HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/1960 (Special) (2)
A Special meeting of the BO"ITaanville Town Council was held
on Monday, January 18th, at q:OO p.m. in the Town Hall,
Bowman vill e.
All members present. Mayer W.D.Carruthers in the Chair.
Winnifred L. Bird & Fannie L. Depew letter of January 13/60.
Unopened road allowance, lying southerly of Lot Sixteen
(16) in Block "n" and lying northerly of Lot Fifteen (15)
in Block "P" Liberty Street, South, Bowr,Janville.
"Winnifred Louisa Bird, the registered owner of the above
mentioned Lot Sixteen (16) in Block "0" hereby requests your
Municipality that the unopened road allowance lying southerly
of said Lot shall be closed by your said Municipality and that
a conveyance thereof may be melde to her.
Fannie L. Depew, the registered owner of Lot Fifteen (15)
in Block "P", which lies southerly of said road allowance here-
by joins in such request and releases any right which she might
have to a conveyance of such road allowance, and reque".' '1 and
directs that such conveyance be made to l,'iinnifred Louisa Bird
Our submission is that the said unopened road allowance will
never be required for the purpose of a highway or otherwise by
the Municipality in that it abuts at the east upon registered
plan number 652, duly registered by Joseph J. Flett and William
L. Lycett.
I believe the \ridth of this roadway to be eighty links, WAk~
would be 52.4 feet."
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor flicks,
That the request be granted.
Ontario Association of '(ural JIlunicipalities letter of Dec. 29/59,
Re: Annual Convention in the King Ed~Jard Hotel, February 15 &. 16,
and membership fees.
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That no action be taken, and that the letter be received
and filed.
Women's Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital letter of January 9/60.
"The attention of the \iomen I s Auxiliary of l\lemorial Hospital
has been brought to the deplorable condition of the roads app-
r~aching the hospital on Liberty Street. Patients coming into the
hospital receive a terrible shaking up, which aggravates their
condition. WG wo~:d like s~me action taken to remedy this con-
dition and would appreciate hearing from you, as to what action
you will take."
Moved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the Clerk reply to tfuis letter stating that the Works
Superintendant will keep the road in the best possible condit-
ion and that the To\~ hopes to pave the road when weather is
permissable. Carried.
- 2 -
Bowmanville Public School Board letter 0.0 i'ovember 18/59.
"At the regular meeting of the Bowrnanville Public School
Board, held recently your letter of November 11, 1959, was pre-
sented. The Board is agreeable to assuming it's share of the
cost of extcno ing the waterr~ain on High Street. We understand
the approximate cost will bep1250.00.
I was further instructed at the meeting to draw to the
attention of the Council, that the School 30ard would apprec-
iate a reply to the P1anV requests ;'lade during the past years
for sidewalks in the areas near the Vincent Massey and Ontario
Street Public Schools.
As you know, we have asked for sidewalks in these areas
different times, but so far no action has been taken, neither
have we had a reply in this natter. If you require further
inforcaation as to where the sidewalks art) required, we suggest
you contact Principal A.M. Thompson.
We expect the Lord Elgin Jchool on High Street to be ready
for occupancy early in the nm; year, and ,'Ie suggest to Council
that they take iruJediate ac~ion to open up roads or foot-paths
from Scugog Street and Liberty Street, to the new school.
~le have forwarded to you a cheque in the amount of ~115. 30
for culverts at the Vincent Massey School in connection with
the drainage problem there. It was reported at the meeting, how-
ever, that the job, as it stands at the present time, is far
from satisfactory, and additional grading caust be done to secure
the proper levels. We should be pleased if your TOIm Works
Offic ials would contact ei ther /ill'. A .rI. Thompson or ;';lr. Clarke
Wilson - Property Chairman - in connection ~~th this additional
Moved by Deputy-lteeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That the first paragraph of the letter be received and
Hoved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by 60uncillor Nicks,
That a letter be sent to the Public School Board stating
that the requests will be discussed at the next Board of Works
meeting and that the School Board ,;auld be informed of the out-
W. Frank, 177 Church street, letter.
"I noticed in the Statesman that the Town is needing land
for a garbage dump. The property on the rIiddle Road "here the
Town has been f;etting gravel would after bein2; deplet',d of the
gravel make an ideal location for the durap.
If the To',Jn purch'\sed this land, they would have a good
gravel supply besides having a dunp site. I would be pleased
to discuss this further with you or Council."
Hoved by Councillor Lathangue,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the letter be received and filed for future consider-
ation, and a letter be sent to W, Frank acknmdedging same.
- 3 -
Canadian Girl Guides Association letter dated January 13/60.
"The St. John's Ambulance Corp. would like the perl'1ission
to use the Council Chambers to conduct a St. John's Ambulance
Course. This course would com"1,c,nce on Thursday, January 2$th,
to last eip;ht weeks being held from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
Qualified instructors will be in chal'ge." The permission from
the Town Council to use the Chtlmbers would be greatly apprec-
Hov(jd by ileeve Li ttl::,
Seconded by Councillor Presson,
That permission be granted.
Bowmanville Police Dept., B..l. Kitney's letter, J.an. 14/60.
"I request, please, authority to restrict parking on
court days at the throe meters north of the driveway into
the Library Building on 'I'<":lper'lnce Street, to policr, parking.
At the present time, no parking priveleges are allowed for the
Magistrate, Crown Attorney or Provincial Police.
I might point out that when I visit other municipalities
on the Town's business, these pri veleges are extended to r.1e."
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor Fice,
That this request he granted.
Bowmanville Police Dept., S.R.Kitney's letter, Jan. 14/60.
"Please be advised that I have accepted the resignation
of Ray Preston, as a probationary police constable effective
this date. He should be paid for 14 days in the month of
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Reeve Little;
That the resignation of Ray Preston as Probationary Police
Constable be accepted and the Clerk be authorized to advertise
for a replacement.
BO\'lmanville Police Dept., B.R.Kitney's letter, Jan. 14/60.
"I attach herewith a copy of the Training Program as
approved by the Honourable the Attorney Genr,ral and the (~hief
Constables Associa.tion of Ontario. I J'()quir" authority to
enroll the Chief Constable in the Course at Hcl'laster Uni versi ty
for five days, June 19th - 23rd, both dates inclusive - and -
Corporal K. Freethy in the Ser~eants Course to be held July l$th
to July 22nd, at the Ontario Fire Collect in Gravenhurst, Ont."
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That this be referred to the next Council meeting for
further consideration.
::<~' () .
- 4 -
Lakeshore Minor Baseball Association letter, Jan. 15/60.
"On behalf of the officials of the Lake shore Baseball
Association, we wish to thank you for the invitation to
attend the D'mquet held to honour the Juv,milc B,tsebclll t<')''lm
"rho '40n the; Trophy ""arci I';i vcm by the Untario LJas"ball Assoc-
iation. (Class C).
We might also say that WQ wars hOIlollred rrlso by having a
t',am bElo\'ling to this ;.ssoci ation win thl) award."
r'loved by Councillor Iii cks,
Seconded by Councillor HuGhl's,
Th,'it this let t'Jr bc r, cei ved and filed.
BOIvmanvillc Ratep,wcrs Association lcttc'r, Jan. 18/60.
"It is requestfJd that th" 1960/60 Council accord thee same
acceptiJ.DCC Clnd consideration of the BO,JTL,iTVILLL RA.TEFAY1RS
ASSOCIaTION at Council Meetings and Soard of ~orks Meetings
as l'laS accorded in 1959." '
Moved by Councillor Stevens,
Seconded by Councillor Fice,
That this letter be received and fileed B,nd a letter be
sent te the Hat"paycrs /\.sseciation stating that the r"quest
be accepted regarding the re'~lar and special council meetings;
but not at Board of ;{orks mEetint. s.
Building Inspector T s Leport - IIonth of December.
Moved by Reeve Little,
Seconded by Councillor Fr,sson,
That this be received Clnd filed.
Dog Control Report - Month of December.
}10ved by Deputy-;{eeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Councillor Huc:hes,
That this be received and filed, and a cOD~ittee be
appointed to discuss Dog Control with Darlington Council.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Councill,r Nicks,
That the MRyer be empowGred to appoint a committee fer
Dog Control.
The Mayer appoint()d the following D18rlbers fer Dog Control
Committee: R. Stevens and W. Fice.
- 5 -
Moved by Reeve Little,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That e'll cheques of' th" CorDorcltioll driH"l'l on its Ganeral
Account bG signed on its behalf by N:wor ',j, C,1rruthors or
ii,Jeve S. Little, and countersir;m,d by Tr',asurer H.S.Reynolds
or Ass8ssor C.8. Oke.
Moved by Reeve Little,
SGcond'Jd by Councillol" Lelthan':u",
Th'lt the) follm'Jim:leiltJers be 'rnr,ointed to the
.Arena ~'Ip..naf;encnt CO::'"'1l1i tt(~;~ ~or thc~ =I~5ar 1960;
G. Hughes; VI. Dcg~;c~r; F. Hoor<~r; H. Osborne; E. Hundle;
S. Little; ~lnd D. Stu.tt.
Heved by Deputy-;.ticeve Hobbs,
Second"d by Councillor Hur;hHs,
That the Fire Connittco obt1in prices regarding a Fire
Alarm system connected to the sprinkling system in the
Bowraanvi lIe Ar,ma.
Moved by Councillor Lathano;ue,
Seconded by ,{eev,,, Little,
T~at the Vorks Departnent b2 authorized to purchase 200yard~
of semd at an approxinat2 cost of >1.DO p"r yn.rd, ..elivered.
~oved b~ Councillor Nicks,
~econdeQ by Counc~llor 3tevens,
Th"t a lett()r be ''','It to the De~:':,'rt"Lnt 0.": Hin;h\'iays te con-
s~der the laying of ~ sid~walk or cin~8~ footpath from Martin
HOild to "v:!.verlcY Road en th,-, south sid" of No. 2 HighwilY.
;,;ovr,d by Councillor 1"ice,
Seconded by Reev" LittIG,
That thce GEctinr; be c;dj ourned at 9: 25 p.m.
Carrie d,
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