HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/1960
A regular meeting of the Bot,~anville To,m Council was held on
April 18thj at $:00 p.ml
All members present.
Mayor W. Carruthers in the Chair.
Mr. Rundle appeared on behalf of the Can~dian Legion inquiring as
to whether or not Council wishes to carryon Decoration Day.
Moved by Councillor Stevens,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the Town proclaim Decoration Dayan a certain Sunday,
and that a COrT'littee be set up to co-operate I'lith the Legion.
Carried I
2. Mr. L. Downey appeared before Council regarding his building an
addition to his house at East Beach.
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor Hughes,
That this be referred to the Board of \lorks and the Building
Inspector submit a report.
I. Training Course for Municipal Fire Chiefs - April 27 - 29, 1960.
University of Toronto.
Moved by Councillor Fice,
Seconded by Councillor Hughes,
That no action be taken.
Canadian Pacific Railway Company, April 5/60.
"If you will be good enough to refer to Page 2 of 'JY letter of Harch
15thj to the Board of Transport Comlissioners, copy of Imich I sent
you, you I~ll see that the TOIVD of BOffinanville is requested to pay
12~% of the cost of installing the improved protection, or $688.
I attach a copy of my letter above referred to, in case the copy
first sent you went astray.
Our Regional Officer advises it is not expected that the installation
will be made until late 1960, or early in 1961 and that any bills for
installation or maintenance will probably not be submitted to the
Tmm before 1961;"
Moved by Councillor Stevens,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That the above request be approved.
The Citizens Research Institute of Canada Annual Luncheon. Guest
speaker: Lorne R. CU!1!nin!!;, "Sone Local Government Problems in the
New AfI,e." Wednesday, I/iay 4th, 1960.
Moved by Deputy-ueeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Eeeve Little,
That the ~~ayor be authorized to attend this luncheon.
- 2 -
Departr,lent of Highvlays Letter - Harch 8/60 Re: Industrial
Commission Letter.
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor Fice)
That this be received and filed.
5. Bowmanville Hemorial Park.
"I have been asked by the M.P.A. to ask the Council for per-
mission to hold a tag day on June 4th, or the 18th, preferably
the 4th. Also, ,,,ould you~rant us per'lission to use the Council
Chambers for our Headquarters for same."
Moved by Councillor Hughes,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That permission be granted.
\lelfare Officers' Association - Tenth Annual Convention, Harail ton,
Ontario, June 13, 14 & 15, 1960. Permission R. Helsh to attend.
Moved by Reeve Little,
Seconded by Councillor lJicks,
That ~he Welfare Officer be granted permission to attend.
7. To Glen Rowe & Associates, April 9/60 lie: Municipal Consultants.
Moved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Councillor Lathanf,ue,
That this be received and filed.
H.W.McDonald - He: Removal of tree.
George Sellers - fie: Ditch.
Mrs. H. Hurson - He: Condition at Beach.
J. Robert Trejbal - lie: Condition at I'~earns Ave, il.
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That this be referred to ROilds and Streets with power to act.
Moved by Deputy-Heeve Hobbs,
ieconded by Councillor Presson,
That an advertisement be placed in the paper regarding garbage
pick-up April 27 & 28th, and also an advertisement be placed re-
garding the first installment of taxes "lhich are due April 29th.
DayLight Saving Time.
Moved by Reeve Little,
Seconded by Councillor Fice,
That the necessary advertisement be placed in the paper con-
cerning DayLight Saving Time from April 24th, to October 30th.
Moved by Councillor Nicks, Seconded by Councillor Stevens,
That the m~;eting adjourn at 9: 30 p.m.
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