HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/1959
A regular meeting of The B~wmanville Town Council was held on
Monday, August 10th, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town
Councillors A. Sturrock, J. Presson and L. Preston were absent.
All others present.
Mayor W. D. Carruthers in the chair.
Moved by Reeve Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
., That the Council rIinutes dated July 6th, and 13th, as printed,
be and the same are hereby adopted.
Mr. N. Hannon addressed Council as a representative of the
Bowr.,anville RatePayers Association, and requested that a represent-
ative of their executive-council be 2110wed to attend Board of Works
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Councillor Hobbs,
That this request be granted and that if possible the same rep-
resentative attend the meetings. Carried.
f'Ir. Hannon also enquired as to what action was being taken
regarding the sewage treatment plant, and he was advised that a
meeting is being held regarding this problem. He also mentioned
that the cost of the roller was given as :$5200.00 when it should
have been ~5920.00. This was explained as an error on the part
of the Clerk.
e Public Trustee letter da~ed July 20/59.
"We enclose a copy of 'I letter of Strike Be Strike, Barristers
and Solicitors, which is self-expl3.nQtory.
Please advise the 1tlrj~ter at your vcr:r 82.rliest convenience as
to \vh"ct action should be; taken by us to have the road clllo;,anees -_
closed as mentioned in the copy of the said letter.
The law firm of Strike & Strike has advised us that this applic-
ation should be naq,e direct to you. \'J" are accordingly applying
to have the plan of survey, filed on March 26, 1882, cancelled and
have the road allowance between concession 8 and 9 and the road
allowance mentioned as Queen Street, closed.
We would appreciate hear ins from you as soon as possible on this
matter. II
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Councillor Hobbs,
That this be referred to the Planning Board and a report be sub-
mitted at a later date.
Bowmanville Arena letter dated July 29/59.
"I have been requested by the Arena Mcm'lgement Comm.itte(~ to inforn
you that there is now a vilcancy on the COI,unittee due to the retire-
ment of Terr. R. V'latt."
Moved by Councillor Hobbs.
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That this be referred to the
Chairnan of the Public Property
to replace Mr. Watt.
next Council Meeting and that the
Com3ittee bring in recommendations
Bowmanville Arena letter dated July 29/59.
"At the regular meeting of the Arena /lhll'lgement Committee of July
27th, the following motion was passed unanimously:
The Arena lliianagement Committee recommend to Council that an auto-
matic sprinkler system be installed in the Arena."
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Reeve Higgon,
That tenders be called for for the installation of an automatic
sprinkler system.
Mrs. Anna #atson letter dated August 1/59.
"The Business, Professional Women's Club wish to hold a tag-day for
UNICEF in October of this year. If permissible we would like to tag
on Friday evening, October 2nd, and all day Saturday, October 3rd,
We have reserved these dates with the Chamber of Commerce pending
your decision."
lVloved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That the above dates be approved.
City of Barrie letter dated July 17/59, endorsation of following
"WHEREAS several serious bus ilnd truck accidents have occurGd due
to the failure of brakes on the Bayfield Street hill in the City
of Barrie.
AND WHEREAS such accidents could and do happen on dangerous inclin-
es elsewhere in Canada, thereby endangering innocent people and
causing serious property damage.
AND WHEREAS the present type of emergency brake 1~; in reality only
a parking brake and will not stop a vehicle in an emergency.
THEREFORE be it Hesolved that the Government of Ontario and the
Government of Canada be requested to pass legislation requiring all
trucks and busses over a gros~ vehicle weight 0f 4 tons to be equipped
with brakes having at least two separate means of application and that
with each means of application, the brakes or a means 0f automatic
stopping in the event of failure of the regular braking system be suff-
iciently effective to stop the vehicle within a proper distance.
AND further that copies of this resolution be sent to the !,lunicip-
alities of Ontario, the local !-1.F.'s, the Canadian Mayors Assoc-
iation, the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association and the Ontario
Municipal Association with the request they consider endorsing this
resolution and lend their support in obtaining action thereon.ll
Moved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That the above resolution be adopted.
Durham County District High School Board.
"The Board held a meeting in Bo"mlanville, last W8dnesday evening
July 29th. 'illion all the replies from the Hunicipalies were tallied,
they found that their proposal to build three, schools was again D.
tie vote. The four Councils against the thre,c; school project, def-
initely expressed approval of tWCl schools - one in !.lillbrook and one
in Darlington or Bo,~anville.
As a result, the Board decided to seek approval to build two schools,
one in Millbrook and one in Darlington. This decision passed the
Board by a vote of 11 to 3.
Would you be good enough to
at the earliest opportunity?
well as we do. If possible,
present the new proposal to your Council
You understand the need for urgency as
we would appreciate a reply by August 15th.
The Counties Solicitor requests that your resolution be in the form
required by the Hunicipal Board. I have taken the liberty of sending
copies of the special resolutions; Four copies are enclosed. Please
send three to the undersigned when passed.,t
Moved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by D:puty-Ro'Jve Brough,
That this be tabled and a special Council !,leeting be held on
August 13th, to discusS this matter.
~ Department of Transport letter dGted July 28/59.
NtWI stop or yield right of way signs must be "rected prior to
Au,~st 31, 1961.
l-loved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Reege Higgon,
That this letter be received and filed, and a copy be sent to
the Board of Works Superintendant.
Municipal Planning Consultants - Re: North Neighbourhood Study.
Mr. Derek Little of the Municipal Planning Consultants presented
their North Neighbourhood Study to Council. He explained the var-
ious plans which they had prepared and requested Council to give app-
roval of these plans so they could be condensed and a proper written
report with these condensed plans will be submitted.
Moved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Deputy- Reeve Brough,
That tentative approval of this study be given.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Reeve Higgpn,
That The Board of Works minutes dated July 13th, be and the
same are hereby adopted.
Moved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor Latha~~uG,
That the following accounts
Johnson, Stewart & Company
Higgon Electric Limited
b; p:lid:
- ;~2,600.00
-Ii> 309.71
~~oved by Councillor Ni cks,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That the accounts of the Public Property Committee attachccd
hereto, in the total amount of $57.23 be and are hereby passed
for payment.
Moved by Reeve Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
That the accounts of the Industrial Comnittce attached hereto,
in the total amount of $273.79 be and ar'~ hel'eby passed for pay-
Moved by Reeve Eiggon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
That the accounts of. the vJ81fare D"partl~cnt att:1ched hereto,
in the total amount of $1258.86 be "md :lre hen,by passed for pay-
I'loved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
That the accounts of the Finance Committee attached hereto, in
the total amount of ~1543,84 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Reeve Higgon,
That the accounts of the Roads & Streets Co~"ittee attached here-
to, in the total amount of $16,709.31 be and are hereby passed for
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That the accounts of the Police D ;-r:nrtment attached hcretv in
the total amount of $1.,557.59 be and arc: hereby p!1SSed for payment.
. 5 .
Moved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That the accounts of the Cemetery CO_D!cr.ci.~ attached hereto,
in the total amount of ',~182. 29 be and are hereby passed for pay-
Moved by Councillor K. Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor Lathan0ue,
That the accounts of the Fire Departwcnt attached hereto in the
total amount of :$18.06 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Councillor HobbS,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
That the accounts of the Accounts Paid FrioI' attached horeto,
in the total amount of $21,945.42 be and are hereby passed for
Moved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That the tender of King Seagrave in the ~'lount of $17,950.00
be and the same is hereby accepted and that the Mayor and the
Clerk be authorized to sign this contract subject to the Municipal
Board approval.
Welfare Department
Moved by Councillor HobbS,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That this report be received and filed.
police Department
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,.
That this report be received and filed.
Bowmanville Traffi c .. Advisory Report
Moved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That this be rGferred to the B03.rd of'l~orks.
Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Report
Moved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That this be received and filed.
B. R. Kitney
I'loved by Councillor Lattnnr:,uu,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That this be referred to th '3oqrd of "Iorks,
C~,rried .
First and second reqding.
Moved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
And resolved that the mover be i'ranted to introduce '1
by-la" for the purchClse of',\ fire truck at a cost of $17,950.00.
New and Unfinished '3usincss.
1. Moved by Reeve Higgon,
Sc;conded by Councillor Hobbs,
That Councillor L. Freston! s request for le:1Vc of'lbsence for
two months due to sickness b'.) grClnted. This r2qu'- st is on
Doctors orclel's.
2. Traffic Signals - interseqtion of King & Dij~Bion Streets.
Cost - $4800.00.
Moved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That this be referred to a later meeting.
3. Moved by Councillor Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-il.eeve Brough,
That the resolution pr!sscd by Fin:lnce Corr~~itt,Je on Jun8 16th,
authorizing a car allow~nc2 to the Building Inspector of $500.00
per year be rescinded.
4. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough,
Seconded by Councillor Hobbs,
That we petition for interim payment of the Statutory Grant
under The Highway Iopy'ovement Act, on 2xpendi turf)S made in the
year, 1959.
5. Old Fire Truck
~loved by Reeve Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-ReGv8 Brough,
Thilt quotiltions be received for the solling of the old
fire truck.
. 7 .
6. Ontario l~unicipal Board letter dated August 7th, enqu~r~ng
as to whether this Council ,fishes to co ntinuu \1i th the hearing
regarding the laying of the Scugog Street \;ateTI~ain.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough
Seconded by Reeve Higgon,
That the Board be notified that this Council is desirous to
proceed with this undertaking.
1. Town of Ajax letter dated Auv~st 6th, expressing appreciation
regarding B. Kitney's attendance at their late Chief Constable's
Moved by Councillor Hubbs,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That this be received and filed.
Moved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That this meeting be adjourned at 10:55 p.m.