HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/14/1961
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The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council was held on Monday
August 14th, 1961, at $:00 p.m. All members present except Councillor
Nicks, with Hisorship I"~ayor Carruthers in the Chair.
The minutes of the meetings held on July 10th, and 25th, 1961, were
confirmed on motion of Councillors Hughes and Fice.
Mr. Ken Hooper, Chairman of the Bowmanville Ratepayers Association
appeared before Council and asked several questions in respect to
the recent meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and the County Road
Superintendent at which time members were appointed to a committee
concerning future roads. Hr. Hooper ,sked if consideration would
be ~iven to the appointment of a representative of the rtatepayers
The Ratepayer's representative advised that during construction of
the Ontario Street Storm sewer, it was noticed that the old sewer
was constructed with clay tile. Council assured him that tile of
this type is not in use anymore in Bowmanville.
Mr. H. Dadson, Liberty Street also appeared before council advising
that water from the sidewalks in the vicintiy of his property was
washing out his driveway. This matter was held in abeyanoe pendi.ng
the return of the '{orks Superintendent for a report.
~ihen questioned if the Pine Street Road Allowance east of Liberty
Street could be purchased Mr. Dadson was informed that purchase
could likely be effected if the necessary application was made to
the Town Clerk.
Bowmanville Inr'llstrial Developments Lini ted:
"Thank yoa for your letter of July 13th, re the pro-;ress bdng [Jade
toward the servicing of the Glenbrook Industrial Area. Because of
your letter and your periodic oral reI'~)rts, the company is aware that
the current delays are unavoidable and that everyting possible is now b
being done to expedite this matter; therefore, the company is quite
willin,s that there be no specific completion date."
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hobbs - Con. Hughes:
THAT: The Clerk be instructed to obtain an official amendment to the
present agreement with BOlManville Industrial Developments Ltd.,
to effect the intent of their letter dated July 26th, 1961,
respecting the completion dates contained therein.
Strike and Strike:
Mr. Strike the Town's Solicitor asked for futher instruction respecting
the disposition of the Centre Street Hoad Allowance.
'-loved by Dertltf Iteeve Hobbs - Reeve Little:
THAT; The Clerk be instructed to offer the Centre Street Hoad
Allowance for rent to Hr. T. Turner and if a~reeable a further
agreement be prey:e red for execution by Council.
Proctor and Redfern:
A letter was received from the Consulting En2;ineers respecting modific-
ation of their plans for t he proposed baseline bridse. The Clerk vas
requested to obtain further information in re~ard to these plans for
further discussion at the next meeting of the "Board of Horks meeting
on motion of Councillor Hushes and Deputy Reeve Hobbs.
Chief Constable Kitn8Y:
A letter froM Chief Constable Kitney recommended the rromotion of
Constable L.B. Ricard to First Class, effective Aur;ust 1st, 1961.
by Councillor Fresson - Stovens:
In accordance with the provisions of th0 contract now in
force with the Bowmanville Folice ,'ssociation and the
recommendation of the Chief Constable, Second Class ConstablEJ
L. B. Ricard be promoted to First Class Constable effective
August 1st, 1961.
~1emorial Hospital:
The followin~ letter was received and filed on motion of Deputy
Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
"This is to acknowledCie with thanks tho final payment of 1;he Town
of Bowmanville' s contribution to Memo:'ial HosJ:~ tal. The :~lSO, 072
which you have contributed toward this buildin~ is enabling it to
be co',pleted. He would like to report to you that the nml wing
will be opened at the end of 1961. lie again exrress our sratitude
for your undertaking and for your splendid co-operation."
Qntario Municipal Board:
A letter was received from the Ontario Municipal Bord advising of
their tentative approval of the 1101000.00 expenditure for the
construction of a four-room addition to the Ontario Jtreet Fublic
Moved by Councillors Huc:hes - Stevens:
TinT: A copy of the Board's tentative arproval be forvrarded to the
Fublic School Board for their information.
Maxwell Brown:
Requesting council's consideration in erecti'l'; a "Dead End" street
sign at the corner of Liberty and Nelson Streets.
Moved by Councillor's Fres31n - Stevens:
THAT: !,ve auth')rize th8 erectLm ':Jf a "Dead End" Street si,;n at the
c')rner of Liberty and Nelson Streets.
Bowmanville Kinsmen Club:
"As inc:Jming Fresident of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club, I find it
necessary to resign fr')m the Arena Board. I have appointed Mr.
Robert (BOB) Guthrie as elur representative tel the board. Yo" may
contact Bob to confirm this. I enj:Jyed being a nember of the Ilrena
Board and hope I was of Slme assistance."
Moved by Councillors Hu~hes- Fice:
THAT: We accept with rer;ret the resignation of Hr. O. Jilliamsl as a
representative on 'the Bowmi1.nville ilrena Ilo:rd, and th'lt Er.
Robert Guthrie be arpointed by By-law to c0mnlete the term
of Office namely until December 31st, 1961.
Industrial Commission;
Moved by Councillors Oke - Fice:
THAT: The re;Jrt of the Bowmanvllle Industrial commissi'm dated
Auo;ust'2nd, 1961, be roce:...ved and adopted.
\;Jelfare DeDi:rtment:
Movsd by Councillors Oke - Hughes:
THAT: The rev'rt of the ',jelfare Department for the l'ionth of
July, 1961, be received and 9.cbptcd.
Do~ Control Officer:
Moved be Reeve Little - Councillor Presson:
TrhT: The RePJrt of the D:lg Control Officer for the l'I'mth of
July, i961, be received and adopted.
Carri ed.
Buildinh Inspector:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hobbs - Reeve Little:
TH;. T: The Report of the DLlilding Inspector for the Honth of July,
1961, be received and adopted.
Police Department:
Moved by Councillors Tresson - Hughes:
THAT: The Rerort of the Folice Department for the !.1onth of
July, 1961, be received and adopted.
Health Unit:
Moved by Ileeve Little - Deputy Reeve Hobbs;
THAT: The Report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit for the
Month of June, 1961, be received and adopted.
Wrrks Department:
Moved by Councillors Stevens - Fr3sson:
THliT: The report')f the ",orks Depiil'tment for the !'lonth of June,
1961, be received and adopted.
Central Lake Ontario Consorvatlon !1Uthori.!L~
Moved by Councillor Tresson - Reeve Little:
THl,T: The Central Lake Ontario Conservati'ln lwthority minutes dated
July, 11th, 1961, be received ~d filed.
Board of \;Jorks:
Moved by Reeve Little - Councillor Stevens:
TH"T: The Report of the Board of I'lorks dated July 25th, 1961,
be received and adopted.
In accordance with Item No. 5 of this report the following motion
was presented.
Moved by Councillor Hushes - Reeve Little:
THhT: Council is aware of the encroachment by the brick building
situated on the northwest corner of Division and Church
Streets, and that no action will be taken concerning them
durin" the currency of the !iIort~age, nanely June 29th,
1961 to October 23rd, 1971, in accordance with the request
received from Crei~hton, Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch, dat~d
Julv 21st, 1961.
Roads and Streets Committee:
Moved by Councillors Stevens - Presson:
THAT: The Report of theRoads and Streets Committee, dated July
25th, 1961, be received and adopted.
Works Department:
Moved By Councillor Stevens - Deputy Reeve Hobbs:
'fH,;T: The Accounts of the 'iorks Department attached hereto, in
the total amount of 1p;, 366.53, be and are hereby passed for
Faid Prior:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hobbs - Councillor Stevens:
TH,::"T: the accounts Faid IriClr attached hereto, in the tCltal amDunt
of '~50, 133.11 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Dog Control:
Moved by Councillor Stevens - Deputy Heeve Hobbs:
TH"T: The acco mts of t he Dos Control DepartMent attached hereto,
in the total amount of $50.61 be and are hereby passed for
Finance Department:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hobbs - Ross Stevens:
THhT: the accCJunts of the Finance Dept., attached hereto, in the
total amount of ~~676.46 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Fire Department:
Moved by Councillors Fice - Oke:
THAT: The accounts of the Fire Department attached hereto, in the
total amount of 3;49.72 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Industrial Commission:
Moved by Councillors Oke - Fice:
THAT: The accounts of the Industrial Commission attached hereto, in
the total amount of $138.75 be and are hereby passed for pa~fient.
Folice Department:
Moved by Councillors Presson - Stevens:
THAT: The accounts of the Folice Department attached hereto, in the total
amount of #352.75 be and are hereby passed for paynent.
Fublic Fropcrty:
Moved by Councillors Hu~hes - Oke:
THAT: The accounts of the Public Frope~ty attached hereto, in the
total amount of $101.14 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Welfare Department:
Moved by Councillors Oke - Hu~hes:
THAT: The accounts of the Welfare Department attached hereto, in the
total amount of $660.34 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hobbs - Reeve Little:
TH,lT: Leave be granted to bring in th2 followin[!; By-laws:
1. A By-law to cClnfirm an agreement ,>lith the Township of
Darlington (Boundary Roads rlgreement).
2. A By-law to authorize the Hayor and Cl"rk to execute and
affix the Corporate seal to a certain a(,reement betlrreen the
Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and the Bowmanville
Folice Association.
3. A By-law authorizing obtaining of temporary advances to neet
the cost of certain works. (1782)
4. A By-law authorizing obtaining of temporary advances to meet
the cost of certain works. (1802)
5. A By-law authoriznr; obtaining of temporary advances to meet
the cost of certain works. (
6. A By-law to authorize the Hayor and Clerk to execut('l and affix
the cor"'orate seal to a certain J1.f':reerHmt between the Central
Mortgage and Housing Corporation and tho Corporation of the
Town of Bowmanville.
7. A By-law to appoint a 'deed Inspector to enforce the provisions
of the Noed Control flct wi thin the boundaries of t he Town of
8. A By-law to appoint a member to the I3owr~anville Arena Board of
9. A By-law to Consolidate the sums exrended under certain By-laws
into one sum of :,~62, 200.00 and to borrow the sarle by issue of
Debentures therefor.
Moved by Councillors FrGsson - Stevens:
THAT: The By-laws be reqd a First Tlme, referred to Council in Committee
of the Whole and read a Second Time, Mayor in the Chair.
Council rev0rted to Committee of the Whole and read the By-laws
a second time. On motion duly moved Rnd adopted, it was ordered
that Council in Committee of the Whole rise and renort sucessful
read:ng of the By-laws: "
Moved by Councillors Hushes - Fice:
. ,
THAT: The report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the
By-laws be received and adonted, the same be now read a
Third Time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk,
sealed and numbered as follows:
1. A By-law to confirm an a~ree~ent with the Township of
Da.rling;ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bt 1806.
2. A By-law to authorize the i\:Iayor and Cl,~rk to execute
and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain agreement
between the Corporation of the Town of Bm/r.1anville
and the Bm,nnanville Police ,lssociation...... .BL 1807
3. A By-law authorizing obtaining of temporary advances
to meet the cost of certain works............BL 1808
4. A By-law authorizin;; obtaining of temporary advances
to meet the cost of certain works............BL 1809
5. A By-law to authorize obtaining of tem;orary advances
to meet the cost of certain works............BL 1810
6. A. By-law to authorize the Hayor and Clerk to execute
and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain Agreement
between the Corroration of the Town of Bownanville and
Central l.Jortcage and Housing Corporation.... .BL 1811
7. A By-law to Appoint a Weed Inspector to enforce the
provisions of the Heed CClntrol "ct within the boun:laries
of the Town of ilowmanville...................BL 1812
8. A By-law to appoint a member to the Bownanville itrena
Board of iYlimar':ement..... . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .BL 1813
9. A By-law to consolidate the sums expended under certain
8y-la\,s into one sum of ,~62, 200.00 and to borrow the
same by issue of Debentures therefor.........BL 1814
Moved hy Councillors Hughes - Fresson:
TH"T: 0 .~1. B. approval having been grant ed to the by-law to provide
for an addition to the sewage treatment Plant in the amount
of $450,000.00, that we now aMend the By-law by deleting
in eV2ry instance the fi,;ul'es :~343, 500.00 and substitute
therefor the figures $450,000.00, and that the said by-law
be now read a Third Time, enrsrossed, signed by the i1ayor
and Clerk, scaled and numbered.................BL ~.
.' "-''\-
Carrie d.
1. Memorial Fark request for grant:
Moved by Councillors Oke - Fice:
THAT: The Cl.2rk bi) instructed to further communicate 1.!ith the
Department of /1Icmicipal "ffairs in an effort to bring
to their attention S'Jction of the fllunicipal "ct,
which may influence th,dr decision with respect to the
proposed ~rant to the Memorial Park Association.
Moved bv Councillors Hughes - Stevens:
THAT: A By-law b'2 prepa)'ed to authClrize the /'layor and ClfJ.'k to
enter an agreement to Durch'lse the Hausoleum, provided
repayment is commuted over a ten YO'll' period, . J
provided perpetual care funds are deductud prior to any
payment bein" made by the Town to thu presfmt owner, all
of which is subject to the ;,pproval of th'J Department of
Health for Ontario and any other Provincial ;mthority
l~useum BOilrd I
Councillor Fresson gave a comprehensive report of the activ-
i ties of the lociil j\luseum Bo;rd. He advised that their
expenses had been sOl1ewhat higher than originally estimated
and teyuested that Council turn over an additional a(.1()unt of
the funds donated to the I'iuseum.
Moved by Councillors Iresson - Oke:
THilT: An amount of .$3,500.00 be turned over to the lluseum
Board, from their funds under the control of Council.
Septe;nber lVIeetinp; of Council:
Hoved by
~eputy Reeve Hobbs - Con. Fice:
THAT: The Si' ptember Meeting of Town Council be postponed
until Septe.1ber 14th, at 7:30 p.n.
Street Marking:
An estimate was received from E. A. Horton Sales Ltd., for
effecting the necessary road pavement marking throughout the
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hobbs - Con. Stevens:
THAT: The report from E. A. Horton Sales Ltd., respecting
p1.venent markinv, be referred to the Works Superintendent
for 1. report and consideration at the next rGgular Board
of Works Heeting.
, "
Newtonville Dog Control:
Councillor Stevens advised that he had been contacted by an
official of Newtonville Council resp,;ctino; the possibility of
extending our dog control services to that municipality.
Councillor Stcvens was Cluthorized to advise the interested party
that Bowpnnville Council would entertcdn a subf'lission fron the
Newtonville Council in this regard.
Moved by Reeve Little - Hughes:
THAT: The Road Superintendent be instructed to investigate the
condition of the tree on Horsev Street situated 6etween
the Strike and Caldwell properties, and to take necessary
action. Carried.
Steinburg Lot:
Moved by Councillor Stevens - Oke;
THAT: His ,'lorship the Mayor be authorized to communicate with
the Steinburc; firm in an effort to cleterrEne their int,enticms
with respect to their lot at the corner of division and
church streets;
If it is found that no iraruediat" action is cunter.1plated
the mayor be requested to ne2,:otiate: for this ~~roperty on
a r ntal basis for future pGrking Carried.
The meetinc; adj0urned at 10:15 r.r.1.
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CLERK
..........,................................ .lJIiiYOlt