HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/14/1960 (Special)
A special Council meeting was held on ','hursday, July 14th,
at 9:35 p.o.
Mayor Carruthers in the Chair.
Deputy-Heeve Hobbs, Councillors IJicks and Fice absent.
Moved by Councillor Stevens,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That I~otice of By-J~aw concE~rning the closing of Centre
Street, running northerly fron ~Jellington Street to Carlisle
Avenue, and George Street, and providin~ for the sale thereof
to the abutting owners b~ authorized for publication.
Moved by Councillor Lathan3ue,
Seconded by Councillor Presson,
That the novel" br; <ranted lea'ilc t,8 introduce a bv-la"v to
authorize an application to the Untario J~nicipal Bo~rd for
an Order to dispense with a vote of the ratepayers qualified
to vote on noney by-laws.
Said by-law be now read a first and second time.
Moved by Councillor Hughes,
Seconded by Councillor~Presson,
That Council now go into Connittee of the ~hole for the
consideration of a by-law. Mayor in the Chair.
Moved by Reeve Little,
Seconded by Councillor Stevens,
That the Cormittee nmv rise and report favourably to
Council on the by-laH discu ssed in COrTui t tee of the \ihole.
Council now is session. Mayor in the Chair.
;''loved by Councillor La than~ue,
Seconded by Councillor Fresson,
That the By-Law to authorize an application to the Ontario
;':[uni cipp,l Board for an Order to dis pense wi th a vote of the
ratepayers qualified to vote on monGY by-laws. Said by-law be
nOl"i read a third tine, passed and nU:1bered 3y- LaH ',To. 177l.
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the meeting adjourn at 9:45 p.m.
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