HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/19/1960 . . t . . 1. . . e . /19 A regular meeting of the Bowmanville Town Council wa5 held on Monday, December 19th, 1960, at 7:30 p.m. Councillor Lathangue absent. All others present. Mayor Carruthers in the Chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That the Council minutes dated December 5th, December 8th, and December 12th, as printed, be and the same are hereby adopted. carried. CORRESPONDENCE Lake Ontario Development Association Re: Sport shows in United States. Four shows be attended. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, That this letter be referred to the Industrial Commission. carried. 2. Thank Your Card from W. Hackney. Moved by Con. Hughes, Seconded by Con. Nicks, carried. 3& That this be received and filed. Bowmartville Planning Board "Please be advised that the BOHmanville Flanninr, Board recommend to Council that our recommendation of November 9th, 1959, re- cowaending that the south-eastern portion of Township Lot 14, in Concession 1, Town of BO\rollinville, namely approx. 660 ft. wide on Base Line Road by 1320 ft. on Waverley Road, be re-zoned from Residential to Industrial, be resended and that we now recommend to Council that t~is same above said portion of Township Lot 14, be re-zoned from existing Residential to Commercial. An option on this above mentioned portion has been given to a prospective purchaser by ~Ir. Hesley Fice, for a commercial enter- prise, with a possible agreement that the prospective purchaser will pay approximately half the expenses of taking Town water and sewer to this area, so quotes I'lr. Fice." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Bouncillor Stevens, That this recommendation be adopted. carried. 4. Canadian Mental Health Association - Re: Grants. Moved by Con. Nicks, Seconded by Reeve Little, That this be referred to the 1961 Budget Committee. carried. ~. . . . . 6. . I~ () . - 2 - 5. Planning & Development - Re: Low cost rental housin~. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That as much information as possible be obtained and the information be submitted to the Board of Works meeting in January. carried. Board of Health, United Counties of Northumberland & Durham. "Recent amendments in the legislation remove from the Public Health Act the responsibility for the inspection and enforce- ment of the regulations respecting plumbing installations. You will be advised by the Ontario l~ater Resources Commission that this matter now comes under their authority and that each municipality is required to act in accordance with their regulations. At the recent session of the Council of the United Counties it was agreed that the County would act as one body for all the municipalities if this action was acceptable to each. In turn the Council agreed to ask the Board of Health to administer this service cOffir.lencing January 1, 1961. In the main the programme can continue much as it has in the past with the exception that fees collected by the municipal- ities will no longer be paid over to the Board of Healthl New forms and by-laws are being prepared for submission to the municipalities and you will be kept informed of proposals nec- essary to effect this changed method of plumbing inspection. It is suggested that until the change is complete, you con- tinue to receive applications and issue permits as you have done in the past." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Nicks, That we concur with the above recommendation. carried. REPORTS OF COW~ITTEES Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Nicks, That the minutes of the Finance Committee dated December 15th, as printed, be and the sane are hereby adopted. carried. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That AppendiX "A" to the Finance Hinutes dated Dec. 15th, be and the same is hereby adopted. carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Nicks, That the Court of Revision minutes dated December 15th, as printed, be and the S~le is hereby adopted. carried. ~ . . . . a/ - 3- . REPORTS Moved by Con. Stevens, Seconded by Con. Fice, That the Police Report be received and filed. carried. Moved by Con. Presson, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority report be received and filed. carried. ACCOUNTS . Moved by Con. Presson, Seconded by Con. Stevens, That the accounts of. the amount of $177.17, be and the payment. Moved by Con. Hughes, Seconded by Con. Presson, Police. Department in the total same are hereby approved for carried. That the following account be and the same is hereby approved for payment. H.H.Rice - sound truck re: Armistice Service - ~7.00 . carried. Moved by Con. Hughes, Seconded by Con. Ficej That the accounts of the Public Property in the total AMount of $132.19 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. . Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That the accounts of the Accounts Paid Prior in the total amount of $77,$27.37 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. Moved by Con. Stevens, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the accounts of the Dog Control in the total amount .f $ 33.11'0 be and the same are hereby adopted. carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That the accounts of the Finance Committee in the total amount of $100,555.96, be and are hereby approved for payment. carried. e Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Con. Nicks, That the accounts of the Roads & Streets in the total amount of $$$.40 be and are herepy passed for payment. carried. . . /;2 .a.- - 4 - . M'ved by Con. Nicks, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That the accounts of the Industrial Commission in the total amount of $932.80 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried, BY-LAWS - 1st. & 2nd. reading. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to authorize an agreement with Rhoda Elizabeth Wilcox concerning the purchase of lands for an extension of Fourth Street, and the future development of Prospect Street. This by-law be now read a first and second time. carried. . Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. 3tevens, That Council now rise and go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of a by-law. Mayor in the Chair. carried. Moved by Con. Stevens, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the Committee now rise and report favourably to Council on the by-law discussed in the Committee of the \ihole. carried. Council now in Session. Mayor in the Chair. . Moved by Con. Presson, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That the by-law to authorize an agreement with Ithoda Elizabeth Wilcox concernin~ the purchase of lands for an ex- tension of Fourth Street and the future development of Prospect Street, be now read a third time, passed and numbered By-Law No. 1787. carried. NEW AND UNFINI31ED BUSINESS Resignation School Crossing Guard & Applications. Moved by Con. Presson, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That this be referred to the to act. Police Committee with power carried. Bradshaw Hater-mains - Petition. . Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Stevens, That this petition be accepted and the necessary prelim- inary plans and Engineers report be obtained. carried. ~. . . . . /;<. ~ - 5 - . Moved by Con. Fice, Seconded by Con. Nicks, That any amount over be set aside for payments for the new Fire truck. 31,000.00 in the Fire Revenue account on the capital expenditure debenture carried. Arypointment Deputy-Fire Chief~ Moved by Con. Nicks, Seconded by Con. Presson, That T. Lyle be appointed Deputy-Fire Chief, providing the Fire Department concur with this recommendation. carried. Bowmanville ~1useum . Moved by Con. Nicks, Seconded by Con . Stevens, That ~600.00 be allocated for the proposed museum for the Town of Bowmanville. carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That the Mayor invite Mr. Gooding to attend a meeting to futher study the proposed new Museum Board. carried. Moved by Con. Presson, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an agree- ment covering wages and working conditions of the Bowmanville Police Department and the Town of Bowmanville. carried. . Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That this meeting adjourn at 9:40 p.m. carried. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t., /' / \~' (. / '-\\ ~.' 'I' ~ ..'^ Y/ ZJ- Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk. . / .ii'