HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/1960
A regular r.1eetinf; of the B01:Planville Tovm Co;;noil Has held on
I.Ionday, June 6th, at 8:00 p.11. i:1 the TO'm hall, :Jm'li.lilDville.
I-layor Carruthers in the Chair.
Councillor Stevens absent. All others present.
Noved by Councillor Hur;hes,
Seconded by Councillor fresson,
That the Council lclinutes dated Hay 10th, and l:lay 24th, as
printed be and the sa!11e are hereby ado.pted.
Hr. B. General addressed Council requesting transportation from
the East and Ueat Beabh to the Public School. Mr. General stated
that they had also been to the Public School Board and their re-
quest for transportatio,n had been refused.
110ved by Deputy-Ileeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Reeve Little, .
That a letter be sent to the 30WHllville Public Sch~ol
Board requesting infornstion as to Hhy'their requ~st'was refused,
and why it \'laS referred to Council.
Hr. L. Do\mey - Ite :E,~freshr.lGnt :.\ooth Buildinp; Ferni t.
110ved by Deputy-Heeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor Fres30n,
That th~ Cl~~k contact the City Solicitor regarding Mr.
Downey's ar:reer,18'Jt re his l'3.nd rental fron the Port Darline;ton
Harbour Coripimy, and if he has sufficient land the necessary
building per~it be issued;
() ,
1\11'. N. Hannon, Dowlanville .~UJ.tepayers AS so cia tion addressed Councril
enquiring if the ",6,000.00 the 70lm recei ved for the \vinter H'lrks
Programme on Libert:l St'reet could be credited to thlJ Itatepayers'
share of the cost of the sew")r. He Ivi.lS acivised that this was the
"linter \iorks Frosl"J"Jr~e to relieve the unenploynent si tuation:tnd
it to be credited to the 'dhole job.
He also enquired if Council's int~ntion in the future was to have
all storm sewers as Ii lo~al improvGnent. He was advised that
this Council could not inform him as to policy of future Councils.
,. ..
Moved by Councilor Li.lthanf~ue,
Seconded by Councillor Hu~hesJ
That the Tenders be. opened.
Cilrrie d.
Councillor Lathangue requw3ted penli"sion to be absent from voting
as 'jis firm has' snbrni t ted a Tencler.
I:Ioved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Conncillor Fice,
That Ferrlission be granted.
- 2 -
Canadian Tire
G.F. Jaf,lieson
H.':J. Knapp
Covfan Equipmpnt
Hap's B.A.
PaIneI' notal' Sales -
Forans1 Esso Service-
ii.. Gibbs
- ,~
67? 01
I'Ioved by Cuuncillor !.Ticks,
Seconded by Councillor l!u;;hos,
That the rrcnder frrr.l G...F.
~612j35 be accepted.
Jar.de30>l in the amount of
Carried "
BOIvrn:>nvi lIe fublic Scbool 'loard - I'Iay 2(,th.
"At the last re'cular "leetino: of the BO\""lilnville Public
S",hvol lJuard, I ;,fas requested to "I1'it" you requestin:; you to
install propor stre,?t li",ilt3 on Hi <,h Stroot, noal' the Lord
Elgin School. '
This bUildin,,, is used at different time" dnrim" the even-
ing, and there ell';; no li'~hts in thA vicinity at tho present time.
We trust Yt)U Hill look favourably upon this re'mest".
Moved by Councillor Lathani~ue,
Seconded by CounCillor Hughes,
That tnls be referred to the Fublic Utilities Commission
and request that the necessary action be taken.
Mount Lawn ]\]e:,101'ial
Haunt La1.'ln lJev. Co.
!lr0n~ - hay 27th, iEld 1:. Greenlhalr;l01'es.
- I'c." ?"th
~,,::t) ~_O .
Moved by CounCillor Hughes,
Seconded by Heeve Little,
That this be 1','fe1'nd to the Cenetery Board.
Elton G, Brock - May 27th, Complaint re~arding Holgate Building.
Moved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Der;uty-;ceove hobbs,
That this be received and filed.
4. Town of A,i ax - i hy 17th. ;~e: Annuctl TOIm &, village Convention.
!loved by Reeve Little,
Seconded by CounCillor Fice,
Tha t this be recai ved and filed.
Carri cd.
5. Bowmanville Plannilli': Boa1'q, - I-lay 30th. Re: Unop'Ol1ed .jtreet
Allo\'lance, Centre 3trc'.'t.
I~oved by DeputY-,U~eve Hobbs,
Seconded by CounCillor Hughes,
That this be referred to Board of ~orks.
- 3 -
~J. _C2.?1-J'ker - 1':1.:1)' 31st.
"This is a Iptt~r lonf~ overdue regardillG ti18 drainage
fron trw \iBst "ide of di;;h 3trebt, '^ihere the) Lord Elgin School
is built. There is a ditch on the north side of the school
drainino: the l:mcl north il..wl 'lest o:n the school unto hi;;h Stre"t,
then a culvert drainino: across rii~h Street, turning all that
water onto ClUr prop",rt,., m'lking the l'twn part a regular marsh.
I want tni.s attended to at once, bf,fOJ'e further elana"e is done."
Moved by Reeve Little,
SccDnded by Councillor Huc;hcs,
That this be received and filed.
Carri(~d .
Clf3rks and Financial Officers Convention - Honey Harbour _
,Tune 19 tOJune 22nd. P~n'r~issio!l to attend.
Moved by Councillor ~ice,
Seconded by Councillor flicks,
That the Clerk be authorized to attenu this convention.
g. Specialty Paper Froducts - May 26thj
"I unc.i"rstand that the Town i'3 conteraplating puttj. in
parking meters in front of our buildin~ located at 63 Temp. St.
The first notic8 that 1,"'85 giv(~n to us that this was ,q;oing
to be done lfas yesterday aft(:rnoon, ::l~Hi 1/ve believe this rather
sllort nati ce.
As this rarticular area ie] zO!1(;d as j.ndnstrial, and 1t1e do
not have the ~onplpti' par],ino: faciliti(;[] ;:'01' parkin',;, all our
employees cars, we 1Jclii,ve t!i" insta.lling of parking meters in
this particular ar,,,3., so far from tllG nain shopping centre, is
not essential, and we thE;r8i'ore respectfully rGquest you to
refrain from installin~ th0se meters".
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor Fice,
That ttW SpecL11ty Paper Proc:ucts be notified that the meters
will be installed as ori~inally planned.
Minister of Transport - ~ay 30th,
I'Recentlv I 1{as in attend,mce at the 6th Conference of the
Canadian Highway Safety Council in Vancouver, British Columbia,
and was present at the presentatj.on of thr: saff2ty avvards.
I should like to congratulate your COLltm:1ity for the honour
they won in rCsp0ct oj' their traffic safety reco;'d.
'dith best wishes for continued 3UCCt-::!S3 in thi.; future::. H
I'cIoved by Doputy-HeevG liobbs,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That the Mayor and the Chief
ation, and that tlw C'liE:f and his
this record.
of Folice attend this pres()!lt-
Dcrarttlcnt be' com[j(jnded on
- 4 -
Dog Control - May
Moved by Councillor nicks,
Seconded by Councillor Fice,
Tha t this report bi r('c"i ved ilnd filed.
Hoved by Deputy-EeevEJ Hobbs,
Beconded by Reeve Little,
That this report he received and filed.
I1orthumberlilnd-D_urt~:"]J.1 ;jc;al th Unit
Moved by RG(~ve Little,
Seconded by Councillor Fresson,
That this bl, recf;ivOJd and filtld.
Hoved by D'"lmty-Rl)('v," ;)o\1bs,
Seconded by Councj.llor llur:hes,
That this be received and Jil,:d.
Hoved by Councillor hughes,
Seconded by Councillor Presson,
That th..:) nccounts of the hlbl i C l'r?PE,rty attachf,d hereto ::'n
the total amount of .,259.54 be, anD are nl,reby passl.,d for payc:umt..
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by;- 'e, Little,
That the accounts of the Heli"f Lepartment attached herete in
the total amollnt of $901,72 be and- are hereby passed for paYt1(:nt,
CClrri (,d ,
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Heev(~ Little;,
That the accounts oi' th" FiniUlce Dept,atti1ched hereto in the
total amount of ;~7, 441.12, be and are herehy pasC3.,d for paymen~~ 0
Moved by Councillor Fice,
Seconded by Councillor Hughes,
That thfJ accounts 01 the Do.tC Control attached h'~reto in the
total amount of ;iJ4. 65 be 3'"ld. are hf;reby pass'3d for payment.
- 5 -
Moved by Councillor Fice,
Seconded by Councillor Hughes,
That the accounts of tho Fire Dept. attached hereto in the
tot,,-l amount ofS4l0.40 b'? and aI',; hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Councillor Fice,
Seconded by Councillor Hu~hes,
ThE,t the accounts of the Cenetery attached hereto in the
total a~10unt of :P~06.65 be and aI", hereby pussed for pflyment.
Moved by Councillor Presson,
3uco:ld (~d by Councillor LathanfSue,
Tha.t the rl.CConnt~3 of the Folicn DE~Dt. att,qch<:~d hf;rcto in
l , '
the total [mount of ,013h.00 be" sne! 'Ire, horc'by pas,srod for pii;ment.
lIoved by Dpputy- ('Vf) Hobbs,
Sec:Jrld"d by Heove Little,
That the accounts of the,' Accounts Paid Frior attached hereto
in the total anount of 012,359.89 bo and are hereby passed for
payment. Carried.
I!Ioved by Councillor L"thall'';Ue,
SecondGd by Councillor Pr"sson,
That th,,, "CC01lnts of th,' Works Dept. att'-lch"d hGreto in the
total amount of }3, 367.00 b" and are h',T' 'by pClssed for payment.
Moved by Reeve Little,
S8conded by Dcputy-iL2"v,' Hobbs,
That tlw accounts heroto b,e?,
Sheppard & Gill - CeMetery
Bow. P.U.C. - St. Lights
- Lib.
- T.!!.
- Fire
- Dog
- I.H.
- (}arac(;
and thl,: SRm0
FIre, Flpproved fot'
- 14.75
- 1165.33
- 24.39
- 29148
- 15.87
- Don ~oe - 19.65
- Jtra tela VllD - 151. 20
- Grinnell -1731.00
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor iiw,hes,
That th8 Board of \lorks I'hnutes dat8d ~Iay 24th, ilS printed,
be and th'e sane ill''' hlcreby fldopted.
Moved by D8puty-Rr;"v(, dobbs,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the Financ" i:inutes dated !'Iay 11th, as printed, be and
the S2me are hereby adopted.
- 6 -
BY-LAWS - First &:, Sf;COI1d l'(~Hd.1I1g.
Hoved by h.82ve Little,
;}.....'-',~~l.,~.l,~J '0Y n'_~l)ul,f-ri';';ye ;Iubbc,
'fhQl> ~nG [,lOVer bn grant,-)d lCr)Vl~ to introduc~;; 2. by-l~'-\IJ to
ilmend the Jog By-Lilw Iio. 1711 "m' :3'lid by-lin,[ b,o nOl'l read El firs!'
and second time. Carried.
1-10v,)d by D,'puty-:,ccCVC) Hobbs,
Seconded by Reev2 Littl(~,
That tit" rnovcr be gr'mt"d. 1c'"vu to j,ntrod'lcC a bv-law to
a"wnd Trailer EV-L:nv j.io. 1622 and S?,j,d by-In\'{ h,c now read il
~. t :J . ~ t. C
.L lrs an( Si<;cont,~ lmE:. .J0rril'd.
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Councillor Presson,
That the nOV'T be ';r',nt<:d 1,;:1",] to introciuc," a by-law to
pay,,, and curb Libert1 3tre;;t ".t ("1 approxirwltc cost of ;,66,000.00
be now r;:-2.U ~l fj.rst ~Uicl s~cond timi.-.'. Carri~~d.
!loved by Councillor h'"sson,
S;;-;condiJd by COlJ.ncj_llor Lathangue,
That tho Council now rise and ~o into Committ~e of ~he Whole
for th" consicLr'ltion of two by-l.1\1s. I'Iayor in th,. Cb".ir.
Moved by Councillor Hu,~hc3,
Seconded byCounci110r Presson,
Th'Jt the Comnitt,",) no'" ri8" em,: l' 'Yjort r'lvourabl\" to Council
on tho follo1,'ling by-ln.H~3 disCUS3i.;'cl in Comr:litti_:(; of thl.:: ~lhole:
1. AmcndmGnt to Dog Hy-L~w !1o. 1711.
2. iic1onr;(,;,mt to Tr.1.il'T By-Liul Eo. 1622.
Council nOH in Session. )111Yo1' in th:o C'I.1.il'.
T.loved by Councillor rJicks,
Seconded by Councill01' "ice,
Tha t tho bv- Ll',v to T'''md Bv-L,'(';I 1,:0. 1711 be no,; r()ad a third
time, P1SS+'G, ";ld nU:Jb,'l','d 8y-L:"1 'lo, 17fSiL
Noved by Councillor Fice,
Sccond8d by Councillor I,Ticks,
That the bv-l''.\v to "rumd Bv-La", ',10. 1622 bi' nolV reed ," third
time, passod, nnci nnm1Y-:r,;-.;d By-L';\f Ho. 1769.
--'--",~,,-~----- ------ ----
l'lov3d by CounCillor Lath"'l';'1 l,',
0pcond'.d by Councillor} r'+5',on,
That when approv"l hD,S bc;"n r(Cccoiv,"c; by Ontario ilunicip':l Bosrd
for the COpdd'"..Gj''-'ll of Y,ih It;.,.)t.r:et)t that E.i-I.Puto Associ!{tcs Ltd,
be mV,'lrc)"d tho 80il +:.u;Lin'" contrecl ,,+:. il cost of bct'oJc0n'1950.00
:S2()(\:;:"'. UO.
7.2 1
- 7 -
A. Collison (lddrlSEil?d Council ]'(''';ilrdini'' the :lctionEi of the
DO;:,;-Cltchicr in pickLV up his do;": on ."\ "'.mdav, and Has informed
that our by-laws nromforced scvcn d'lYs per ue.?k.
.cs;'!.YaL~~l.; e _On tar19_..G_on ,?..e rV"l.t iq;l_fl...2:l_tj 1 or:Ls:
j'Follo',';'i''1;'~ t:-~e cii:r-',_?c;t,ion of :J::soJ_'tt.iOD t45 cont(~lined in
the? -,!.inutcs o~:' Lhe ~1Jt 1.ority ',;.r.:;n(':'-"'Eil l'J;et-::'n~: ht:lcl l~Iayl?, lS6o,
a L1(~etj.n;:~ of' tl1tJ A1J.thority ':;xccnt.i1C C()r1rl~i..t't>~e 1,\rith the }inyors
of O~3 1(~~)0., \vhith~r, ~~n(l :')o~..~:~;~~_'lvilIG ,::llld th lL(~:f3-"l,~ of D;:lrlin~-~ton
-P,-.....~..rr,qt'..; p T:!T....C;:. :->"'i"'~j'l "0'" ~J-'-I"V'\-' ') 1 ~j'.r) \,r~ i-i'l th'~, '3Y~pci i'ic nu"""-
~u."._ u........,.' 'U_,_, {.l.~, 'd_~ .~ \.-'.1.'-_ ___, _/"" ....1.. J: ,-, t- --' . ..__ ["'...
'0-o.se of r,'s::)lvin~7 ti'l .Cutul'e of t,'-, C,Y'l~Jervi1tion }1.r"ca kno'vTn CiS
:)Che'~i':: ;~' 1.
itfter ,:..1. prolon,'~pd cii3C:;,s;3J.on i t ~,.ras c,rident thp sc'nior
repre.sEnttttivcs \lere u..nnnimou;-)l.~,t opr~o:-; to t~!(::, '3che:ne in all its
fo.cets. Th(~ I'1Uwl.H~rs of t cllti V(; C:li'l 2Sr3U!I:e thi,'3 to be the
o'cinion 0.:"' these 18n,;~Il only.
Your flirr'}':1l1, l'h.... (!1.-^lPn,::" h::.s '''C3(!!lf;st (1(:: to b?:"inZ t~lese
facts to YOUT' .~.i..tt'::'ntion T'ld as ,'.? n(~r:1b,.;r of this Authority ;:lnd a
direct rCr'rCDcnt:,tj~v{~ of ()n'~ oJ' The COl..;.ncils ~J..ri.volved, you Gl'C~
direct',ci to brillic thi,s T'ltt'er' before 'four 'kxt Council 1'l'38tin
be prepared to 'lnS1il<cr for tic 1 .'1t a ',pccia.l Authority GenE'ri',I'
in~ to be tlGld Jllne 14, lQ60.
A,gain quoti.nc~ your C~l::l:Lr';-fla.n, this bas ,~:one beyond the
question of ~chcr1e or no SChC';lC; 'ivith th:.:; s\~!lior mCi:Jbur of your
Council dcfini tely opro.sect to Cons;~r"vc'1ticn ~c1.r,;:lS, EtS such, ~'Vi th
no mrtjor flood cont~rols in th <'1I"'C;1 ~L'J.cl t~'i t:l :10 ldTgc.:qri..:..;ls of
30il urosion, tho q~J.estion YO'~t ;"ril.L bt~ asked at the :3p~:::cinl neet-
in.?; 1Jill be - \'Does your Coun~il 1..rant a COI1SUrvD. tion Au thori tyn.
Hr. Ow"ns eL1phasi~od th', nO.'d fa;' '"C? to lab., it cl~,".r to you, your
only anSVJ\;r to tlH.~ q~.l':;stion 'IJ()C~:; tilis d.llt~1tori ty c')}ltinu.j or dOi-:;;3
it notH t"lllSt bc~ [l dcfi!litc: ;?Yc~-.;;t 0/' 'if=Jo~\'~
Any vag-u.8 stilten~'~nt 81" ri;~f:3rC.~rlCC to the (~nustion nadc by
any Cou;lcil ~.'}ilJ. b:.: interrr<.:'t0d as -') th.;"~ati v:; answ<:..;r and the
Authori ty ,,.till :;::ov\:;rn i tsc~lf accordii'lgly. n
Co~ncil~or l-rC~.i3?n rcqu.:.;stt;cl p,;rnis-sion to l"(;fr~lin lrom discus3in:~-;
~.nQ votlne; on thli3 ;:1r3.t1>;r ?~S ]}.:' is -'. lcnbcr at t.h0 Authority.
I'loved by Councillor Hu~h',:s,
Seconded by Deputy-H(:C:Vt~ dobbs,
That thc irnS\'J"r to Uk ove question is ;10 undor th,', DreSt,nt
constitution of tlk 'JUthority, .1.1lC, that the !layor had the" full
backing of Council whun hc~ 'Vr".lS r(:.portin8; to the authority, Cllso
th'lt a copy of tho rv;o lu tion be se Ilt to ",11 parti cipating munic-
ipalities of tho authority.
Carried unanimously.
I-lovod by 1t:::evG Lit tl~,
Seconded by Councillor Ficu,
That this mooting be adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
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