HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/02/1961
A regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at
8:00 p.m., Monday, October 2nd, 1961, with His Worship, The
Mayor in the Chair.
All members present except Reeve Little who was absent because
of illness.
The Minutes of the meeting held on September 11th, 1961, were
confirmed on motion of Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens.
1. Committee of Ad~ustment.
Mr. K. Hooperl Chairman of the Ratepayers' Association and Mrs.
N. Wilson, Liberty Street, South, appeared before Council object-
ing to a recent decision by the Committee of Adjustment. They
submitted that at the hearing in respect to this decision, their
objections thereto were not given proper consideration and wished
to know whether Council had any control over this committee.
They were advised that Council has no control Qver such decisions
however, they had recourse following official notice of the Comm-
ittee's decision by submitting their objections in the form of
a formal appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board.
Mrs. Wilson asked Council if they could advise her as to who had
sold the piece of land immediately next to her property to Mrs.
Terry. Council was unable to supply any advice in this respect
and suggested that Mrs, Wilson bring this matter to the attention
of her solicitor for clarification.
2. Mr. R. Rowe.
Mr. Rowe appeared before Council indicating that although he had
the required type of equipment for use at the dump he had not
been engaged by the Town in this respect. He submitted that this
work was being carried out by an Oshawa firm, whereas he felt that
a local resident should be considered.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Presson:
That the subject matter brought to the attention of Council by
Mr. Rowe be referred to the Roads & Streets Committee for consid-
eration with the Works Superintendent with power to take the nec-
essary action. carried.
3. Liberty Street Pavement.
Mr. Rowe complained of the condition of Liberty
result of the sanitary sewer construction under
Rowe also advised that the removal of a culvert
north of the subway some years ago has resulted
ression in the pavement and submitted that this
siderable damage to vehicles passing over.
Moved by Con. Fice and Oke:
That the matter submitted by R. Rowe
erty Street pavement be referred to the
for consideration and action.
St., North, as a
the subway. Mr.
under the pavement
in a serious dep-
could cause con-
with respect to
Roads &, Streets
the Lib-
- 2 -
1. J. J. Flett.
"As there are several more houses occupied in Parkway Crescent,
subdivision now I would like you to bring before Council this
request to have Public Utilities install three more street
lights on that street."
Moved by Con. Presson and Nicks:
That this request received from J. Flett dated September ~8,
1961, for the erection of three additional street lights on rark-
way Crescent be referred to the Public Property Committee for
their consideration with power to take necessary action.
2. Department of National Defence.
A letter was received from the Dept. of National Defence sub-
mitting a copy of a sound survey plan recently completed in
the Town of Bowmanville. This plan indicates that a warning
siren for E.M.O. purposes has been installed on the Post Office
Building .
Moved by Con. Hughes and Nicks~
That the report from the Dept. of National Defence respect-
ing their recent sound survey be received and filed.
3. )'h L.. Berry.
tlThis is to advise that on Town Property in front of 63 Liberty
North) there is a maple tree which is very decayed. Two or three
weeks ago, part of this tree was blown down) breaking the tele-
phone line. Before we have another severe wind storm, it would be
I think, in the best interests of the Town and the Public Utilities
Commission to have the remainder removed as it is now endangering
the service cables to two residences, the B.F.U.C. primary and
secondary circuits and the street lighting circuit.
Hoping this will receive your immediate attention, I remain."
Moved by Con. Fice and Oke:
That the request submitted by B.L. Berry, dated September 27/61,
be referred to the Roads & Streets Committee with power to take
necessary action. carried.
4. British & Canadian & American Real Estate Consultants.
"We write to advise you that this company is able to offer a com-
prehensive service in the field of professional real estate con-
sulting and appraisal. Our technical staff comprises Mr. F.J.
Shanklan4, A.R.I.C.S., A.A.C.I., M.A.I. and Mr. B.J. Showell,
F.A.I., F.R.I., M.A.I., both of whom have had many yearst exper-
ience particularly in the field of expropriation and assessment
revaluation. The staff are qualified as expert witnesses in real
estate valuation in the County Court and the Ontario Municipal
Board. We have acted and continue to act on behalf of both Prov-
incial and Federal Governments and many of the larger Municipal-
ities in Ontario. We should be pleased to discuss any appraisal
assignment which you may have for the company now mr in the future
on receipt of your advice."
Moved by Con. Nicks and Hughes:
That this letter be received and filed.
- 3 -
Proctor & Redfern.
"This will confirm our meeting with the Works Co=ittee of Council
concerning services to be constructed in the new industrial area.
The discussion was primarily concerning the proposed bridge on
the BaseLine over the Soper Creek. The span of the two structures
on Highway 401 and on the Service Road immediately south of 401
over the same creek is 60-feet. The clear cpan .of the bridge we
have designed for the BaseLine is 68-feet and we were questioned
concprning this difference. The bridges to the south are at a
higher elevation than the proposed bridge on the BaseLine and con-
sequently the area of the opening under the existing bridges is
actually greater than the opening of the proposed bridge. To red-
uce the span of the proposed bridge on the BaseLine would require
raising the structure, in order to achieve the required hydraulic
The elevation of the proposed bridge is approximately 18-inches
above the existing bridge and has been established to fit in with
the proposed road grade in this area, as well as the surrounding
terrain. We do not recommend, therefore that the elevation of the
proposed bridge bE raised. The proposed bridge has been designed
to have a 28-foot road width, which is the minimum required by
the Ontario Department of Highways and we have included two
6-foot sidewalks. The possibility of deleting one of these walks
was discussed and we can see no serious objection to this consid-
ering that it is planned to develop this area for industrial use.
It is difficult to foresee how the area will develop over a period
of twenty or thirty years, and for this reason we did include two
sidewalks on the strUcture. If you do decide to delete one walk,
however, we would be pleased to undertake the re-design as quickly
as possible."
Moved by Con. Nicks and Hughes:
That the letter received from Proctor and Redfern dated Sept. 28/61,
respecting the Industrial Area Project be received and filed.
5. An expression of appreciation for Council's sympathy was received
from Mrs. B. Ashton.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Fice:
That the expression of appreciation received from Mrs. Ashton
be received and filed.
Moved by Con. Oke and Nicks:
That the Welfare Report for the month of September, 1961, be
received and filed.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Dep. Reeve Hobbs:
Toat the Dog Control Report for the month of September/6l, be
received and flIed. carried.
Moved by Con. Nicks and Oke:
That the Building Inspector's Report for the Month of September,
196~, be received and filed. carried.
- 4 -
Moved by Con. Fice and Hughes:
That the Works Department Report for the month of Sept/6l,
be received and filed. carried.
Moved by Con. fresson and Hughes:
That the reports of the Northumberland & Durham Health Unit
for the months of July and Augustj6l, be received and adopted. .
carried. .
Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice:
That the report of the Board of Works Committee, meeting held
on Tuesday, September 26/61, be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Iresson:
That the accounts of the Roads & Streets in the total amount
of $1,347.65 be and are herehy passed for payment.
Moved by Dep.-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That the accounts of the Accounts raid Irior in the total
amount of $76,311.52 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Iresson:
That the accounts of the Dog Control Dept. in the total WTIount
in the total amount of ~18.3b be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Dep.-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That the accounts of the Finance Dept. in the total amount of
$4,783.46 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Fice and Nicks:
That the accounts of the Fire Dept. in the total amount of
$13.80 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Nicks and Oke:
That the accounts of the Industrial Commission in the total
amount of $33.39 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Presson and Stevens:
That the accounts of the lolice Dept.. in the total amount of
$96.69 be and are hereby passed for payment.
/ C! ,Z./
- 5 -
Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice:
That the accounts of the lublic Froperty Dept. in the total
amount of $21.24 be and are hereby passed for pa~aent.
Moved by Con. Oke and Nicks:
That the accounts of the Welfare
of $214.61 be and are hereby passed
Dept. in the total
for payment.
CARri ed.
Moved by De p.-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws:
1. A by-law authorizing the obtaining of temporary advances to
meet the cost of certain works undertaken as a local improve-
ment pending completion thereof. (iublic School flddi tion. )
2. A by-law to authorize the Mayor & Clerk to execute and affix
the Corporate Seal to a certain agreement between the Corp. of
the Town of Bowmanville and Central Mortgage & Housing Corp.
(Sewage Treatment llant.)
3. A by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and
affix the Corporate Seal to a certain agreement between the
Corp. of the Town of Bowmanville and the Corp. of the Village
of Newcastle.
4. A by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the Town of Bowman-
ville By-Law No. 1587 as Rmt.mded.
5. A By-Law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the Town of Bowman-
ville By-Law No. 1587 as amendod.
Moved by Con. lresson and Hughes:
That the By-Laws be read a first time, referred
in Committee of the vihole and read a second time.
the Chair. carried.
to Council
Mayor in
On motion duly moved and seconded it was ordered that the Comm-
ittee rise and report the sucessful second reading of the Bylaws
whereupon the Mayor resumed the Chair.
Moved by Con. Fresson and Hughes:
That the by-law to authorize the construction on the BaseLine
Road of a sanitary sewer and watermain and a bridge over Soper
Creek which has been given two readings by this Council, be
amended as follows:
1. Enacting Clause Number Three be amended by changing the total
width of the bridge from 40' to 37' and the estimated cost from
$70,000.00 to $66,000.00, and:
That the by-law be now referred to the Ontario Municipal Board
for their approval. carried.
- 6 -
Moved by Con. Nicks and Fice:
That the by-laws be now read a third time, engrossed, signed
by Mayor and Clerk, sealed and numbered as followsl-
1. A by-law authorizing the obtaining of temporary advances
to meet the cost of certain works undertaken as a local improv-
ement pending completion thereof. (Fublic School Addition.)
......IBy-Law No. 1822.
2. A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and
affix the Corporate Seal to a certain agreement between the
Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and Central Mortgage
& Housing Corp. (Sewage Treatment rlant.)
.~..... By-Law No. 1823.
3. A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and
affix the Corporate Seal to a certain agreement between the
Corporation of tho Town of Bownanville and the Corporation of
tho Village of Newcastle. ..1.. ..~ By-Law No. 1824.
4. A By-Law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the Town of Bo~nan-
ville By-Law No, 1587 as amended......... By-Law No; 1825.
5. A ~y-Law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the Town of Bowman-
ville By-Law No. 1587 as amended.,....... By-Law No. 1826.
1. Memorial [ark Request for Grant.
Council is presently awaiting official decision in this respect
from tho Minister of Municipal hffairs.
2. Mausoleum.
Nothing further was reported in this respect.
3. Dept. of Highways.
Moved by Con. Nicks and Oke:
That we authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the required
petition for interim payment of the statutory grant under the
Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made in the year 1961.
4. Liberty Street Subway.
The Clerk was instructed to take any action he deems necessary
in order to obtain an acknowledgement of Council's various
communications to the c.r .R. in this respect.
5. Holgate BUilding.
Deputy-Reeve Hobbs advised that progress was being made in
the cleaning up of this property.
/0 ~
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6. Low Rental Housing Need Study.
The Clerk reported that the result of this study should be
completed in the near future.
7. Official llano
The Clerk reported that the Zoning Hmendment pertaining to the
Industrial Area passed at this meeting would conflict with the
provisions of the official plan.
Moved by Con. Hughes & Nicks:
That we request the Bowmanville llanning Board to prepare
an amendment to the official plan to facilitate the Zoning
By-Law changes as it pertains to the proposed new industrial
area. carried.
The llanning Board is to be requested to prepare this amend-
ment as soon as possible, in order that the Zoning By-Law may
be processed through the Ontario Municipal Board.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes:
That we do now adjourn. (9:30 p.m.)
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