HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/03/1960 (Special) . . .2. . ~ flC; . . A regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council was held on Honday, October 3rd,1960, at 8:00 p.m. All members present. Mayor Carruthers in the Chair. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the Council Minutes dated September 12th, and September 27th, be and the same are hereby adopted. Carried. 1. CORRESPONDENCE Edward J.P.Morley - September 27thj601 "May I enquire if the Town of Bowmanville, of which I am a resident, has a by-law to control noises disturbing its inhabitants? if so, may I have a copy of this by-law? If there is not such a by-law, may I respectfully submit this for the consideration of our members of the Town Council and that the immediate attention be given of it for the health and welfare of the citizens of the Town of BO~~lanviller Pursuant to the above, may I suggest that "The 1,1unicipal Act, Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, 1950, (1958) specify therein, - Chapter 243. Sec. 388 (1) and provide: 112 (p.219) 112a(p.219) 113 (p219) For prohibiting or regulating the ringing of bells; blowing of horns, etc, etcl For licencing, regulating and governing the owners or operators of public address s~stemsj etc. etc. For prohibiting and abating public nuisances. It would appear thenj that such as the above Could provide a com- prehensive by-law covering such complaints and effect enforcement by our duly authorized officers fo~ the proteCtion of the health and welfare of our citizens." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, That this be referred to the Board of Works. Carried. Lake Ontario Development Association - September 19thj60. "The success of last year's Industrial & Municipal relations con- ference sponsored by our association indicated that this event should be held again in 1960. You are invited to attend this all important conference wfuich is being held in Peterboro at the new Empress Hotel in their Imperial Room on Tuesday, October 11th, beginning at 11:30 a.m. From the program enclosed you will note that prominent ~est speakers will be present to discuss ~1unicipal & Industrial relations. It is expected that our conference will go over last year's attendance of 250 representatives from industries and from communities who will discuss common interests. Will you fill out the enclosed form and return it to us immediat- ely. The registration fee is t6.00 and covers all costs during the conference including luncheon and dinner. We hope that you ,rill be on hand and that you will register early as we expect a large attendance." Moved by Con. Nicks, Seconded by Con. Lathangue, That any member of Council able to attend this conference, do so. Carried. /' 0, . . .5. . . 9;; . . * 2 * 3. Proclamation, Re: Business & Professional Women's Club. To the Citizens of Bowmanville, by virtue of my office, I hereby proclaim the week of October 16th, to October 22nd, 1960, as Business \Iomen' s ,leek. In recognition of the achievements of the Canadian Federation of Business &. Professional \Iomen' s Clubs, and particularly of thel contribution made to our community by the local club, we salute the businesswomen of Bow1anville, and wish them continued succ- ess in their efforts to elevate the status of erlployed women." Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Con. Nicks, That this proclamation be inserted in the paper. Carried. 4. Jack & Ruth Leddy, Chapel at. N. - September 29thj60. "I am writing to enquire if any progress has been made by the Roads & Streets COJ1lIl1ittee in regard to getting us a road into our property. As you know, our road across the C.P.R. railway was closed in February, 1958, and we have no access to our property since. Last December, we appealed our tax assessment to the Court of Revision. At that time they viewed the situation and cut our assessment in half. Also at that time Mr. lleynolds stated that the matter had been referred to the Roads ~G Streets Committee. We still have no road and understand the C.P.R. has offered to share the cost of a road from the west over Hr. C.Bellman's prop- erty. We hope for some progress soon, and would certainly be willing to pay our full share of taxes just as soon as we have access to our property," Moved by Deputy-Heeve HobbS, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That this be referred to the Streets and be pursued further. Mayor and Chairman of Roads & Carried. Rena Bathgate, 15 Flett St. - October 3rdj60. "I wish to complain about the language of the Dog Control Officer, who told me I lied about him to Council. He said this last week when he picked up my dog within two feet of my own front lawn. It is true that the dog was unleashed so I offered to pay him the ;P2.00 fine and save him the trouble of taking my dog to the pound. He then said rudely "You have been telling lies to the council about me, so you will just have to come all the way to the pound and PilY the i~2. 00 there~ Gentlemen, I am willing to comply with the laws, but I would like to be treated politely by your law enforcement officers. I have already complained to the chairmiln of the Dog Control Committee, Con. Ross Stevens, but I feel as this is the second time I have had occasion to complain that this should be brought before the entire council." Moved by Con. Nicks, Seconded by Con. Presson, That this be referred to Con. Stevens for a thorough invest- igation and report to the next meeting. Carried. t/. . . . . . ~( . . * 3 ;,~ REPORTS Moved by Con. Nicks, Seconded by Con. Lathangue, That the Industrial aeport be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That the \'ielfare Report be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Lathangue, That the Building Inspector's Report be received and filed. Carried. REPORTS OF CO~'lllITTEES Moved by Con. Stevens, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the minutes of the Board of Works meeting dates September 27th, be and the same are hereby adopted. Carried. Bowmanville Traffic Advisory Board Moved by Con. Presson, Seconded by Con. Stevens, That the Clerk send the fOrQ by-law of the new Traffic By- Law to the Department of Transport for their consideration. Carried. ACCOUNTS Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Presson, That the accounts of the Finance Committee attached hereto in the total amount of $61S6. 56 bl; and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Dep.Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Presson, That the payment to the Memorial Hospital re: cost of add- ition in the amount of $lS,OOS.OO be and the same is hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Hughes, Seconded by Con. Fice, That the accounts of the Public Property in the total amount of $23.42 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. . . . . . . y'f7 . * 4 * Moved by Con. Stevens, Seconded by Con. Lathangue, That the accounts of the CEmeterv Committee in the total amount of $30.00 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Lathangue, Seconded by Con. Stevens, That the accounts of thE Roads and Streets Dept. in the total amount of $3,371.37 be and are hereby passed for pa~aent. Carried. Moved by Con. Presson, Seconded by Con. LathQngue, That the accounts of the Police Dent. in the total iU'lount of $267.44 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Stevens, Seconded by Dep.Reeve Hobbs, That the accounts of the Dog Control in the amount of .),44.75 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Dep.Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Stevens, That the accounts of the Accounts Paid Prior in the total amount of $45j645109/ be and are hereby passed for paymenti Carried. BY-LAWS - First & second reading. Moved by Con. Stevens, Seconded by Dep.Reeve Hobbs, That the by-law to provide for the l,~vy and collection of a special rate in order to defray tho corporation's share of the cost of the construction of a high school near the Village of Courtice in the Township of Darlington, and tho furnishing and equipping thereof, be now read a first and second time. Carried. Moved by Con. Hughes, Seconded by Con. Fice, That the Council now rise and go into the Coramittee of the Whole for thlO consideration of a by-law. lVlayor in the Chair. Carried. Moved by Con. Lathangae, Seconded by Con. Presson, That the Committee now rise and report favourably to Council on the by-law discussed in Committee of the Whole. Carried. Council now in Session. Mayor in the Chair. " . . '. . . .. I,,!l- ' ~. 1 \.' (/ v'" 1:;1' . . /(' 0 ,~ 5 * BY-LAWS - Third reading. Moved by Con. Fice, Seconded by Con. Hughes, That the by-lilw to provide for the levy and collection of a special rate in order to defray the corporation's share of the cost of the construction of a hip;h school neRr the Village of Courtice, in the Township of Darlington, and the furnishing and equipping thereof, now be reRd a third time, passed, and numbered By-Law No. 1779. Carried. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSIlffiSS Equalization of Assessment. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Con. Lathangue, That the Mayor appoint a committee to investir;ate this Carried. further. Winter Harks Programme. Moved by Con. Hughes, Seconded by Con. Presson, That the Libertv Street Sewer and the Third Street Sewer be constructed limder the ~Jinter 1,{orks Programme, and that the nec- essary by-law and applications be made. Carried. Holgate Building Moved by Con. Lathangue, Seconded by Con. Nicks, That the Buildinp; InspClctor contact the Tovffi Solicitor regarding the legal procedure re: nmoving this building. Carried. This meeting was advised that the Arbitration Hearing between the Police and Town will take place on Saturday, October 3th, at 10:00 a.m. in thee Council Chambers. Libertv Street. This meeting ,HS informed that thG work on Liberty Street pavement will commence Wednesday, October 5thj60. Kinsmen Tag Dav Moved by Dep.Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Con. Nicks, That the Kinsmen be granted permission to hold a Tag Day on the evening of October 14th, and on October 15thj60. Carried. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Con. Fice, That this meeting be adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Carried. MA YOR . CLERK. v