HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/03/1958
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COUFCIL ROOI.~, November 3rd, 1958.
Regular meeting of council wo8
Councillor Sturrock, the mayor
meetings were confirmed.
held on above date meI'lbers all present excepting
presiding. Minutes of last reeular tind special
From Strike & Strike requestiIlg to meet with the council to discuss several matters
including Chapel Street Crossinf~ end the present Cemetery situation.
Moved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Hobbs that council meet with Mr. Strike
on Thursday November 6th at 8:00 P.M. " Carried. "
From Association of Assessing Officers, Peterborougtl advising of a meeting to be
held in Belleville on Monday November lOth at 10:00 A.J.:'. tind requesting that the
Assessor attend.
Moved bvRv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Brough thet the Assessor attend the meetinG
with expenses paid. . tt Carried. If
From Departreent of Hip,hways, Toronto, enclosing deed of land adjacent to the service
road to the dest BeElch and requesting that the deed be signed. by the Mayor tlnQ
Moved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Lethangue that the property be taken over from
from the Highway Department and thtit the Uayor end Clerk be authorized to sign the
deed. " Carried. If
From Proctor end Redfern, ConsultinG Engineers, Toronto, inviting Town Officials to
attend the officiel opening of their new head offices. " ReceiVEd & Filed. 11
From Lewis Rundle, 6 Arg~,'le St., re'1uestinr:; the removal of two trees in front of his
Moved by Cr. Preston, seconded by Cr. Presson that
Public J;rofierty Committee with power to act.
From t.':rs. Douf,las. Nichols J Bowrnanville, requesting
onening of 8 Fet ShOf;.
~oved by Cr. lresson, seconded by Cr. Preston that the letter be referred to the
Industrial Corr.missior,er to reply. I' Carried. f1
~'rom Rev. Harold A. 'l'urner, Secretary of the Bowmanville J:ini':iterial Associ<:ltion
peti tionine counci 1 to p8 ss leg! slut ion clos ing the Cemetery to 3ur:da~.. In terme nts
exceptinr: as prescribE.d by the Def'tirtIDBnt of I-ublic HeCilth.
Moved by Dp. Rv. HiggOH, seconded by Cr. Brough that t he Ie t J.,er be referred to tte
Cemetery COITlI1ittee. It Carried. "
From the Board of 'frafis]:'('Irt ComLissionE:r8, Ottawa, enclosine; copy of reuort
approving revisions of the Bell 'l'elephone Corr.par:y's epplico:tion for increase in
. rates. It Recel ved & Filed. "
FroIl ~r: George I~. Young, Secretary-'rree.surer~ Goodyatlr Rod and GUI; Club, requesting
permisslon to hold fin annuel shoot on the Gooayeur prorerty.
Moved by Cr. Fre sson, seconded by Cr. Pre stan the. t ~ir. Young be ad vis ed that
permission has been granted. 11 Carried. 11
From Northumberland Durhurrl Health Unit, Cobourg, enclosing report for -Jeptember 1958
" Received & Filed. "
From Mr. Arthur Nalker, 63 King St. .v., ffiakine application for rebate of property
tfixes on 59 King St. IV., on account of vttc&ncy from ~eptember 30, 1957 to
OC1;ober 1, 1958.
t~oved by Cr. .t'r~stofj, ~p.conded by Rv. Carruthers that the request be referred to the
Gourt of Revision. "Carried. 19
From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advisinF of patients be5nG ed~itted to 03h&w~ Gew8ral
Hosritel ar;d Bowma.nville 1~emorie.l Hosrital. "Received & Filed. "
From Scarborough Genel.~nl Hosrital fHlvisinV of pHtio"nt beirw oamitted to the Losrt.ial.,
" Received & Filed. " !
enclosi.l<g I!;inutes of a lteetiIlg beld on
" Receiv~d & Filed. II
Ltd. ,toronto, enclosinE circular of snow
the request be referred to the
If Carried. n
information in regard to the
From OslH:l.Nh RegioLtil flannint: ~"'.ssociu.tion,
Octobtlr 16th.
From American Coleman Go. of Canuda
clearing 8']U iF'lerl t.
1.oved by Cr. Lathangue, seconded by Rv. Carruthers thAt the letter be referred to
the Board of ,,'orks. " CA.rried. II :
~elevrulT' from the CODsuIfler's GflS. Co., l'orOIJto, .informing ttu."t the coror h.ted tPSCS:)
\ In t~e J urea of the receLt Ent 1 ,Slon 11. Otta...a ShON r10 involvement of nj S ITuin br~i;lks
\ or l<::b.Ks. " Receivt:d (. r'iled. n
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U;/G'i'f .
CQU~"GlT, Errr) hovemLer 3rd, 1958.
From the Consumer's Gus Co., Tors;Jto, ~ncl081T;€, schedule of C<'s rates for 1958 acd
1959. II Received & .fI'iled. fI
.from D8~_'BrtrLent of I'ublic ,ielfaTe, I'oronto in reference to rionemat:€TS ellJ.d l\urse:a
1.~o~!~1 t:' Dp. Rv. HiVEon. seconded by Cr. Lobts that the letter be ref8rrt'd to the
Civic :ind Reli"'f ::::ommittee. tl Cerd6d. II
I.-,oved by Cr. I,,<;ltharwuE', seconced by Hv. Carruthers thElt the by-11:lw resl'ectins
licenses fOT Lursinr Eomes be ref~rl'ed to bv-lu'..~8. " Gprried. II
kovf'!c b~l Cr. i3rf)ugl::~, 8~coTIlied by Dy-. Rv. Hi~'J)"on t1tl'lt th(; Hireman's by-IL.'^, be revie--Ned
u1:d recommendations, br0u€~ht buck to council. " Carried. n
1\',oved by Cr. Hobbs, seconded ty Gr. lethal1l=;ue tlJat the Finance Con-m-dttee be arTo:.r.ted
as a Court of Revision to d'c;:'..l ',-'d_th "'.r:}' rilutters referred to t:.1eIn.
. If C~rried. !I
Rv. Carruthers fresent~d 8 report from t~e Fln~nc1 Committee submitting su~dry
aCcounts amountIng to $ 18,540.40 certifIed as beln~~ corredt and reC01!1I:lendlne
paymeLt. rl Received &. Adopted. II
Movee. by Cr. Brauch, seconded by Cr. Hobbs th<it the Labor Rates be increCi3ed by
.10~ per hour and that 11al1' of the cost of the Hospit61 PlAn, P.S.I. tind Pension
Plan be paid by the 'ToviL effective frori January J, 1959. It Carried. "
~,Ioved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. BroJ.f,fl that the FilHince Comrlittee be
authorize-d to ch&.nge tile 1\;~edic8.1 Ir.surance to P.B.I. eff'ective as from January 1, 1959
" Carried. II
t-;oved by Cr. Brough, seconded by Cr. Lathangue "nut the -Public .school Board be
notified that council have arprover. trJe site for a ne.,; school CiS suggested by the
school bObrd and a r.:eeting be arraneed with the bourd of 'Narks.
It Carried. "
Higgon, seconded by Cr. Prnston thot the Public Frop~rty Corr.mittee
purchase an Electric Saw and Generator at an al'proximf~te cost of
" Carried. "
COIDrrlittee and moved seconded by
" Carried. "
Moved by Dp. Rv.
be auttorized to
Cr. Presson, presented a report from the Police
Dp. Rv. Ein;on that the report be adorted.
Moved by Cr. Presson, seconded by Cr. Preston,
" That a Traffic Advisory Board be set up irwlud~n~" in it'
membership: One Councillor, The Chief of POlice, Tbe ,ii'orks Foremen,
a RepresentEltive from the ChHmber of Commerce and severEd interested
ci tizens nat reore t:tan six in number 8lJpointed by CouEcil from tirEe
to time und this Board elect or select it's o#n chairman, arrallFe
it's own meetings and that proble~s concerning traffic be referred
to it for it's consideration before beinf' dealt '/'lith by CouLcil. ".
lt Carried. "
Rv. Carruthers 8sked permission to introduce the follf)wir;g bY-lm~s.
To appoint R Deputy-Clerk Treasurer.
To Cl.PT:oint a Clerk 'lTAEtSUrer.
To license Nursl.n{"_; HanAs.
Granted And retid the first time. On notioE rule 33 w~s susr.;enul:od Q!ld COULcil went
into cOIl2Plittee 01' the "Nhole, on Second reLtdin':.~ the .:'uqor in the chair for the
purpose of discussing by-1~ws. On cOIT.iD1ittee risir,t: the ,layor reported the second
readiL~ with all bl~Dks filled in. By-Lu~s were then reed b Second hr:~ tLird time
passed bDd ordered to te sirned end sealed.
l;oved by Rv. Carruthers, seconded by Cr. Hobbs tlhi.t council mtlke apl1icL.tion
Post Oftice Departn:ent for Fostul Delivery in the 'Town. " Carried. "
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",,, ,Moved by Cr. l'rBston, seconded by -~:. Presson tn"t the matter of 6 derrecietion fund 'I
! for the }..emorial Arena be referl'ed to the Finance Committee to investigate and report
buck to council. " C&rrled. 11
Rv. Carruthers took the chbir for the purTDse of rassirg e resolution.
W.oved by Mtiyor Osborne, seconded by Cr. Ltithaneue that as from JEinuury 1, 1959 the
renumeration for the mayor be increased to $1,000.00 per annum Hnd that the
Councillors be increased to $500.00 per annum. IP Carried. "
1lo / ~ 97
On ~otion council adjour~ed:
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GOUl'Cll ROD", l;ovember lOth, 1958.
Sr.c:!cial rreeeting of couLcil 'N(lB held on stove date members all present exc€l-,ti;:p
Deputj.' Reeve Higl;;on br.d Coullcillor Preston. 1'he mayor ;>residinc t.nd statSr1 that he
had clllled the npetin~ for th~ purpose of r08~lnr a by-law.
Rv. Carruthers asked Terrr.is~iofj to jr,troducc a by-l8.w /-H.tl,orizing the cOLveyance of
1~l!,c13 in the LO','.'T'lunvlile Cemfltery to Vict0r R. Tooiey.
Granted and read the first tine. On motion rule 33 was susrended and cQunuil w~nt
ir:to 00tlIrdttee 01' the Nftole, on secrmd re8.d::nr, the r:H.:lyor in the chair. On. cQIr:mittee
risinf the ~8yor reIJOrtl!d tile second re~dinr with bll bl~l'ks filled In. By-l~w was
tten reb') a secoIlo ti.me {lnd ] [;in on the ta ':le.
Moved by Bv. Carruthers, s~conded by Cr. Sturrock, ti]~t ul1 chelues or notes 01 the
Corroft:ltion of the Tmvn of' Bo',ymuIiville llrbwn on tiny OCCOUYit with the Bunk of
Uontre&l be SiCrlPd on I,L3 beh1;;lf by J".!81son E. Osborr:e, }'-iayor or iHlfred D. CarrlJr.hers,
Reeve and ~~. J. Lyle, ~reesurer or Clarence d. Oke, or Robert b. Reynolds, AssistaLt
Treasurer. " Carried. "
On motion cou~cil Bd~ourned:
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