HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/08/1959 (Special)
A special meeting of the Bo\~nanville Town Council was held
on September 8th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, Bowmanville.
Councillor L. Preston absent by peruission granted by Council
due to sickness.
1. Frank Cowan Co~ Ltd., letter dated Au~ust 24th, 1959.
In reply to your inquiry regarding claims submitted to us
under the to'tffiS r'"unicipal Liability Policy during the period
1958-59, we list below all claims durin!" that period.
William G. Terhune
Mrs. A. Kilpatrick
Roy Alldread
R. A. Hallman
Miss Joan Cann
Forans Esso Service
Mrs. Ada Kimble
Harry Collocutt
P. Joyner
August 20
Noveclber 21
September 30
March 6
!13.rch 17
Febru3.ry 3/59
June 14
May 6
}{,ay 22
In accordance with our usu3.1 practice we have had indep-
endent adjustors investigate eaGh claim and they have advisei
us that with the exception of the last three claims, they could
not find where the Corporatiun had been negligent and therefore
had denied liability.
We have not received the final reports on the last three
claims, but our review of the files does not indicate that in
these cases either is any liability on the part of the Corpor-
We trust this information is what you require. Kindest re-
gard.s, tt
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by DGp~ty-Reeve J. Brough,
That the Clerk request additional information from the
Frank Company regarding these claims.
2. Authority to purchase truck - Dog Pound.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Councillor Sturrock,
That the tender submitted by Roy ~.
of $675.00 be accepted.
Nichols in the amount
3. Joe Flett Sub-Division Agreement.
Moved by Councillor O. Presson,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign this
agreement. Carried.
. 2 ,
4. Anger A~count - $475.00.
Moved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
That this account be paid,
5, Council were informed that the hearing on the Scugng
Water-main will be on October 6th.
6. By-laws - First and Second Reading.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brougn,
Seconded by Councillor Presson,
And resolved that the nover be granted leave to introduce
a BY-law for the construction of sanitary sewers and water-
main in the J. Flett Sub-Division according to Registration
110. 652.
Saic: By-law to be nOif read a first and second time.
Durham County District High School Board letter re:
I~ew schools:
~loved by Co~ncillor NiCks,
Seconded by Reeve Higgon,
That thi>5 Council invite all Council nembGrs 'l'f Municipalit-
ies who cOwprislc the Durham County District High 3cfJool Board,
the Secretary and the Chairman to a special meGting to solve
the school problem on ThurSday, September 24th~ at 8:00 p.m.
Hoved by Councillor Hobss,
Seconded by Councill~r Sturrock,
That this neeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m.