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Council Minutes
March 26 1984
Minutes of a Regular meeting of Council
held on Monday, March 26, 1984, at 7 p.m.
in the Council Chambers
The Mayor called the meeting to order and
led in prayer
Roll Call
Present were: Mayor Garnet B. Rickard
Councillor Ann Cowman
Councillor Diane Hamre
Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs
Councillor Marie Hubbard, until 9:45 p.m.
Councillor R. Bruce Taylor
Councillor E. R. Woodyard
Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, D. Johnston
Deputy Clerk, Gertrude Gray
Treasurer, Kathryn Campbell
Director of Planning, T.T.Edwards
Director of Public Works, R.Dupuis
Director of Community Services, T.A.Fanning
Resolution #C-188-84
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held
on Monday, March 12, 1984, at 9:30 a.m. in Court Room #2
be approved as read.
Mayor Rickard welcomed the packs of Cubs and Scouts
in the audience.
Road Closing
and Conveyance
BY-law 84-41
Darcy Street
No person was present to speak to by-law 84-41 ,being
a by-law to stop-up and close and to authorize the
sale of all of unopened Darcy Street, between Blocks
'E' and 'I', C.G. Hanning Plan of Part of Lot 28 in
the Broken Front Concession of the former Village of
Newcastle, now in the Town of Newcastle.
Counc il Mi nutes
March 26 1984
- 2 -
Dshawa and
Hel p Centre
Mr. John Bunner and Mr. Tom Simmons of the
Dshawa and District Unemployed Help Centre
addressed Council requesting a grant for the
Centre. The Centre opened in April of 1983
funded by a grant from the Federal and Provincial
Governments. The funding will end in April and
they are requesting financial aid from municipalities
to carryon. Mr. Bunner, on staff at the Centre,
descibed the services available to non-union and
union people, relative to problems with
unemployment, Workers Compensation, Pension Benefits,
and D.H.I.P. Premium Assistance. He stated that
they are seeking status under the United Way Appeal
for the 1984/1985 season.
Jaycees re
Soper Creek
Mr. Rick Keeler, Project Manager of the Bowmanville
Jaycees spoke to Council relative to the development
of a park on Town land opposite to the Bowmanville
Zoo. He said that the Jaycees are willing to enter
into an agreement with the Town relative to this
Mr. Reg. Willatts
Re Road placement
Cean Investments
Hi gh Street
Mr. Reg. Willattsaddressed Council. He said he spoke
on behalf of other residents on High Street, Mr. & ~1rs.
Koning and Mr. & Mrs. Robertson. They object to the
road placement on the latest revision to the Cean
Investment subdivision Plan on High Street. He said
the proposed road was too narrow and would run too
close to the abutting properties. He has no objection
to the previous plan which had the roads exiting at
First and Second Streets. He also apoke of possible
drainage problems, increased traffic, problems with
lights from traffic exiting onto High Street and
possible devaluation of property. He felt that the
abutting property owners should have been notified
of the road change on the plan before it was approved
by Council.
Resolution #C-189-84
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT Mr. Zygocki or his agent, Mr. D. Biddle be heard.
Co~ncil Minu.tes
- 3 -
March 26 1984
M. Zygocki
Mr. M. Zygocki, representing Cean Investments
addressed Council to answer ~1r. Willatt$ objections.
He asked that his Engineer, Mr. D. Biddle be allowed
to speak on his behalf.
Mr. Biddle said that his firm became involved in the
project in 1982. The road system in the subdivision
was too long in proportion to the number of lots being
developed. A berm was required along the railroad as
a sound barrier. There were houses facing the railroad.
He had prepared a new plan, which has now been approved
by Council, which had 250' less road length. There
would still be a berm but it is now located on private
property and would be privately maintained. The location
of the present road had been carefully considered. The
lot on which it would be built is 55' wide and High Street
is only 49'6" wide. The roadway would be curbed and there
would be a boulevard l5'to 20' wide between the roadbed
and the property lines. On the south side of the road
the boulevard would be narrower as the house is set
back 20' from the road allowance. Relative to drainage,
the new road would have curbs and would be below the
elevation of the surrounding property. There would be
no effect on the weeping tile and underground drainage
of Mr. Wi11att~ property.
Resolution #C-190-84
Mr. D. Biddle
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
for Information
THAT the communications to be received for Information
be approved, except for 1-2 and 1-7.
1-1 - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re
OBIAA Annual Meeting and Conference April 24 & 25
1984, Toronto.
1-3 - Organization of Small Urban Municipalities re
31st Annual Conference in Stratford May 2 to
5th, 1984.
1-4 - Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee
re Minutes of a meeting of February 22, 1984.
1-5 - Boy Scouts of Canada, West Durham District re
Guide/Scout Week.
Council Mi nutes
- 4 -
March 26 1984
1-6 - Clarke Museum & Archives re minutes of a
meeting held on February 13, 1984.
1-8 - Ministry of the Attorney General re Drinking/
Driving Countermeasures Unit.
1-9 - Ministry of the Solicitor General re Joint
Emergency Planning Program (JEPP).
Resolution #C-191-84
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT 1-2, Addiction Research Foundation re Durham
Addiction Week for 1984, October 21-28 be received
for information.
Resolution #C-192-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the previous correspondence request be approved
and Addiction Week be proclaimed according to Town
Pol icy.
Resolution #C-193-84
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
Port Granby
Waste Management
Facil ity
THAT 1-7, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, re
Port Granby Waste Management Facility, be received for
i nformati on.
Resolution #C-194-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the previous correspondence also be referred to the
Port Granby Monitoring Committee.
Council Mi nutes
- 5 -
Ma rch 26 1984
Resolution #C-195-84
Cycl i ng
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the correspondence dated March 6th, 1984, from
Mr. Ernest W. Painter, Solicitor, 47 Harring Cross
Street, Brantford, Ontario, N3R 2H4, requesting
information with respect to Automotive Cycling
Yards and the by-laws of the Town relating to such
operations be received and referred to staff for
review and report to the General Purpose and Adminstration
Resolution #C-196-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the correspondence dated March 15th, 1984 and the
attachments thereto, from Herbert A. Epp, M.P.P., Waterloo
North, requesting Council's comments respecting the
Unconditional Grants structure recently announced by
the Ministe~of Municipal Affairs and Housing and
Transportation and Communications be received and
referred to staff for review and report to the General
Purpose and Administration Committee, as a combined report.
Resolution #C-197-84
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre
Girls Slow
Pitch Association
THAT the correspondence from Mr. Don Hamilton, Co-Chairman
of the Newcastle Girls Slow Pitch Association re 1984
Grant, be recei ved and referred to "Other Bus i ness~' .
Resolution #C-198-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor
Port Granby
THAT the correspondence from Mr. J. Veldhuis, Chairman
Port Granby Monitoring Committee be received and Council
approve of the plan of action contained in the correspondence.
Counc n Minute.s
Nurses Week
- 6 -
Ma.rch 26 1984
Resolution #C-199-84
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the vacancy on the Port Granby Monitorin9 Committee
be referred to the Striking Committee.
Resolution #C-200-84
Moved by Council 1 or Hobbs, seconded by Counci 11 or Hubbard
THAT the correspondence dated March 8th, 1984, from
Anna Maria Bragg, R.R.#4, Bowmanville, L1C 3K5, requesting
that Council proclaim the week of May 6th to 12th, 1984
as "Nurses Week" in the Town of Newcastle, be received; and
THAT the request referred to herein be approved and
proclaimed in accordance with Town Policy.
Resolution #C-20l-84
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT there be a short recess.
Resolution #C-202-84
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT WHEREAS on April 13th, 1982, the Council of the
Corporation of the Town of Newcastle did, by resolution
#C-272-82 approve Item #2 of the Chai rmil1' s Report of
the General Purpose and Administration Committee meetin9
of April 5, 1982, respecting Pythbow Developments Limited
proposed shopping centre at the 401 Highway and Waverly Road;
AND WHEREAS Council Reso 1 uti on #C-272-82 re-affi rmed
Council's previous pOSition opposing the proposed
development and authorized staff and the Town's Solicitor
pursuant to Section 3 of General Purpose and Administration
Resolution #GPA-442-82 "to file an objection to said
approval and request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing to refer the subject amendment to the application
to the Ontario ~lunicipa1 Board;"
council Minutes
- 7 -
March 26 1984
AND WHEREAS following a review of the Bowmanville
Improvement Area (D.B.I.A. Consultant's Market
Study and Analysis) there appear to be conflicting
findings that make the Study somewhat less than
AND WHEREAS the Regional Municipality of Durham have
agreed to provide the necessary services to Pythbow
Developments Limited Lands;
AND WHEREAS the servicing of the Pythbow lands would
result in benefit to other developers and property
owners in the area;
AND WHEREAS in times of restraint it would be unwise
for the Council of the Town of Newcastle to retain legal
counsel to oppose this application for development
because of the significant costs that could result from
such a heari ng;
Town of Newcastle reassess its position with respect
to 'the proposed Pythbow Developments Limited Shopping
Centre and rescind Council Resolution #C-272-82, and
that staff and the Town's Solicitor take no further
action on this matter or carry the Town's position to
the Ontario Municipal Board.
Recorded Vote
Notice of Motion
Councillor Hubbard withdrew her Notice of Motion
relative to Pythbow Developments Limited, from
the Agenda.
Resolution #C-203-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
G.P.A. Report
Meeting of
March 19 1984
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee
Chairman's Report of Meeting of March 19, 1984 be
approved, except for Item 1
Council Mi nutes
Port Oarl ington
Shore 1 i ne
Agreemen t
Job Oescripti on
Lead Hand
Community Services
Oepa rtment.
Scugog Street
- 8 -
March 26 1984
Resolution #C-204-84
Moved by Counci 11 or Hamre, seconded by Counci 11 or Hobbs
THAT Item 1 be approved.
Resolution #C-205-84
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the recommendations in Report PO-76-84 be endorsed
1. The Report be received.
2. The attached by-law authorizing the execution
of an agreement between Newcastle Shoreline
Properties Limited and the Corporation of
the Town of Newcastle be passed; and
3. The Town Clerk and Mayor be authorized to execute
the subject Subdivision Agreement upon payment
of all monies due under the terms of the
Subdivision Agreement.
Resolution #C-206-84
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the recommendation in Report ADmin 33-84, Job
Description for Lead Hand in the Community Services
Department, be approved and the report be received and
Council adopt Community Services Report CD-02-84,
amended by the General Purpose and Administration
Committee meeting on March 19 1984.
Resolution #C-207-84
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the recommendation in Report WD-38-84 be endorsed
The report be received.
Three certified copies of the following resolution
be forwarded to C.P.Rail:
"THAT the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle
does not object to C.P. Rail abandoning and
removing the industrial spur crossing Scugog
Street, at grade, provided that there are no
objections from the industries being served by
sai d rail spur"
Council Mi nutes
- 9 -
~1arch 26 1984
Resolution #C-208-84
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the previous report be tabled pending
notification of the property owners in the
Resolution #C-209-84
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre
Oshawa and
Help Centre
THAT Mr. Bunner's delegation be acknowledged and
the town grant $1,000. from the Town's Grant
Reserve Fund to the Oshawa and District Unemployed
Help Centre as a start-up grant for 1984 only.
Recorded Vote
Ri cka rd
Resolution #C-210-84
Bowman vi 11 e
re Park
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT Mr. Rick Keeler's delegation on behalf of the
Bowmanville Jaycees be acknowledged and the request
re park at Soper Creek be referred to Staff and the
Director of Community Services for a report to
the General Purpose and Adminstration Committee.
Resolution #C-211-84
Mr. R. Wi 11 atts,
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT Mr. Wi11atts' delegation be acknowledged and the
Council of the Town of Newcastle advise the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing that the Town wishes to
revert to the Plan of Subdivision (Revision #3) of the
Cean Investments subdivision on High Street, and the
delegation be advised of Council's actions.
Council Minutes
- 10 -
March 26 1984
Resolution #C-2l2-84
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the previous resolution be amended by adding
"and Resoltuion #C-820-83" be rescinded".
Resolution #C-2l3-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the matter be referred to staff for a report
to the General Purpose and Administration Committee.
Recorded Vote
Hubba rd
Ri ckard
Resolution #C-2l4-84
Cean Investments
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT Mr. Zygocki and Mr. Biddle's delegation be
acknowledged and they be advised of Council's
Resolution #C-2l5-84
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following
by-laws and they now be read a first time:
84-39 - being a by-law to amend by-law 76-25
of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle
(Sign by-law).
Council Mi nutes
- 11 -
March 26 1984
By-l aws
84-40 - being a by-law to amend by-law 78-38
entitled "a by-law to provide for the
licensing and regulating of places of
amusement within the Town of Newcastle.
84-41 - being a by-law to stop-up and close and
to authorize the sale of all of unopened
Darcy Street, between Blocks 'E' and 'I'
C. G. Hanning Plan of Part of Lot 28
in the Broken Front Concession of the former
Village of Newcastle now in the Town of
84-42 - being a by-law to authorize the execution
of an Agreement with "Total Fi re Al arm
Verifi cati on Incorporated" for a study of
fire protection services for the Town of
Newcas tl e.
84-43 - being a by-law to authorize the execution
of an Agreement between the Corporation of the
Town of Newcastle and Her Majesty the Queen,
in right of the Province of Ontario,
represented by the Ministry of Transportation
and Communications.
84-44 - being a by-law to authorize the entering
into of an Agreement with Newcastle Shoreline
Properties Limited.
Resolution #C-216-84
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
Second Readi ng
of By-l aws
T~AT the second reading of the following by-laws be
Resolution #C-217-84
Thi rd Readi ng
of By-l aws.
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the third and final reading of the following
bY-laws be approved:
84-39, 84-40, 84-41, 84-42, 84-43, 84-44.
Counc i1 Mi nutes
- 12 -
March 26 1984
Resolution #C-2l8-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor
Senior Citizens
THAT WHEREAS Property Taxes appear to be causing a
hardship for some of our senior property owners;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff investigate,
review and report on the by-laws of the City of
North York, which allow the Municipality to credit
or refund a portion of the property taxes on a
property owned and occupied by a Senior Citizen and/or
their spouse, said credit or refund to be registered
as a lien against the property and recoverable at the
time of change in ownership; and further, that this
report come to the General Purpose and Administration
Committee within 30 days.
Recorded Vote
Ri ckard
Resolution #C-219-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
Regi ona 1 Level
of Servi ces -
Snow Removal
and Sweeping
THAT the Town of Newcastle ask the Region of Durham
to reassess its level of service related to snow removal
and street sweeping to those business cores across the
Region that are located on a Regional Road and further
that the Town ask the Region of Durham to consider the
Town of Newcastle offering its services in performing
snow removal on the Region's behalf on Regional Road
No. 17 in the business Section of Orono.
Recorded Vote
Yea Absent
. Cowman Hubbard
Council Minutes
Ma rch 26 1984
- 13 -
Councillor Hamre presented a Report on
the Ganarask Region Conservation Authorrty
Task Force Committee.
Resolution #C-220-84
Task Force
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT Councillor Hamre's report be received and
Council respond.
Resolution #C-221-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor
Community Service
Order Programme
THAT the Town of Newcastle congratulate the Community
Service Order Board and the Agencies involved, for
their commitment in making the Town a better place to
1 i.ve.
Resolution #C-222-84
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the letter from the Newcastle Girls Slow Pitch
Association be acknowledged;
Girls Slow
AND FURTHER THAT the Association be informed that the
Town has operated this program at a surplus for a
number of years and that Council's grant of $700. was
to assist in the purchase of equipment for the Association
in its first year of independent operation and further
that a substantial expansion of the program in 1984
as proposed by the Association, was not in Council's
mind when the grants were reviewed at budget time,
but that such expansion mi9ht take place in 1985
or subsequent years using any surplus funds which the
1984 and subsequent years' operation of the program,
might generate, which would accrue to the Association.
Council Mi nutes
- 14 -
March 26 1984
Resolution #C-223-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the matter be referred to Councillor Taylor,
Community Services Liaison, and the Director of
Community Services to dialogue with the group
and report back to Council.
Resolution #C-224-84
By-law 84-45
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 84-45,
being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the
Council of the Town of Newcastle at this meeting held
on the 26th day of March, 1984, and the said by-law
be now read a first time.
Resolution #C-225-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the second reading of by-law 84-45 be approved.
Resolution #C-226-84
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the third and final reading of By-law 84-45 be
Resolution #C-227-84
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:10 p.m.
,/7 Mayor
dI fP.(~./aJ.~