HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/02/1958 ..,:~~& !Pi":.":: ~o .. .1120 /_~-; COUNCIL ROaN September 2, 1958. rlegular meeting of council was held on above date. ~embers all present the mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed. UOMllM~.J1CA'rl ONS. From Mr. J. ~. Alldread, President of the Men'S ~anadian ~lub, asking permission to erect a plaque in a proroicent place commemorating the late Gol. Charle s H. McCullough the founder of the Canadian Club Movement. Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by ~r. Preston that a letter of thanks be sent to the president of the Canadian Club and permission be granted to erect the plaque at a sui table place. " Carried. " From Ji,r. Brenton Bagg, President of the Bowmanville Hfe & Drum Band requesting the use of some part of the 'rown Hall for practicing on fhursday night of each week rent free. Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Dp. Rv. HiCgoD that Publio :froperty Committee with power to act. From Broakdale Kir~sway Nursery Ltd. t expres8in~ their thanks and Narks Departmen t for the e Kcellent co_operation from tnem the request be referred to the " Carried. " to member s of Goune i1 during the rast year. " Red &. jI'iled. It audit report on aoed ~xpendi~ur From Department of Highways, 'l'oronto, enclosing copy of for 1957. Moved by Cr. Lathangue, seconded by Dp. Rv. Hfggon that the report be referred to the Board of Narks.. " Carried. " From the City Glerk, <lindsoa', requesting councl,l to make a strong protest to the prime ",inister and Secretary of State against the diversion of water from the Great Lakes. tI Ree &. Filed. " From the Clerk Tr8usurer, Port Gredit, inquirinG if' oOu.Dcil would be B.l.::reeable to sending representCitives to a mbstingto be held 1n rort iJredit or a more suitable location early in September with a view of seriously discussing what action caIl be taken jointly in regard to the apperent increased pollution elgae etc presentlY being found in Lake Ontario. Moved by Gr. Horjbs, s eaonded by Gr. Brough that council agree in principle ~nd that the clerk treasurer be notified accordingly. If Carried. II From Glenholrr"B Hughes, 'Fresident of the Communitj' A.dvancement Association, enclosing by-lew for the submission of a vote of questtons under the Ltquor License Act and requesting "that it be presented_ for the approval of Council. Moved by Cr. Brough, seconr.ed by Dp. Rv. BiEr,on that the request be granted. 11 Carried. Il From Li~uor License Board of Ontario, Toronto, stuting that if by-law waS passed prtor to September Ibth that vote on qu stions could be held on Nednesday l~th of Novemter 1958. " Rec & Filed. " From the Department of Planning and DevelopI'1ent, 'roronto, udviS ing of the first meetinr: of the Central Lake Ontario c.:onsel'vation Authority to be held in the Darl ington Township Of'fices, hampton, on 'l'eusday Se"ptember 23rd at 8;00 P.M. and requesting tt,at a representative be appointed to attend the meeting. Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Lathangue that Gr. lresson be appointed as town re~resentetive on the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. . " Carried. II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l RzrORTS Committee submittinf~ sundry accounts and recommending payment. " riee &. i1.dopted. 11 the Board of darks and moved seconded by Cr. Hobbs " Garrie d. II by Cr. Brough that the Fire Committee be authorized to at an approximate price of $24.00 e~ch. " Carried. II Rv. Carruthers presented Q report from the Finance amounti,D€ to $10,056.:3:3 certified t:iS bein&~ correct Or. Brough reported on a meetinr ot' th~t the re~ort be adopted. Moved by Cr. Robbs, seconded purchase two firemen's ooats BY-LANS ./ "",",,0"1 ";;;fij,t' .jj? ~~~ .,~ , "','(' ?wi Se~tember ~, l~)~. -2- BY-wi.,fS f Reeve Gerruth,-:r:i tisked .rermission to introduce e by-lB.'\I for the S'-1bmission to a vote of quest~ons under tho Li'luor l,icer:se Act. Granled aEd re;;;d tilE::. first time on motion rule 33 was susrended and committee '!.'snt into cornmittee of tte whole on second readine;, tr.e muyor in the c!lair. On committee risir.f the msyor re;::ortec the second read-'Dt ",oVith bll blflnks filled in. By-Law Nas then 1'66d a second bnd t:r ird time passed and o1'd<;;1'ed to be si€r:ed and 861:.:.1ed. A'loved ty Cr. l~ressQ:r., seconded by Gr. Hobbs thut f..r. Allan Johnston be paid .J..OO 1'01' the burial of D dOf destroyed by the ralice. 1P (;&1'1'1e~]. " t-Joved by Hv. Carruthers, 8fOconried by Cr. HoLbs thut the account of Johnson Stev...art & JO.ll'own h.l.<ditors 6.I'wuntin{ to ';;;1,'1)0.00 for audit fees tor 1':;1)'/ be I_aid. " Cbrried. n Moved by Cr. Broufh, secrmded by Cr. Hobbs, that tne }i'infince l.Jomrrlir,tee be ir,:.~tructed to investieate in regerd to auditors. n Carried. II Moved by Cr. Brout~h, seconded by Dp. .Kv. i:-Ue;r;on tht:it council instruct t.he 'L)Wt) Solicitors to write to the BObrd 01. 'l"rur,sTort vor.rmissioni:'rs reijuestir,v t.hem to ol~r, the ~.F.~. crossing to tile Burgess .TOpert' GJId sktir'b' tIl&t tn~\'O'Nn. ir,te,lds to C8nSt.rUCl.o ti 1'08<1 to the bUrf'e3~ property Hl tile nf3ul' 1 ture. varrlea. l\~oYed by Gr. Brough, seCOIJded by .iJp. .h:Y. Hi.P:Fon th8t council instruct the 'lo,m Solicit()r~j to reC;uB8t the proJer uutl'writies to solicit funds to elin Ii8te tl1e:).T.R. crossint on ~hupel St. bv bllildin" the necessary access roed. n Carried. 01 }toved by Cr. Brour:h, seconded by Cr. HobbS tn3t cour:cil instruct the 'l'Owr: S81icitors to request the rrorer authorities to eUr:i.1Jute the l",vel crossin€,: on tnt: ';.1 .~. at Seucor, St. und the c.r. 't. crossiq.', on Sim~'.s')n h.Ve. " IJarried. " :Moved by t(V. IJerruthers, seconded by Dr. .'-(v. tiiegoD th<:it the to'vr be l)repared to sell tne parkin€" lot t'or *6,,500.00 yrovid1:lg it ......i 1] De nu1'd sUI'f:::ced and rnaintaint.:d BS Ii p'J. b11 c park]!lf area. " Cal'rie d. II h'~rwed bJ" Hv. Cerrutht,rs, sec0nded by Up. Hv. Hi{"{-'..:m thut tli.8 te!l:1er for fuel oil be award Ad to A. H. Sturrrock & Sons. " Carried. II Or. n;otiOI.l cou:;~il adjourI.ed; /{: r / , ~ (/ (, ~ l !UA';;~ b,'tiyor '61e.rk. \ ~ , I j