HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1959 (Special) ~ . A regular meeting of the Bowmanville Town Council was hel~ on October 5th, at $:00 p.m. in the Town Hall, Bowmanville. All members present. Mayor W.D. Carruthers in the Chair. Moved by Councillor Sturrock, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That the Council Minutes dated September 14th, & 24th, as printed be and the same are hereby adopted. Carried. CORRESPONDENCE . Ratepayers Association Letter dated September 25th, 1959. "I have been instructed by the Executive of the Bowman- ville Ratepayers Association to \vrite to you to ask if the one (1) mill allocated to the Industrial Commission and the one (1) mill allocated to the Recreation Department is to be continued. We would appreciate arepl:;- from you on this matter." Reeve Higgon replied to the enquiry regarding the Industrial Commission and Councillor K. Nicks and the Clerk replied to the item regarding the Recreation Department. . Ratepayers Association Letter dated September 25th, ~959. "Ihave been instr'ucted.by the Executive of the Bowman- ville Ratepayers Association to inform yoU that the Rate- payers of the Town of Bowmanville have chosen Mr. James Coyle to represent the B.R.P.A. on the Arena Committee. We sincerely hope that this meets with the approval of The Town Council." Moved by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor Preston, That Mr. James Coyle be appointed to fill the balance of the term of Mr. R. Watt on the Bowmanville Arena Co~aittee. Carried. Municipal Planning Consultants Letter dated September 24/59. "We are pleased to enclose twenty copies (20) of our re- port "North Neighbourhood Study, Town of Bowmanville." Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough, That the Planning Board be asked to attend a meeting with Council and the Planning Consultant on Thursday, October 15/59. Carried. " . . . .. 2 ... The Department If Mdnicipal Affairs Letter dated September 29! Rel Winter Work Cheques in the amount of $5111.55 and $~523.58. Moved by Councillor Preston, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That this be received and filed. Carried. Thank You note - Kitney Family. Received and Filed. Strike & Strike Letter dated September 30th, 1959. lIRe: Viaverley Roadl<lidcming. All the deeds in connection with the Waverley Road Widening have now been registered." Meved by Councillor K. Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That this be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough, Seconded by Reeve Higgon, That the Board of Works minutes dated September 22nd, 1959, as printed, be and the same are hereby adopted. Carried~ Moved by Councillor I. Ho~bs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough, That the Finance minutes dates September 16th, aud Sept. 22ndl as printed, be and the same are hereby adopted. Carried. ACCOUNTS Moved by Depnty-Reeve Brough, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, That the accounts of the Hwads and Streets attached heretl, in the total amount of $3723.28 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough, Seconded by Reeve Higgon, That the accounts of the DO~ Contril Committee attached hereto, in the total amount of~ 19.38 be and are hereby passed for. payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That the accounts of the Police Committee attached hereto in the total amount of $101.57 be and are hereby passed for pay- ment.. Carried. . t. 3 .-: Moved by Councillor Preston, Seconded by Councillor Sturrock, That the accounts of the Relief Accounts attached hereto in the total a~ount of ~1349.06 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hobbs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough, That the accounts of the Finance Committee attached here- to, in the total amount of $2720.05, be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Sturrock, Seconded by Councillor Preston, . That to in the payment. the accounts of the Cemetery Committee attached here- total amount of $179.00 bo and are hereby passed for Carried. Moved by Councillor K. Nicks, Seconded by Councillor Freston, That the accounts of the Fire Committee, attached hereto, in the total amount of $41.27, be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough, That the accounts of the Accounts Paid Prior, attached hereto, in the total amount of $47,932.46 be and arB hereby passed for payment. Carried. . Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough, Seconded by Reeve Higgon, That Ron Robinson account charged to the Arena in the amount of $540.00 be approved for payment. Carried. REPOR TS. Welfare - Month of September. Moved DY Councillor Freston, Seconded by Councillor Sturrock, That this be received and filed. Carried. .. ~ .. Folice Report - Month of September. Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor L. Presbon, That this be received and filed. Carried. Industrial - Month of September. Moved by Reeve Hig~on, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough, That this be received and filed. Carried. . Dog Control Officer's Report - Months of August & September. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough, Seconded by Councillor Preston, That this be received and filed. Carried. By-Law~ - First and Second Reading Moved by Councillor Hobbs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough, That the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of #200,235.00 for the purpose of a new Public School and the said by-law be now read a first and second time. Carried. . Moved by Reeve Higgon, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough, That the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to appoint places for holding the next Municipal Election and for other purposes and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. Carried! Moved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That the Co~ncil now rise and go into the Co~~ittee of the ,mole for the consideration of the two by-laws. Mayor in the Chair. Carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough, Seconded by Councillor Hobbs, That the Committee now rise and report favour ably to Coun- cil on the two by-laws discussed in tho Co~"ittec of the Whole. Carried. . ,. . . ... 5 .. Moved by Councillor Fresson, Seconded by Councillor Lath,'ml';ue, That the By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of :~200,235.00 for the purpose of a new Fublic School be now read a third time, passed and numbered By- Law No. 1737. Carried. Moved by Councillor A. Sturrock, Seconded by Councillor Fresson, That the By-law to appoint places for holding the next Municipal Election and for other purposes be now read a third time, passed and Numb<Tud By-Law No. 1738. Carried. NEW AND Ut!FINISHED BUSINESS Durham County District High School Board. Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, vfuereas the Board of Trustees of the Durham County District has ,''lpplied~o the ;'Iunicipal Councils having juris- diction in the said District for the issue of ~ebentures in an amount estimated to be ~810,OOO.00 repayable over a period of twenty years, to provide for the cost of construction of a 500 pupil school in Darlington and a 150 pupil school in IUllbrook. Be it resolvod that the Council of the Corporation of Bowmanville being a municipality included in the said Dist- rictj hereby approves tho said application and agrees to assume its proper proportion of the amounts required to pay for said debentures interest thereon and the expenses conn- ected therewith, to be determined from time to time in the manner provided by the Secondary School Act. Be it further resolved that the Council of the Corporation of Bowmanville hereby requests the Council of the Corporation of tho United Counties of Northumberland and Durham to raise the entire estimated sum of $810,000.00 required for the pur- poses aforesaid by the issue of debentures of the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. :(:f~.'S . . . .. 6 ... Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brou~h, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, "{heraas this Council of th," Corporation of BovrlC1rrnville, Ontario, has passed th,] r'Jsolution conce1'nin', tho issue of debentures by the UnitGd Countius for th,' construction of a 500 pupil school in Drrrlington and a 150 pupil school in Millbrook, be it further resolved that the Durhan County District High School Board be Granted pernission to engap;e architects and purchase sitos for the above projects. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Fresson, That the J.~.Codds pliln of 1882 pertaining to thiij area in subject matter, be cancelled, togethur with the unopened road allowance of '"UGen Strc;et shown thICrein. vie Rlso re- commend to Council that tlF;y do not close th(~ unopened roc,d 'lllowanc'o betwo()!1 Township lots 8 and 9 in Concession 1, Town of Bowm'lnville. Crrrried. INSURANCE REfOj(T This Council was advised that the Library Board had re- quos cad for the increased insurance. SALK VACCINE Council was advised that tha Durham County Health Unit would bo unable to hold a clinic this Fall. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve BrOugh, Th'lt Dr. Horner be contacted rep;arding a clinic this Spring. Cqrried. HcMahon Froperty - Queen StreGt. Moved by Reeve Higgon, Seconded by Deputy-Rceve Brough, That this be referred to th0 Bonrd of \Jorks, Carried. ., . . I .. 7 .. Parking on King & ~U8Gn Stroet, Moved by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, That this be reforred to th" Traffic Advisory Committee, for recommendation. Carried. Bowmanville Planninr; Board Letter dated October 2nd, 1959, "After a bri8f discussion it was unanimously decided to recommend to Council that we adel an additional clause to this paragraph "G" word("el thus: or "fronts upon an adequate pri v- ate road shown on a registered plan", and herewith recommend that building permits be issued accordingly in the future," Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks) That this recommendation b," adopted. Carried, L. Quinton's resignation effective October 31, 1959. "I have just decided to accept employment elsowhere. I am therefore submitting my resignation to take effect immediately, This step is not taken without regret, for the years I have spent in Bowmanville have been happy ones, I wish to th,c,nk you and all membGrs of Council for your co-operation and assistance during my term of employ- mGnt. May I extend to you and municipal life in BOl^lm:mville the future," all persons connected with my sincere best wishes for Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, 4 , That this resignation be accepted with regret. Carried. Folice Constables at Arena Councillor Keith Lathangue advised this meeting that the Chief has made arrangements to have a man at the arena ani it will be at his discretion. Moved by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor Lathangue, That the moetinG adjourn at 9:55 p.m, Garried. MAYOR CLERK