HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/1959
A regular meeting of the BO\Manville Town Council was held
at 8:30 p.m. on December 14th, 1959, in the To1tm Hall,
All members present. Mayor W.D. Carruthers in the Chair.
(See Page 3 for Adoption of Minutes)
1. Lake Ontario Anti-Pollution Acsociation.
"Over the course of the past year, a number of interest-
ed municipalities hav'", encoura!1.;ed the formation of the sub-
ject association. The .f1inutAs of the last meeting of the
Directors of this association are enclosed for your inform-
Moved by Councillor O. J. Presson,
Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks,
That this bc reforreJ to the 1960 Council.
The Towll.2f2ct2!}. - requcsting endorsation of the following
"Wher.,as the Council of the Town of Acton has witnessed
numerous attempts by its residents to obtain emplo~uent and
have found that in many cases age has appfJared to be the
only deterrent, we as a Council, repr2sentin~ said tax payers
deem it timely and exp()dient that action be taken to re:"1ove
this unneccessary and discriminating practice.
Vie in Common with all bodies in the r1unicipal field must
realize that if this matter is not sensibly r8s01ved, that
our taxpayers thus affected as all other taxpayers, are re-
fused the right to earn a livin~ wherebv they may honor their
Numbered amongst these is of conrse their ability to
make tax payments, ect. on hm"l8s or properties which in ev(mt
of this practice becoming widespread, as evidence indicates
would become most harmful to Municipalities attempting to
honor debenture debts, etc.
We sincerely hope that you will see fit to endorse our
resolution, that action will be taken at Frovincial and Fed-
eral levels by our various representatives.
It is recommended that if endorsem(mt is approved, that
copies of resolution with your favourable comments be forward-
ed to the Provincial and Federal Gov(~rnment representative in
your area."
floved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
That the above resolution be endorsed.
. .
- 2 -
3. Town of Orangeville - requesting endorsation of the follow-
ing resolution:
"Be it resolved by this Council that we most strongly
recommend to the Minister of r~ducation that all Public School
buildings erected in 1960 and ther~after other than those al-
ready planned be at least two stories in height. This we be-
lieve will be a great saving in view of the continued high
COit of educating our youth. That a copy of this resolution
be mailed to 50 communities asking their endorsation."
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs,
That the above resolution be endorsed.
Canadian Institute 0;: Se\'mge..,jlncL.Sar1]._tation.
"I have pleasure in enclosing a copy of a resolution
adopted by the Canadian Institute on S8\"mge and Sanitation
at the Annual Convention in Toronto on Septef'lber 29th."
Moved by DeputY-tleeve Brough,
Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs,
That this letter be received and filed.
5. BOW@:'3.nvj..11eJlannil}g Bo_ard_ letter - November 26/59.
"At a recent mfJeting of the FlanninG Board, it was app-
roved by the Board to recomnend to the Municipal Council
that we rezone TOIm Lots 53 and 54 in Block "D", Grant Plan,
Township Lot 13, Conces3ion 1, Bowmanville from residential
to commercial zone.
He refer to the south eastern 103s fronting on the King-
ston Road or old ;10. 2 Highway, just ,last of :1averley Hoad.
This property is better known as the Patterson and Wilkins
propc,l ties. "
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor Presson,
That the recommendations of the Bowmanville Planning
BORrd be adopted.
6. Strike & Stri~~ letteF_~ Re: H. F. Bromell, December 11/59.
!tWe have been instructed by the Town of Bowmanville to
advise you that unless the pig pen you erected recently in
contravention of the Town of Bowmanville Zoning By-Lavi is
removed within 10 days of the date of this letter the Town
~~l: hRve no alternative but to lay a charge under the Zoning
By-Law. We understand that when you applied to Mr. Moore
for a building permit you were advised that the erection of
the pit'" pen vlould be contrary to the Zoning By-Law.!t
Moved by Councillor Sturrock,
Seconded by Councillor I-Ticks,
That Mr Bromell be informed that he is in a conservation
area and his present building must be removed.
- 3 -
7. C. Ferguson - Drainage
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Councillor Hobbs,
That the necessary sanitary sewer be installed on
~lr. Fer~uston's property, at a cost of approximately ;$250.00
and 'that Mr. Ferguson be given two years to pay for same.
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Councillor Presson,
That the Council Minutes d"ted November 2nd, November
17th, and November 19th, as printed, be and thc" same are
hereby adopted.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
Seconded by Reeve Higgon,
That the Board of Works Minutes dated November 10th,
November 24th, and DecembGr 8th, as printed, be and thE, same
are hereby adopted.
Moved by Councillor Sturrock,
Seconded by Councillor L. Preston,
That the accounts of the CemetE2:Y Accounts attached here-
to in the amount of $29.3$ be and are hereby passed for
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Reeve Higgon,
That the accounts of the Roads & Streets attached hereto
in the total amount of $$,299.08 be and are her,"by passed for
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Councillor Presson,
That the accounts of the Police Department attached hereto
in the total amount of $469.07 be and are hereby passed for
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
3econded by Reeve Higgon,
That the accounts of the Dog Control attached hereto, in
the total amount of $87.96, be and aI'S hereby passed for
4- -
Moved by Councillor O. J. Presson,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
That the accounts of the Public ProDcrtv attached hereto
in the total amount of ~9,265.21 1)8,--~nd-:c:rc hereby passed
for p":lymc~nt.
M~ved by Councillor L. Preston,
Seconded by Councillor 11.. Sturrock,
That thG accounts of tiw itelier Comnittioe attac~lOd hereto
in the total ,,-mount of $1,065.93 be, and arc hereby passed for
Movi,d by Councillor 1. Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve; Brough,
That the accounts of the Finance CO~Qittee attached here-
to in the total amount of $3,589.19 be, and are h[,rc,by passed
for paY"lcnt.
Moved by Councillor K. Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor L. Preston,
That the accounts of tho Fire DCDartmcnt attached hereto
in the total amount of ,,;>78.98 be, nnd are hc)"rccby pClssed for
Moved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by Debuty-R'3f~vc Brour;h,
That the accounts of the Accounts Paid Prior attached
hereto in the total a-1Ount of :;)>169,418.55 be, and are hereby
passed for payment.
Moved by Councillor K. Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
That the Strike & Str! ke Account in thn amount .f ~~35. 00
be and the Silm8, is heni"by passed for payment.
~i[oYed by Councillor Presson,
Secondnd by Councillor Lilthang\lc,
That this report be received and filed.
Moved bv Councillor Lathan~ue,
Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs,
That this be received and filed.
- 5 -
Dog Control
October: No. of animals picked up:
42 dogs - 12 cats.
November: 110. of aniI'Eds picked up:
41 dogs - 12 cats.
M0ved by Deputy-Reeve Brou.q;h,
Seconded by Councillor O. Prosson,
That the Do,,: Control Officer b rG0uostod to break
down th'J number of d..)gs cclUght in Darlington 'md Bowmanville.
C'31l.tI-=y_L-,ak~,-Qntario_C_qjlservation Authority.
HO'fc'd by Councillor O. J. Presson,
S', cond.3d by Councillor A. Sturrock,
That this bi) receiv()d and filed.
BY-LAWS - First and sc;cond nJadinc>;.
Moved by Reeve Hi,,:,,:on,
Second\:d by Deputy-He'we Brouo:h,
That the mow,r be ,,:ranted lCl'lve to introduce a by"'law
to borrOlv \~17,950.00 by \-lay of a temporary advance to meet
the cost of a nH'1 fire truck.
Said by-law be now read a first ;end sucond tine..
/.10ved by Deputy-Reeve Brou,,;h,
SGconded by Councillor Hobbs,
That the; mover be g;r:mt.;d leave to introduce 'l by-law to
borrow ~22,900.00 by way ofa temporary advance to meet the
cost of certain 2.oc21 L~provur.pnt s.
Said: by-law be LO\.r read a Pirst and second time..
Moved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-Re"ve Brough,
That the Council now rise and go into the Cor.writtee of
the v'lhole for the:, constderiJtion of four by-laws ~
~,1ov"d bY Counc1.llor K. Lathanp;ue,
Seconded by Councillor O. Fresson,
Tha.t the Committee now rise and report favourably to
Council on the four by-laws diseuss.3d in the Commit,tGG of the
1., Purch'HsB new FIr (-3 'Eruck.
2., Watermain - Scugag StrE,et..
3~ Tumpol':lryadtvance.. 22,':100.00
local improVUffiunts..
4.. T(jmporary advance., 17,950.00
Fire Ti'u'ck
. ... . ~Jl
- 6 -
BY-LAliS - Third reading.
Moved bv Councillor O.J. Presson,
SGconded by Councillor LathanGue,
That the By-Law to authorize th~ construction of a
wat(Jrmain on Scugo!,: Str'cet, b() nmv rl>"d, .'! third tir:lG,
pass,~d and Number(jd By-Law No. 1745.
Moved by Councillor A. Sturrock,
Seconded by Councillor L. Preston,
Tilat thf" 3y-Lil'J to authoriz" the purcrns., of a fire
truck in the amount of 317,950.00 be rend a third time,
passed and nunber"d Bv- Ln.w No. 1746.
Carrii.~d .
Moved by Councillor L. Pr8ston,
S)conc1Gd by Councillor K. Nicks,
That thu By-Law to ~'uthorize the borrowinG of :.p22,900.00
by 1'1'1" of a tcqporary advance to m,,: ct the cost of c2rtain
local improvements be now read a third time, nassed and
numbcTed By-Law !lo. 1749.
Moved bv Councillor K. Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor L. Preston,
That the By-Lilw to authorize the borrovring of ~::,17}950.00
by vBY of a temporary advnncG to t'lcet th..' cost of a new fire
truck be now ru,"d a third time, p.1.ssed and numbered By-LOlw
No. 1750.
Boxing D~.
i'loved by De;puty-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Coull,;illor Lath.mgu8,
That SaturdilY, Dec':c1b"r 26th, be) proclaimed as Boxing Day.
Consumers' Gas Si~n.
Moved by Councillor K. Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor Preston,
That the To',m of BowmanvilL; accept the sign and that the
Industrial Commissioner send a letter thanking them for SOlme.
Traffic - T:),.)2ch Avenue.
Moved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
That this bo referred to the 1960 Council.
Moved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor Presson,
That the meeting adjourn at 10:30 p.m.