HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/06/1959 ~ . . . /' } /.:; !J'~ (? . " ,..) LA. '" - -"' L - > .,~ ,7. ,,> - '" r 7~" II ~ '-7 77 .f., April 6, 1959, Bowmanville, Ontario. A regular meeting of the Town Council was held on the above mentioned date at $:00 P.M. Town Hall, Bowmanville. All members present. Mayor W. D. Carruthers in the chair. Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, And resolved that the minutes of the Council meetings held on March 2nd, 10, and 16, be and the same are hereby adopted. carried. Delegations Mr. Allin appeared before Council regarding the incinerator at the rear of their place of business on King Street. Moved by Reeve W. Higgon, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, That this be referred to the Works foreman to work out a suitable agreement with the merchants involved regarding the pick up of garbage and waste materials. Correspondence 1. Durham County District High School Board letter dated April 2nd, 1959. At the meeting held in Bowmanville , April 1st at which all eight municipalities were represented, the Durham County District High School Board presented their building program for approval. The program called for the construction of three schools - a 400 pupil school in Darlington Department of Education estimates the cost to be about $1,300,900 and the breakdown of debentures cost are outlined on the last page of the sheets of figures sent out previously. Not included in this amount is a future addition that will be needed in Port Hope about 1961. This letter is a formal request for approval of the issue of debenture, the engaging of architects and the adquisition of sites. There is a great deal of preliminary work to be done before construction can start. It would be appreciated if your answer could be in our hands by April 15th. The Solicitor for the County Council has furnished a form of resolution that will fulfil his requirements regarding the issue of debentures. Copies are enclosed. Would you be good enough to use this resolution? Kindly complete three copies - two for the County Council and one for the Board and mail all three to the Secretary of the Board. The Board appreciated the attendance of your representatives in Bowmanville, April 1st and your reception of our program. 2. Newcastle letter dated April 2, 1959. The Council of the Village of Newcastle wished to bring to . . your attention information which we fecI ought to be considered Wf1Em your Council considers the app'.ication of the Scl10Jl Board for i;entati ve app;'oval of its building plans. The location of a School either in Clarke Tomlship or in E8\'/castle has long been R contentious issue, and in shor't R tug-of-wRr between two Municipalities has developed. At this time it can be reasoned th~t both have a strong claim toward the School now in sight. While some equality in these claims may exist at t'lis time a quick glance at the future indicates a different trend. First, it is recogntzed by those who make a study of gro'N"th and development the areas adjacent to railways, highv!3.Ys, indust- rially and therefore residentially. . Secondly, the Dcpart,nent of Planning and Development are le8Yi'1g no stone unturneo to see that every municipality is cautioned '-<""lin~vche pit-.ralla whi.ch lie ahe,',d for t'lose lI1u,.,i-,::i,aL ~,ic,s ,.0 are not plan'ling" conscious. The first require:'lent is th.. t; thing:) residenti[ll be separated from areas desir:ned to be agricultural. The folly of attempting to persuade Residential Develorment wi thnut the; i_nclustrial aSSBSSme'1t ~o bear, in part, the financial bu~den nf it has proven to ~o ~uinouE to many small home otne~s as wpll as to -~~OSC ~~lO n2~:r tteir living through A.~;riculture. Thf) third cansi.dere,'cion is that undor the normal conditions of the present time, and with not very much of the forecast C'.'0wth ye'e buing ,It thGre \rill be a:'oraximately 75 miles (pupil miles pAr day; marc trA~sportation per day involved in moving 'ehe presrm'~ school population northerly than in "lOving them southerly to a point jn or near Newcastle. Can you imagine this Rc_~di~cj.O:08~, t::';3..n~~;ror~a'~io:L1 l:Lgu:c.? in a fe..'i years when the gro~,.,Tth factor be~ins to be a reality rather than a forecast? . Oc:r Council does not s oek to eTaw you into any local squabble or to Cn)B.te ,my unple'J.sant relationship between you and your neichbou.'ing I'iunicipality. We c'o fecl though that both you and "re ougl:"~ to look ahe:td \'iith a vision not clouded by any of the ,"'Cfct things that S0 nersistfntly appear. Our sue;gestion is that this matter beselttled through 2n ~mbiased opinion and that the Board be requested to approach the Ontario School T~'u.stk3s Council or sny other qualified authority to act as a referee in this rJ2tter. lYe will El.CC8pt unconditionally the ruling of this body,. It need not cause .".ny undue delay but we thoroughly believe it will prevent a serious departure from t '.ose standards v'hich we believe good planninr; of the Area demands. Moved by Reeve ~. Higgon, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, That this be left in abc;yance and a committee be appointed to investigate the possibility of having our Om) High School Board. The following was appointed as the Comm1ttee.: Reeve W. Higgon, Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,ClerkR.. B.. Reynolds., ~. Ronald Parker letter dated April 1st, 1959. I '"ould like to m':.ke application to the TOm) of Bowmanville for wRter E"ervic~;s to my building lot at the corner of High and O'dell Streets as I will be building in the near future i1nd will need water on this pro:'erty.. There would be approximately 390 ft. of water main needed to bring water from Concession Street up High Street to the corner of my lot. Thanking you in advance for any consideration to my request I remain.... Moved by Deputy~Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Coun~illor A. Sturrock, That this be referred to the Bo~rd of Works and a report be submitted. 3. Community Memorial Arena letter dated March 13th, 1959. Your letter of March 12th regarding curtailment of Arena activities by March 31st has been received and studied. Schedules have been reviewed and we will do all possible to speed them along, however, as you likely know we have three hockey clubs still in contention for Ontario Championships. Indications are that Wwo of the Clubs will be in the Ontario Finals in their respective groups. If our guess is correct it will likely be i:~possible to finalize activities until April 11th or 12th. We appreciate Council's concern and will work closely with all parties involved to conclude the season just as quickly as possible. . Moved by Reeve W. Higgon, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That this be noted and filed. 4. Municipal Planning Consultants letter dated March 13th, 1959. We wish to thank you for retaining us as Consultants for the Bowmanville North Neighbourhood Study. vie will commence work on this project immediately and advise you of our progress. . Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That this be noted and filed. 5. The Canadian Legion of the British Emprire Service League letter dated March 21st, 1959. I have been instructed by the executive of our Branch to forward this letter to you in order to express our thanks to you and Councillor Brough for attending our recent Executive meeting and explaining the tax situation in regards to the Legion Building. vie would also like to 8XprGSS our thanks to Town Council for the interest shown in this ;rj3.tter. Moved by Councillor K. Nicks, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, That this be noted and filed 6. W. H. Brown letter dated March 19th. I hereby make a"plication to ctange the old Martin Senour sign which Eliimgs under the Case sign in front of my store for a new illuminated Firestone sign which I know will imDrove the appearance of the front of my store and yet will not increase the number of signs already erected. Moved by Reeve W. Higgon, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, That permission be granted provided it meets with the approval of the Building inspector. . 7. Depart~ent of the Attorney General letter dated ~~arch 20th, 1959. A copv of the findings of the Coroner's Jury at Listowel at Listowel at the inquest into the death of Kenneth McLeod. Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That this be noted and filed. 8. Bo~anville Chamber of CO~l'lerce letter dated I'1arch 30th, 1959. To beautify our Town during the Christmas season and to stimulate local shopping, the merchants of Bo~anville have con- tributed almost $2,000..00 over the past four winters to our Christmas lighting and decorating programme. I'1ost of this money has been spent on purchasing and installing the coloured electric lights along King Street and the Nativity Scene at the Library Building. The string of lights also contributed to the success of our Centennial Celebrations and are available for any future civic events. . In the belief that the Town, through its Works Department is better equi}.'ped to maintain and service these installations, we he!'eby request the Town to accqt theM as a gift from its merchants. As funds per.,i t, the Chanber will install additional fistures and decorations to further beautify the downtown area and, with your permission will dedicate them to the Town. Moved by Councillor A. Sturrock, Seconded by Councillor O. J. Fresson, That we accept with thanks this offer. 9. Bo~anville Chamber of CorrFlerce lett-~r dated March 25th 1951. . At the latest meeting of our Board of Directors, numerous comments of appreciation were voiced concerning the splendid job performed during the past difficult winter by ~he Works Department in removing snow and ice from our streets and the roof of the Memorial Arena. Commerci"l tr3.velers have com~cnted that our main street has been maintained in better condition than any other lake shore com~unity between Toronto and Kingston. I was therefor instructed bv unanimous vote to extend our thanks and congratulations to Town Council for authorizing the program and to Mr. Lloyd Quinton and the personnel of the Works Department for so capably and efficiently carrying it out. Moved by Councillor K. Nicks, Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue, That this be noted and filed. 10. Strike and Strike letter dated March 24th 1959. Following receirt of your letter of March 2nd last, we have attended at the Farliament B~ildings in Toronto to obtain the information requested concerning the Fort Darlington Harbour Company. We find that the Company was not incorporated by the issuing of Letters Patent or a Charter, but rather by the Statutes of Upper Canada, 7 William LV, Chapter 49 (4 March 1837) There was a further Act in February of 1840 which extended the collection of tolls. By the 1837 Statute the Fort Darlington Harbour was incorp- orated for the following purposes amoung other incidental purposes: a. The Port Darlington Harbour COi'T'my shall be in law capable of purchasing, having and holding t() them, their ~mcce,;sors, any Estate real or personal or nixed to iJnd for th.c us.' of the said COlTlpanj and of letting conveying or otherwis.j df;parting therewith for the benefit and on the account of the said Company from time to time as they shall dee;', necess'lry or expedient, the said Company not to carryon business or banking. b. The right to acquirs land for purpose of Harbour and rights of arbitration (set out in detail) in caSG of dispute. c. The power to collect tolls from shipping between eastern side of Lot No. B and western side of Lot no. 14 (later extended) There is also a provlslon in the Act to the effect that any tine after 50 years from the making and cot:lph,ttng of the Harbour, the Goverrutient could assume the possession of the properyy upon payment to the share-'holders of the rJ()118Y paid on account of their shares, but only upon it app,aring fro;'" the Company's accounts that the shareholders had r8ceiv8d an annual avarage of 12 pounds for every 100 pounds they shall be nossessBd of in the Company. . You can S2e from the above l'1ention;;d objects of the CO~lpany that it is given wide powers in relation to the holding of real estate, even to the extent of leashing property as we believe is now done in connection with cottages and boat houses, However, it is perhaps a question of fact as to what jurisdiction the Company has exercised over the Habour and would accordingly be deeDed to ca.rrying out the functions for I-lhich it was incorporated. The namGS ~nd addresses of the present officials of the Company are as follows: President, Dr. F. E. Ireland, Medical Arts Building, Toronto, Onto "- Secretary, Fred Depew, Bo~~anville, Onto Guernsey McLellan, recently deceased, was the Treasurer of the Company before his death. . Mr. Fendergraast of the Royal Trust Company in Toronto is attending to the Estate of Guernsyy McLellan and currently has the Company books and records in his office. He h8.s kindly offered us access to the Company records if further information is required. Moved by Councillor O. J. Presson, Seconded by Councillor L. G. Preston, That this be noted and filed. 11. Planning ,"end Development letter datsd March 4th, 1959. Flood Precautions. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That this be noted and filed. 12. Ontario Planning and Develonment letter dated March 23rd, 1959. The Seventh Annual conference of Ontario Housing Authorities will be held at the Hotel London, London OntRrio from June 1st. to 3rd incl. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor O. J. Presson, That this be noted and filed. 13. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority letter dated March 2e. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is in receipt of a letter from the Department of Planning and Development Hydrographics Division, advising us of a survey being made in this arc&.. We would appreciate any information you could give to our Land Use and 'Ilater Chairman, 1"11'. Edi':'lr James, R. R. 1, Fickering Onto on areas where flooding has occured, or where flooding could occur, any Hi<;h or Low Water ta'cles you "lay have etc. Further infornation on the 'iurv','y can b" obtained from Mr. James. Moved by Co~ncillor O. J. Fresson, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, That the necessary information be forwarjed . 14. Ontario Good Roads jl''3sociJtion letter d.ted I-larch 30th, 1959 Re: Roads School for Road Superintendant.~ A Road School for Road Superintenrlents is being held in Hart House Theatre, Uni versi ty of Toronto, on I',:oIlday and Tuesday ~lay 11, and 12, 1959. . Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue, That our Roads Foreman be granted permission to attend. 15. Ontario Flanning and Developuent letter dated March 26, 1959. Enclosed is the text of a statement on Civil Defence made in Parliament on Honday, March 2Jrd, by tiw Prime Minister, the Right Honourable John G. Diefenb.akcr. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That this be noted and filed. . 16. J. Kerkaliet letter dat~d rch 17ti', 1959. ':Ie vwuld like to kno,v if we could r,mt th8 Town H311 on the 9th. of M~y for a play. We would very much app:',;ciatc; if \ve could have your answer at your earliest convenience. Hoved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor A. Stur~ock, That the Cler check on this and if he is satisfied the necessary approval be given. 17. Ontario Department of Municip.al Affairs letter dated March 24th, 1959. This is to advise yoU that the Federal Provincial Works Stimulation pro;"'!;ralll'1 1959, has been extended fror.l April 30th, 1959 to May 31st, 1959. Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue, Seconded bv Councillor K. Nicks, That this be noted and filed. 18. Ontario Office of the Fire Marsh~ll dated March 23rd, 1959. Training Course for Municip~l Fire Chiefs. Moved by Councillor K. Nicks, Seconded by Councillo~ I. Hobbs, That no action be taken. 19. Kenneth Hull letter lated April 1959. He: trinuine; tree. Moved by Reeve W. Higgon, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That this bo referred to the Roads and Streets COJ'1ittec with power to act. Reports 1. Ontario Water Ecsources Comclission 1'''- S':',1ag;,~, &, Water Works. Moved by Councillor T. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, . That this be noted and filed. 2. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - March 24th, 1959. Moved by Councillor A. Sturrock, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That this be noted emd fi 1ied. 3. Fish and Chip - Has permission fr:Wl Ov/llf'r in hous,' to park in driveway bes:Lde Town it?ll Farking lot Do we objllct? Moved by Councillor K. L~th~ngue, Seconded by Councillor L. Freston, . That they be advised thRt w~ have no objections 4. Folice Department- As requested I submit here a brief report of the activities of the Folice Depart:1i3nt for the 'Ylonth of Ibrch: Motor Vehicle Mileage ....... ......2817 miles Investigations and occurences .....33 A.rrests .......................... .15 Parking Meter Violations ..........192 Reveue .............$177.00 Turned over to the Town TreasuriJr ff4. 00 being revenue recci v(,d from sale of empty beer bottles seized in liqyor investigations IVloved by Councillor E. Lathang;uf, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That this be noted Jnd filed. 5. Industrial - Month of Murch. Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That this be noted and filed. . . . 6. P. U. C. Scugo~ Nat2r~ain Cost .......$22,900.00 Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Reeve W. Higgon, That the watermain be constructed under section Local improvement Act. 8 of the carried/ 7. Planning Bourd. Moved by Councillor K. Nicks, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, That this be notd and filed. 8. Welfare - ~onth of March - Moved by Councillor L. Preston, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That this be noted and filed. Reports of Committees Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brou~h, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, And resolved that the Board of Works reports deted March 10 and 30 1959 b,') and the same are hereby sdopted. carried Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor O. J. Fresson, And resolved that the special meeting report dated March 16, 1959 be and the s'J.'ne are hereby adopted. cerried !,loved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, That the accounts of the Accounts paid prior attached here to, in the tot~l amount of $ 61, 834.24 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried Moved by Deputy~Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Councillor I. Hobbs, That the accounts bf the Libertv Street to, in the total anount of 3 5,6J9.2j be and for payment. Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Sewer attached here are hereby passed carried. That the accounts of the Finance Department to, in the total ai'lOunt of ;~ 3,706.44 b', and are for payment. att3.chcd here heroby "assed carried. Moved by Councillor O.J. Fresson, Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue, That the accounts in the total amount of for payment. of the Public Froperty attached hereto, $ 1,395.86 be and are hereby passed carrliJed. Moved by Councillor L. Freston, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock; That the accounts in the total aeJount of payment. of the W81fare Department attached hereto, ~ 1,754.02 be and are hereby passed for cilrried. ~i[oved by Councillor K. Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor O. J. Tresson, That the acco~nts of the Folice Dopart,~ent attached hereto, in the total amount of $ 334.44 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried Moved by Councillor A. Sturrock, Seconded by Councillor L. Freston, That the accounts of the Cemetery attached hereto, in the total Ol"Jount of .~ 32.16 be and are hereby p3.ssed for J aT~(mt. c,~rri()d . Moved by Councillor K. Nicks, Seconded by Councillor L. Freston, That the accounts of the Fire in the total amo'mt of .~ 26".26 bE: payment. Depart~ent attached hereto, an~ ~rc h()reby passed for c:_:trriecl. By-Laws First and Second :lC'i':.Sirll': Moved by Councillor O. J. FrC'sson, Seconded by Cou~cillor K. Lathansue, . ilnd resol'Fd that the By-Law to ar1,mc1 By-Law nuober 1665 be now read a first and Si crmd time. carried Moved by Councillor O. J. Fresson, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, And resolved the: t a By- L'.'1 to rrovi,1e parking ')nd full loads in th'G Town of first and second timE:. for the rcostrictions of Bowr19nvillo be now read a c'lrried. Moved by Councillor O. J. Fresson, Seconded by Councillor K. Lath~ngue, imd resolved :* 186,010.00 re.ad a first that a By-Law to ,rovide for the borrowing upon Debentur_s for fublic School rurposes and s8conrl tine. of be now carried. ~ . Moved by Councillor O. J. frosson, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, And resolved th~t the Council now rise and go into of the Whole for th0 c:msideration of two By-Laws. chair. the Oommittee let-yor in the c:~rried . By-Laws Third Reading Moved by Councillor O. J. Bresson, S''lconded by Councillor K. Lathangue, And r("solved th2.t the Comf'littee of the 'ilThole now rise favourably to Council on the two By-Laws discussed in of the ~lhole. and report the Committee cCirried Moved by Councillor a. J. Frosson, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, And resolved that the Sy-L1W to ~rovidG for the restrictions of parking and full loads in the TOI'lD of Bowmanville be now re'ld a third tim" pass"d aId nu.'Ylbered By-Law nU~"1b'2r 1719. carried. .. . Moved by Councillor O. J. Fres"on, Seconded bv Councillor K. LCltham';\\G, . ~ And r,.,solved that the By-Law to amend By-LC\Vi nunb:.r 1665 read il third time and finally passed a.rtd n1,lmbcred Ey-Law 1720. be now :-lumber carried. New and Unfini~hud Business Fire Department Applicati~ns R. l~rfect and H. Davey Moved by Councillor Sturrock Seconded by Councillor Fresson That this be referred to th(; ~ire Committee C'1rried Township of Darlington Zoning By-Law Moved bv Councillor Freston J Second by Councillor Sturrock That this be noted and filed Carried Adopt amendment to Official Flan Moved by Councillor Presson . Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue Ihat the amendment to the Official Plan as presented and prepared by the Town of Bowmanville Planning Board be and the same is here- by adopted. Carried Accept Tenders for new truck and Rental of roller. ~oved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That en S. F. 54 BROS 3 to 10 ton roller on a one month rental purchase trial b:1.sis b,; ~rchased, fr')ffi Gener",l Supply Coml"vmy Limited cost of machine $5920.00. Carried. . Moved by Deputy-ReeveJ. Brou~h, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, That the tenders from Cowan Equipment Company in the amount of $5515.00 be accepted for one 1959 B 180 intsrnationa1 truck . . FurchaS2 Drapes.~ Board of ~orks office ~~162.40. Moved by Councillor 1. Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor L. Preston, That the tenders of Good Brand Fabrics in the amount of $162.40 for drapes for the Board of Works office be acceptp.d Carried. County Rate The County Rate for the year 1959 is $$3,966.C6 and the amount in the Budget is 76,000.00. The difference was explained to Council. Permission to call tender - Dog Found. Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Councillor A. Sturrock, That tenders be called. Carried. 0,1.. .. . . Banquet for Midget and Juvenile Hockey Teams. Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough, Seconded by Reeve W. Higgon, That a committee be formed to arrange a banquet for the above mentioned teams and Mr. R. Watt retiring Arena Manager.Com"ittee to consist of Councillor K. Nicks and Deputy-Reeve J. Brough. Moved by Councillor O. J. Presson, Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue, That the meeting be adjourned at 10:35 P.M. MAYOR CLERK