HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/30/1961 (Special)
A Special Council meeting convened at 9:20 p.m. on
October 30th, with His Worship The Mayor in the Chair.
All members present except Councillors Nicks and Presson.
1. Martin Road.
The Roads & Streets Chairman Con. Stevens advised that a
meeting of his Corrunittee had been held to consider the con-
dition of Martin Road, and to determine just what could be
done, taking into consideration the Committee's financial
position he submitted that should an amount be deducted from
the snow removal maintenance provision and transferred to
Martin Road, the Council would have to take the risk of being
over-spent under this item. Following considerable discussion
it was:
Moved by Dep-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes:
That an amount of $2500.00 be transferred from maintenance
snow removal and applied for Martin Road improvements subject
to official approval by the Department of Highways Engineer.
2. Cawker Drainage Problem.
FUrther consideration and discussion was given to the
report subrnitted by Mr. J. L. Sylvester, regarding this
drainage matter, following which it was:
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
That we adopt the
regarding the Cawker
solicitor's opinion.
report submitted by Engineer J. L. Sylvester
drainage matter subject to the municipal
Motion Lost.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke:
That the open ditch be extended from Fourth Street to Third
Street on the West Side of High Street; and larger culverts be
installed; and that the 21" culvert now under High Street at
the intersection of Fourth and High Streets be moved to the
Third and High Streets intersection.
3. The letter received from the Royal Theatre requesting sub-
mission of the question of Sunday Movie Entertainment being in-
cluded on the ballot in the forthcoming municipal elections was
considered following which it was:
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Oke:
That a by-law be prepared and presented to submit the
question of Sunday Movie Entertainment to the Electorate at
the forthcoming municipal election.
Motion Lost.
The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. & Mrs. Gill of Council's
motion, and to inform them of the procedures under the Lord's
Day @ntario Act.
- 2 -
Finance Committee
Moved by Dep.-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That the report of the Finance Committee dated October
24th, be received and adopted. carried.
Police Committee.
"The Chairman of your Police Committee met with Chief Con-
stable Kitney and the Clerk on Thursday afternoon, October
26th, to discuss the purchase of tires for the Police Cruiser.
The tires presently on the Cruiser are badly worn and require
immediate replacement, however it is my opinion that the car-
casses of these tires are sound enough to be retreaded and give
satisfaction. This however, cannot be determined definitely
until such time as they are off the vehicle, and carefully
examined. With this iB mind, it is my recommendation that the
quotation of Frank Jamieson be accepted as follows:
1. 4 650 x 15 Custom Nylon Tires -
Price inc. tax -
2. Retread two present tires to snow
tread and retread two to regular
tread 44.29
Total - $ 140.08
This will effect a new set of tires for immediate use, which is
definitely required, and when the retread operation has been
completed, a second set including two snow tires for winter use
will be available."
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Stevens;
That the report of theFDlice Chief for the purchase of tires
for the cruiser be received and ~dopted.
~1otion Lost.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Fice:
That the Clerk be instructed to call quotes from the original
tenders for the following:
2 650 x 15 Nylon Suburbanite Goodyear Tires and
2 650 x 15 Custom Nylon Goodyear Tires;
and that these quotations be submitted before 5:00 p.m., Friday,
November 3rd, 1961, at which time the Police Committee is hereby
given the power to act. carried.
Moved by Dep-Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
That Leave be granted to bring in the following by-laws:
1. A by-law
2. A by-law
to appoint Places for Holding the next
and for other purposes.
to amend By-Law No. 1803.
~- .' ..
- 3 -
BY LAWS (Cont'd.)
Moved by Con. Stevens and Dep-Reeve Hobbs:
That the by-laws be read a first time, referred to Council
in Committee of the Whole, and read a second time; Mayor in
the Chair.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Stevens:
That we rise and report sucessful second reading of the
By-Laws. carried.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice:
That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on
the By-Laws be received and adopted, the same be now read a
third time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed
and numbered as follows:-
1. A by-law to appoint places for holding the next Municipal
Election and for other purposes. ........ By-Law No. IB27.
2. A by-law to amend By-Law No. IB03. ....... By-Law No. IB2B.
3. A by-law to consolidate the sums expended under certain
by-laws into one sum of $60,660.00 and to borrow the
same by issue of debentures therefore..... By-Law No. IB21.
Traffic Light.
Councillor Stevens advised that he was notified that it was
impossible to effect repairs or replacement parts for the
E.D.-43 Traffic Controller located at the corner of King and
Temperance Streets.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Oke:
That the Police Committee be authorized to purchase the
necessary controls for the King-Division Traffic Lights to
conform with the amendment of the Highway Traffic Act which
becomes effective January 1/62. carried.
2. Frederick Building Permit.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Oke:-
That we authorize the Building Inspector to withold the
permit which was authorized by Council at their last meeting
in respect to the Frederick application pending an opinion
from the Town Solicitor. carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:25 p.m. on motion of Dep-Reeve Hobbs
and Councillor Stevens.
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Clerk. Mayor.