HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/11/1958
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Council Room, August 11th, 1958.
Regular meeting of Council wvs held
Cr. Sturrock, the Layor presidine.
motion confirmed. -
on avave dute, members all present excepting
Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on
From .L~ev. tether ':". K. 1:alane, stating that the present St. Joseph's Church property
would be for sale by the end of the year and enquiring if the property cOIlJlnlttee
would be interested.
Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Lathangue that the letter be referred to the
public property committee to report back. " Carried. If
From Mr. Lt. {w. Young and Mr. Held Virtue complaining 01' excessive flooding during
rains a t the corner of St. Georf8 and King t1treets and requ1:;stiLg attention.
Moved by up. Rv. Riggan, seconded by Cr. Preston th&t the complaint be referred to
the Roeas and Streets Cor:unittee with power to act. " Carried. "
From hr. Alan Osborne, Parade ~Drsh611, th&n~ing Council for their co-operation
during the I"':entennial. It Recei vea &, i'iled. 11
From Counties Jlerk, l.Iobourg, adviSing of patients beinc admitted to '.l.'oronto li'estern
Hospital, Kingston General Hospital, 'i'oronto East General hOSJ:,ital, aDd .t)owmanville
liemoriel Hospital. II Receivtod & .filed. "
From Department of' Highways, '.I.'oronto enclos~, n[ copy of approved supplemer:t8r,Y Road
expendit.ure By-Law for $ 28,500.00. If Received & 111ed. "
From Departrr.e nt of pub1 j cNelfare, 'l'oronto, in regard to nursing home care.
Moved by Up. Rv. ~ig~on, seconded by Rv. Carruthers thut the letters be referred
to the Civic and 5.e11ef :";omm1ttee to report back at ne:.;.t meeting.
" 'Carried. "
b;rom l;epartYr~ent of Flanninc and ilevelopc8rt, .A.oronto advisint:; 01' an lndustriel
Development Conferenue to be held at the hoyal York hot,el, ',L'oronto on Oct. 2nd 811d
3rd arid requesting that representnt'LV€S rrOI:1 the 'l'owo attend.
lI':oved by Gr. Lathangue, seconded by (]r. brOu[h -chat copy of' the let'Wers be sent to th
Chamber of I...iommerce and Plannir.i t:>oard. " U8rried. "
From Zurich Gonsultar,ts Ltd., '.L'oronto, Offering Lneir services as consultantsf'or
'l'o',m Planninc b.nd enf,ineers. " Hec~ivBd &. ,ii'iled. It
From !v;rs. !.:ilda .r'. !<;orrls, requestinf on b8hall of' tne ;lOffil;;ns' Auxilliary of the
Memorial Hospital, permissian ta hold 8 door to door Canvas for funds and the use of
~he uouncil hoom on September 15th.
lioved by Ur. Brougn, seconded by \.ir. Hol,bs that
From Ontario Safety League, Toronto,
~oved by ~p. ~v. Riggon, seconded by
P')l~_(]e :;c'''T,..,',lttGG.
~erm1ssion be gr~nted.
It Carried. "
in referl:,;nCe to surety driving.
~r. Lathangue thut letters be refsrrdd
to trie
!T Cnl'rl,d.
Rv. Carruthers presented a report from tlle Fimmce Committee submittinf sundry aCCOUD1' ~
6I1ountinf to $ 26,108.83 certified as betne, correct tlnd recommend ing paymant.
, " Receiv~d & Adopted. "
l~oved by Rv. Carruthers thlj,t the resolution from tIle Clerk of .Fort Erie in re2"brd to
fines be left in abeyunce until the t'immce committee meet with Magistrate Bux:ter. '
" Cerried. " r
Cr. Brough report,~d on /j muetinv 01' the Board of j,'orks end mov<;d st;.conded by Cr. Hobn
that the report be adopted. It Carried It
Moved by vr. Ho~bs sec?nded ~y ~v. Ga.rruthera that the same committee m~ke further
study with DarlIngton townshIp In revurd to the control of dogs. " Carrled. 11
Moved by Dp. Rv. Riggon, seconded by-Cr. Presson that the assessor be instructed to
contact the Health of Animals Branch, Depbrt-ment of hgricL.:iture to ascertain the
nurcber of dogs inoculi:;ted in the 'fown. II Carried. It
Moved by ~p. Hv. 1;liggODi seconded bY. Cr. Preston that the Fublic :property Committee
be.8ut-horlzed to lIl~tb.l a floor in"tht: kitchen of the apbrtn,er.t In the Librury
bUlldln~; at nn approxtmc;,te cost of ;+i 120.00 aud tnu.t screens be purchased for tte
'Nir.c'Q',~s in tte I'mm Offices. tt Carried. fI
_~b YO
Moved by Up. KV. Higeon, sec0nded by Gr. Hobbs that the Gtirb~?e BY7L~w b? ~evie"ed
for next meeting in regard to controlling the dump and that the aalVlsablllty ot
erect-.ng a fence ar,d gate at "the dump be investigated. " Carried. "
Cr. Presson presented n report :frOI:l tile Police Committee t1nd moved seconded bv
Cr. Hobbs that the reTort De Ldopted. " (.;arried." .
Moved by cr. Presson, seconded by Gr. Hobbs ttwt Acting varraral hartlf;Y be aprointed
Corporal 25 from August 1st, 1958 ~t an increese of salary of ~200.00 fer annum.
" Carried. "
Moved by Gr. Presson, seconded by Gr. Hobbs thl:.:t tr~E: Police Committee be autho.ri~ed.
to proceed with collci.:tive bareainiLE with the Police force with a view of obtaining
a tentative agreement to be brought back to Council for tneir approval.
tI Carried. II
Moved by ~r. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Brough that the Fire Eri~ade be granted $67.50
bei!1€:: 50% of money received from outside f'~re. " Carried. "
Rv. Carruthers ask",d permission to introduce a b;','-lu'N for ttte appointn;eEt
of town Officials.
Grb.nted und read the first t:l..rr:e. On rr,atior; rule 33 was suspended &nd COLih::il went
into committee of'che '",hole on second reading, the l(ayor in the Chair. On committee
rising tr.e Vayor reported the second reading with all blbl1KS filled in. .i:I~'-L&w 'NO.8
t!len reuo. a second ani third tines, passed and ordered to bs signed and sealed.
Waved bI Cr. Presso~1 seconded by Wr. freston that Council tidont the rroposal Q1' the
Durham vounty Distrlct High School Board for the construetion bf e 30u puri 1 hlgh
school and "their choice of a site. II Motion Lost. "
On 1;:otion Council ad,iourned.
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