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Bowmanville, Ontario.
January 5, 1959.
The Inagural meeting of the Council of the Town of Bowmanville
was held on January 5th, at 8 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Town
Hall Bowmanville Ontario.
Council Chambers, Bowmanville,
January 5th, 1959.
To His Worship, the Mayor and Members of the Municipal
Council of the Town of Bowmanville.
Your Worship, and Gentlemen:
I submit the following report of the results of the Municipal
Election for Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors, held on
December 1st, 1958.
~~YOR for the year 1959 ) - W. D. Carruthers.
REEVE for the year,. 1959
W. D. Higgon.
J. Brough.
DEPUTY-REEVE for the year, 1959 ;~',i''-':
COUNCILLORS for the years 1959
Councillor - Ivan Hobbs.
Councillor - Keith Lathangue.
Councillor - O. J. Presson.
Councillor - L. G. Preston.
Councillor - A. H. Sturrock.
. Councillor - K. Nicks.
These members elect have severally made and subscribed
their Declaration of Qualification and of Office, for the years
1959 and I now declare this Council to Be dully
constituted for the transaction of Civic business.
R. B. Reynolds
Mayor W. D. Carruthers in the chair.
Councillor A. H. Sturrock absent due to illness. All other
members present.
The Divine Blessing was given by the Reverend Turner.
Moved by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy Reeve J. Brough,
That a vote of thanks be extended to the Reverend Turner.
Ex Mayors Milton J. Elliot and Nelson Osborne addressed Council,
wishing them well in the coming year.
The Mayors Inaugural Address.
The lfByor presented his Inaugural Address.
Adoption of ~linutes of the meeting held on December 2. December 1958.
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor L. Preston,
That the minutes as printed be adopted.
Striking Co~~ittee
Moved bv Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that the Striking Committee report be and the
same be hereby adopted.
Reverend Turner and the Reverend Scott, addressed this Council
regarding transients.
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor O. J. Presson,
That this be referred to the Civic and Relief Committee.
1. Johnson and Stewart letter dated December 18th, 195e.
We are enclosing one complete set of blank forms of the
schedules required by the Department of Municipal Affairs. We
have entered certain of the figures, so far as they are available
at this time, on Schedules D, 1, 2, 3, 4, $, 9, 11, 12, 19, and
In order that we may reduce our accounting time and thereby
concentrate more on auditing procedures, perhaps you could complete
the schedules as far as possible when the general ledger is
completed after the end of December.
During our recent meeting with the finance committee it
was indicated that additional copies of the financial statements
may be required. At present, one typing can produce sufficient
copies for most of the schedules except the public utilities
and school board. Additional copies will necessitate the typing
of all schedules twice. If you will please let us know how many
copies will bo required we can obtain the necessary forms from the
Department of Municipal Affairs. For your information, the
following copies have been made in the past:
1. copy to Department of Municipal Affairs.
1. Copy to ~fuyor.
3. Copies to Town Clerk.
2. Copies to Finance Committee.
1. Copy - auditors file copy.
e. Copies of complete financial Statements
3. Copies of P.U.C. reports to P.U.C.
3. Copies of Public School Board Reports to Public School
Would you also let us know when the list of tax arrears as
at 31 December, 195$, will be available together with the applic
statements, so that we may mail these statements out with our
confirmation stamp attached. In this connection, we would lik
to bring to your attention the fourth paragraph under the heading
"Tax Roll" in our report at the front of the 1957 financial
statements, regarding interest on t~x arrears for the current year
so that we may know whether this interest is to be charged in
1958 or if it is to be waived, as in the past.
If there is any further information you may require, or if
we can assist you in any way with the 8ccounting records, please
let us know.
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
That this be referred to the fin?nce committee.
2. Bowmanville Memorial letter dated December 29th, 1958.
You are invited to attend a meeting to discuss the proposed
plan for an addition to the Memorial Hospital. This meeting will
be on Thursaay January 15, at 8:00 P.~. in the Council Chamber
of Bowmanville Town Hall. Arrangements have been made to have
an architect present to show slides with detail of proposed lay-
out and have a general discussion covering the whole project
including estimated cost. We would appreciate your attendance and
any suggestions you might have to offer.
Moved by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Councillor L. Preston,
That all Council members attend this meeting.
3. Northumberlana-Durham Health Unit letter dated December 18,
By-Laws passed by local municipalities frerluently have
reference to matters pertaining to Dublic health, the Board of
Health, Medical Officer of Health, Sanitary Inspector, or
Plumbing Inspector. In many instances there have been errors in
such By-Laws which could have been prevented by discussion with
the Health Unit Staff membefs.
Because of ~his, the following motion was passed at a meeting
of the Board of Health on December 11, 1958.
"Because of probable error in municipal By-Laws where reference
is made to public health matters and to the board of health or
health unit'personnel, that municipal councils be requested to
contact the medical officer of health before such By-Laws are
I have been requested to advise you of this notion and to ask
for the co-operation of your council in this matter.
Moved by Councillor O. J. Presson,
Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks,
That this be adopted.
4. City of Woodstock Resolution dated December 19, 1958.
WHEREAS utility sales of natural gas in Canada during 1956 totaled
143,725,649,000 cu. ft. and in 1957 were estimated to be about
170,000,000,000 cu. ft. and
WHEREAS natural gas should have a steady increase in sales in
Ontario following the completion of the Trans-Canada pipe-line
with many millions of dollars to be paid by Ontario Natural Gas
customers; and
JH~J':AS with the expanding development of the natural gas
industry, many municipal Councils \'Iill be negoth1ting franchises
and natural gas rates for their ~unicipalities for the ~irst time;
dHEi(EAS it is in the interest of of all Ontario citizens to
regulate the marketing of natural ~as because of its monopolistic
THI03EF'ORE BS IT HSSCLV oD THAT the Ontc'lrio Government give
consideration to the enactment of legislation to protect the citizens
of Ontario in all possible respacts through the r8~ulation and
control of the trans~ission, distribution, wholesale and retail
sale of natural f!,a.s.
AND Eo IT FIUelY S( "n.30LV'~D TH,e,T a copv of this resolution be
forwarded to the Prime ;':inister of Ontario, the liIinist8r of I"linEs
our Loc:11 Member Gf Parliament, the Ontario nunicipal Association
the Hayors and Reeves Association and other Ontario I'fJunicipalities.
IlIoved by Councillor O. J. Presson,
Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks,
That we endorse this resolution.
5. City of Woodstock Resolution dated December 15, 1958.
WH21EAS the threat of further inflation is inhecent in the
recent wide-spread wage increases in certain industries and the
rate increases awarded to railway and utility corporations; and
WHKLAS these increases have been brouf'ht about bv pressures
exerted by management, labour uni0ns and railwav and utility
corporations without full regard to the 2f~ect which such increases
will have on the economic well being of the nation as a whole; and
IBEREAS such increases will set in ~otion pressures for
comparable wage and Drice increases in other '.vide sectors of the
economy; and
dH2R~AS further Drice increases will seriously affect our
abilitv to sell Canadian products and goods in conDotitive world
markets as well as our ow~ Canadian Domestic marhlt and thus
further curtail Droduction and employment; and
4H~:H:<;AS B~ IT .LSOLV~~D that the City Coucil of Joodstock
expresses its alarm at the situation which has developed and which
unless pro~ptly checked, will have grave conse~uencesfor most
AND BE IT FlJHTH;;( 3.:cSOLVr;D that the Canadian Federation of
Mayors and ~funicipalities be requested to ~ake immediate representa-
tions to the Federal Government - in the name of the Municipal
Governments every persuasive and le~al means at its disposai, in
order that the threat~ning inflationary pressures be kept under
effective check and control;
AIm BE IT :<'IUT'U,( ci2SC:c1nD that a CODY of this resolution be
forwarded to everv municipal Council in Ontario, and that they be
~ -='::...-S8 it. -
Koved by Councillor O. J. Presson,
Seconded by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
That this be received and filed.
6. Ontario Farmers' Union letter.
Members of the Coldsurinzs Local 199, Ontario Farmers' Union
&re greatly concerned over the increase of rabios in farm animals
in this country. At present we ar.e gathering nanes for a petition
requesting our Township Council to establish a clinic to provide
anti-rabies inoculations for domestic and farm animals.
One of our councillors suggested that to be effective the
clinic should include the entire county. We realize that we will
need the s11pport of the United Counties' Council in ordsr to get
action. :tILll kindly give this request to your represent;tive
on the Cowlcil urging them to speak on our beh~lf?
vlheneITer we ask for a sign':lture there is ",l,rays the same
question "!vhy has nothing been pone before this time?" We hear
that something should be done, but why the delay?" Other counties
in Ontario have found to their sorrow that this menance to the
health, safety ind income of our farm families will not cure itself.
I~s~us3ion3 of Committees are helpful, no doubt, but we need ACTICN
and we neeel it promptly. Liv.estock in b'crn qre no sifertbaan
,,,hen on pa,;ture, for rats and mice are known to be excellent
means of spreading rabies. Children going to and from school
are just as liable to be attacked by rabid animals during the
winter as they are in warm weather.
On behalf of urban ':IS well as rural residents we urge you to
take a firm stand against further unnecessary and danger~us 'delay
in providing prompt and thorough protection from rabies. Veterin-
arians in B"lleville or Toronto will not have the S3me opportunity
as our Counties Council to learn first hand the necessity for a
- ..:., appraisal of our problem, nor of its urgency. We trust
_Ldt our representatives will b(J willing to urge Counties' Council
to take immediate action.
Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue,
Seconded By Councillor O. J. Presson,
That our representative to County Council be c:,sked to support
this resolution.
7. Ernie ,Jei1sels letter dated January 5th, thanking Council for
t'oeir consideration during his recent illness.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
S2conded by Councillor K. Lathangue,
That this letter be noted and filed.
Can~rliaD Association of Fire Chiefs.
~oved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
S~conded by Councillor L. Preston,
That this be referred to the fire co~mittee and a report
be submitted to Council.
Ontario Municipal Association.
Moved by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks,
That this town become a member of this association and a
che~ue for twenty dollars to cover dues be forwarded.
=eports of Committees
"01ice Administration
Moved by Councillor O. J. Presson,
Seconded by Councillor L. Preston,
and resolved that L. Philips be emDloyed as Town Constable
commencing J:muary 1, at the scllary of ,i3200.00 per year.
Cou~cil Procedure
!V!oved by REileve W. D. Higgonr ,
Seconded by Deputy-aeeve J,.Bnough,
and r3s01ved that paragranh 33 of rules and regulations of
the !>bnicipal Council of the Town of Bowm:mville be repealed.
;Jorthumberlmd-Durham Health Unit October, November.
Illoved by Councillor L. Preston,
Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue,
That this report be noted and filed.
The Bowmanville Traffic Advisory Council report December 18, 1958.
Moved by Councillor O..J. Presson,
Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks,
That this report be noted and filed and that paragraph D be
referred to your Traffic Committee for consideration.
"'oved by Ivan M. Hobbs,
Seconded by J. Brough,
That the accounts of the Finance Committee attached hereto,
in the total amount of ,) 3, 879.05 be and hereby passed for
Moved by K. Lathangeu,
Seconded by O. J. Presson,
That the accounts of the Civic and Relief Committee attached
hereto, in the total amount of j 715.60 be and are herebv
passed for payment.
1110ved by Ivan M. Hobbs,
Seconded by K. Nicks,
That the accounts of the Fire Committee attached hereto,
in the total amount of ~ 53.23 be and are hereby passed
for payment.
Moved by O. ,[. Presson,
Seconded by Ivan M. Hobbs,
That the accounts of the Police Committee 'ittached hereto,
in the total amount of 1 197.03 be and are hereby passed for
Moved by W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Ivan M. Hobbs,
That the accounts of the Public Property and Garbage Committee
attach"d hereto, in the total 3.mount of " 1916.79 be and 'lre
hereby polS sed for payment.
Moved by L. G. Preston,
Seconded by W. D. Higgon,
That the accounts of the Cemeterv Committe attached hereto,
in the total amount of ~ 202.60 be and are hereby passed for
Loved by Ueputy-Reeve.J. Brough,
Seconded by Councillor K. Lath~ngue,
That the accounts of the Roads and Streets Co~~ittee attached
heret-o, in the total amount of ~18l6.09 be and are hpreby
passJd for payment.
-'aved by Reeved. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
That the accounts attached hereto, totally , 2913.16 be and
they are hereby approved for payclent.
IVloved by Gouncillor O. J. Presson,
3econded by Councillor L. G. Preston,
That Councillor K. Lathangue be appointed as Council
reprnsentative on the Tr:tffic Advisory Council.
By-Laws - First and Second Readings:
1. Movee by Reeve Higgon,
Secorded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that the ~over be gnanted leave to introduce
a By-Law to authorize the borrowing for Current Expenditures
said By
2. Moved by Reeve Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And rlsolved that the mover be granted leave to introduce
a By-Law to authorize the formation of an Industrial Committee.
.!laid By-Law be now read '1 first 'lnd second time.
3. Moved by Reeve '1'1. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that the mover be granted leave to introduce
a By-Law to authorize the prepayment of taxes. And said
By-Law be now read a first and second time.
Moved by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that the mover be granted leave to introduce
a By-L1W to provede for the appointment of certain
represmtatives. And said By-Law be now red a first 'Cmd
second time.
5. Moved by Reeve A. D. Higgon,
SecondEd by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And refolved that the mover be granted leave to introduce
a By-L&w to authorize the payment of annual 'lllowance to
Council members. And said By-L'lw be now read a first and
second time.
6. Moved by Reeve N. D. Higgon,
Secondei by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And res'Jlved that By-Law authorizing Mayor and Reeve to-gether
with Truasurer and Assessor to sign on behalf of the
Corporation for banking purposes. Said Bv-L'lw nOI" be read
a first and s8cond ti~e.
7 Moved by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resoJ.ved that the mover be gr'lnted to intDoduce a By-Law
to authorize the 'lnpointing of auditors. Said By-Law be now
read E first 'lnd second time.
Moved by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that the Council rise and go into the committee
of the whole for the consider~tion of 7 By-Laws .
l-fuyor ',v. C,lrruthers in the ch:dr.
Moved By Reeve \J. D, Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that the committee now rise and report favour ably
to Council on the following By-Laws which were discussed
in the committee of the whole.
1. By-Law to authorize borrowing for Current Expenditure.
2. By-Law to authorize the formqtion of a Industrial Co%~ission
3. By-Law to authorize prepayment of taxes.
4. By-~aw to provide for appointment of certain representatives.
5. By-Law to pay annu"l ?,llOlonce to Council memb8rs.
6. By-j,aw authorizing rV;ayor and Reeve to-gether with Treasurer
and Assessor to sign on behalE of the Coruorqtion for
banking purposes.
7. Appcinting auditors.
Council now is session.
The Nayor reported to Council that the By-Laws disCUSSGd in the
committee of the whole passed without amendment.
Third Readin,
10. Moved by Reeve ',f. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And reso:',ved that the By-Law authorizing the borrowing for
Current :\xpenditurcs be now re':d a third time passed and
numbered By-Law number 1702.
11. ~1oved by Reeve d. D. Hig'son,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that the By-taw to authorize the formation of
an Industrial Commission be nOli read a thi~d time and 'cassed
and numbered By-Law number 1703.
12. Moved by 'ieeve If. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved th2,t the By-Law to authorize prepayment of t'lxes
be now read a third time ,end pass;od and numbered By-L3w
number 1704.
13. Moved by Roeve d. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that the By-Law for aDpointment of certain
representatives be now read a third time and ~assed and
numbered By-Law number 1705.
14. Moved by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Jeputy-Reev.e J. Brough,
And resolved th3.t the By-Law to pay,mnual allowance to
Council members be now read a third time passed and mumbered
By-Law number 1706.
.' .
15. Moved by Re eve \v. D. Higgon,
Secon<:led by Reeve J. Brough,
And rasolved that the By-Law authorizing Mayor and Reeve to-
gether with Treasurer and Assessor to sign on behalf of the
Corporation for banking purposes be now read a third time
passe:i and numbered By-Law number 1707.
16. Moved by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that the By-Law authorizing the appointing'of
Auditors be now read a third time passed and numbered By-Law
number 1708.
New and Unfinished Business
Moved by Council10r Ivan Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor K. Lathangue,
And resolved that a welfare officer who is also capable of
assisting in clerical work be hired and that Rav~ond Welsh
be allpointecJ at his present yearly sale.ry.
. Blanket Position Bond of Indemity - All emolovees covered for
~5000.00 and additional i5000.aO on the Cl~rk:Tre~surer.
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor L. Preston,
That the Blanket Position Bond be increased by )5000.00 and
thai; the cost of Burglary Insurance be inv'~stigated.
Resolution approving the purchase of cash receipting machine.
18, Moved by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Councillor I. Hobb~,
And resolved that a cqsh receipting machine be purchased from
th;~ National Cash Register Company. At a cost of ~3770. 00.
... Resolution requestion Centennial Committee to turn balance over
to Town and that it be deposited in the general account and
chargf d back to 1958. .
Moved by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that the Centennial Committee be requested to
turn their present balance over to the Town and th1t it be
deposited in the general account and charged back to 1958.
weekly Indemnity Benefits - \1hat is Councils wish on this matter.
MOVEd by Councillor I. Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
That this be referred to next meeting.
Resolution approving purchase of counter. Other counter is to
be sold to Police Department.
Moved by Reeve W. D. Higgon,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
And resolved that a new count0r be purchased at a cost of
~250.00 and that the other counter be installed in the
Police office.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
S'~conded by Councillor 1. Hobbs,
11. ~
That this membership be paid and th~t the delegates be
appointed by the Board of Works.
Presentation to former Mayors. Jarruary 16, at 5:30 I.M.
Purchase of Citator and 1950-1958 R. S. O.
Moved by Reeve W. Higgon,
Seconded by Councillor T. Hobbs,
That the necessary Citator and R. S. O. be purchasec.
Committee Meeting Nights.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
Seconded by Councillor T. Hobbs,
That the Board of Works meet the second and fourth Tuesday
each month.
Moved by Councillor K. Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor T. Hobbs,
That the Fire Committee meet the 3rd Monday of each month.
Moved by Councillor T. Hobbs,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve J. Brough,
That the Finance Committee meet on the second J,{ednesday of.
every month.
Moved by Councillor O. J. Presson,
Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks,
That Public Property COff1ittee meet on the second Thursday
of each month.
Moved by Councillor K. Lathangue,
Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks,
That the Police meet the fourth Thursday of each ~onth.
Moved by Councillor L. Preston,
Seconded by Councillor O. J. Presson,
That the meeting ee 2diourned.