HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/04/1960 . . . . . -fLJ7 e A regular :r1eetinl~ of the BOl,manville Town Council was held on !I!onday, April 4th, at 8: p.m. in the Town Hall, BO\\lInanville. Councillor K. Nicks absBlrt. All others present. I-layor \'1. Carruthers in the Chair. ADOFTIOIJ OF ;'UNUTES Moved by Councillor LathanGue, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That the Council minutes dated March 7th, 14th, and 21st, as printed, be and the same are hereby adopted. Carried. DELEGATIONS /,11'. N. ihnnon appeared before Council requesting information regarding the installCltion of the storm se.rer on Liberty Street. George Totton, the Consul tin," Ens;ineer, and the Clerk, answered his questions. CQ;'iRESFo;mEITCE 1. City of Wood_sto"l.J.:_et~er df!...~~(l i:al'ch ZflJ)O. "At the City COclncil f'Wetino; held on Harch 10/60, in "food- stock, City Council Rpproved the attached resolution and requested that it be forwarded to the Cauncils of the various Cities and Towns in Ontario for their consideration and if approved, that a copy of the resolution be fc1r\!arded to the Hinister of Flannin,~ and Development, the Honourable William 11. Nickle, ".C." RESOLUTIon WHEHEAS Sub-sections 5 and 6, :;ection 24, of the Plcmning Act, 1955, which concerns the notice required to be given to o\Vners of land 1^lhen a. subc1i visj,on control by-lmr deems a re~ist- ered plan not to be a registered plan and when part lot control is included; requires a nunicipality to spend a considerable sum of Money to send individual notices to all persons in areas aff- ected by the by-law: AND f;Hi..H1AS it is SUb:littGli that in the case of an urban muniCipality lehere nany old registered plans exist, it is essent- ial that such a by-law contain n part lot control provision and in cert8.in cases is thc only reason \Vhy an urban municipality wishes to pass such a by-law: AND 'iHEREAS this control may only be applied in rt vr~ry few cases per year, the cost of notifyin[; all the lrtnct owners, as required by Sub-sections 5 and 6, is prohibitively high. AND ',iHEREAS in Support 0,0 this contmtion that such complete notice is not required, as other sections of the Act provide for discretionary power in this rei:,ard, exanples being Section 27, sub-section (a), cLmse 15, which states that notice of a rest- ricted area by-law may be given by the Council in such manner and to such persons as the l'lunicipal BOrtrd shall direct and wherea~ it is common in applications of this type that the Board frequent- ly permits ne\Vspaper advertisino; as the acceptable form of notioG and .rhereas also under Section 25, sub-section 1, clause (b) of the Act, the Minister may by order, exercise the provisions of Section 24 1Qth respect to subdivision control and under sub- section J of the same section, he Day give notice of any such order in such mannen' as he deems expedient. . . . . . F9. . - 2 - IT 13 THEREFORE IUSOLVED that Section 25, sub-sections 5 and 6 be amended so that notification of the passing of a by-law under these sections can be given the property Olmers by sui table newsF,per advertisinr:." p,rnved by Deputy-Heeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That this be referred to the Planning Board for their recommendations. Carried. 2. Lake Ontario Developnen..t:..j\ssociation letter_ dated !1arch 2~60. "This is to inforra yon of a :'18utinrr, of Zone T,vo of L.O.D.I1.. to be held on Wednesday, April Sth, ilt~;OO p.m. in the 'fOlm Hall, Brighton. As this is the election of offic'~rs ilnd r(cpresentntives to the Regional I3clard of Directors it is inp(2rati ve that your co=- unity b,~ represe:1ted by t,./o official del,"gates, Each comnunity is allowed two votes, these from the apflointed official delegatGs. There will be an intenlsting program as 1'1811 and we urge you or your represdntativ8 to ilttend. ProjE)cts for Zone Tvvo for 1960-61 will illso be discussed. Hope to see you there, and best regards." Moved by Councillor tresson, Seconded by Reeve Little, That this be received and filed. Carri(~d . 3. OntRrio r~uni ci Dal Purchasing Agents I nssociation IIA general meeting of Ontario Municipal Purchasing Agents ~lenlbers, will be held on gay 13, startin;; at 10:00 a.m. in Windsor, Ontario. This neeting will consist of general ulection of officers, amendments to thG constitution and gem,ral work shop sessions. Lets have 100~ turn out. The Ontario Ontario Municipal Association convention will be held on August 28, to 31, inclusive, at Purdon Gardens Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario. If f1dnbcrs helVe any proposals to be put forth to the\. please have them ready for our ).jay 13, meet- ing in '.iindsor. The 8xecutivEe reuuests that thEe menbers of this association do their utmost to attend both the above mentioned m',etings~ If any members have specifications for dinim Rnd P.V.C. clothing and rubber boots, pLease FOr'.!ard sa:.1C to lVir. L.A.Connor, Tovm- ship of North York, 5000 Yono.;e St., ',hllovldale." reloved by Deputy-l(()eve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Lathangue, That the Clerk be authorized to :lttcnd this "~'.)eting if it is convenient fer him. ' 4. CarriGd. The Bell Telephone Co. of Crrnada Ig_tteJ:..5ta_t~...lbrch 3_Q/60. "Attached pleasG find two copies 6r a plan showing the loc- ation of our proposed buried crrblG on Town property. This cable \vill provide service, to the 'l'own lL"ll as well as additional cable pairs'to serve th() block from the rear of properties. If the loc- ation meets with agrccment, we would appreciate receiving a letter signifying the approval of Council. Copies of this plan hav<J also been forwarded to t!w Hoad Superintendant for his app- roval of the location of our plant on Church Street." . . 5(i - 3 - . Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, That this be laid over and th8 Clerk contact Bell Telephone and request the engineer attend a meetinr; with the Board of Works superintendant. Carried. 5. w. B. Revnolds letter dated April 1/60. "The 30nTd WilS d(,eply clistrubed to find that our grant this veal' ""a.s onl v some j~hree t'lOusand dollnrs <lore than last veal' despite a 15~; increaf3c in nnnber of stndcmts. Our expcmses are up about;pI45, 000. ove,r L\st year dU8 to r;rc,atly increased fees to other Boards and T~_~~lch;:~rs' SalnriG S I The Eunicip'll Council:o protecstecl f\reatly at till' increase in the; levy. ~oul~an increase in our ~rant be possible at least to the extent of incre.:lse ill stud'mts' (15;S)? it . Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor ~ice, That this be referred to th", w'xt Board of \.iorks pweting. Carried. ACCOUNTS Moved by Deputy-lieeve Hobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, That thiJ accounts of the Finance ComPlitt'Je attached hereto in the total amount of :p4062.-/1fbi,-ilna-are hereby passed for payment. Carried. . Moved by Councillor Fice, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, Th"lt the accounts of the Fire Committoe attached hereto in the total amount of ')97.13 b" and are hereby passed for payment. Carri8d. Moved by Councillor 'Ju{':h'?s, Seconded by Councillor Fie l', That thA accounts of the Public PropBrty attached hereto in th('! total amount of ;:'685.69 be and 'lre hereby passed for payment. Carried. r.loved by Councillor St8vens, Seconded by Reeve Little, That the accounts of the Dog Control attached hereto in the total amount of (~68. 99 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. . Hoved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Stevens, That the accounts of thl) ;~ccounts Paid Prior attached hi)reto in the t"'tal amount of ;}52, 572.65 DC; and are hereby pass2d for payment. C . d arrlG . . . . . . . - 4 - Moved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That the accounts of the Ho"ds 'led Str"ets attached h"rc;to in the total amount of $3ae5.2l be and are hereby passed for payment. Cal'ried. M0ved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Councillor Stevens, That the accounts of the ~clief Department attached hereto in the total amount of ,t781.05 be and ::re 'kT"by passed for paymm1t. Carried. Moved by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor Lathilnc;ue, That the accounts of the Police D3part~nt attached hereto in the total amount of .'}l23.Cl7 be and :lre hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That th~ accounts of the Cemetery attached hereto in the total amount of ~~10. 51 be and are he reby passed for payment. Carri0d. Muved by Deputy-Heeve Hubbs, Seconded by Heeve Little, That the Council noVi rise and go into Connitt"G of th0 Whole for the consideration of Tenders for the sale of debentures. Mayor~. Carruthers in the Chair. Two prices were l"ccuivnd: Dawson Hannaford Ltd. - ;~46,ooo. 1 -15 yeOlrs - 6E% $101.15 pGr ;~100.00 ~58,ooo. 1 : 20 years - 6t% 'p98.60 p()rilOO.OO Bell Qouinlock & Co. - ~46,OOO. 1 - 15 years - 6!% ~ ,HOl. 00 per~lOO. 00 ~58,ooo. 1 - 20 years - 6t% $99.20 per $100.00 The above prices were discusscd. Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That the Committee now rise and go into Council. Hayor W. Carruthers in the) Chair. Moved by Dcputy-H.eevG Hobbs, Seconded by RSBv8 Little, That the Tender of Bell Gouinlock & the best offer. Co. be accepted; Carried, this being REPORTS OF COlifiITTlLES Muved by Councillor Lathan~le, Seconded by Councillor Stevens, That the Board of ~orks oinutes and the s~e are hereby adopted. datc;d Harch 29th, as printed bE? Carried, -" .5/ . . . . . . /,--' ? ?^ . - 5 - REPOHTS Northumberland-Durham Hloal th Unit l'tJport - FGbl'uary /60. Moved by Heave Little, Seconded by Councillor hughes, That this be received and filod. Cf'l.rri(~d . BOHPl'lnville Traffic ildvisqrv BOOlrd ,("port Moved by Rc~ve Little, Seconded by Councillor Fico, That this be received and filed. CnrriGd. Welfare Report Noved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That this be receiv'.Jd and filud. Carri f.d. BY-LAWS - First and Socond>tnading Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Deputy-iee,va Hobbs, That the mover be granted leave to introduce i1 by-law to establiRh th" Bowm:mville Cemet.TY Board and define tlH, dutins and pmlers of the BOIvm'lnville Cer.wtery Board. SOlid by-law be now read a first3.nd second time. CnrriHd. NEH & UNFIlHS;lED TJUSIlU:::SS -- Burley Bus Lines Ite: Parking. It was brought to the attention of this Council that the Burley Bus Lines wer8 driving OVG)' th,; curb instGC\d of using tho ramp to }''lrk their buses in ths parking lot at the rear of the Hotel; also they were loading in front of Morris' FunEral Home. ~1oved by Deputy-Recv", Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, That the Board of 'dorks contact the :';"na2;"r of the bus linGS and request that this be corrected. Carried. Councillor StevGns save a short report on th,; r,cLns,-, of Dr. Whea.tley and the operation of the Lions Centre. Councillor Hughes gave'l short report on the han"j.ng of a map in the Council Chambers. Paved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Heeve Little, That this be left in the hands of the Public Property COElnitt..;e. Carried. .Condi_tio_ll._oJ__StorIl_~~!er_s}.lnder._Local Innrovccwmt. 3.;cti9.n _8.. It was suggEsted that starn sel'vors be insUtllcd on the .f01,1 ". str'3ets: Concession, SOlltlnmy Dri VB, LRmbert and.illslm 3tr,0ets. !-'loved by Councillor Lathanguo - :3>:;condod by Deputy-I((;evc Hobbs, That the Board of Horks Superintendant, the Clerk Gnd the ROJ.ds & .jOtreets Committee b(J gi'len authority to hi'1 VG th," necess,u'}' enein.aer' s reports prepared for the installntion of storm sewers on the follow- ing streets: v~ ~~ ..1\\'00 <- ~ II . . . . . . - 6 - Concession from 1ib~rty to EI~in 3tr~et; Southltlay Drive from Liberty to Simpson Stru'Jt; Lambert StrlJet from Kin", to ,Juean 3tr';.etj i,Jueen from Liberty to L.1mb,Jrt Str.()et; C' ... ?rrle:...t. Improve Lib,,,rty "round South ,:ard Fark. lIoved by Deputy-Ree.'v', HObbs, Seconded by Councillor Stev.'ns, That the HO'lds Pc 3trefits Comnittee be; ~iv,;n authority to im- prove the ro'1.d condition around Uk 30'jth iinTd F:\rk Club house. Carri(';d. Garbage Pick-up - ~iest Beach Cov" Road I'loved by Councillor Fie", Seconded by Councillor Lathanple, That the Clerk advise the; rc;sidEmts in this "\rea that ill'. Burgess \'1ill be picking up theo;",rb-u;a ,,<,3 he has clone in tlk past. Carried. Tenders for Ton Truck Moved by Councillor Lath'1n~le, Sec.nded by Councillor Presson, That 'f!.mders be called for the purchlcs-o of '1 new four ton truck. Closing date - 5:00 p.m. April 22/60. C'tJTii;d. Purchase of '.}ravel Novod by Councillor L~than~ue, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That the Ro~ds f.c 3tr,cets Comrlittcu h.'1.VQ a'.lthority to :;athdr crush and stock :cilc arrroxL']ilt(;ly 5000 cu. yds. 0: '~ri',v<;.l at '~n approximat,,: cost of 80~ pnr yd. Carried. 'ihv'JrllJY Roa.d Overpass l>lov.)d by Councillor Hughes, Seconded by D8puty-l(c(;ve Hobbs, That the Clerk slOnd a l'Jttc,r to th" D,))ilrtr,\('nt of Highw,'lYs ".nd the prlJsent YileYilbdr of Parliament requQstirw: information on when work on the \'-averley ROild Overpass will commence. Carriod. Moved by Reeve Little, Secondf)d by Councillor !lic,", That the lne'2ting b," adjourned at 10:10 p.M. Carrisd. ItiYOH CLLRK , 9"~