HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/01/1960 . . . . . . .2~ A regular meetin~ of the Bowmanville Town Council was held on Monday, February 1st, 1900, at $:00 p.m., in the Town Hall, Bowmanville. Mayor W.D. Carruthers absent. All others present. Reeve S. Little in the Chair. ADOPTION OF ~mmTES Moved by Councillor Nicks, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That the minutes of' the Inaugural Ileeting of the Bowmanville Town Council dated January 4th, 1960, as printed, be and the same are here- by adopted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Fice, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That the Council minutes dated January l$th, as printed, be and the same are hereby adopted. Carried. DELEGA TIONS Bowmanville Ratepayers Associ at ion letter, January 27/69. The Bo.manville Ratepayers Association would like this put on the the Agenda for Monday's Council meeting. A Delegation will appear before Council to discuss the following questions and obtain answers. 1. The reason for the Ratepayers Association not having a rep- resentative on the Arena CO~1ittee. 2. Early payment of taxes obtain a sizeable discount." Mr. N. Hannon appeared on behalf of the Ratepayers Association requesting answers to the above questions, and they were answered by the Clerk. He also wished to know if the Arenaappointments as set out are for a one year period. Reeve Little informed him that they were for a one year period only. CORRESPOHDENCE 1. Tonv's Refreshment Service Ltd. letter, January 20/60. "For the past few weeks one of our trucks has been serving people in your town. I was in your office recently to enqulre about a licence, but you were not available at that time. Would you kindly inform me on the procedure I must follow in order to obtain a licence." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Lathangue, That Tony's be informed of the correct procedure regarding a licence. Carried. .. . . 6. . . . /,~ -<--"" ~ - 2 - St. John Ambulance letter, January e/60. "The work of St. John Ambulance throughout the Province is ex- panding rapidly, and we would be grateful for the support of your Town in the way of a grant for the current year. Would you be good enough to place the enclosed copies of ~iterature before the members of your Council at their next meeting. These may be of help to them when discussing a grant to our Association. Thanking you for your interest and trusting we may receive fav- ourable consideration from your Council".. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That this be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried. 3. Bowmanville Plannin~ Board letter, January 16/60. "As per section 7(1) of the Planning Act, 1955, Chapter 61, as amended, we hereby submit to the Municipal Council of Bowmanville our estimate of our financial requirements for the year 1960. Estimated requirements ........... $100.00 Each year in the past we have given an estimate to you of our financial requirements and, possible fortunately, for this year, we were a little too high with the result we balanced out books with a credit of $1514.96. We are therefore only asking for this small amount this year. Trusting you will be able to balance your books with a comparitevely good credit." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That this be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried. 4. Howard Edmondson's letter, January 27/60. "I would like to receive perl'lission to put a fence across the road allowance between my two prpperties. I would like to use it for lawn and flower beds. Having always kept it clean, will continue to do same. The way it is now it is impossible, with neighbourhood children using it and my land for a short-cut to the creek." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Lathangue, That a report be submitted regarding the Town's position if this property was fenced and if we will use this street in future. Carried. 5. Canadian Girl Guides Association - Thank you letter, Jan. 28/60. Moved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Fresson, That this be received and filed. Carried. Memorial Hospital letter, January 21/60, - Thanking for the use of the Council Chambers. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That this be received and filed. Carried. ~.' .7. . . . . . -7L/ 0,"'" - - 3 - Strike & Strike letter, February Ist/60. "Re: Zamolynski, Bird, and Waversveld Road Closings. We have received your instructions to close roads in connection with the Zamolynski and Bird properties and have had Mr. Waversveld of Liberty Street, South, speak to us regarding the closing of that part of Melville Street running through his property at the corner of Ontario and Liberty Streets. In checking into the background of these Streets we find that the Town cannot close any of them by by-law since they have in no way at any time been assumed by the Town for public use. The appropriate precedure is for either the mmers concerned or the Town to make app- lication to the County Court Judge under the Registry Act for the road closings. It might be rather convenient for the Town to make the three applications at once with the costs perhaps borne by the parties concerned. In the event that the Town wishes to proceed with the application we would appreciate receiving the formal instructions of Council by resolution since it is customary to file a certified copy of the res- olution on the Court application. The resolution should read as follows:- "That the Town of BOI'illlanville make application under The Registry Act to close and stop up the following unopened streets: (1) All that part of the unopened road allowance lying easterly of the Road to Mill as shown on the J.E. Codd plan register- ed on the 26th day of March, 1$82, being that part of the continuation of Queen Street lying easterly of Simpson Ave. (2) All that part of an unopened street lying southerly of Lot 16, Block "0" and lying northerly of Lot 15 in Block "P" runn- ing easterly from Liberty Street as shown on Hanning's Plan of the Town of Bowmanville. (3) All that part of Melville Street lying between Ontario and Liberty Streets according to Grant's Plan of the Town of Bowmanville. " If it is the Town's wish that the parties concerned should pay the costs of the application then a provisos clause to this effect should be added." Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the p~ople concerned be contacted regarding the paying of the cost re: closing these roads and a report be submitted. Carried. $. Bovmanville Planning Board letter, January 30/60. "At our meeting of Jan. 29, 1960, it was moved, seconded and motion carried, that we recornrilend to council that we rezone from Rural to residential, an area of land, approximately 2.$4 acres, at the North western corner of Township Lot 8, Concession 1, Town of Bowmanville, being parts of lots 24 and 32 Block "A" Town plan. This area referred to is now known as the Chas. Churchill property. . - 4 ~ . 26. . Bomoanville Planning Board letter (Cont'd.) The lot or area referred to cowuences at a point on the eastern limit of Mearns Ave. distant 150 ft. southerly from the south east corner of the intersection of Mearns Ave. with Concession St. thence southerly 378 ft. along the east limit of Mearns, thence easterly to a depth of 330 ft. Thence Northerly 378 ft. paralleling the east- erly limit of Mearns to a r~',t on the southerly boundary of the ex- isting residential ZOlle area, thence westerly 330 ft. to point of beginning. Town water is available to this area from Concession Street. Mr. Churchill has pleaded to the Board on three different oCC. asions for to have this area rezoned to enable him to rightfully dis- pose of 2 acres of land. As it exists today, Mr. Churchill could not do so, as he would not leave 2 acres of land for his own lot and therefore could not comply with our By-Law. Actually 4 acres would be required to properly divide it, as our By-Law exists today. A residential area exists to the north of his lot, and to the \^Test in Township lot 9. Il . ~cy,':nanvil)~ Plcmning,Boar::ciL letter, January 30/60. "At our meeting of the Board on Friday night, January 29th, it was unanimously decided that we recommend to the Municipal Council that Fourth Street in Township Lot 12, Concession 2, Bowmanville, be extended westerly from Lamb's Lane in a street 66 ft. wide as far as the Easterly limit of Scugog Street. It is understood that this street has already been tentatively laid out on the site, with a slight jog at Lamb's Lane. It is understood 0hat some committee from Council will contact the directly interested land owners to make arrangements for their consent." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor' Lathangue, That the Planning Board recommendations be adopted. Carried. .0. Bowmanville Plann,ing_B0ard letterL January 30/60. "At our Board meeting of Jan. 30th, 1960, a letter was read from Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, asking for the Board's consent to sell two lots on the East side of Scugog Street just north of Mr. Roy Lunneys property in Township lot 13, Concession 2. These lots were 'lid out so as to have a frontage of 75 feet on Scugog Street and au area each of 7500 sq. ft. Town water was available and the area was fairly centrally loc- ated in our town in an area zoned Residentially. These two lots in question, represented the last two remaining lots that could be conveyed for residential purposes here, due to a Hide ravine to the north and west. The two lots were in an area of subdivision control and a front- age charge was applicable as well as consent from the Board. . . . . . . . ,;?(, - 5 - 9. Bowmanville Planning Board letter, (Cont'd.) Accordingly, it was unanimously carried by a vote what we give Mayor Carruthers consent to sell these two lots for residential pur- poses, and that upon receipt of (t4.00 per foot frontage charge on each lot, the secretary be instructed to stamp the approval of the Planning Board on each conveyance." Moved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That this be received and adopted. Carried. ACCOUNTS Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Stevens, That the attached bills from the Bowmanville Public Utilities in the amount of $1012.29 be and the same are hereby approved for payment: Office - $36.74 Fire - $11.07 Dog - $3.69 Works - $47.63 St. Lighting - ~913.16. Carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Lathangue, That the accounts of the Accounts Paid Frior attached hereto, in the total amount of ~31,251.52 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Deputy-ReeTe Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Lathangue, That the accounts of the Finance attached hereto, in the total amount of ~2,720.14 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That the accounts of the Hoads & "treets attached hereto, in the total amount of $3,523.89 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the accounts of the Dog Control, attached hereto in the total amount of ~28.79 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Fice, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, That the accounts of the Fire Dept. attached hereto in the total amount of $236.35 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor Sturrock, That the accounts of the Police Dept. attached hereto in the total amount of $39.07 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. . . . . e . /) ,;( - 6 - Moved by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, That the accounts of the Relief Accounts attached hereto in the total amount of $917.50 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. REPOR TS OF Cm1rIITTEES Moved by Councillor Lathang~e, 3econded by Councillor Stevens, That the Board of \lorks minutes dated January 26th, 1960, as printed, be and the same are hereby adopted. Carri ,~d. REPORTS Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That this be received and filed. Carried. CIVIC REPORTS Welfare Report Moved by Councillor Nicks, Seconded by Councillor Lathangue, That this be received and filed. Carried. Assessor's Report Moved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That this be received and filed. Carried. Formation of Parks Board Councillor Nicks explained to Council that before a Parks Board could be set up, a petition signed by at least 200 voters must be presented to Council at which time Council will give the first and second reading of a by-law and then take a vote of the ratepayers and a majority will carry the vote, but Council may set up a Parks Committee with no vote of the peQple. Moved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That the Mayor have power to appoint a Parks Committee to invest- igate the possibility of parks in the Town of Bowmanville. This is to apply to proposed new parks. Carried. ..- - . . . . . . /y' - 7 - Fire Alarm System Moved by Councillor Hughes, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That an expenditure of not more than $1125.00 be provided for the installation of a Fire Alarm System and a low pressure warning system in the Bowmanville Arena. This "ill work in conjunction with the new sprinkler system. Carried. Laws Governing Hedges, etc. II (1) The Council of any municipality [1ay enter into an agreement with the owner of land adjacent to the inter-section of any two high- ways under the juri9diction of the council for the re~oval or alteration of any tree, shrub, bush, hedge, fence, signboard, or other object on the land which may obstruct the view of drivers of vehicles or pedestrians on the highway when approaching the inter-section. (2) If the council is unable to make an agree[1ent as provided in sub- section 1, it may apply to the judge of the county court of the county in which the land is situate for an order compelling the removal or alteration of any object in respect of which the app- lication is made, upon such notice to the o\vner of the land aff- ected as the judge may direct, and the judge may make an order, subject to the payment of such compensation or upon such other conditions as he may fix, compelling the owner of the land tv remove or alter the object, or authorizing the municipal corp- oration to remove or alter the same, and for that purpose to enter upon the land, and The Judges' Orders Enforcement Act shall apply to such an order. R.S.O. 1950, c.243,s.477. n Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That this information be sent to the Bowmanville Traffic Advisory Board. Carried. Board of Works - Raincoats, etc. Moved by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That this be referred to a later meeting. Carried. New Billing for Garbage Collection Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Lathangue, That the system explained to the Council be adopted, and the cost be referred to the Board of '.Jorks Committee. Carried. Permission for C. Oke to ateend Assessors' Convention - Sudbury. Moved by Councillor Hughes, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That C. Oke be granted permission to attend this convention with expenses paid. Carried. . . . . . . . ;;{ y - $ - Permission to move Beauprie store. Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, That this be referred to the Public Property CorQffiittee and a report be submitted to the next Council meeting. Carried. . Moved by Councillor Hughes, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That the meeting be adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Carried. MAYOR ,~ OC v~ tJ\c \~P ,~\\' 11\\ I{ ~/ CLERK