HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/1958 "."",," f "~';g;f(' - N,s ;., I ~ i:,';,; ,~ ~ .,:"" Council Room, October 6th, 1958. Regular meetinB of council was held on above date members all present the mayor presiding. kinutes of last regulctr meeting were read and on motion confirmed. COl.J/UNICATIONS. From ~;,rs. d. Teeple, Corresponding Secr~tary of "the fiomens1 ':ln~ ililsnsl Wanadian L:lubSt invitIng the mbyor and members of counCIl to attend tne unveIlIng of a plaque erecttQ by the Untario Archaeological and historical Sites board in memory of Col. Charles R. kcCullough, founder of the Canadian Club fuovement and a native son of BOWTI18Lville, to take place on Nednesdey October 15th at 2:)0 P.~. at the Library BuildiDE. Moved by Cr. Lathangue, seconded by Cr. Brough that the letter be received and filed. " Carried. It From Robert A. S. COlville, 16 Division ~treet, stating that there is no fire escape to his apartrr.ent and requesting thut the fire chief investigtlte. b.~oved by Dp. Hv. niggon, seconded by I..Ir. lreston that the the complair,t be referred to the .tire Gommi t tee '.vi tn power to act. " Carr ied. " From the National Sewer rine Ltd., enclosing ruling conerning s~l€s tax exemption on sewer pipe for Sub-Divisions. If Rac & .f!'iled. " From Clerk ~reasurer, Port Credit advising of a meeting to be h~ld in ~ort Credit ~n Nednesday Evening October 15th at 7:00 P.M. to discuss the pollution from rotting algae etc. and requestinf2, thut he be advised of the number the.t will be attending. Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. ~reston thut the parties interested be notified. " Carried. II From J. K. Hamilton for Cities Service Oil Co., requesting permission to erect a new sign at their premi::.es 20 King St. E., replacing existing sign. Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Preston thbt the request be referred to the Public Froperty Coromi ttee wi th ~ower to act. " Carried. It From BowmaLville Public .ochool Board, stating thut they are contemplatinf the purchase of property as B site for the new public school at the north end of ~lgin Street and asking for approval or further suggestions for r00dways to service the area to the school. Moved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Preston that the request be referred to the Rouds & Streets Committee with the Road Foreman, Mr. George ~otten and town Solicitor, to meet with the members of the Public School Board. " Garrled. " From E. L. Ruddy Co. Ltd., Toronto, in regard to of their signs ~n the Town. koved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Dp. kv. higgon the proposed Changes in the location thst the letter be laid on the table. t! Carried. tl From the Bowmanville Chamber of Comnerce stating thbt tbey believe that some municipal by-laws should be repealed or arr~ended end new by-laws required to cover I certain aspects of our community life Bod offering their service to council to initiute such a project also that if council decide to appoint a citizen traffic advisory I committee as re...:ently suggested by Chief .h.it.ney members of the Chamber ''!''ould be glad to serve it. 110ved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Sturrock thut the letter be held in obeyance. n Carried. It ,i"eek October 5th to the " Reo & Filed. It Unit, enolosing reports for July and AUgust. o II Rec & Filed. " From Northumberland-Durham Health UOlt, Cobourg enClosing draft razing by-luw. Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Dp. Rv. Higpon th,..t the by-law be referred to the Civic Committee to report b4ck at the next meeting. " Carried. " From the Oshawa Regional Planning Association, Oshawa enclosing copy of the lust meeting. " Rec & Filed. " From City Clerk, London, Ontario encLOSing resolution urging the Provincial Legisluture to enact legislotion enlarging the powers of tne Ontario Iloter Resources Commission to permit the Commission to construct networks of water pipelir;es on a basis sirnilt;r _ to the besis on which the Hydro Electric Fower Commission of Ontario functions; and that this resolution be forwarded, with a request for endorsation to I~he Association of Ontario 1'eyors and lleeves and to all Cities, 'l'owns, and Count~as From the 11th. From ~orthumberland-Durham Health Fire 1:arshall, toronto, advising of .l!~lre lrotection s.,,".~'~c~ I '"":)l" /\~vo:. ?- :~~ 7Zo / [, 9) -2- October 6th, 1~58. in Southern Ontar~o. n Ree &.li'iled. " From Rev. G. E. Lena, Pastor of the BowIDarville Fenecostal Church requesting that a rignt of way from Nelson Street to their newly purchased prop~rty to ~e opened. Permisslon Granted. " Petition wus received from the rate payers petitioning oouLeil to submit to a vote of the electors at the next municipal electioE the following q~estion. Under the autbority of the Lord's Day ( Untario Act Chapter 3 Section 3 J as follows: fire you in fevor of public ganes and sports on the LOfd'S day t9 be regulated by ~unicipal by-law under the authority of the Lord IS DElY Ontario) Act. Moved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Cr. Sturrock thc:t- the petition be laid on the table. " Carried. " Moved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Preston that the loc~Jtion tind foundation for the plaque be referred to the Public l'roperty Committee and 'lorks }1'oreman with power to act. It CEirried. " Moved by rtv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Preston that the }olicB Committe make inquiries as to the formdtion of A ~rafflce Advisory Committee and report back to council. 11 Carried. " REPORTS. Rv. Carruthers presented a report from the J!'im.ince COIl".JJlittee submitting sundry accounts' amountine to $ 20,092.28 certified as beir~ correct and recoUIDlending payment. " Rec & Adopted. " Cr. Brough presented a report from the ~ourd of ~orks and moved seconded by Dp. Rv. Higgon that the report be adopted. rt Carried. " Moved by Cr. Presson, second~d by Ur. Sturrock that the Police Committee agreement 55 presented to council be adopted with alteratioLs tind signed by the mayor and clerk. " Cbrried. " Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Preston thut Mr. tiLrvy ~alllier be paid $25.20 at the rate of .10t a mile for 252 miles for the use of his ctir by ~hief Kitney for police business. It Carried. " Moved by Cr. ,Presson, seconded by Dp. Rv. Eiggon thlJt the witness fees in the Annis Ct:J.se be p$ld. " Carried. " Moved by Cr. Sturrock, seconded by Rv. Carruthers th8t the Police investigtite the parking in front of Sta Andrew's Church Bnd report back. " Carried. II Moved by Gr. L5thangue, seconded by RVa Curruthers th".t the clerk send for a copy of by-law licensing nursing hOl:1es. If Carried. " Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cra L~thancue that the account of F. F. Morris Co. for funeral expense of the late Vio16t Hackshaw be paid. II Carried. II Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Brough that the Fire Brigade be granted $302.50 being 50% of money received from outsioe fires. " Carried. II BY-LANS. Rv. Carruthers asked permission to introduce the by-law authorizing the payment of annunities to Sidney Venton and J. H. nighfield. Granted and rebd the first time on motion rule 33 WtlS suspend.ed alld council ""ent into co:rrrnittee of thE whole on second readlI1f" the DlE1J..or in the chair. On cOJl'.rnittee rising the r.;aye.r reported the second r~adir,g with all blanks filled in. By-L&'N was then read a second and third tine passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. Moved by Dp. Hv. Higgon, seconded by Cr. Freston th6t no action be token on purchusing St. Jose~h s Church property, Church Street and Rev. Father F. K. ~alane be advised accordingly. fI Carried. It Moved by Dp. Rv. Hig[;on, seconded by Cr. Brough th8.t 1',r. C. Stewart WcTav ish be advi sed that the 'fawn is not prepared to sell the Town Shed property at the present time. I " Carried. " ' Moved by Cr. Sturrock, seconded by Rv. Carruthers that a survey be made and a deed be , i mede out to Victor Tookey for Cemetery ground purchesed by him. "carri.c7~~__~J6c'l~~~___:J~'_ \\. On motion couI;.cil adjourned: /1_L {t- - l:.-' t~i~__\. t:::~L~ "~~----_~__ _ _________.~.__._____......_...___ ________ _________...M'.~yQL......__