foodstock, enclosirw CO?"lY of resol:Jtion in repird to :F'oll 'j,'tl.X
and request ing the endorse tion of c OllIlC i 1 . " Recel ven &. ]'i lRd. "
From r';orthu~.'lberluld Durham Health L'nit, Cobourr, enclo81JiC rer-crt for Lay.
" Recelvefi & .tiled. It
Frorr. OntCirio Educt1tional tlssociatton, 'l'orontn, re>1ue~tinp: membersf,lr to their
Elssoci:..tion. " Received (;L, JHled. tI
From Ontf:1r'j(l :\:unicipal Associetion, Toronto, 8dvisinr. of convention to be held in
Ott!Pit' Sertember 1st to 3rd and r'3questtDa Y!embexship to their association.
n Received & Filed. " I
Frorr. Ontario hnks Associf.,tion, Toronto requr:ost~ng lIlembpxshin to their as<::lociation. I
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Council Room} .July 7th, 1958.
From the Clerk Treasurer of Fort Erie enclosing resolution in regard to the
distribution of fines and requestin[ the endorsation of council.
lli!oved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Preston that the resolution be referred to
the Finance Cornn:ittee to stUdy and to rerort buck. II Carried. If
From the Sbrnia Gh~mber of Commerce enclosing copy of r6so1ution in regard to
Revenue Donds.
Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Hobbs, that the resolution be referred to
the Finance Committee to study and rer,ort backa If Carrled. II
From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, enclosing copy of By-LL:w equalizin€: the assessment
for the year 1959. IF Recei.ved & Filed. "
From Onterio Natal' Resources Comrr,ission enclosing copy of report of a survey
of Bowmanville Creek and Soper Creek.
Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Sturrock that the report be referred to
the mayor to p88~ on to other depArtreents. " Carried. "
From Canadian !I'ederation of Mayors SEd MuniCipalities, lilontreul eIlclosir.g
memorf:induI:1 of amendments to the Federal Sales Tax affectine certain municipal
Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Dr. Rv. Riggon that the amendments be referred
to the Clerk and Norks Foremn. " Carried. "
From the Ontario ldre COllege, Gravenhurst. advisinp of a course tor senior of'ficers
at tbe Ontario .r'ire College, Gravenhurst. August 25th to Septerr,ber 12th.
" Received & Filed. "
From Couritles Clerk, CObourg, advising of the udmitttJnce of a patient to lllemorial
Hospital, Bowmanville and from the Toronto East General Hosr;ittil advising admittance
of a patient. tI Received & Filed. "
Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Presson,
dH.6J:dAS it was considered desirable to incorporate parEldes, carnivals and street
dances in the rrogram of E:vents for "Old Home Ileek" j and
:v'HSHEAS the staging of these events caused unavoidable inoonvenience to numerous
private citizens fJnd Commercial est.s.blishKerlts for periods of vuryinf durbtion; in
particulc-~r to those 'rihose properties fronted on tb:~ scenes 01' tbe8e activities; tind
N1I~RE1\S Ghe nrivute citizens and COfi.JTlercial establisflll:el1l"s thus L.ffected did ticcept
these inconveniences 'Nith tolerance ar:d understandir,t:, thus corltl'ibuting to the
success &nct enjoYlTil'Jnt of "Old Home ~~eek";
THE:i.EFOiD.:; BE 1'1' l{2;20LV.::::D that 'l'own CounCil. on behelf of its vtirious agencies, in
particuh,r the Centennial Committee, the Police Depbrtment tind tue Board of Ivorks,
does hereby record ils sincere apprecL...tian of this co-operati.onj 8.nd
B;~ 11' l'i g1 Rt~~JOLV::':;D th,~t 'l'own Couricil does her8by extend its hearty thanks to
the citizens, friends ani guests of BO'NrnClnville who, by their :r;articipbtion. did
ensure the SUccess of "Old HoIr.e Week"; and
BE 1'1' FU'1'rLER ReSOLV~D that these sentiments be conveyed to all concerned by
publication of this Resolution in "The Canadie.n Stutesman".
rt Carried. "
Moved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Lathal:gue thf.lt the ~(otld Agreement with the
Townstdr of llbrli:r.i2'ton in regard to the boundary road be ,o.;ii':lied by tne TI:s:yor EinQ
clerl-~ 6nd CQ flY sent to tce '.i'D'h'll shi p of Darl incton. "J6rrie c:.. "
From the t.orthu.r.;berlEiT,d DUrharr. .t1ealth Unit, Oobourg enclosin,f': 8.Ccount of ...35.00
from the City of' OShawtl for acbu181:ce service for (j resident of bO',\'n:!:inville.
r.':oved by Up. Hv. tliggon, secorLded by Hv. CarI'u thar s tHnt "the EiCCount be pElld. I
It Carried. IT
I\~oved by Cr. BI'ou~h, sec')r.ded by Dr. Rv. HitTon that the mayor apToir:t a COliJtittee
to TIeet with renresentBti ve froIT: Darlinrrton tind Ulcrke 'l'mvnship to erI'iOJr.t::e for
the Pst~b11s{Jr-;ent of 8 paund to serve ttc8 three rr,uI~icirt1llties. J
(', " Ubrried. "
l'he mayor atTointed trie :wads and dtret-ltA l,;or~mittee.
Council ~oom, JulY ?th, 1958.
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Rv. Jarrutrcers pres8Lted a report from the J:lind:e~~ t..:oril'1ittee subrr'ittinr sundry
accour,ts s.rrountir:r to *41,98..7.58. certified aR teinf correct fino reco!fJnending
Cr. BrouFh presented a rAfort from thp bOS~C of Jorks 8nd moved ~econo~d by
Cr. LAth&Ef.':Ue t.bat tohe rerort be 8do~ted. If Cbrried. 11
~i;oved by D-p. Rv. Riggon, secrmded b~' Cr. Hobbs, thtJt ttie nec83~-;ary re}lairs be mede
to the tO'NeI' 8t th9 Fire l-~al..l. " Carried. 11
Cr. l'resson reported on c-, meetin[~ of t~lf' 1 rllice COPlmi tte8 u.tJ.d mewed secCiLlied by
Cr. ::iobbs thut the report be f,ilo~)te(1. tl Cerritd. "
Kover1 by :;r. Hobbs, seconded bJ-' Cr. Brauch tlw,t the tire Dri[';ade b0 grunted :Jj797. 50
bein;, 50% of money received f'rmy outside fires. " CfOrried. "
Moved by Cr. HobbS, secor.eJed by Cr. Brauch tlwt l,:r. C. J. Ki1Tl~<trick be tl;pointed
i:1 !rierd,er of t.:l€ .Fir!? Brirede 6..5 1'roD AUf"ust 1st, 1)56.
" Carried. t!
BY -I,A,'/:i,
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Rv. Carrut.hers uske.d perr:;i5sion to introduce tree f ollO'.'.: [,C By-LtHVS.
For the appointment of E.l Town Official.
'1'0 rrovide for the eXf:;It~1tioJ1 from municipal taxetion
ex:certiDE'. for Loc!]l Improvements and School purposes
of the Property of the CenaditiD Legion.
To amend By-Law No 1489
Granted. und read a first tirre on motion rule 33 WI3.S SUspEIiced und cmlllcl) went
ir.to committee of tIle whole. On second raE-dine the rr.ayor ::'11 the cbuir. On
cOJrJDittee risinr: tLe rf!&Vor rer,nrt8d tLe si-;cond ret;din~:, '/'lith !::Ill blcm'",-s filled iri.
By-Laws were then rAut e secoI-ld e.tJu third time pessed"'ana ordered to be sifned
and sealed.
1!oved by Rv. Cl-rrutheJ's, seconded ty Cr. Pre,:;ton tb~jt Yon day August 4th be
declflred 8 Civic Holido.~i 1-.ind th'~' t thA nli.yor issup. his rroc16n'Btion accord:lnrly.
II Carried. "
Moved by ~r. HobbS, seconded bv Cr. Presson that thp, next rep:ular meet~liL of"
council be Leld on AUfust 5th. II Carried. 11
On motion courjcil adjourIJed: