HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/1959 (Special) ~- '!" ,F A special Council meetin~ was held on Tuesday, November 17th, in the Town Hall, Bowmanville. All members present. Mayor W.O. Carruthers in the Chair. Tenders, Re: Flett Sub-division. Moved by Councillor O. Presson, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, That these tenders be opened. Carried. The following tend8rs were received: 1. Alrex Contracting .Ltd. ............ . $ 17,742.20 2. Dagmar Construction Ltd. . ........;0.' $ 19,597.09 3. Tripp Construction Ltd. ............ . $ 28,207.00 4. F. E. Shaw Ltd. . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. $ 33,754.40 . Moved bv Councillor O. Presson, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, That this be referred to our Consulting Engineers for recommendation. Carried. E. Banting, Re: Re-zoning of southern portion of his property on \Vaverlev Road. Moved by Councillor O. Presson, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That this be referred to the PlanninG Board for their consideration and recommendation. Carried. . Bowmanville Planniny r,oard letter dated November 10~-9-. "At our planninq; board meRtine; on !'Ionday night, November 9th, a verbal request was made by Mr. W. Fise, to have the lower portion of his proP8rty known as part of th8 Southern portion of Township lot 13, Concession 1, Town of BowmanvillR, re-zoned from existing residential to light ind~stry. After due consideration of the main reason for this re- quest, it was unal1inously carried that we recommend to Council that this lower portion of the entire Township lot 14 bordering on the Base Line Road in the 1st. Concession be re-zoned, to a depth of 80 rods, from residential to light industry. In this cOn'~ction it was also recommended that we re-zone 80 rods, from the northern portion of the existing light industrial zone in adjacent To,vnship lot 13, Concession 1, to residential to fi'omp8nsate for this new re-zone request. M~ved by Reeve W~ Higgon, Seeonded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, That the above recoDmendation be accepted and the necessary by-law be prepared. Carri8d. ~. - " /' . . -.. .2. Water-main and Sewer on Base Line. Moved by Councillor O. Presson, Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue) That the Town hold in abeyance the laying of the water-main and sewer along the Base Line to 300 feet west of l;laverley Road" until the To,m received a firm legal commitment from ~~. E. Bant- ing for a period of four years to re-sell at approx- imately his cost the portion zoned as Industrial land to Industrie. which mClY satisf,'ctorily locilte there. Carried. It was decid0d that anoth~r spEcial me~ting would be h01d on ThursdilY, Nov,mber 19, 1959, Moved by Councillor K. L2thangu"", Scco ndGd by Councillor A. SturroCk, That the meeting be adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Carried. ~lAYOR CLERK