HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1960 " . ~. . .. e c;- 9' The Inaugural Meeting of the Bowmanville TOwn Council was held at 8:00 p.m. on January 4th, 1960, in the Town Hall, Bowmanville. T. His W.rship, the Mayor, and Members of the Municipal Council of the Town of Bowmanville. Your Worship, and Gentlemen: I submit the following report of the results of the Municipal Election for Mayor, Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Councillors, held on December 7th, 1959. Mayor for the years 1960-61 Reeve for the years 1960-61 Deputy-Reeve for the years 1960-61 Councillors for the years 1960-61 - W. D. Carruthers - Sidney Lit tl e - I. M. Hobbs - R. Stevens - K. Lathangue .. J. Pre. son - G. Hughes -w. Fice - K. Nicks These members elect have severally made Declaration uf Qualification and of Office, and 1961, and I now declare this Council to for the transaction of Civic business. and subscribed their for the years 1960 be duly constituted , R. B. lteynoids, Clerk, Mayor W. D. Carruthers in the Chair. Councillor K. Lathangue absent due to sickness. All others present. The Divine Blessing was given by tHe Reverend Houselander. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor K. Nicks, That Reverend Houselander be thanked for this blessing. Carried. The Mayor presented his Inaugural Address. Adoption of Minutes. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Fres3on, 'hat the Council Minutes dated December 14th, December 22nd, and December 28th, be and the same are hereby ad~pted. Carried. . . . . . /co. - 2 - Mnved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That your Striking Committee appoints the members of Council to the following committees. The first named is to be Chairman of the respective committees and the Mayor is a member of all committees. Finance Committee - Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Councillors Stevens, Presson & La thangue. Court of Revision - Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Councillors Stevens, Presson & Lathangue. Negotiation Committee - Councillor Presson, Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Counc~ ~llor Lathanr:ue. - GOYD-ci..llD--r_Lathangue , Reeve Little, Councillor Fice. y/ Roads & Streets Committee Public Property Committee - Councillor G. H~ghes, Reeve Little, Councillor Nicks. - Reeve Little, Councillors Fice & Hughes. Civic & Relief Committee Fire Committee - Councillor Fice, Councillors Nicks & Hughes. - Councillor Nicks, Councill~rs Stevens & Lathan~e. --.---'. Industrial Committee Police Committee - Councillor Presson, Reeve Little & Councillor Lathan~. - Councillor stevens, and all members of Council. Beard of Works Committee CORRESPONDENCE Woodstock letter dated November 4th, 1959. "At a meeting of thp Council of the Corporation of the City of 'doodstock held on October $th, 1959, the foll~wing resolution was passed:- WHEREAS a resolution respectin~ daylight saving time has been passed by the Council of the City of Woodstock and endorsed by many Ontario municipalities as well as by two municipal associations in convention. AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to bring this matter force- fully and clearly to the attention of the Ontario Government in order to eliminate the annual confusion and inconvenience caused by lack of uniformity in the starting and termination dates for daylight saving time in Ontario. . .. . . . . // - 3 - Now therefore be it RESOLVED that the councils of all cities, towns and counties in the Province of Ontario be requested to en- dorse or re-endorse the following resolution of the City of Wood- stock:- ' "In order to provide some degref] of uniforC!1ity in connection with the term of Daylight Saving Time; that this council petition the Frovincial Government aSking that consideration be given to some method whereby the Lieutenant Govc,rnor in Council for the Province of Ontario shall proclaim the commencement date and the termination date for daylight saving time in the Frlilvince (perhaps on a zone basis) and further that this be a permissive proclamat- ion rather than one vrhichnust be followed by all municipalities in the Province." And be it further RESOLVED that the municipalities endorsing this resolution contact the respective members of the legislature with the request that they individually and collectively press the Ontario Government for action on this matter during the 1959- 1960 sessions." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That this be endorsed. Carried. Town of Tilbury Letter dated November 27th, 1959. "The l'lunicipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Til- bury feel that the Government Grant structurG presently applying to Arena and CO~C!1unity Centres is discriminating to Communities unable to qualify with Class "A" Fairs. For your perusal and consideration the undernoted resolution is respectfully submitted. We also forwarded all members of the Legislature a copy of this communication. The Resolution follows:- !>WVED BY COUNCI L101 ST. DENIS AND SECONDED BY COUliCILLOR BURTON: THAT \iliEREAS, Provincial aid to Municipalities for establishment of Arenas and Community Centres !is now adr,linistered by the Depart- ment of Agriculture is limited to a percentage of 25 per centum er a maximum of $5,000.00 for Arenas and $5,000.00 for Community Halls. AND VJflEREAS, Provincial aid to Arenas and Community Halls con- structed on Class "A" Fair Grounds receive assistance to a maximum ef $40,000.00. AND ,mEREAS the Municipal Corporation of the Tovrn of Tilbury believe the ~ssistance unquitable to Cocrmunities unable to qualify with Class "A" Fairs. AND vlliEREAS in the opinion of the Council of the Town of Tilbury that the health and welfare of the future Citizens of the Frovince isequally important as the promotion of Agriculture. AND WHEREAS the cost of co~struction of Arenas and Community Halls has materially increased. r . . . . .. . /2 - 4 - THEREFBRE BE IT RESOLVED:- 1. That Frime Minister Leslie M. Frost, Q.C. of the Frovince of Ontario be petitioned to revise the grant system applying to Arenas and Community Halls to ,mable ,,<11 Municipalities to share equitably in Goverrullent assistance. 2. That grants to arenas be increased <:0% and a maximum of ~25,000.00 a~d Cor.rraunity Halls 50% and a maximum of $15,000.00. 3. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all Munic- ipalities and Fair Boards for endorsement." Moved by Councillor Nicks, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, That this not be endorsed. Carried. Ontariu Good Roads Convention - February 22, 23 & 24th. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That the of delegates meeting~ membership fee of $15.00 be paid a~d that the naming to attend this convention be laid ever to a later Carried. E. Jones, J. Kimble & A. Kilpatrick letter. Moved by Deputy-Reev" Hobbs, Seconded by Council16r Hughes, That hhis be r3ferred to Finance. Carried. BOl~anvillc Ratepayers Association letter dated January 4/60. "The Bowmanville ilatepayers Association wish to extend thGir congratulations and good wishes to our neH Town Council and hope that we will all be able \0 Hork t.ogGther for the good of the people in the TOlffl of BOlmlanville, and I, as secretary also wish you every success." Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Councillcr fressen, That this be received and filed. Carried. Subscription for 1960 Municipal World Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Stevens, That t.he necessary subscription be ordered. Carried. ACCOUNTS Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, That the accounts of the Relief Dept. attached hereto, in the total amount of ~2010.59 be 'lnd are hereby passed for pa~aent. Carried. . . . . . . /J. - 5 - Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, That the accounts of thl2 Finance COl'lmittee attached hereto, in the total amount of ;~2096.01 be and are hereby passed for paymunt. Carried. Moved by Councillor HUshes, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That the accounts of the Special Accounts attached hereto, in the total amount of ~35,713.68 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor tresson, Seconded by Deputy-Re\~ve Hobbs, That the accounts of the Folice Corrmittec attached hereto, in the total amount of ;.>147.88 be and are h;creby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Fice, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, That the accounts of the Fire Dep8rtment attached hereto, in the total amount of ~61.39 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Deputy-Heeve Hobbs, That the accounts of the Do~ Control attached hereto, in the total amount of ;~67. 97, be ando.rc hereby pass'2d for pnyment. Carried. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-,(e.~,ve fJobbs, That the accounts of the Roads & Streets attnched hereto, in tre total amount of ~~1453. 61 be md '\1'12 hereby passed for payment.. Carried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, That the accounts of th~ Accounts Faid FrioI' attached heretol in total amount of :;P13410.87 be and are hereby passed for paYlJlent. Carried. the CIVIC REFORTS Welfare f'lOved. by Reeve Lit tIe, Seconded by Councillor Hughes, That this report be adopted. Carried. Folice Moved by Councillor fresson, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That this report be received and filed. Carried. . . . . . . /.../ - 6 - REPORTS Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Moved by Councillor Nicks, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That this report be received and filed. Carried. BY-LAWS - First and second reading Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law for the , . borrowin>; of 'Ji490,OOO.00 by way of a temporary loan to meet current expenditures. Said by-law be now read a first and second time. Carried. Moved by Deputy-rleeve Hobbs, Seconded by Gouncillor Stevens, That the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to pro- vide for the appointment of cert3in representatives of the Town of Bowmanville for the year 1960. Said by-law be now read a first and second time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the mover be granted leav'G to introduce a by-law to est- ablish a cemetery commission. Said by-law be now r',ad a first '~nd sc)cond time. Moved by Councillor Presson, . SecondGd by Councillor Hup;hes, That Council now ris" and go into th,) Committee of the Vihole for the discussion of two by-laws. Carried. Moved by Councillor Nicks, Seconded by Councillor Fice; That the Comlittr"8 of the Whole now rise and report favourably to Council on the by-laws discussed in the Commtttee of the iihole. Carried. Council now in session. Mayor W.D.Carruthers in the Chair. BY~LAiiS - Third reading Moved by Dephty-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, That the by-law to authorize the borrowing of $490,000.00 by way of a temporary loan, be now read a third time, passed and numbered By-Law No. 1751. Carried. Moved by Councillor Stevens, SeeD nded by Deputy-Heeve Hobbs, That tho by-la.. to provide for the appointment of certain rep- resen.tati ves of the Town of Bow'1Rnville for the year 1960 be now read a third time, passed and numbered By-Lavl No. 1752. Carried. . . . . . ~ . . /;:;-, - 7 - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS It was discussed and decided at this meeting that Council would meet every first and third Monday of the Month, and Board of vlorks would meet the le,st TuesdilY of every j.lonth. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That Thomas Ie. Stewart be employed for the, Town of Bowmanville at a salarv to commence January l~, 1960. " as the vwrks Superintendant of $5500.00 per year. Duties C,lrried. Fidelity Bond Tho Clerk informed the Council that the Bond No. 59832 COV0rs the Town employees as follews: Treasurer - ;~10, 000.00 Other employees - $ ?,ooo.or This information is in accordance with the Municipal Act. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That the meeting adjourn at 9:45 p.m. Carried. .~~! !, i t(;> U I V J IbJ r" 1/'1 \~1 Jri 1.1AYOR CLERK