HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/1981 . REPORT # 1 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council:- The following is a report of the meeting of the Planning and Development Comni ttee meeting held on July 6, 1981: 1. Plan lST-760ll - Penwest Development Corporation It was reconmended to Council that: 1) Report P-123-81 be received 2) The requested revisions to draft Plan 18T-760ll be approved 3) The Ministry of Housing be advised that Council of the Tbwn of Newcastle requests the Minister of Housing to revise draft approved plan of subdivision lST-76001 to reduce the number of lots from 236 to 208 single family lots; to replace Block 'T' with lots 207 and 208; and to delete reference to Block 'T' from Minister's Condition 13 of the approval dated January 29, 1981, in accordance with the attached plan. The Council of the Tbwn of Newcastle further requests that all conditions of draft plan approval applicable to 18T-760ll remain applicable to the plan as revised and all references to lot numbers be amended accordingly. 2. Objections to By-law 81-52 (Gerrits) It was reconmended to Council that: . 1) Report P-124-81 be received. 2) Council adopt the following resolution and forward it to the Ontario Municipal Board: ''WHEREAS the Tbwn of Newcastle has considered all of the objections to Restricted Area By-law 81-52; and WHEREAS the Tbwn of Newcastle is satisfied that the proposed by-law is in conformity with the Durham Regional Official Plan in that the Official Plan allows a Municipality to recognize an existing use; and WHEREAS the Ministry of Agriculture and Food have no objection to the proposal; BE IT NCW RESOLVED that the Tbwn of Newcastle hereby requests the Ontario Municipal Board to approve by-law 81-52 and hereby authorizes Planning staff and the Tbwn Solicitor to attend any hearing that may be convened in respect of the by-law on behalf of the Tbwn. 3. Washington Gardens Cemetery Proposal It was recommended to Council that: . 1) Report P-121-81 be received 2) Planning and Development Ccmnittee Resolution PD-474-79 Washington Gardens Cemetery Proposal and Report P-IOo-80 be now lifted from the table and considered 3) The Washington Gardens Canetery Proposal be removed from the Planning and Development Ccmni ttee Agenda as an outstanding i t€lll 4) The file be closed. . . . - 2 - Report #1 4. By-law 81-51 Objections (Salco Sand & Gravel) It was reconrnended to Council that: 1) Report P-122-81 be received. 2) Council adopt the fOllowing resolution for submission to the Ontario Municipal Board: "WHEREAS, the 'Ibwn of Newcastle has reviewed all of the objections received to Restricted Area by-law 81-51; and WHEREAS, the Council of the 'Ibwn of Newcastle is of the opinion that by-law 81-51 conforms to the Official Plan of the Regional Municipality of Durham, as amended by Ministerially approved Official Plan Amendm:mt 44; and WHEREAS, the Town of Newcastle has entered into an agreEment with Salco Sand and Gravel Eastern Ltd., in respect of the proposed gravel pit in part of Lot 32, Concession la, fonner 'Ibwnship of Clarke; and WHEREAS the objections have been suhstantially dealt with through the said agreEment, BE IT Nrn' RESOLVED that the Town Council hereby requests the Ontario Municipal Board to approve Restricted Area By-law 81-51, and hereby authorizes Planning staff and the Town Solicitor to make representations on behalf of the Town at any Ontario Municipal Board Hearing convened in respect of this matter. 3) The Ontario Municipal Board be requested to convene a public hearing in respect of 'Ibwn of Newcastle By-law 81-51 as soon as possible. 5. Bowrnanville Urban Area Plan It was reconrnended to Council that: 1) Report P-I07-81 be received 2) Council approve the Bowrnanville Urban Area Plan as revised and attached to this report. 3) The Region of Durham be requested to amend the Official Plans for the Bowmanville Planning area and the fonner 'Ibwnship of Darlington and to submi t the Urban Area Plan for the Bowmanville Urban Area to the Ministry of Housing for approval as soon as possible. . . . - 3 - 6. Kingscourt Town House Block - Plan 701 - Bowmanville It was reconmended to (buncil that Report P-127-81 be received and the attached funing By-law anEnchnent be forwarded to Council for approval at the Cbill1cil meeting of July 13, 1981. See By-law 81-84 7. Bowmanville West Beach File 60.2.2 It was reconmended to (buncil that: 1) the owner and/or residents of properties in the West Beach area be contacted by Town Staff and invited to participate in a special pickup program for i terns not nonnally picked up during the year. 2) the Town Clerk be directed to place an advertisement in the Canadian Statesman and the Newcastle Independent advising the residents of the area of the special program. 3) All costs associated with the program be charged to the "Bowmanville Urban Service Area" Account #7303-000-000. 4) the Town of Newcastle provide CLOCA with written assurance that the 'Ibwn will assume all legal responsibility associated with the special pickup program. 8. Cbnmittee of Adjustment It was reconmended to (buncil that the minutes of the meeting of the CollIllittee of Adjustment held on June 24, 1981 be received for infonnation. 9. Clarke Museum & Archives - !.brris House It was reconmended to (buncil that the request of the Clarke Museum and Archives for the acquisition of the Morris House be denied and their letter dated June 23, 1981 addressed to Mr. fun &lith, Director of Planning, be received for infonnation. Respectfully submitted Ann CownIln, Chainnan