HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/1959 - . , A regular meeting of the Bowmanville Town Council was held at 8:00 p.m. on July 6th, 1959, in the Town Hall) Bowmanville. All members were present. Mayor W. D. Carruthers in the chair. Moved by Reeve W. Higgon, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Brough, And resolved that the council minutes dated June 1st) and 29th) be and the same are hereby adopted. DELEGATIONS. Mr. Foran of the Ratepayer's Association addressed Council regarding garbage men salvaging material from the dump. He was informed by Mr. Quinton that this practice had ceased. Mr. Foran was also informed of the way Council will handle their requests. CORRESPONDENCE. 1. Department of Municipal Affairs letter dated June 30th, 1959, "first installment of the Unconditional Per Capita Grant pay- able to your l'iunicipality for the year 1959" - $10,612.88. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That this be received and filed. Carried I \ 2. F.F.Morris Co. letter dated June 25th, 1959. "Would you kindly advise the Council that we have now com- pleted our off-street parking area on Division Street and will appreciate the earliest possible ~o-operation of the Town in laying of sidewalk pavement from t2 Division St.) North. Also we would request the removal of parking meters in frcnt of our funeral premises. While we do not object to the three south meters on Division Street, we feel this is a very dangerouS corner with school children in large numbers using it. The Restricting of parking around this corner should make it much safer for both pedestrians and the heavv traffic when the school pupils and Goodyear employees are using- it. Moved by Deputy Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston) That the present meters in front of the Morris Funeral Home, and the three meters south to Division Street) be removed and that the necessary No Parking signs be erected. Carried Moved by Deputy Reeve Brough, Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue, That the Town relay the present sidewalk Funeral Home south to Queen Street. Carried from the Norris , 3. Jones Family - Thank you card. Moved by Councillor I. HobbS, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That this be received and filed. Carried .1. . .,. . . 4. Canadian Legion letter dated July 1st, 1959. "Thanks and congratulations on the very fine work being done to keep the cenotaph in immaculate condition". Moved by Councillor A. Sturrock, Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue, That this be received rrnd filed. Carried 5. Salvation Army letter dated June JOth, 1959. "Sincere thanks for use of Town Hall, Sunday, June 21st." Moved by Councillor L. Preston, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, That this be received and filed. Carried 6. Durham County District High School Board Letter dated July Jrd, 1959. "The Eoard met in Port Hope last evening to consider further action following the report ef the Consultiv,., CO.~:littJ'3 to ' Counties' Council on the division of the Durham County High School District. The urgency of providing high school accommodation by September 1960, cannot be stressed too urgently. Utter chaos will prevail at Bo~nanville in September 1960, unless so~e further space can be provided at that time. An alternative is the shift system but we shudder at the problems created by early and late buses and complaints from the parents. We have been tryin~ for two years to have a building program brought to the stage "'There we can turn the first sod. This last attempt is being made to secure approval of our building program. We hope that we have fully inpressed on you the urgent demands of the situation. If you are not meeting again during July, would you please call a ,spc;cial meeting to deal with this emergency. The following resolution was passed by the Board by a majority of 12 to 2 "moved by TiIcGregor and Tanblyn that, in vie"'l of the urgency regarding accommodation for secondary school students in this district, we write the eight municipalities informing them that we are adhering to our building program as presented to them on a letter dated April 2nd, 1959, and ask that the Municipalities ;vho approved th8 plans at that till):" to reaffirm their approval and the Nunicipalities who did not approve at that time to do so now. The approval asked was for tentative approval of thre(J steps - the request to Counties' Council for the issue of debentures, permission for the Board to engage architects, and to acquire school sites. The date of August 1st, 1959, was to be set as a deadline for the receipt of answers. F?iiling approval by all l'.,;unicipalities, Dany of the Board Nembers expressed the opinion that they would feel that they would have no alternative but to resign. The date of Wednesday, August 5th, at Bovmanville is to be set aside for the next meeting of the Board. If you require further copies of the resolution or any other assistance, the undersigned would be happy to be of assistance. Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue, That the consultive committee report dated June 2Jrd, be read to this council. Carried .2. .I/Ir The above mentioned report and the letter was given due con- sideration and Reeve W. Higgon answered numerous questions re- garding the requests. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Brough, Seconded by Reeve Higgon, That the Durham County District High School Board be advised that the Bowmanville Town Council has tentatively approved their request to ask the Counties' Council for the issue of debentures, permission for the Board to en- gage architects and to acquire two school sites, provided that one school is built in the BovManville Darlington area and one in Millbrook. REPORTS OF CmJTI'iITTEES. 1. Finance - June 16th, 29th, July 2nd. Carried Moved by Councillor I. Hnbbs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, That the Finance Committee meetings dated June 16th, 29th, and July 2nd, be and the same are hereby adopted. Carried . ,:. Board of Works Heeting - June 9th, and 23rd. I,':oved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, That the Board of l'lorks cormnittee meetings dated June 9th) 16th, and 23rd, be and the same are hereby adopted. Carried ACCOUNTS. Moved by Reeve W. Higgon, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Brough, e That the accounts of the Industrial Committee attached hereto, in the total amount of $288.79 be and are hereby passed for payment. Moved by Councillor O.J. Presson, Seconded by Gouncillor A. Sturrock, Carried That the accounts ('f the Public Property Committee attached hereto, in the total amount of $1766.31 be and are hereby passed for payment. Moved by Councillor L. Preston, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, Carried That the accounts of the 'Ifelfare Committee attached hereto, in the total 2~ount of ~1279.55 be and are hereby passed for payment. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Carried That the accounts of the Accounts Paid Prior attached hereto, in the total amount of ~57,330.5l be and are here- by passed for payment. Carried .3. e e ... Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, That the accounts of the hereto, in the total amount by passed for payment. Finance Committee attached Ii> " of tl,lu7.21 be and are hero- Carried Moved by Councillor K. Nicks, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That the accounts of the Fire Committee attached hereto, in the total amount of $43.13 be and are here- by passed for payment. Carried Moved by Councillor K. Latllilngue, Seconded by Councillor O.J. Presson, That the accounts of the Police Committee attached hereto, in the total amount of $1,353.75 be and are here- by passed for payment. Carried ]\'loved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Reeve 'oj. Higgon, That the accounts of the Roads & Streets Committee attached hereto, in the total amount of~29,731.54 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried Moved by Councillor A. Sturrock, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That the accounts of the CemGtery Committee attached hereto, in the total amount of:~99 .18 be and are hElreby passed for payment. Carried CIVIC REPO,1TS. 1. Welfare - ~1onth of June. Moved by Councillor L. Preston, Seconded by Councillor K. LClthangue, That this be received and filed. Carried 2. Industrial. Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue, That this be received and filed. Carried 3. Recreation. Moved by Councillor K. Nicks, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, That this be received and filed. Carried .4. # ... e e 4. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - June. Moved by Councillor O.J. Pr~sson, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, That this be received and filed. CG.rried 5. Police Report. ~10ved by Councillor K .L'lthElDgue, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That this be received and filed. Carried 6. Building Inspector Report. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That this be rGf8rred to the DOilrd of Viorks. Carried 7. Department Head Meeting Report. ~10ved by Councillor 1. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That this be received and filed. Carried $. Your clerk has been appointed retul'ning office for the forth- coming liquor vote, and he requests this council to pass a resolution authorizing him to apply to the Chief-Election Officer to use the last revised vot',rs list ~vhich was used for t'1e June 11th. election. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by beputy-Reeve Brou;h, That the Chief-Election Officer the use of the last revised voters the June 11th. elec,ion to be used vote. be requested to approve list which was used for for the forthcoming liquor t ' ' ,. Carried 9. The clerk requests permission to have only the word "Comparable" insertGd in tho present spccific"tions for the fire-truck, as it is the feeling that if you changu tho specification it will cost 'j- "- you between ~4,500.00 and J5,OOO.QO. The Fire Chief and the mechanic arc in complete agreement with this suggestion. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That the above request be approved. Carried UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Community Memorial Arena letter dated June 29th, 1959. "At the last Arena Management Committee meeting held on June 22nd, the following motion was passed unanimous by the con~- ittee. .5. ,.. ....... e e Moved by'll, DeGeer seconded by J, Brough, "Thilt the Arena Management Committee would be permanently set up on the basis that the Chairman of Public Property of the Town Council preside over the Conunittee," Moved by Councillor O.J. Presson, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That this be noted and filed, Carried Joe Flett Sub-DiVision. Cost of Watermain & Sewer. Moved by Councillor L. Preston, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That Mr. Flett and ilr. Lycett be advised th:lt th,ir portion of the cost will be ascertained as outlined in Council Minutes of June 29th: for example, if the sewer contract is $18,600,00 their share will be $10,160.00 and the watermain $11,870,00 their share w::'ll be,S,910.00 C3.rried Reeve'll. Higgon explained to Ce,uncil that the pres"nt plans of the Town were bein~ brought up to date by Mr. Donavon and Associates, and requested permission to have the surveyors when they are doing the field work to establish some street lines in Bowmanville, Moved by R~eve W. Hig~on, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, That Hr. Donavon and Associates be requested to establish street lines on Liberty Street from King Street to Base Line and on Ontario Street and to report their progress to Council and if they feel that more than these two streets can be done this year, Carried Moved by Councillor L. Preston, Seconded by Councillor T. Hobbs, That this meeting adjourn 2t 10:05 p,m. MAYOR CLERK / ,0,