HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/29/1959 (Special) x Special "ceting of the '3ownanvil le Town Cc.,ncil e,as held at the Town nall on June 29th, at 7. 50 1, innintment of Volunteer rite ---an rioved by Councillor K. !1iccs Seconded by Councillor L. Freston That 3ayraond '.d 1sh be anointed as a vol.nt ar fireman f the he Rotary^nville "ire ➢?n= rtt:;ent, Duties to co :r:aence July lst , 1959. Carried . 2. _+Ir. Moore - 3a1cs ian or La Fr nee ire i-ir. ioore requested per ission to address Council. Moved by Co�;.ncillor r; . 7i-cks Seconded by Councillor A. `i. Sturrock That the Council go into the Co;-1rnittee of the +hole to hear "fr. Koore. 's. -core oblccted to the way the specifications were prepared as he felt tII he could sell ::ur present fire truck as is and that we should call for a fire truck ,ith a nev,, pu-1p ; also that the rzord "co:nparable" should be inserted in a couple of rl;aces. loved by Councillor J. xou7h S:�ccnde:d by Councillor I.... 'iobbs That the co^ipanLes w"o he,i received specifications be requested to subnit a price with new nu-ap and according to present specifications and also that the word "co-1par,ablcl? be inserted. Curried. 3. t•'Ir. Van I ridger and f r. u . :i �:rn z-dr, sed Council reg .:din,' wr t.,;r iains ?, sc--:aers in the pro,os<d e- su'c-division of J . _'lett and infor-ned Council of tl:c -:i-J:roxi : tt cost s follows : Sewer 21'1 'Total Cost <.i'', 600.00 3ub-dividers s'r;ara 10, 160.00 Town share +40.00 'later ain x11, 870.00 S :b-dividers ' share 8, 910. 00 -own share 1, %60.00 y How to arportion cost was referred to a later 'iec,ting. 4. J. Flatt Sub-Division iIoved by Councillor J . Sroesh Seconded By Councillor 1. Ho�)bs That the Frolic utilities Commission be requested to ;cake the necessary replaca-aents. C�.rried. 5, Fubiic School Board i•?oved by Councillor L. Freston Seconded by Councillor K. ;ticks Ih-at the a:.todnt of 200, 235.00 be approved for the: new F&,lic bchool C. sricd. letter datd n 2f 4t`:, 1959 i.Ioved by Councillor ,,. d. tur:-ock > c7nded by Councillor e h. -ricks Th t tP ' rat,,rayk-rs b,, irforr,isd t�-zt t ey -t have access to the accounts and books as outlined i_*, th,_ ?unicipal Act; and th t th<:y may advise the Clerk on the Thursday prior to Council meetings if they wish to brin7 anything to Council; also the Clerk will explain the e^rth- rec r to the-a• Carried p[ e- 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Council it.otinfi 7. :owed by Councillor K. i.cks Seconded by Co ncillor L. Fr:>ston '.,hat the Cc imitt oe now rise and -.-Port favourably to Council on the itfrns discussed. $. uv-Laws 1st Y second rra(,in ; 1. :ovcc by Co :.ni iilor 1. .+.ol%bs `Secoided by Counc.-111or ,. j. .i,r.=on Th thk, lover be rint,;d l.. v,,, to i°lt_°oduce a by-i°.w to =rant an a i mal r,ension to p..."' a:nant town Said by-Iw ba now,1 °-r.c a first air s :coed title . ' 2.'--oved by Councillor I. o-rq�s S ;coed '0 by Councillor i:l.D. --on That t_�e llovl:r be ;rantc.d 1e ve to r,neal by-law no. 1h'"9. The s- id by-1 now r F�.d a first 'c 2nd tine. 3 .: ovcd ^)v C;'zncillor I. ;bbs <, 3 ce16-d bir Co,znca.l.or W. D. 4ie,ron !,_it the Council Hoer rise end :zo i-,to the ^o aitt :e of the ;'_role in considrr­tion of two by-lavrs. i-.avor in t'^c Chair. 4. I :oved by Courciilcr .D. :i.-gon S conded by Co . ncilJ_or I t;o• bs T. t Council now report favourably on thc� two hYr-laws discuss- d in the Co-,mittee of the , hoie. C, r' C L VO` 'r 1;''. 3' ::i3IOP,: "0 T?r , Fy-1_aWS - t'riird r ,ac:ink 5 . :-oved h.r Council ' or ° ' ,. ..i.,7on 3,-conded by Cou;cillor I io­jbs T: + th by-1.-;w ,to i,rceal 'by—law no. J-6".-,9 1, ;: row r.-;ad third tide, passed an(,i ,br numbcrcd by-1,1w no. 172'( . 6. Lov_ u by 6ouncillorj !). *.i on c nded Y C,)u is 1 -.0 1. T n' tti7(3 fly l to provid( ) fsions LO-i' nc, , 1i;:nt c..ipiO . :iS of the down of 30t tun rillo b ROW � p__ .S:=d 1Cd be nu bered :?r-Lr.:a no. 172 . Mloved by Councillor . U. `iivron I � concci iy Co ,ncill-or I. r:o s Tn-a the . ,etine be -adjourn, d at , .Ia.S p. n.