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June 1, 1959.
Bowf'lanville Town Hall.
A regular meeting of the Bowmanville Town Council was held
on Monday June 1, 1959 at 8:00 P.M. Council chambers.
All members present.
Mayor W. Carruthers in the chalr.
Moved by Councillor L. C~. Fn,ston,
Seconded by Councillor T. Hobbs,
And resolved that the Council minutes d~t~d May 4, 12 and 26 as
printed be and the same are hereby ~dJpted.
Moved by Councillor T. Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-~eeve J. Srough,
That l'Irs. Peterson be heard regarding the \later petition
Mrs. Peterson addressed the Council and submitted a petition
regarding the installation of a water main along the east beach.
She was told that this petition would be checked and a report would
~ be sybmitted.
Mr Tom Masterson informed Council that a Ratepayers Association had
been formed and would Council recognize them as the official organ-
ization .
Moved by Councillor K Nicks
Seconded by Counc illor J Presson
That the Town recognize the ratepayers associ1tion of
Bowmanville as the" official orp;ani:3ation.
1.. Town Hall, New Toronto letter dated May 26, 1959, Adopt the
followin~ resolution.
~ That the Council does he eby r.eti tion the Governr.Jent of Canada
to consider providing Old Age Assistance of ~65.00 per ~onth to
persons 65 and over without need of a MG~ns Test:
And further that consideration be given to increasing such
pension as instan~e on the .;ce12 of $1..::0 per .onth per year of
age over the age b5:
Such increasing scale b?ing considered necessary by this Council
to off set the present high cost of living:
And that copies of this resolution be forward'~d to the ProvinciiU
Premier, the Canadien Federation of Mayors and Reeves, the Ontario
Municipal AssocLltion and all Municip:)lities with a population over
3000 people.
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor O. J. Fresson,
That the above resolution be endorsed.
2. Strike and Strike letter deted May 2A, 1959
Re: Purchase from Hrs. Turner-Graham - NI;'V1 Hoad, East Beach.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
That this be received and filed.
3. Canadian Cancer Society letter dated May 26, 1959.
Letter of Thanks.
Moved by DeputY-heeve J. Brough,
Seconded by Councillor O. J. Presson,
That this be received and filed..
4. Counties' Clerk Office - County Levy dat,,,d [:Iay 26, 1959.
I hereby certify that the following Rnounts directed by the
Counties Council are the amount~ to be levied by your municipality
for Counties' purposes for the year 1959.
GENERAL COUNTY fLE ............................... 83,966.86
Of the above 11.7 mill rate 6 mills ........or ....43.059.93
is set aside for road expenditures.
The above sums shall be collected 'lnd paid over by the Collector
of your Municipality to your i:Iu'licipal Treasurer in sufficient
time to enable said Treasurer to pay to the Counties' Treasurer
no later than December 5, 1959.
Par Funds in Cobourg only accepted or exchan~e will be aeducted.
N.B. In accordance with the A~sessrnent Act, on all County rates
not paid on or before December 20th in eBch Year, interest at
the rate of six per cent per annum shc.11 be cLar.o:ed on 3.ny portion
of the rate not paid to the Counties' Treasurer.
Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue,
Seconded by Deputy-r{eevG J. Brough,
That this be received and filed.
5. Town of Orilli'3. letter del ted JV1ay 27, 1959.
The followin~ is a copy of ~ resolution ~assed by the Council of
the Town of Orillia on May 26, 1959.
WHERE;"3 home building, minor industriCll 'md s",'"ll business sxpansion
is being hampered by prcvailim>: fisc',.l policiss:
AND whereas mortgage and bank loans are being restricted against
independent builders and extortionate interest rates and bonus
deals 'lre de'TlJ.nded of hard-pressed indi vidu~ls, all of which
cannot help but interfere with nor~al and reasonable progress
and development of nunicipalities.
THEREFORE be it resolved that a request be regis~ered with the
federal aut:.orities to case t'l,; tight-noney situ'ltion which is
strangling individual and independent enterprise and release some
of the millions of dollars of unemployment benefits for gainful
construction 'ind emplorment.
AND that a copy of tlis r'3s01ution be s8nt tc Ont2rio Town and
City Municipalities for their considered action and approval.
AND that representations be Dade to the Canadian Feder'3.tion of
Mayors and MunicipalitiGs for their consider'3.tion 'lt their
forthcoming conference at North Bay.
It would be appreciated if you will present this ncsolution to your
Council for its consideration.
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor O. J. Presson,
That the above resolution be endors~d.
6. Hon. A. Kelso Roberts ~. C. letter day May 20, ant. Municipal
Police Colle::;e.
Moved by Councillor K. Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor O.J. Presson,
That this be received and filed.
Reports of Committees
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that til'o Finance Committ,e minut,es dated ]l:lay 15 be
and the same is herety adopted.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs,
And resolved that the Board of Works minutes dated May 12 and
May 26 as printed be 2nd the scme are h,;reby adopted.'
Moved by Councillor O. J. Presson,
Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue,
That the accounts of the Public Property attached hereto, in the
total amount. of ~plC17.20 be '\Dd are hen,by passed for payment.
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
That the accounts of the Finance Corn;nit~tee attached hereto, in
the total "mount of.p5:?7 .83 be and are hereby passed for payment
Moved by Councillor L. 3. Preston,
Secondsd by Councillor 1;'. Sturrock,
That the accounts of the Relisf attachod hereto, in the total
amount of i~1295.82 bb and are hereby passed for paY'11ent.
Moved by Councillor 1. HobbG,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
That the accounts of the Accounts paid prior attached hereto,
in the total amount of ~25539.00 be ~nd are hereby passed for
payment. Carried.
Moved by Deputy.-Reeve J. Browsh,
Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs,
That the accounts of the Liberty St. Sewer attached hereto, in the
total amount of $200.00 be and are hereby passed for payment
Moved by Deputy-Heeve J. Brough,
Seconded by Reeve W. higgon,
That the accounts of the Roads and Streets attached hereto, in
the total Emount of ~ 4723.74 be 'lnd c,re hereby passed for
payment. Carried.
Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue,
Seconded by Councillor O. J. Presson,
That the accounts of the Police attached hereto, in the ~otal
amount of $110.34 be 'lnd are hereby passed for payment.
. .
Moved by Councillor A. Sturrock,
Seconded by Councillor L. G. Preston,
That the accounts of the Cemetery attached hereto, in the total
amount of $5.99 be and the same arc hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Couneillor A. Sturrock,
Seconded by Councillor L. G. Freston,
And resolved th'lt the following "lccounts of Lander Hardware be
and are hereby passrd for payment.
Cemetery Account
Pub. Frop. - Library
311. 80
Moved by Councillor K. Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor L. G. Preston,
That the accounts of the Fire attached hereto, in the total
amount of $53.3$ Carried.
Civic Reports
Moved by Councillor A. Sturrock,
Seconded Councillor O. J. Presson,
That the Welfare report be received and filed.
Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
That the Industrial report be received and filed.
Moved by Councillor K. Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor O.J. Presson,
That the Police re~'ort bi) received and filed.
By-Laws first and second Roading
Moved by Councillor L. G. Preston,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
And resolved that the mover be granted leave to introduce a
supplementary By-Law authorizing the expenditure of $42,500.00
on Roads and Streets and said By-Law be now read a first and
second time. Carried.
Moved by Councillor L. G. Preston,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
And resolved th'lt the mover be granted leave to introduce a
By-Law to repeal By-Law no. 1722. Said By-Law be now read
a first and second time. Carried.
Moved by Councillor L. G. Preston,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
And resolved that the mover be granted le'lve to introduce a
By-Law for the submission to a vote on questions 7 and 8 as
set out in section 69 (1) pursuant to Section 24 (1) (a)
of the Liquor License Act. By-Law be now read a first and
second time. Carried.
. .
Moved by Councillor L. G. Preston,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
And resolved th'lt thE Council now rise 'lnd go into the Committee
of the Whole for the consideration of thr~o By-Laws.
Commi ttee now in the Con"1i t 1,8 'j of the 'fuol,~.
Mayor W. Carruthers in the chE-'.ir.
Moved by Councillor L. G. Preston,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
And resolved th:\t the Cuyer,litte' now rise and renort favourable
to Council on the follov/ine: Bv-' Law; which were discussed in the
Comni ttee of the ','fuole. ",
1. repeal of By-Law no. 1722
2. R09-ds and 3tr ets supplementery By-LclW
3. Holding of Liquor vote.
Council now in session. ~ayor W. CarruthGrs in the chair.
Third RVlding
Moved by Councillor L. G. Fr2ston,
Seconded by Councillor ii, Sturrock,
And resolved that the By-Law to repCJal By-Law no. 1722, be now
read 8 third tic", finally p:\ss',d 'lnd numbered By-Law number 1724
e'J rrL,d .
Moved by Councillor L. Preston,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
And resolved that th,,, sun)lc),imV1ry By-V:!w to 2,uthorizc the
expenditure af:?42, 500.00 on Roads nnd Streets be now read a
third tim8, Ged Q"d nmnblT(,'O By- Lavr nU:ilber 1725.
C,~Tricd .
Moved by Councillor L. 1. PI' cton,
Secondod by CouncillJr A. Sturrock,
And resolved thn.t tC1e By- L2':1 21) t!()r~ ~3C fo, the subrnissic))1 to
a vote of questions 7 ,c,nd3 ?,S Set out in section 69 (1)
pursucmt to s,'ction 24 (1) (il) of th Lio'lor License Act be
now reed" third timi3 fin';lly "S,'G 'nd 'numb(C,red By-LcJ,I'1
number 1726. Car,i"d.
New and Unfinishod Business
Mr. Morris gave ~ short r2port on Grand Union
P~ym8nt R. Harding.
J'.1oved by Deputy-Rec,v'] J. Brough,
Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs,
That Mr. ll. Harding roceive $10.00 for his services and
a letter of thanks bo sent, to him.
Johnson and Stewart bill \~3,it50.00 corrccct8d at ;$2,600.00
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor O. J. Prosson,
That the auditor's be 2sked for a det~iled statement.
. ." , ..
Purchasc Camera for Policc~ Departmente..
Moved by Councillor 1(. LJ.thangue,
Seconded by Councillor A. Stu~rock,
That tJ.1C Police Department h: i'iVUl sutlnrity to purchasf) a
camera at the cost~of )3$9.99.
~1ayor 'Ii. Carruthers informed the. CO'l'1cil t.hat the C()1il!'luni ty
Planning Branch of tJw Departm(mt of Plamdng nd Developing
of Hamilton o,nd OSrL'l'H''C were c01ductifli;' ,3urV8Y between Hamilton
and Osha~m. Vie sent a letter to thee,l ruqU'_sting that Bowmanville
and the township of Darlin2;ton ue includod in this survey.
Moved by Councillor i\.. Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock,
That this mseting adjourn gt 9:~.O F.I'I.