HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/12/1960
A regular meeting; of the BowT,1anville Tmm Council was held on
Monday, September 12th, ~t 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall.
All menbers present.
Mayor Carruthers in the Chair.
Adcption of Minutes
Moved by Con. P~essonj
Seconded by Con. Hughes,
That the Council ninutes dated August 8th, August 30th,
and September 6th) as printed, be and the same are hereby adopted.
TENDERS - Liberty Street Pavement.
Moved by Con. Lathangue,
Seconded by Con. Presson!
That the Tenders be opened. The following Tenders were
Cross Town Paving Col Ltd:
Haponi Eastwood Pavingl
Bennett Paving Ltd.
George Boc Construction Co.
Miller Paving Ltd.
Warren Paving Co,
- :164,207.00
- ip66,931.S0
- if7!" 2115.60
- :$76,505.00
- $681735.00
- ,i?73,152.00
Moved by ConI Stevens,
Seconded by Conl Hughes,
That this be referred to the Consulting Engineers and if
they recommend the lowest Tender, it be accepted. The above sub-
ject to the Ontario Municipal Board approval.
Payment of ~000.Q9 to Trinity United Church
Move& by Con. Lathangue,
Seconded by Con. Nicks,
That if the town shed is sold that a payment of;l5000.00 be
paid to the Trinity United Church.
New Board of Works Garage - Winter Works Programme.
Moved by Reeve Little,
Seconded by Con. Fresson,
That the necessary action be taken to have this building
completed under the Winter Works Programme.
The Salvation Army - September 5th/60.
"At the meeting of the Town Council on Monday, September 12th, we
would like the following request to be submitted.
It is our desire to build a new front on to our present building
which will necessitate coming over our line on to town property
by two feet. 'dhilst this nay be a little unusual, we would ask
Council to take into consideration these points:
- 2 -
This .vould still leave us II' from the sidewalk and 22' from the
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con. Hughes,
That the Zoning Comrnittee of Adjustment be advised that the
Twwn has approved the building on town property in line with
other buildings on this street.
2. The Salvation Army - September 5/60.
"We have been asked by the Bownanville Branxh of Canadian Legion to
conduct their annual Armistice Service on Sunday, lJoveMber 13th,
at approx. 11:15 a.m.
As the accommodation in our Citadel is somewhat lif'lited, could we
have the use of the Town Hall at that pine, please?"
Moved by Con. Hughes,
Seconded by Con. Fice,
That this request be granted at no charge.
3. Consumers' Gas Co. - September 2/60.
"In accordance with the direction of the Ontario Fuel Board, we en-
close herewith a copy of a Rate Order, F.B.R.O. 121; approving cer-
tain new, lower gas rates for the Consumers' Gas Co. vve would apprec-
iate your bringing this document to the attention of Council, re-
taining same for your files."
Moved by Con. NickS!
Seconded by Con. Presson,
That this be received and filed.
4. Miss Lillian Hoar - September 6/60.
"I cwn the property at above address, and there is a huge maple tree
at the side of my house which now stretches almost across the road
and at present some of the branches are practically touching the
hydro wires on the other side of the street. I think some of these
branches should be removed, but I do not know where to apply for
this service, so I would appreciate your forwarding this letter to ~
the proper authorities and I'd be glad to talk the matter over with
Moved by Con. Nicks,
Seconded by Con. Fice,
That this be referred to the Hoads & Streets with power to act.
Oshawa Daily Times - September 6/60.
"Within the next ten days, the NEW Whitby Town Hall will be offic-
ially opened, and the reason that I am writing you is that the
Neighbouring Town of Bowmanville might wish to express a message ~
Congratulations to the citizens of '~litby on this auspicious occas-
ion. The city of Oshawa will be taking a similar congratulation
message in the same issue as well as The Twp. of ~Iitby, and many
other interested people including the General Contractor and sub-
In going through the issue of 1955 of the Daily Times, in which
the 100th Anniversary of Whitby was featured, I noted that the Town
of Bowmanville at that extended Congratulations) and I thought per-
haps you may wish to do the same again."
Moved by Con. Nicks, .
Seconded by Deputy-Heeve Hobbs,
That an ad be inserted in the
more than ~10.00.
Oshawa Times at a cost of not
Dept. of Publi c vielfare ..i. September 2/60.
"You are aware that under the new concept for Energency I.feasures
(CiVil Defencb) planning, the Ontario Dept, of Public Welfare is
responsible for the development of the Wdlfare Prograrr~e. The first
requisite of this programme is the appointment of a Helfare Direct-
or by the respective Council of the participating Municipalities.
We have already written to Mr. K. Symons, Clerk of the County of
Northumberland and Durham, asking him to supply us with the name df
the Directorfor the County! It is a possibility that a joint Emer-
gency Measures Organization, combining both Town and County areas
exists in your locality. Should this be the case Mr. Symons will
probably supply me with the required information. However, if the
Bowmanville organization is a separate entity, I would be pleased
to have from you) the name and address of the person designated to
direct Emergency Heasures Welfare activity in Bowmanville.
It would be helpful to us if we knew some of the background and
regular duties of the appointee. Also, the date Council ratified
the appointmentl I would be pleased to have this information at
your earliest convenient time."
Moved by Con. Presson,
Seconded by Con. Lathangue;
That this be tabled for tlw present.
Canadian racific Railway Co. - September 1/60.
"Thank you for your letter of 31st. August, about timber overhead
bridges over our tracks at westerly edge of the Town of Bowmanville.
It is not our intention to remove either of these bridges until the
views of the Municipality and the approval of the Board of Transport
Commissioners are received.
Would you kindly advise me about any developments regarding new
road over the tracks at this location. If a new bridge is to be
built near this location, possibly both of the timber structures
could be eliminated."
Moved by Con. Nicks,
Seconded by Con. Fice,
That this be received and filed. Carried.
8. J.J.Flett - August 31/60.
"As there are several houses occupied in Parkway Crescent Subdiv-
ision, now, I would like to bring before Council at their next
meeting this r0qu,'st for them to have street lights installed in
that district as soon as possible".
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con. Presson,
That this be referred to the Public Property Committee.
- 4 -
9. Durham County District High School Board - August 29/60.
"To accommodate thc expected wave of high school pupils, the Board
finds that an addition for 150 pupils to Fort Hope High School,
and a new school for 400 pupils in Clarke Twp. will be necessary.
The location proposed in Clarke is on the east sdde of #35 Highway
and about halfway between Hewcastle and Orono. Both these units
arG being planned to open in September 1962.
We are making application herewith for municipal approval of
these two building projects. As the two prujects do not require
the same time for construction and to avoid confusion, the two
applications are being submitted as separate resolutions.
Please find enclosed four sets of resolutions - two covering the
Port Hope addition and t\m covering thc new school in Clarke.
Would you kindly pass these resolutions and return three copies of
each to the undersigned by the end of September? Please attach your
seal to each copy.
If any information is required, your members on the Board or the
undersigned would be happy to assist you."
Moved by Con. Stevens,
Seconded by Con. Presson,
Whereas this Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowman-
ville has passed the resolution concerning the issue of debentures
by the United Counties for the construction of an addition to the
Port Hope High School for 150 pupils in Port Hope, be it Eurther ,r
resolved that the Durham COunty District High School Board be grant-
ed permission to engage architects for above project.
Moved by Con. Nicks,
Seconded by Con. Ficej
Whereas the Board of Trustees of the Durham County District
has applied to the Municipal Councils having jurisdication in the
said District for the issue of Debentures in an amount estimated
to be $125,000.00 repayable over a period of twenty years, to pro-
vide for the cost of constnlction of a 150 pmpil addition to the
Port Hope High School.
Be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Town
of BOMnanville being a muniCipality included in the said District,
hereby approves the said application and agrees to assume its proper
proportion of the amounts required to pay for said debentures~
interest thereon and the expenses connected therewith, to be deter-
mined from time to time in the manner provided by the Secondary
Schools and Boards of Education Act.
Be it further resolved that the Council of the Corporation of
the Town of Bowmanville hereby requests the Council of the Corpor-
ation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham to raise
the entire estimated sum of $125,000.00 required for the purposes
aforesaid by the issue of debentures of the Corporation of the
United Counties of Northumberland and Durham.
Moved by Con. Fice,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Whereas this Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowman-
ville has passed the resolution concerning the issue of debentures
by the United Counties for the construction of a 400 pupil school
in Clarke Twp., be it further resolved that the Durham County
District High School Board be granted permission to engage arch-
itects and to purchase site for above project.
- 5 -
Moved by Con. Fice,
Seconded by Con. Nicks;
Whereas the Board of Trustees of the Durham County District
has applied to the Municipal Councils having jurisdicnion in the
said District for the issue of Debentures in an amount estimated
to be ~675,000.00 repayable over a period of twenty years, to
provide for the cost of construction of a 400 pupil school in
Clarke Township.
Be is resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the To,m
of Bowmanville being a municipality included in the said District
hereby approves the said application and agrees to assume it proper
propornion of the amounts required to pay for said debentures,
interest thereon and the expenses connected therewith, to be deter-
mined from time to time in the manrter provided by the Secondary
Schools and Boards of Education Act.
Be it further resolved that the Council of the Corporation of
the To.m of Bowmanville, hereby requests the Council of the Corpor-
ation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durhma to raise
the entire estimated sum of ;~675j 000.00 required for the purposes
aforesaid by the issue of debentures of the Corporation of the
United Counties of Northumberland and Durham.
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Allthority Minutes - August 23/60.
Bowmanville per capita rate - ~49$.71
Moved by Con. Nicks,
Seconded by Co~. Fiee,
That the per capita rate be paid and t:Jbe minutes be adopted;
Moved by
Reeve L~ttle,
by ConI Nicksj
That the In~ustrial report for the month of August be
received and fi ed! Carried.
Moved by Reeve Little,
Seconded by Con. Nicks,
That the Welfare report be received and filed.
Moved by Con. Presson,
Seconded by Con. Hughes,
That the Police report be received and filed.
Moved by Con. Fice,
Seconded by Con. Nicks,
That the Dog Connrol report be received and filed.
Moved by Con. Lathangue,
Seconded by Con. Stevens,
That the Building Inspector's
report be received and filed.
Moved by Con. Lathan~le,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the previous type of report requested from the Building
Inspector as adopted be rescinded. Carried.
- 6 -
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the minutes of the Finance Committee dated August 18th,
be and the same are hereby adopted.
Moved by Con. Lathangue,
Seconded by Con. Stevens,
That the Board of Works minutes dated August 30th, be and the
same are hereby adopted. Carried.
Moved by Co~. Presson,
Seconded by Con. Lathangue,
That the minutes of the Police Committee dated September 7th,
be and the same are hereby adopted.
Moved by Con. Lathangue,
Seconded by Con. Stevens,
That the accounts of the
total amount of $12,980.35 ,
'dorks Dept. attached hereto in the
be and the same are hereby p~ssed for
Moved by Con. Fice,
Seconded by Con. Nicks,
That the accounts of the Fire Dept. attached hereto in the
total amount of ;~59.65 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con. Stevens,
That the accounts of the Accounss Paid Prior attached hereto
in the total amount of j~21,045.79 be and are hereby passed for
payment. Carried.
Moved by Con. Stevens,
Seconded by Con. Lathangue,
That the accounts of the Dog Control in the total amount of
$26.87 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Presson,
Seconded by Con. Lathangue,
That the accounts of the Police Dept. attached hereto in the
total amount of $414.20 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Reeve Little,
Seoronded by Beputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That the accounts of the Relief Dept. attached hereto in the
total amount of $891.44, be and are hereby passed for payment.
- 7 -
Moved by Con. Hughes,
Seconded by Con. Fice,
That the accounts of the Public Property & Cemetery attached
hereto in the total amount of $77.30 be and are hereby passed
for payment. Carried.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the accounts of the Finance attached hereto in the total
amount of $1808.89 be and are hereby passed for payment.
BY-LAWS - First and second reading.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con. Stevens,
That the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law for the
temporary borrowing of $180,079.00 for capital expenditures and
said by-law be now read a first and second time.
Moved by Con. Stevens,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to pro-
vide for the levy and collection of a special rate in order to
defray the corporation's share of the cost of the construction of
a high school near the Village of Millbrook, Twp. of Cavan, and
the furnishings and equipping thereof at a cost of ~147,000.00.
Said by-law be now read a first and second time.
Moved by Con I'" 10 --. '""." e
. ' ~- ~ '---i._ ,-. 1
Seconded by Con. l'rec"on,
That C-,p'Y.l nY,,' rise :md go into the Committee of the Whole
for the consideration of two by-laws. Mayor in the Chair.
Moved by Con. Presson,
Seconded by Con. Hughes,
That the committee now rise and report favourably to Council
on the two by-laws discussed in Committee of the Whole.
Council now in session. Mayor in the Chair.
Moved by Con. Hughes,
Seconded by Con. Fice,
That the by-law to borrow $180,079.00 for capital expenditures
be now read a third tL~e, passed and numbered By-Law No. 1775.
Moved by Con. Fice,
Seconded by Con. Hughes,
That the by-law to provide for the levy and collection of a
special rate in order to defray the cprporation's share of the cost
of the construction of a high school near the Village of Millbrook
be now read a third time, passed and numbered By-Law No. 1776.
- 8 -
Proposed Taxi Fare Increase.
Moved by Con. Nicks,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That the Taxi operators be advised that Town Council has
no jurisdiction over their rates.
Dog Control
Moved by Con. Hughes,
Seconded by Con. Stevens,
That the Cog Committee reguest the Dog Control O~ri~~r
to curtail his activities re: dogs running at large s1m1lar
to the system used in Darlington for the months of December,
January, February and March.
W. Cawker - Drainage Froblem
Moved by Con. Lathangue,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That Mr. Cawker be advised that the 1960 Council will
recommend to the 1961 Council that his drainage problem be
Moved by Con. Presson,
Seconded by Con. Stevens,
The Board of Works Superintendant be informed to curtail
the work and expenditures to keep within the 1960 BUdget, and
that certain employeed be laid off if necessary.
Moved by Con. Fresson, .
Seconded by Con. Lathangue,
That the Municipality of the Town of Bowmanville petition
for interim p~yment of the statutory grant under the Highway
Improvement Act, on expenditures made in the year 1960.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the meeting adjourn at 11:05 p.m.
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