HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/14/1981 . . . REPORT # 1 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- The following is a report of a meeting of the Planning and Development Conrni ttee held on September 14 1981. 1. Courtice Special Purpose Conmarcial Areas It was reCOllllEnded to Council that: 1) Report P-139-8l be received. 2) The attached amandments, 2, 3 and 4, to restricted area zoning by-law as amanded, of the former Townshipof Darlington be approved. See By-laws 81-123, 81-124, 81-125. 3) The attached policy in respect of site planning guidelines for Special (. Purpose Comnercial Areas be adopted. See By-law 81-126 4) The attached amendments, 6 and 7, to the Courtice West and Courtice South Neighbourh=d Development Plans be approved. . . 'f., 2. Rezoning Z-A-1-16-2 (Balint) It was recoomended to Council that: 1) Report P-140-8l be received. 2) Application for rezoning Z-A-1-16-2, affecting part of lot 31, Concession 5, former Township of Darlington be approved. See By-law 81-127 3) The attached by-law be forwarded to Council for approval concurrent with the execution of the Site Plan Agreement referred to by Staff Report P-14l-8l. 3. Site Plan Agreement (Balint) It was recomnended to Council that: 4. It was recorrrnended to Council that: 1) Report P-142-8l be received. 2) The attached Site Plan Agreement be executed and the accompanying zoning by-law amandment be approved. (See By-law 81-129) 3) The Clerk be directed to prepare a by-law for the purpose of authorizing the execution of the attached Site Plan Agreement for submission to and consideration by Council at its meeting of SeptentJer 21 1981. (See By-law 81-130) ,.\' .,\' " . . . - 2 - Report # 1 5. Subdivision Plan 18T-19720 - East Woodbridge The correspondence from East Woodbridge D9velopments Limited, dated August 31, 1981 requesting an extension to the draft plan approval of Proposed Subdivision 18T -19720 Romney Mead, Part of lDts 29 and 30, Concession 1, Town of Newcastle was referred to Staff for their earliest possible attention and a report to the next meeting of council. 6 . CBhawa By-law 57-81 It was reCOllIlEnded to Council that Oshawa By-law 57-81 be received and filed. 7. O.N.I.P. It was reCOllID2nded to Council that Report P-144-81 relative to the cntario Neighbourhood Improvement Program (O.N.I.P.) be received for infonration. 8. Newcastle Shoreline PDperties - Rezoning Z-A-3-11-7 - By-law 81-66 It was reCOllIlEnded to Council that Report P-145-81 be received and the following :resolution be :fOrwarded to Town Council for adopticn and for submissicn to the cntario Municipal Board with by-law: "WHEREAS the 'Ibwn of Newcastle has passed by-law 81-00 in fulfillment of the conditions of draft plan approval imposed by the Minister of Housing on Plan of Subdivision 18T - ~0l'J6 (78006); AND WHEREAS by-law 81-66 is in conformity with the provisions of the Durham Regional Official Plan applicable to the subject lands; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle is satisfied that the density of the proposed developnent is not excessive and that the development of the subject lands will not create future traffic hazards; BE IT NON RESOLVED THEREFORE that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the cntario Municipal Board to approve By-law 81-B6 notwithstanding the objections received; and FURI'HER requests the cntario MJnicipal Board to convene any required public hearing in respect of By-law 81..66 at the earliest possible opportunity; and FURlHER hereby authorizes 10wn Staff to repreEent the MJnicipality at any such hearing that may be convened". 9. Thistle Valley Tourist Camp Development Agreement It was recolllOOnded to Council that: 1) Report P-146-81 be received 2) The attached Development Agreement in respect of the 'Ihistle Valley 'Iburist Canp te approved by Council. 3) The Clerk bring forward the necessary by-law to execute the Agreerrent. See By-law Sl-l 31 . . . - 3 - Report # 1 10. Amendment to Sign By-law 76-25 (Suncor Inc.) It was reconrnended to Council that: 11. 1) Report P-149-81 be received. 2) Council approve of a further exemption from Section 8 (2)(b)(vi) of the Sign By-law as requested by Suncor Inc. (See By-law 81-132) Rezoning Z-A-3-6-10 & Z-A-3-1-2 Sawmac Fanns & Ross & Ina Brown Amendment to Clarke Zoning By-law 1592, as anEnded It was reconrnended to Council that: 1) Report P-154-81 be received. 2) Applications for Rezoning Z-A-3-6-l0 and Z-A-3-1-2 be approved. 3) The attached anEndment to By-law 1592, as anEnded, be approved. See By-law 81-133 4) The applicants, Region of Durham and Durham Regional Land Division Committee be advised of the Council's actions. 12. Site Plan Agreement, Brenfrey Properties (Trahor Limited) It was reconmended to Council that: 1) Report P-155-81 be received. 2) The attached Site Plan Agreement be executed. 3) The Clerk be directed to prepare a by-law for the purpose of authorizing the execution of the attached Site Plan Agreement for submission to and consideration by Council at its meeting of S:lptenber2l1981 (See By-law 81-13 13. Rewning Z-A-3-6-11 Lot 12, Cone. 7, Clarke (Atkinson) It was reCOlIIlBnded to Council that: 1) Application for rezon:ing Z-A-3-B-ll be approved. 2) The attached by-law be forwarded to Council for approval.( See By-law 81-135) 3) TIe Region of Durham be advised of Council's actions. 14. City of CShawa By-law 64-81 It was recomrended to Council that City of Oshawa By-law 64-81 be received and filed. \ . . . - 4 - Report # 1 15. Site Plan AgreeIrent S-P-1-8 (British Bulldog) It was recannended to Council that: 1) Report P- lID -81 be received. 2) 'The attached Site Plan Agreerrent between the 'Ibwn and Sandringham Inc. be approved in principle. 3) 'lbe attached by-law authorizing the Directors of Planning and Public Works or tl:eir Deputies to approve the slilject Site Plans in respect of the British Bulldog Restaurant/Tavern te approved. See By-law 81.-1::13 4) 'The attached by-law authorizing the execution of the site plan agreenent between Sandringham Inc. and the 'Ibwn te approved. See By-law 81.-137 16. 'lyrone Hamlet Plan 'The Hamlet Developrrent Plan for 'lyrone, revised, was received for inforrrntion. 17. Amendrrent to Sign By-law 'B-25 (3. VanGinhoven It was recamended to Cbuncil that: 1) Report P-163--81 be received. 2) The attached amendrrent to By-law /6-25, as amen red , be forwarded to (buncil for approval. (See By...J.aw 81.-138) 3) An exerrption te granted from Section 4 (3) (b) of the sign by-law as requested by Mr. J. VanGinhoven. 18. Site Plan Agreerrent Kenoyd Ltd. It was recannended to Council that: The minutes of the rreetings of Comni ttee of Adjustrrent held on July 22, J9 81 August tl, 1981 and August :J 6, 1981 were received for information. Respectfully submitted Ann Cowman, Chairman. . AMENDMENT NO. I to the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT: The purpose of this amendment is to re- designate from "Residential" to "Special Purpose Commercial" lands located at the north-east corner of Darlington Blvd. and Highway 2 in accordance with the approved Official Plan and to introduce policies in respect of the future development or redevelopment of the subject area. . BASIS OF AMENDMENT: This amendment is based upon a detailed review of those areas designated for "Special Purpose Commercial Uses" by the Darlington Official Plan and the concerns of area residents in respect of the future transition from the existing Residential uses to Special Purpose Commercial useSa That review indicated that the most immediate . . concern of the residents was in respect of the possible adverse effects or impacts upon the continued use of their properties for resi- dential purposes if immediate commercial develop- ment were to occur on adjacent properties a LOCATION OF AMENDI1ENT: The area subject of this amendment is delineated on Schedule 'X' attached to this amendment. . ii - . ACTUAL AMENDMENT: 1) Section 2.5.2 "Special Purpose Com- mercial" is hereby amended by the addition of the following subsection (iv) . "(iv) Notwithstanding any other provision of this plan to the contrary the development or redevelopment of areas designated for Special Purpose Commercial uses may, in most cases, require the consolidation of existing small property holdings into larger parcels of a size and shape appropriate for the proposed use of that property, and consistent with the intent of Section 6.5.2 (iv) d) of the Darlington Official Plan." . 2) Schedule 1 to the Courtice West Neighbour- hood Development Plan is hereby amended by changing to "Special Purpose Conunercial" the designation of those lands designated "Change to SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL" on Schedule 'X' hereto. . . SCHEDULE 'X' TO AMENDMENT 1 TO THE COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN . ........ L1N,^-1 *,,11 NASH il 17 tr.,_ .................................. C..............,............................,.... ..... '.", :.;.;............;.:.;.:.:.;.;.:.;..................:.:.:.:.: : .................... ...... ....n ROAD ....... . f~;?~tt~:. o 17"'"- _ 200 400ft.~ 200 . r:~:~~=.;~ '.:=:=::::: ':;~=~=.j. :::::::;:::;::::::;:::::::: ;:;:;::=::;:;:::::::;:;:;:;., . CHANGE TO SPECIAL . PURPOSE COMMERCIAL ATTACHMENT 7 to Report P-139~81 . AMENDMENT NO. I to the Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT: The purpose of this amendment is to extend the limits of a Special Purpose Commercial Node identified by Schedule I to the Courtice South Neighbourhood Develop- ment Plan and to adjust the local road pat- terns to reflect this change. . BASIS OF AMENDMENT: This amendment is based upon a detailed review of the actual limits of the existing Special Purpose Commercial use located at the south-west corner of Highway 2 and Courtice . Road. This review indicated that insufficient lands were designated by the Neighbourhood Development Plan and that the necessary exten- sion of the designation would effect changes . to the local road pattern. LOCATION OF AMENDMENT: The area subject of this amendment is defined as Neighbourhood 2C of the Courtice Urban Area Plan as delineated by Schedule 1 to the Official Plan for the former Township of Darlington and as further delineated by Schedule I to the Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: 1) Schedule I to the Courtice South Neighbour- . hood Development Plan is hereby amended by changing to "Special Purpose Commercial" the designation of those lands, designated ii - . "Change to Special Purpose Commercial" on Schedule 'X' hereto; changing to "Residential" the designation of those lands designated "Change to Residential" on Schedule 'X' hereto; and changing to "Local Road" those lands designated as "Change to Local Road" on Schedule 'X' hereto. . . . . .- SCHEDULE X TO AMENDMENT 1 TO THE COURTICE SOUTH NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN o ~- 200 200 400ft. , ~ - . CHANGE TO SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL CHANGE TO RESIDENTIAL CHANGE TO LOCAL ROAD