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cout'G..:.L HC0L, Uctober :GO, 1958.
Snecibl meeting of cour,cil was held on ubove dOlte merr,bers all present excepting
C~uncillor Sturrock ...l:he mayor presidine and stf:l.ted that he hod called the
meeting for the parpose of pessin~ a by-law and general business.
From ii. J. Lyle, Clerk Treasurer, tenderine his resignr:tion to take effect
December 31st, 1958.
Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Dp. Rv. Higgon, that the resignation be
accepted. " Carried. '1
Fron;, Strike end Strike in reference to the Belleville Street Closinf, and
enclosine deeds.
Moved by Cr. Freston, seconded by Dp. Rv. Higeon that,
iiHEREAS the Corporution of the Town of BowITlanville hus applied to the JUdge
of the County Court of the United Counties of .horthumberlend und Durhan;. under
Section 90 of trle Registry' Act, R.S.O. 1950, for an Order closing that part of
~elville Street Comrr,only KnOWn as Bellev111e Street, lying between Ontario and
Duke Btreets in the Town of Bo'/manville, Count~' of Durham, as shown, on a I'lan of
the Villa€e of' BO'o~n;&nville made b;y John Grant P.L.S., registered on the 20th day of
Arril, 1852, flnd now on file in thf! Registry Office for the Registry Division 01' the
Ii'e st Riding of t he County of Durham j
AND,l'H~RH;AS His Honour },.:. A. Miller did by Orders dated on the 3rd day of
July, 1957 and the 14th day of October 1958, ordered that the said part Of Melville
Street be :permanently closed;
AND ',vrERE.<\S Section 11 of The Surveys Act R.S.n. 1950, provides tlu"t any road
or street closed under The Registry A.ct shall belong to the owners adjoining lands
to the middle line of such rood end th~t the municirality shall execute a conveyance
to the proper owners;
NON TIIEREFORE BE IT RESOLV~D th~t thp, Corporation of the Town of Bow~anvil]e
execute oonveyances or the olosed part of the said Melville Street ( commonly known
as Belleville Street to the persons entitled thereto, Harold Kir.€, Alvin H.Clemens
and Aggie Uay Clemens, Frank LeRoy Calver, and Clary Frederick King and Margaret
H:velyn King, and thLt the A';ayor and Clerk be authorized to execute such conveyances.
" Carried t Of
Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Brough that the petition presented to council
to submit to a vote of the electors at the next municipal election for the holding
of Sunday Sports certified by the Clerk as. having been siened by 10% of the electors
be accepted and included in the election by-law. If Ctlrried. If
From Northumberllind-Durhf.lm Health Uni t, Cobourg, in regard to SaIli tary conditions
at the residence of 1.;r. Norman Eenr,ir.lg, 52 Duke St., and i\~r. Alexander Syme,
40 Nelson 3t..,J, and requesting that council take action to have the situation remedy.
Moved by Cr. tirough, seconded by Cr. Preston that the necessury information be sent
to the Health Unit stating that council will take action. "Carried. "
r~d!tq1J ~
Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr~ Brough that the subdivider meet with the
Board of /{orks to discuss the problems ln connection with a sub-division.
" Carried. "
Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Hobbs that the aereement for the Folice force
with amendments De accepted. " Carried. II
1~oved by Dp. Rv. Higgon, seconded by Rv. Carruthers that the price of -i93.00 for
reueirs to the slate roof on the l'own Hull be accepted and thut the TorOlito Slate
Roofing and dteeplejack Co., be acivised accordingly. If Carried. tI
Moved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded by Cr. Presson thfit tt~e l"inbnce Conlmittee meet with the
auditors Johllson Stew&rt end Co. to discuss the 'l'own audit. "~arried. u
Rv. Carruthers asked permission to introduce a by-law of the hOlding of
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October 20, 1958.
Granted and reed the first t4me on motion rule 33 W&3 suspended ar.d cour~cil went
into committee of the whole on secor,d reuding the mayor in the ohair. un cOIl.IDittee
rising the mayor ~'eported the second reuding with all blanks filled in. by-Law
was then read a seClond and third time passed and ordered to te signed and sealed.
On motion council adjourned:
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