HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/1960 (Special)
A Special meeting of the Bo,~aanville Town Council was held on
February 15th, at 8: p.m, in the Town Hall, Bowmanville.
All members present. Mayor Carruthers in the Chair.
Mr. O. Fagan appeared before Council complaining about cars
blocking driveways et~, on Beech Avenue.
Moved by CouncillJr Lathangue,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That the Police Co~~ittee meet with the Lions Club in an
effort to solve this problem.
1. [aVlight Saving Time - 12:01 a.m. Sunday, April 24thj60 'till 12:01
a.m. Sunday, October 30thj60.
Moved by Councillor Fice,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the above times be adopted for the Town of Bo,~anville.
~. J. ~1cEwen's letter dated February 8/60, requesting Taxi Licence.
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That this licence be not granted.
3. Village of Newcastle letter dated February 11/60, Re: Hiring Dog
Control Officer at a part time basis.
Moved by Councillor Stevens,
Seconded by Councillor Presson,
That this be referred to the Dog Control Committee.
4. Police Association requesting one man Arbitration Board in place of
present three for Police Force under ten memhers.
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor Hughes,
That their request be not endorsed and that they be so notified.
5. Bowmanville Lions Club letter dated January 20/60.
"The Bowmanville Lions Club has directed me to write the To,,,,rn
Council requesting a grant from the Town equal to the taxes of the
Lions COffirlunity Centre. Please let me know regarding the decision at
your earliest convenience."
Moved by Councillor Stevens,
Seconded by Councillor Hicks,
That the above request be granted.
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Northumberland-DurhaM Firefip;hters' Association letter dated
February 1/60. Re: The ~10.00 fee for membership.
Moved by Councillor Fice,
Seconded by Councillor Hughes,
That thisne:nbership be paid.
7. Municipal Service Company letter dated February 4/60 Re: Numbering
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That no action be taken.
Canadian Mental Health Association letter dated January/60.
He: Requesting Grant.
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That this be received and filed.
9. Canadian Red Cross letter of february 4/60.
Requesting permission to hold a blitz campaign for funds on
Monday, March 14th, 1960, between the hours of seven and eight
Moved by Councillor Nicks,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That per':lission be granted.
10. Township of Crowl and letter of February 5/60, He: Annexation costs.
Hoved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor Hughes,
That this be received and filed.
11. Moving Beauprie Building.
i-loved by Councillor Hughes,
Seconded by Councillor Ricks,
That permission be granted to place this building in Memorial
Park on a year to year basis and the Memorial Park Association to
be so advised.
12. H. Edmondson's permission to fence road allowance.
Moved by Councillor Hughes,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That permission be granted at a nominal fee of 'n. 00 and that
free passage be allowed for one day in the year.
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Building Inspector's Report - Month of January.
Moved bv Heeve Little,
Secondea by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That this be referred to the Board of ','iorks.
Do!,: Control Report - ,"Ionth of January,
Moved bv Reeve Little,
Seconded by Councillor 3tevuns,
That this report bu received and filed,
Industrial Commissioner's Heport - l.lonth of Pebrual'y,
"At the February rweting of the BowTHnville Industrial Comm-
ission the need for f1erviced industrial sites was again discussed,
wi th due consideration being !!,i ven to cost in relation to the TO\'lI1' s
present and forecast debenture debt. While servicin~ in advance of
need \'vas not advocated at this time, it was agreed that 1;he Town
must be prepared to supply sewer and water as required in order to
obtain additional sorely needed industrial assessment.
It was therefore duly moved, sGconded .?nd carried unanimously.
that the Comnission strongly rr;co::lnfmd to Tmm Council at its next
r.18eting that it firoly conr,lit itself to supply essential services
for any inc!lstry providi?d the estimated tax revenue, financial
status and/o,' growth potential of the prospecti ve industry justifies
the expenditure; and furth'or, that the Industrial Cor1!:lissioner be
authorized to pLedge these services to any prosp'lctive industry that
c~early qualifies, referring to Town Council for a decision only
those prospects whose qualifications may be questionable,"
Moved by Councillor Kcn Nicks,
Seconded by CouncilloJ' lC. Lathang;~18, That the foregoing recommend-
ation of the Bownanville Industrial Cor:Juission be adotped.
Moved by Councillor Hughes,
Seconded by Councillor Fresson,
That the above motion be aOGnded to inc~ude the following:-
"That the tax provided by any industry for which thf~ services
are installed must amount to 25 per cent of the services' debenture
cost for 20 years; and that the industry be comm-;. tted to build by a
certain date, so that the services are not installed before they are
BY-LAWS - First and second readings.
Moved by Councillor 3tevens,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the mover be granted to introduce a By-Law to provide for
certain exemption for lands assessed in parcels of not less than
five acres. Said By-Law be now read a first and second time.
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Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That the COITL,"ittee now go into th, Comr1ittec: of thn :./hole for
the consideration of a by-law. }layor in the Chair.
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor Lathangue,
That the Com':littee nm! rise and renort to Council favourablv
on the by-law discussed in tho Comlitt~e of thl?;ihole. .
By-Laws - Third rc)adinc:>;.
Moved by Councillor Hughes,
Seconded by Co~ncillor ~ice,
That the Bv-Law to provide for certain exemptions for lands
assessed in parcels of not less than five acres' be no1\' read a third_
time, passed and numbered By-Law No. 1755.
Garbage - A report was sub~itted regarding the prosposed new
I',al baga billing for the Town 0,0 BOImanville as follo\rs:-
Cost per year -
Residential - ~1~00 per month~
Commercial - i~ 2.25 per month..
Special Pick-up - Comnercial - i 6.00 per hour.
,p 2.00 minimum.
- Residential - J 6w80 per hour.
;i 1.00 ~linimum.
Bills payable at the Town Hall and Dy-Law No. 1626 be amend"d acc-
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor L~thangae,
That the above proposal be adopted.
T.wn of Bowman ville invites Little I). H. 1. to hold 1962 Tournar,lOn.
Moved by Reeve Little,
Seconded by Councillor Hughes,
That an invitation be extended to Little N.H.L. to hold 1962
Tournam<mt here.
F. DeJong Sub-Division
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Councillor Fice,
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That r'lr. DeJong be adviii,;d that the Town require'S loo>b of the
sanitary selvers, watermain, paved streets, storm se'~ers, asphalt
curbs, stre("t names and road si~ns, 5% of the land and :14.00 per
foot frontage.
by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor
the meeting be adjourned at 10:10 p.m.