HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/26/2018 Special MeetingFinal C141llb°t0Il Special General Government Committee Agenda Date: Friday, January 26, 2018 Time: 9:30 AM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Samantha Gray, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at sgrayCcD-clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of General Government Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a General Government Committee meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. Noon Recess: Please be advised that this meeting will recess at 10:45 AM until 12:30 PM. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net Clarington General Government Committee Agenda Date: January 26, 2018 Time: 9:30 AM Place: Council Chambers 1 Call to Order 2 Adopt the Agenda 3 Declaration of Interest 4 Delegations 4.1 Linda Kent, Library Director, Clarington Public Library and Terry Gray, Clarington Public Library Board, Regarding the 2018 Operating and Capital Budget 4.2 Angie Darlison, Executive Director, and Mike Moynes, President, Bowmanville Older Adult Association, Regarding the 2018 Operating and Capital Budget 4.3 Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth Centre, Regarding the 2018 Operating and Capital Budget 4.4 Dionne Powlenzuk, Executive Director, Mary -Anne Slemon, President and Michael Patrick, Treasurer, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Regarding the 2018 Operating and Capital Budget 4.5 Deb Kalogris, Manager, Clarington Home Support Program and Sally Barrie, Director, Home Support Program, Community Care Durham, Regarding the 2018 Operating and Capital Budget 4.6 Kevin Symak, Chair, Newcastle Community Hall Board, Regarding the 2018 Operating and Capital Budget 5 Adjournment Page 2 Presentations and Handouts 2018 Budget Presentation Terri Gray Clarington Public Library Board Budget Request 2018 Library Costs per Capita, 16 2017 Highlights Community Engagement Lifelong Learning Educational Support T r% r' k N r% I r% ri \ / -1 7-Y SAPE7-y I :", Hoppy Holidays to tokeridge Health Bowmanville �ulients & Familiesti LEW 4 Community Engagement t; Lakeridge Health Alzheimer 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1111 DURHAM MRRKHRM STOUFFVILLE I * Ir HOSPRRI �NIL�EIO�MAR M105�RM3 + ._ Society 13 qv Visual Arts Centre of Clarington I ly.• CIBrinI;.On Art st & Atsor! Outlet DURHAM COLLEGE SUCCESS MATTERS ..I MOVE LEARN PLAY Community 5ervices Department INNUOITME LAP,%VkPLOYMENT ..MEAL M■A UNIVERSITY 1 OF ONTARIO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ONTARIOrumvvtR"' GENERATION C] irnn onrninn Ago I ,jr Lepigeon a besoln cl' un bon. bcq 1 nP '• as du Add tout. 31 �e rLew J E R E M Y i A M K A R o • Fri i Ir-ntinn 2017 It .4% le : r Prl i ir-otinn o I Ci i nnnrt �Jlz 14 -dooi } Orli irntinnnI Ci nnnr Olt or-k rinln I EconomicImpact Z.Z. i Ck ingt" public Liber dNu # ,@f� ZZ 6 Z Q 2'f��'8p',�S�9y4 dap R GD❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ r Bowmanville Older Adult Association 201nnual Report �yy S MissionEtatement • Todpromote4he4iealthbnddhappinessdbfblderbdultsdbyI providingbpportunitiesdto�nhancedtheirAqualitybf4ife. Value s4andC eliefs Hours of Operation: M onday�'m'�'Vednesday�'.^ 83am�P, 61Pm Thursdayt ml,271)m Frl*daylBl,P30 m1la, 41.*30tm Saturdayll&--I6undayl--,4 10 MIA, 51PM Our Facility Welcome to the UPPER LEVEL Clarington_ Beech C t enre AUDITORIUM I"i ILLWRA71aw by PAUL LWINGSTON Membership information: (Validlor*)ne�7eardfromdthectlayc 7oujointind4ivailablecdforcdanyoned55+) Aluembershiptsl�equiredlbyALLIparticipantslnf)rop-..Inlprograms*tthecOAA Your&30AA&4embershipkntitles�7ou4o: y Advanceddregistration4nia11430AA4ZegistereddPrograms y Participation4nda11430AADropAndPrograms y Keepipdated&vith*he4atest4nformationdvia&3OAANewslettersF-mailstandWoicemails y ParticipationdinCOAA4Dayf'rips y AdvanceddDiscountediFickets4oF)pecialF-ventsgzFundraisers y Votingiat*he4hnnualEeneral&Ieeting y Hold&Dfficek)n4he4Governingi3oard*)fdDirectors Meet4otsbf 4iewd'riends Discover&iewliobbies,4skillst)r4alents Become4nvolved4n4neaningful4volunteer&vork y Meet4iewdpeople4n4yourkommunity Program Update %cOf the 368 offered programs 292 ran successfully (79%) ❑ 16 NEW registered programs were implemented ❑ 55 instructors provided programs & courses, 38 were paid, 15 volunteered and 2 were provided by partnership organizations ❑ 70 Weekly drop-in programs were offered ❑ 20 NEW drop-in programs were added ❑ 47 workshops were offered, 22 of which were FREE of charge Marketing & Advertising Trending 2017 Hashtags #BORA #BowmanvilleO1derAdults #BOAAalltheway #BOAAstrong #AgeSuccessfully #VibrantSeniors Do 7n�ry�am O O ® bowmanvflleolderaduks O r COMING #AgeWellLiveWell ° •6 � m IF B36A FAA Lu W .,om Th. Bnxm�mnik Ue.r AduR Aawrr.wn d �:re nor tau •w�•d• � x n xww .m rwur 556 7W 1651 i01 O r0 Track Twe.:tf & replica Mcdt. ■ —1— AOL �au•aa... rro:' o.. r..me.a. .......nw.,m.ln. eau.. s�•Nvc•re. �r * ■�-c•r.l,may e.atKrvr a.er.r rwore.rna... WwYN 0owawnsas-cereaeaeaemswd. 9 Lir 57 , i AdlbL SolIm W.- .mILL 4 Year Tweet activity me 1»..i,..•.r. zsac �mvr.rro�. Who to follow �..,... Ow.kiM. B.a sr v..w. _ 5e • Trips & Travel y The BOAA has three on-going partnerships with local tour providers: o Marigold Travel in Port Perry o Lakeshore Travel in Bowmanville o Kemp Travel in Bowmanville y Each month from January to November with the exception of July & August the BOAA travels to Casino Rama for a Day Trip with over 33 people attending each time ❑ January 2017 — Dominican Republic (7 days) 51 people ❑ March 2017 — Irish Rovers (Day Trip) 49 people May 2017 — Stratford (Day Trip) 52 people C June 2017 — A day in the Country (Day Trip) 42 people ❑ September 2017 — A day to the North (Day Trip) 48 people ❑ November 2017 — Famous Peoples Players (Day Trip) 40 people ❑ November 2017 — Nashville (5 Nights — 6 Days) 52 people Community Outreach Update %cRotary Club of Bowmanville — February 2017 ❑ Newcastle Lions Club — February 2017 ❑ Kawartha Pine Ridge Community Event — March 2017 ❑ Newcastle Community Information Fair — March 2017 ❑ 100 Women Who Care - February & March 2017 ❑ Tradition of Durham Retirement Residence Health Fair — April 2017 ❑ Clarington's Volunteer Stars Event — April 2017 ❑ Hosted the 3rd Bowmanville-Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers & Rovers — April 2017 ❑ Clarington Photography Club — May 2017 ❑ Clarington Secondary School "Own Your Ed" Conference — May 2017 ❑ Bowmanville Rockin' Rotary Ribs & Brews Ribfest — June 2017 ❑ Wilmot Creek Information Expo — June 2017 ❑ Edwardian Afternoon Teas held at Clarington Museums — June through August 2017 Community Outreach Update %o Concerts In The Park, Bowmanville — June through September 2017 ❑ BNI Bowmanville Chapter — July 2017 ❑ Curves Bowmanville Anniversary Event — August 2017 ❑ Hosted KCC Gourmet Catering for "Cooler" Way Home Food Delivery Program — August 2017 ❑ United Way Durham Volunteer Far at Firehouse Youth Centre — September 2017 ❑ Hosted Seniors Information & Active Living Fair in partnership with OACAO and sponsored by the Ministry of Seniors Affairs — September 2017 ❑ Participated in Durham Council on Aging at Durham Regional Headquarters — October 2017 ❑ Hosted Active Aging Canada & Quaich Inc. 2 -Day Leadership Training Workshop — October 2017 ❑ COPE Mental Health & March of Dimes Stroke Support Group — October 2017 ❑ 55+ Active Adults, Municipality of Clarington Older Adult Information & Active Living Fair — November 2017 ❑ OACAO Annual Conference `Aging Well: Celebrate! Educate! Motivate! Appreciate! — November 2017 ❑ Clarington Central Secondary Service Remembrance Day Assembly — November 2017 ❑ 1St Annual Bowmanville Rotary Christmas Market— December 2017 Testimonials RRNLUDFNWRWIQNDUEHFDPHDPH PEHUFDEWLPDJ LEMWP!(RFLDOOLHR�DGEHOLNHEWRWWHZ$ 7KVDVVRFLDWLRrDYHPHWHRSSRUWKNWRVRFLDOLHWRHRUHDGWRFRWULEWHWRPRRPPWWRSHEDGGRRUVWRL)LH(G-VLSV WR FRPSDVVLRQGWRDVHQHRVHORUWkVE)WHHORD ONWURVHaRRUVWLVZ HUH[DPDOD\(UWHHWHGZWK D VPLOHDGUHFRDVLR)'PDNHVPHHHORRGDGORYHSDVVLOWDWHHOLWRWHSHRSOHPHHW 7LVLVPWMDUDVDYROWHHUDGDODVORRNRUDUG WRWIQRMVWLWSWLEMSHRSOHWK)WPHHWDUHNLGU DFLRVDG DSSUHFLDWHHYHUWIME)WWHVWDDGYROVHHUVGRWRWHR$MPRRWIDWLVDORWRRUNRUWHVWDE XVDOOWH YROWHHUVVWHSLQGI80SWRHDVHWI80RDGKNHHYHURRHOR'SUREWREHDYROVHHUDGWRFRO'ULEWHWRWLVVSffHD SODFH •M CCara le Gascon Sol ibruck reviewed BowmanviIle 0Ider Adult Association — 4D June 24-0 recommend it highly- Great place to meet people and get active... Staff is wonderful.. lip Like (� Comment �-'} Shane i)D BowmanvilIe 01 der Adu It Asso ciatio n Write a comment. - Er- 0 � GIF 9 Gerald PeJJey Bo'vrmanvilJe Older Adult Association — M December 11 at4:33pm 0 Like to take a moment to thank all the volunteers and staff at the BOAR for their hard work and dedication for having a great Christmas dinner and dance. I am a fairly new member to the BORA and I am impressed with the staff on being super friendly and always greeting members heart felt smiles. Thank You very much. 0�) Like Q Comment r-> Share (D Susan Jackson 9 - Bowmanville Older Adult Association Thank you so much for your kind words Gerald! It is a pleasure to have you join us at the BOAR and we are thrilled that you can enjoy an active centre! Like Reply Commented on by Chelsea Wolf [?] - December 11 at 5:02pm Write a comment.. 9 Ia 0 0 Testimonials 0 Rosie Robertson reviewed Bowmanville Older Adult Association —4D ••• April 17 - $ The BOAA Centre has been a life -changing experience for my 92 year old mom! She has been with the club for a year now, and it has given her new purpose in life! Without her drivers' license, she became housebound and increasingly unhappy, especially during the winter months, until she became a member. She now enjoys 2 to 3 outings to the club every week, including lunches and chair exercise activities and just LOVES all the friendly people she has met! She can't wait for the wonderrul volunteer drivers to pick her up for h er 'adve nt u re' and always feels welcome at'he r club'. Thank you BOAR for making her feel special and providing such a wonderful place to call hers! I highly recommend this Centre as a place to meet friends and enjoy a tan of wonderful activities. Keep up the great work! 004 1 Comment ff ; ill Like Q Comment r-> Share Bowmanville Older Adult Association Thank you so much. Rosie, for your review of the BOAAI We lave having your mother participate in programs, lunch and in our Wheels -In -Action program. Our aim is to provide an exceptional service to aur members, community partners, volunteers and guests and we are thrilled with the positive feedback! 11 Like Reply 03 2 - Commented on by Chelsea Wolf [?] April 13 at8.22am Write a comment.- 3 � KF 9 Carole McAllister reviewed Bowmanville Dlder Adult Association40 April 12 - 43 1 am new to Bowmanville and found this Centre to be the most friendly and inviting place with activities for all levels of ability. The lunch on Tuesday 11th was delicious and it was nice to meet the visiting high school students who were friendly and interesting and some even enjoyed participating in a Square Dance session with the seniors. I highly recommend this great place as your go -to place to meet people and enjoy an activity or two. There is so much you can da here. ill Like Q Comment r-> Share 8: -W 00 Bowmanville 41 der Adu It Asso ciatio n and Claire McAllister -Gass Bowmanville Older Adult Association Hi Carole! Thank you so much foryour review - we were thrilled to have you join us this past Tuesday and look forward to seeing your face around the centre more often) Welcome to Bowrnanvillei L' Like - Reply Commented on by Chelsea Wolf [?] - April 12 at 10:07am Write a comment... 9 a �F Volunteer Updates 9 295 Registered Volunteers 9 Logged 24710.14 hours Assisting in the following areas: y Administration Assistants y Board Members y Cafe Assistants y Event Assistance y Facility & Maintenance Help y Front Desk Reception y Greeters y Kitchen Assistants y Marketing & Program Promotion y Outdoor Cleaning Crew y Photography & Videography Support y Program Conveners y Program Instructors Y Ticket Sellers y Transportation Providers y Welcome Ambassador Team Wheels in Action y 135 Different Registered Riders y 7543 trips have been provided y Toyota Sienna has 170,365kms bought new in 2011 y Toyota Rav 4 has 114,513 kms bought new in 2012 y 29 Volunteer Van Drivers 4W MembershipSummary Statistics %oTotal Registered Members as of December 31, 2017 is 1744 ❑ Total Registered Guests and Non -Member Participants 646 ❑ 359 New Members registered with the BOAA in 2017 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Membership by Gender Male 485 Female 1271 MembershipbyAge Below 55 23 Ages 55-59 85 Ages 60-64 218 Ages 65-69 377 Ages 70-74 407 Ages 75-79 317 Ages 80-84 188 Ages Over 85 129 Membership by Location City/Town Haydon Enniskillen Kendal Newtonville Hampton Orono Courtice Outside of Clarington Newcastle Bowmanville Total 1 6 6 16 38 72 130 151 301 1023 MembershipVisits by Day 60,4224Checkins 300 OpenB33ddaysl 250 200 150 100 50 0 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Membershipby Visits Month 250 200 - 100 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December Grant Applications & Funding Updates y Municipality of Clarington y Service Canada Summer Student Funding "5 Summer Students" y OACAO Health Fair Funding y Elderly Persons Funding Special Grant "Cafe Support" y Durham College Youth Job Connect Funding "Staffing" y Christina Mary Hendrie Trust "Program Support Funding" y New Horizons for Seniors "Life Through the Lens Series for Seniors" y Multicultural Community Capacity Grant Program `Armchair Travel" Building Utilities 3,500 ■ Electricity 3,000 Water and sewer ■ Natural Gas 2,500 2,000 1,500 1 1 1 1 1,000 1 im_.._.. 500 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ Expenses Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Electricity 3,099.40 2,741.38 3,158.83 2,659.04 2,629.00 2,820.76 2,350.88 2,347.32 2,336.28 2,067.92 2,270.55 0.00 28,481.36 Water4indkewer 96.24 0.00 480.62 0.00 645.94 0.00 614.80 0.00 511.77 0.00 528.54 0.00 2,877.91 NaturalCas 314.88 831.71 977.29 714.24 429.59 145.20 126.32 124.86 170.61 133.03 414.61 1,706.06 6,088.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3,510.52 3,573.09 4,616.74 3,373.28 3,704.53 2,965.96 3,092.00 2,472.18 3,018.66 2,200.95 3,213.70 1,706.06 37,447.67 2017 Unaudited Year End Balance Sheet Bowmanville Older Adult Association Balance Sheet As of 31 Accemher 2017 ASSETS Currant Assets ChequinglSavings 1000 � TD - Operating 1001 PettyCash 10oa • To Lottery 1004 • To Reserves Total ChequinglSavings Accounts Receivable 1200 -A ... nfi, Receivable Total Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets 1499 - Undeposlted Funds 1500 - Prepaid Expenses Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets 1600 - Fumilure & Equipment 1605 - Original Cost 1610 - Accum Depree-Furnit & Equip Total 1600 - Furniture & Equipment 1620 , Leasehold Inprovements 1664 - Leasehold Improvements Total 1620 - Leasehold Inprovements 1630 � Computers 1635 - AJA Computer Equipment 1630 - Computers - Other Total 1630 Computers 1640 , Automobile 1880 - Accum Deprec-Auto 1840 - Automobile -Other Total 1640 • Automobile Total Fixed Asset. TOTAL ASSETS 35,218.41 200-00 31,925.27 53,120.36 120464.04 2,567.40 22,585.63 24,753.23 145,467.27 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities 2200 Vacation pay payable 2210 HST Collected on Sales 2220 HST Paid - ITC 1310 2230 HST PSB Rebate 2240 - HST instalments 2300 - RRSP Contributions EE & ER 2409 - Deferred Revenue Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities 15,363.49 -422341 Equity 11,335.08 3100 • Investment in Capital Assets 3300 Older Adult Capital RF 13,360.00 3400 -Older Adult Operating RF -541. 3580 Lottery Fund 13.360.00 3900 Unrestricted Surplus -796.00 Net Income 5,889.50 Total Equity 6,091 50 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY .9, 000.0c 10,1100 00 1,000.00 31,78668 177,253.85 15,547.09 35,128.63 •25,487,76 -1,493.53 -10,540.09 1.6-24.89 275.74 15.995.02 15,995.42 15,995.02 24,127.65 18,044.26 34,897.74 10,276-24 52,621.15 21,331.79 161,258.83 177,263.86 2018 Proposed Revenue Budget Revenue Budget 147,700 314,502.48 43,000 152,000 36,000 90,000 47,500 24,700 8,400 3,600 12,600 30,000 2018 Proposed Expense Budget Expense Budget Salaries & Benefits (Full & Part Time) 539,502.48 Registered Program 15,000 Drop -In Program 2,500 Wheels in Action 8,400 Wheels in Action'Replcement 3,600 Advertising 45,000 Maintenance 451000 uiiuiiuiiuillillllll IIIIIIIIIIIIP. Utilities / Telephone 58,000 Other 15,000 Administration & General 34,000 Insurance 7,000 Grants 557000 Total 910,002.48 2018 Proposed Expense Budget Continued Expense Fundraising Hospitality Amortization of Assets Total 910,002.48 Budget 40,000 32,000 10,000 } -'�� - ��'. ��yl ::�{• ''�`� I• � •' til 7 � r n Jr LAI TA im �y`'� s i NL, `� I � 8 Budget20 PrAv sentati� Presented To Clarington Council On Friday January 26t", 2018 the johnHoward SOCIETY OF DURHAM REGION 11 )HOU5 s ��:. „� _�,,, "t f9� i h . i -,�ti '� r., - � � - �� � f � � T t �� r: �� �, �.. � . V -v 1-4yw-vf- 0 HEALTH DEPARTMENT }1 - r. J 11 i �� r Youth and Grant Growth [%l [2010 Basel Y99% 300% 259% 258% 259% 250% 240% 200% Youth Growth % 150% —Grant Growth % 100% 12 51% 50% 0 4% 16% 16% 16% 20% 20"/0 29% 0% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 i �� r i �� r - F- - - -- 1 ai r w -7111 = Visual r Arts Centre r r rrrr of Cladngton Now- Encouraging The In Our Community Community Care Durham Supporting People, Strengthening Community � �+. _. -� ._.� 1� �� �_::.