HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1960 .. . - . - ,,3'1 A regular meeting of the Bovmanville Town Council was held on March 7th, at 8:00 p.m. in the Town Hall, Bowmanville. All members present. ;Jbyor Carruthers in the Chair. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, That the Council ~inutes February 15th, and February adopted. dated February 1st, February 10th, 29th; be and the same are hereby Carried DELEGATIONS Letter from G. Heath, dated I-larch, 1960. "I, Mr. G. Heath, 57 Duke Street, in connection with drainage every spring each year, those concerned are going to remedy the major cause real soon; Hy flain trouble at present is s'lall pipe installed since !H,\'I house vras built below me. Before these tanks were installed I could clear ditch myself, tnere is also a relief drain running to the other side of the street which has not worked since the ditch on that side of the street was levelled off ever hot water tanks. No water runs on that side with the snow as plentiful as it is at present this culvert is not going to take much water. I have no other rneans of getting rid of \-rater except by this ditch. I had a Town representative down a week or so ago, Mr. Geboers, when water was bad. Mr. ;Juinton, last year, told me it was on their books to enlarge same Qulvert right away. I would kindly sho or explain same if de- sired. I might add that most of th" water comes from the School Yard. Would like to thank you for any quick relief of same." Letter from Gordon Wilcox, dated March 7/60. "I live at 53 Duke Street, which is the south side of Ontario Street School. Every spring when the ice and snow Welts the water flows off of the school yard onto my property. It flows along the side of the house into the back yard, seeps into the cellar and into the drain, making the cellar very hard to store things in. The found- ation is made of stone, and mortar, and with the water seeping through it the mortar has loosened and fallen out. This happens every Spring. I have had to repair the foundations a number of times. To try and get rid of as much water as possible, I drain it onto my neighbours property, who in turn drains it into the ditch along the road. The culvert under the driveway of the next house is not large enough to carryall the water that is in the ditch and ,that comes off the school yard through my property. I am explaining the situation to you nOlt so that you could have the Works Department install a larger suI vert before the Spring thaw. . . . - . J,f' . .. 2 .. I understand you lnv(" a stearwr so the eul vert could be tha\\fed and dug out and a larger on(, installed. The existin<:; culvert is only 10" in diameter which is far from adequate to aliow so nuch water to roo,SS through." Mr. George Heath appeared requesting assistance for the drainage problems on 53 and 57 Duke Str. et, as outlined in the above letters. l'loved by Deputy-fCeeve nobbs, Seconded by Reeve ~ittle, That this be referred to the Roads & Streets Co~~ittee with power to act. C . d arrJ.e . Bowmanville Hatepayers Association Mr. N. Hannon addressed Council requestinr; infornation on the following:- Financial breakdown and cost of Do!'; Control to date. Tentative date I'Jhen Liberty Street will be paved. The Financial breakdown regarding Dog Control was submitted to him by the Clerk, and th" ?:Iayor answerGd the Liberty Street questions. CORRESPONDENCE Membership in Association of Ontario Mavors & Reeves. l.~~ved by Deputy-Heeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Lathan~ue, That the TOlvn of possible, the Mayor be paid. BOlvLlilnville join this organization and if to attend thG convention and the fee of ~35.00 CarriGdl Appreciation Note - Reynolds Family Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That this be received and filed. Carried. REPORTS Moved by Councillor Hughes, Seconded by Councill.r Lathangue, That the Arena Repurt be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Nicks, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That the Police Report be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That the Dog Control R8port bi) received and filed. Carried. -. . . e . . 3'/ .. :3 .. Moved by Deputy-Hecve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That tho Buildin~ Por~its Hcport be r~ceivGd and filed. Carried. Hoved by Dcoputy-Re"vd Eobbs, Seconded by Councillor ~resson, That the Building Inspector's ;(',port be referrGd to the Board of Works Committee. Carried. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That the Welfare Report be received and filed. . Carried. This Council was advisGd that the agreem"nt to purchase town land at the corner of Liberty Str8ct and Ihsc Line will not be completed. ACCOUNTS Moved by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, That the accounts of the Folic(, Der'artment attached hereto in the total anount of $344.06 b8 and are hereby passed for paynent. Carril:d. Noved by Councillor Fice, Seconded by Councillor Hushes, That the accounts oP the CWietery Denart'l'wnt attach,:d IF?l'oto in the total amount of :~72.00 b,' and ,'11"3 henJby passed for naynellt. Co.rried. Hoved by Councillor Hughes, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That the accounts of the Public Property attached hereto in the total amount of '1251. 23 be and are herlJby passed for payment. Carried. ~oved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Councillor Lathani\ue, That the accounts of the Do;; Pound attached hm:eto in thc, total Amount of ~l58.09 be and arro hC.Jruby pA.ssed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Fice, Seconded by Councillor Stevens, ThA.t the accountii of tht" "ire D<Jnart:'limt attachul h"reto in the total <1Inount of '?92.84 be and are herccby pas.3cd for payment. Ca1'ri ed . Moved by Eouncillor JoJicks, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That t!w accounts of the c,Je,lfo.j',c Der'i.rtrknt attached hcn'(,to in the total ar'lount of i;1220. 79 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. . . . . . . , . . ?!c. ... 4 .. iI'loved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, That the accounts of the Accounts Paid Frior attach,)d he;'eto in the totalT10unt of ;~73053.48, bi' and' are hersby pass()d for payment. Carried. 1'loved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor stevens, That the accounts of the Roads & Streets attached hereto in the in the total amount of *2899.63, be and are hereby passed for payment. Carri,"d. Hoved by Deputy-Reev'o Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Lathangue, That the accounts of'the Finance Derartment attached hereto in the total amount of ,,1676 .97 be and'lr.) hereby passed for payr.1ent. Carried. Hoved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Councillor Stevens, That the accounts hCTeto ilttach.::d from the Bowmanville Public Utilities, in the; ar10unt of :_1098.43, DO and th,; sane are h:,reby passed for payment. Canri,:d. REPO:1TS OF COM:lITTE.,S ~Ioved by Councillor Latlwng'o.-le, Second()d by Councillo~ 3t~v~ns, That the Board of WGrks minutes dated February 29th, be and the same arc hereby adopted, C'.lrrie d. l'loved by Deputy-aeeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Stevns, That the Finance minutes dated Febr~ary 11th, and February 24th, March 3, March 4, and ~arch 5th, be and the sase are hereby adopted. Carried. BY-LA\lS - First and sec'and readinr;. Moved by Councillor Fice, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That the mover be granted lcav() to introduc" a By-La\{ to awmd Garba~e By-Law No. 1620. Said by-law be now read a first and second tinc~. Carried. Moved by Councillor Nicks, Sec~nded by Councillor Fice, That the mover be grcmtud leave to introdllci) a by-law to exprop- riat8 th., eastern 33 fC'"t of Lot 7, Block 7, Hanning I s Plan of the Tovm of t'owmanville', for the purpose of widening Prospect St, Said by-law be now read a first and second time. Carri"d. . . . -. . . e . . /// .. 5 .. Hov;cd bv Councillor Lathang;ue, S8condc~ by Councillor Ste~Gns, That Council now rise and go the ccnsideration of a by-law; into thE: Comrlt tt8<j of Nayor in the Chair. Carrisd. the "Jhole for Council now in Committ8c 0:" th,):hol'e. 1,;"yor in the! C\nir. Prospect Strc'Jt widening, ;mel th" To'.\I'1 obt,ainin~, title to the Franklin Estate property. Moved by D"puty-tc.Oi'V" Hobbs that th.' Clsrk be authorized to obtain who ehe hoirs to this property are. Third Reading; J'iIoved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That the Committue now rise and Icesolution discussiJd in th ail(i !^c:port favonrClbly on thd By-Law c.:om',;:i ttF.;.,_' O~: the ~,Ihole.. Carriul. NEW AND mJFINISHLD BUSrlJE,SS Moved by Councillor Fr"sson, Seconded by Deputy-ace'll? Hobbs, That the Nevotiation Committee be authorized to appoint the necessary <'H)mbcrs to tYk Board of Arbitr'ltion - He: Police l!c,got- iation. CClrried. Purchase of Wrenches - Ho;;ds & Streets. !>:roved bv Councillor Lilthanguo, Second",;! by HeeY0 Little, That the dorks Depr\rt'fi0nt be Cluthorized to purchaSe) \'rrenches at a cost of approxi;aately :$100. and the) Bo,?,rd of ''''orks suprerint0ndcmt purchase these wrenchss. C .-, arrl2ti. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-Hceve Hobbs, The the meeting be adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Carri"d. -vf ~~ ~~~ '"~ ~f\ ~J ~I ..................... .'............................. ,"layor. . . .. .. .. .. .. .... ill .. -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -. .. .. .. .. C12rk.