HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/15/1961 fi':i , . The rcp::ul-:lr ne(?tin!~ of t,he J:3o~J(~.lnville ~ol..'n Council convcnnd ) " -~----------- , 7 30 Ie, '; 15' lULl ,'th .'.. 'J' h' I'.T At ,: F~:'Tl., \'iOnCl:1.y, l'~ay t.l,. )U..J....' 1/11 i,15 , ors lp 'J.r1?Or li. D. Carruthors in the Chair. All ;:JsHbers present mccq:t Cauucillars L:1.th:',ngue 'lnd Fice. ;~Dopr~'I;::JP o~~ IIInUT~:JS I\''IoVGd by Con. Picks .':'JllCl oti.::;v:::;ns: That thG ~"'iinut(~s of tlr-:; li';8tin'~~ h-~ld on (Iond~y, i"I'-lv 1st, 1961, be recsivpd and adopted. carried. D;,PUTATiOX3 1. l'II'.. J .(}.ncCB.rn~~v, i),A. e i'Rp: ~tonan C,qtholic Eriscor;~J_ Corp. H W,'le \-;Tould adviSE:-: t:];Jt Til(:; are the solicitors for the-; '~O-l:;i.n Ciltholic Episcopill Corp. Hho h:we entered into :111 a."Teerlcmt t. purchC1se lil:1d :for thu erectioY'. 0'" a school. This land will be purcrHsHo fran cToseph J. FlettiilliJ.m L. Lycctt, iTr. Mason, the, :301icitor for ,cr. Flett has infol~'H:d us that under a subcii ~.ricJ f?Y'S ':1:~r',:;;!lCllt : 'I}'" . Flc;tt h,lS Cl.\:~,r,:::;,.~:(l to pay to the Cornoration of the Town of Go\n1anville, ~4.00 per foot frontiigo for tfw lot1\" Sitlpt() on Plan 652. Tfw Epi:;copal Corp. wish to pUl'chase lots 44, 45 and MJ on Plan 652 Hhich ',vill form pc,rt 0,0 tlH school property. ~de VJould like to arrroach th~' T01.rn Cou1lcil ith th(~ 'Jiev\( to hqvin(: th(~Dl waive t}l(~-~sl~.OO })er foot frontnge ch'lr~o h~lVing re- gard to the f:lct th;',t a school 'iill be ,;rectc,d on these three lots. ',Jould you ]~illdl)' inforn 11:3 "hem ye';j' nxt tovlrl council ;~,eeting './ill take rlJ.c() so tlnt lie (.1',)' Cltt:nd am, :ireak to Council ~lt tllat tiMe. . Hoping to hear fron V()~l :.t your (;arli-cst convenience, ..../e renain,11 Mr. J.(}.~1cCarrl(~Y Rcldresscd COUJlcil cO~ct~rnin~ the l~ttel' received rc: Jomen CCltholic Episcoral ~orr. tloved by Con. ,--ltu~ht;S ':lJld IJeputy-lleeve iiobbs: That this reqUG3t b(; r,~fcrrt;d to :3o;).rd 0:'""' .JO:ck3, Hay 30/6141 carried. 2. Ill'. J. Hendry addressed Council conciirnin.": the followinir, letter: . UThis is to request ,'Ul int G}.~;ri e~_'"r ifi th th (; J3o~:~:~,~:.n ville laVln Council r>-;r:;:ir~LLn:" Fr''ink ,'3trcc-::t. I tEl ve h,'1.d ;1_ f1eetin':-" \,vi th~l COLlf1erci al 'cnt,'rpris,", uhi ch requ.,stii a 100' front,a,",;" '101'" or less, on Franl: Street; nplJroxi'lEitn1y 175' frontn~(~ 6n Jt. C;corge Street - approxinately !,O, 000 squnre feet of area - illl in the comf1er.iel area. T~lis entl~rprise Hould hir(~, .~)S soon ;13 d<-;vQlopr:d, rivp or six Clen; vlh'm t'ullv developed, twel'l" to tVl,mty '"1,,:1 - in full oper.::1. tion, depQnding on cirCllI:lstclnC(;s. This develop;:1ent depends upon pernie s ion to dc;velop Franl~ Street, ;;0 that 5, t opims to Kins Street. I would appreciC1te very "mch bei:l:;''.llovwcl a h8ilrinp;, and gettinp; a favourJ,blc decj,sion fron Bmrlanyill,) Tmm Council re- gardin~ this natter." . . . . 5(, - ? - ~ I''ioved by COlli Presson 2.nci. Hlli~~t;S: 4 That the Industrial Co S3lon ~ive early cOilsidHration to these t1,10 prorosi tions, n~lr:H~~Y Doninion St:)re pro!)!~r.ty ,:'.nCj J. Hendry's propertY'lnd r(,rort back to Council ;,V'2n iP a s["icial ;ll,,'tin'~ is n2CeSSGry. carried. 3 .f.'Tr. Trejbal :1.rpc::J.rcd h 2f::!r,~ (~ounc~_l askin,". i:'-' the conai tion of ;lc~arns 1\ vc;nu,,:~ u0nld bE inf':'~o 'l(;cl. l...r. T. ,:3t\~::'!~n~t, ',Jarks 3ureri'~1- tendent sU.?:,:1'J:E)ti>ci tllClt". t,lis str;:~~;t could r.)l~ i,-lP}'Qv(-;d by ditching, nnd the appli cation of gravnl. ..'~ppr'ox~:-:L1_t(; 60:::3t of'dork -~;~200. 00. i'lovecl by Deputy-itECV,-? l-iobbs .::Ulc1 Con. fiu r' " . 1L'hat this natter h:, l.,ft in ~Lc.' h'meis of Uk }toads 3upu'intr:nd- ent. C~l:r"Ticd. 4. Hr. Knarp appear'3d b"forc Council ref,:arcling thee follO\!i:L! l"tteer: nOn inc;uiry I h.:lve b'_>~~n nade :l\'rp'(; th:~t no f'.lrtJlc:;r cUl"b cuts on Liberty Street aro to lk 'utle unlr,sOi d,'c!wcl ab~'301utely necessetry by the Council. T:ilwn the ',xistin,: dr'i.v3-waY"Y"TO!IChes on Liberty Str~;:et \'lSre constructc;,J in thr.' fi:411 o~ 1<.;60 th,.;~:," '.-leI'-:; inadbqu:"1ts to serve FlY place 0:.' -;3us:LnGss. It;,~:1S su~,~'-'Cc.~)tcd th:.1.t this si tUJt- ion '.vould be corrc:ct8c1 this year.. "rl0\'ICVer I hc1ve befjn t'Jld t.:L:tt no cuts will be [lad'! unle'cs approvcl by t)w Council. I hereby request tl:tl.t- the Cou.ncil DTprnv::; :l;'-'urthl;r' 15 foot cut to th(0 north of thc~ nO:L'th aTrr>Clr~ch Dnd .'{ 10 foot cut to thu south of the s0uth'1PT:;1'~)':ch. ";'hi"~ r!'oT' :rt:,r I hev(~ htlS h::_~~ .~l c':.ood drivQ-i,rfay until thp f:1J_1 of 1960. I ~,'JOtlld also r~;(11..1',:st tlvc..t -1 dri "'1':---\JaY~lrpro,~lch b',: eonstru,ctec.i to sr;rvr.3 nUrJb~:r 1~~9 Liberty Str',;:::t ,:tS thi,~;, ',IriS overloohec:' 14hE;n Liberty Street f'!lvc;cl." I'lcv(~;d by {~cevG 1ittl~.; ,'ulcl Con. ,11.J.:,~hcs: Thqt the H.o(.~cls and .)trf~~;t~ COfT,,-ittc;.; inv~",sti;~,~tc this ~'Lttt(~r vii th the enGineer, and l'(~rort oac1< to tLc; ~h~xt -r~o~lrd of .forks fleeting. carri.cd. 5. )'Ir. K. Hooper, C1Flir'T::ln of th~: ~:,o'\'nF1.nvill;: r,~ntcD~l.VerS rlS~30C., su~~ested that now the parkin~ ~etors !Ire r~icl for, SODe of thts revenue shoul i "0 to'.'!' .rei" th. upkucT of r"ais. He also inquired Hhat:lction is being takun to rq:'tir the; ro'\d in front of the Arenn on ~Iuecn 3tr C let. filr. Stewart advised tlut thiC! !,ioulc! bE' fixed when p3vil1" is done later this year. COl'ITc\UNrCA'::'IUfTS 1. BO\r13.nville Public Library. "The Library Board \lOuld like to ""quest <\11 interil P:YF1Ult of .,1000.00 on the 19()1 c)'ilnt to clO\.i';lidlvillE' Fublic Library. If lJoss- ible, ';'Iould you ;:u"rl.n,':r>: to h:-:Vd '1. ch(;qu(~ ~--3;;nt to us ;30;1~"ti;:L; in the near futun.o. \1 IIoved by Deputy-Hc:f:;VC Hobb~3 :J.ncl Con. :3tGvens: Tha t an i nt cr'ir1 T';~yn(;'!1 t be f'lade. of.,lOC(). CC O~l the: 1 e(l Li b;''lry i}ra nt c;lrri(::d. e . . . 5"1 - 3 - 2. Tho Lions Cl_~b_JlLJ3Jl..i:!I'!Qll..:0-..lli.. "The Lions Club of Bo"c1,3,n'rille would r"'llle st consideration fror.l the To',m of iJovnanvill" for it ,o;rant '3qll'l1 to tlw tRxes assEOssed on our property "t 26 Deech <lv,mue, BO\lr'lftTIvill"i Ontario," Hoved by Con. Hicks ,'md HuC(hes: That we authorize raVM~nt of , -rant 80ual to tha taxes in the T,]Ount of ;~ 2202.98 to tt", Lions Club of [JO''imrmville I for thoir property at 26 Beech ilvenue. carried I 3. BO\irHnvilh, Police Dopm'tHmt. "In accordance with the provisions of the contract now in forcG, with the w?''lbers of tho B01JTUlville Police Ueptl I rocommend that Sec0nd Cl~ss Con8t~hle DI~. Parker be proMoted to First Class Constable, effective Hay 22ndj 1961." Jlloved by Con. PreSson and Eicks l That in accord(ll1ce \vith the rcconnendation of the Chi()f Const~ able, and .nth tho provisions of the A(;reenent betHeen thu Corp. and the Folice ASSOC, SElcond Class COll~Jtable Parker be proploted to First C12ss Cons table , effective r,;ay ;22nd, 1961. carried. 4. Councillor K. Lnthanr;ufl" "',Jould yon pleIlS(, acclCpt qy rec;il'nation fror.J po"ition as Counc- illor, as I haVe pnrchasnd n busi.18SS in illliston, Unt:lrio. :3erv- int~ on Council, going on the sixth year, hClS be.en a plc~asurc and an interestin~ period of tine. I sincerely wish the Town of 3o',.c'lcUlvill"; Gv()ry success in the years to CO,]((. \! Hoved by Corio I1w,hes 'md Hicks: That w" accept 'vith n;grct th,' )',;signation of ill'. j';eith Lathangue as a Councillor 0: the, ';'Oim of '!o".l'mvilln, and that the bust wishes for success in his future endeavours be ext,mded on b,,)half of Coun- cil and the Citizens 0" this ConLJunity. carrit'd. 5. Central Hortr.:Cl!;e (s Housinr: Corporation. "de: 516-STP-2, IJ01nlanville TrQatLJent PLmt Jc.xtension. We are pleased to advise you that c:overnnent 'J.pproval has been received for thn above 8ewa!';u Project lonn. \lork fHY now start on this project, but advances will not be nade until loan agreer.Jent executed. This agrUtOiwnt Hill follO\v in due course." Hoved by Con. SteVrlns and llicks: Th'l.t the 12ttc,)' frOll Cf;ntral [,IOl'tgage and flollsin<; Corporation with respect to government anproval of the proposed neH sCHage treatment plant, be ),Elceived Clnd filed. c cirri cd. . . . . jg' - 4 - 6. n.F.vivi,'l,n,_.1'I.D. "Th':.llk YOU vr:;l'V ouch for S,~l1din'; nc a cop~r of your lcttc:r of April 27th', to the: ,LmC:L'ciT of th l,'c::tiom,l U'v"plo;mnnt Ot'ficC?, Sincoe Street South, Osrn'.Ia, Ontario. I an very plt)as,'d to know th~.t the Con'oration has new bc~(m nssun,d of thu lo'm .,[hich 'dill 'en:iblu your f;oin:' ah(nd with your new sGwage tr0atr1L2nt piliant, etc. I am ."lso very pl'2ased t.h;,t the, Corporcltion hCls tClkun tht) step towards the' rHlipf of local un'2mployrlcnt, ;md trust that the proj- c.,ct made possiblfi by the lei':islation of the House of Connons will be helpful tn the crlplO;lY1ent situation in BO\J:]anvill;~, "s "",,11 as being a c;ood investnent for the Town." Moved by Gbn. Stevens and Hughes: That the letter receivHd from Dr. uneL~ployr~8nt be re cej. v"d and filed. it.F. Vivian, '.^lith resp.:ct to carried. 7. IUwanis Club of BO\'lTnnvillE~. "The Khnnis (aub of BO'irunvill," respectfully request Council's perLlission to l1:anvas the Tovm on the iivdlin;; of rlily 23rd, next. It is our intention to offer for sale - peanuts and chocolates the proceeds of which will be used fo furthEr our :,cti vi ties in the Community. Your interest in this 'ntt'cr Hill b,; appn;ciatfJd." I10ved by Deputy-Ik"ve Hobbs 2nd Con. ;licks: That this reqllE:;st be ~'.;rant..-;d. carried. $. F. A. Dillin~. "I \fish to drnw to your att'ntion the fact that the O\mers of the proporty adjacent to the SCU?O~ Strcet unopened r02d 21lowance ;-11'. and ;lrs. I';dhhon, h'lve plo'.F,;hed,md cultivated this road ;\110"'- ance, in the valley, blockin',; off (so to spc,ak) tlw aCC(jSS to the creek. As you are mmre there il.n, nUMberless childrlm rmd 'Jd'.llts from the neighboJ'in~ hones and '\partm,'nts who will be prev'mtr,d from using this aCC(3SS to thl' swi'1illing hole. Thus forcing them to tr8spass on my property to reach the creek. I do not feel it sL')'lld be necessary for thell, nor that I should th',refore 'llloH it v.-hen there is 3. tW'Vln footpnth to the creek. Trusting you will ta;,e the neC8SSJ.ry steps to correct this matter. tI Moved by Con. Hughes and Reeve Little: That the Tovffi k"en the roadway op'm for thc] p,\oplo \',ho are now using it, ',nd thus b~ r"ferrGd to the tOHn solicitor to infprn ~jr. & Mrs. McMahon of the Council's intention. carried. 9. R. Strike. "I was very pleasGd and pleasan~ly surprosci to receive tho communication fron yoursi,lf 'lnd your council as to ny appointe,lent It was a very thoughtful 8n~ generous gBsture and I will certainly do my best not to brine'; Dny discr8dit to our beloved cOLJ[lUnitf. . I thank YOll all for your good wishc)s and sond llY best personal regards to you all." Moved by Con. Stevens and Hughes: That this latter be r~ceived Rnd filed. carril,d. ---. . . . ~1 - 5 - !~EFORTS Tax Coll~ction ROy_oJt. ~'Ioved by D2Duty-Hef;vP Hobbs ~lnd Con. 3tevens: That the report of th'e Tnoasur<T Tax Collections be referred to tho for theil' study. respectinG t~l state of FimmcG COLluittoe of Council cc,rried. 'i!.Qrka Departnent. 1. Ontario-Durhan St. - Drainage :_ Follo',IinG n.n insp::'ction ~;ncJ invpsti~~8.tion of thi:3 situJ.tion it is ny belier thlt the onlv rcrn.Ulcnt solution would bco till construction of '1 storr,! Se\FH'. UnfOJ't\ll1il te1y the i{o'lds ::md Streets Co,,inittc(] did not provide funds for this l'Iol'k in the current c3tinatcs. If ',1C \J0l"e to rrovidc tenJ-'orary relief by instal1in~ a tile drain fron Durhan Stroet to Albert Street the cost would overexpend our bud~et by that anount. No action taken. 2. Ontario ~)tr,]"t_ 3ich!!:'01k: The current estinates do not include provlslon for this const- truction and as yet no cstinata is available for an asphalt sideW'llk 'It thi:3 location. You Hill rec'111 th'lt it h::ts been rel'orted th'lt a concrete sideua1k would run apprOXi"'lilt.ely 1600.00. I10ved by Deputy-;Ll'eve iiobbs and Con. Ilicks: That this natter bG held in abeyance for the tin~ bein~ to get further costs 2nd infor'1ation. carried. 3. ChO-urch__3treet St..~.':l__S_e~_q_: Pro~ress on this pro ject is beiI1!~ efLoctr,d, hm/ever it helS been requestud by Er. ii. Vanstone that Council give hin some assurance in the forD of a resol\ltion, thilt it at any tirr18 his property 1;; built upon, that the 'fOHn Hill then extend the Storl'l Sewer furthdr to the ',wst Iii th a covered pipe. ?'loved by Deputy-Reev2 Hobbs ilnd COil. Presson: That the Council ccwlply Hi th this ncquest. carried. Building Inspector. 1. Report re: Safe Plumbing Certificates. Hr. Hoore has su,,;[,;est,,d th:lt Hr. Cameron, the County's Plunbing Inspector lIould likelv have vi:o" in this respect and accordinc,ly, thr; Clerk has connunic'lted ':'ith him. Moved by Con. Nicks and Hughes: That this be received and filed. carried. 2. Annis Property - Division & ~uGen Streets. Various complaints have beGn received respecting the con- dition of the property on 1'ihich the forner Hol~ate Building was situated. noved by Con. Nicks and Hugh()s: That the own<?r be inforued that the debris be removed and the property be put in a pres,mtable condition. carried. . . . . . &,tJ - 6 - 3. Old '. Joolen lUll 5uildine; - Liberty 3treet. The condition of this buildine" is cilusinc; "one concern as the Bldgl Inspector finds it in n nnzardous condition. Many youw' children are rlavilF': within this structure. It h'ls been noted thilt fires helve lWf)ll st''lrted in this buildinr; on variDus occasions. COllncil',:o cUrr,ction 110111ci be ?,rrreciatcd. The 11i'l1or r'"portpd thAt when th<:l lease '~xrires the F.U.C. will purchase this property, vrhich should be in the near future. 4. Buildin~ Pcr~its. The To,m Buildin'~ By-Lilw specifies th'lt building pornits are required for chLmey rc"pairs, new chimm,ys ,'Ihere old ones are unsafe, eavestrouc;hing, etc. Some ~lidnnce is requested with respect to Council policy in this resp,ct. Hoved by Con. nicks and DeTJuty-lt8eve Hobbs: That an advertisement be placed in the paper informing the public that the Building Inspectol'! s serVlces are available free of charge if work is under ;~100.00. carrifJd. Museum Councillor Presson repol'ted on the progress of the 1-!useun Board and reCJuested that 'plOOO.OO be turned over to the Board to defray expenses. Hoved by Con. Fresson 'lnd Hugrws: That the Town turn over to the Treasurer of the ;'luseum Board~lOOO.OO frot'! the funds availablfJ. carried, Centre Street Road Allowance. Moved by Deputy-Rueve Hobbs and Con. Nicks: That the Solicitor be advised to send a letter to Mrs. E. Anderson advisin~ her of the action being taken by Council in this regard. carried. Con. i1. Stevens reported that the parkin'; neters 'lre nmf p'lid for. He suggestfJd that thfJ Council contact Steinbergs Ltd. to see if their property could be used for parking and if necessary to spend approxinately';;200. 00 fron the p'lrking meter revenue to put this property into a favourable conch tion for parking. Moved by Con. Stevens & Hughes: That the Clerk contact Steinbergs Ltd. to see if their prop- erty could bo used and levelled off for free parking. carried. ' The Ilayor reported that a recuption f01' 111'. 'c. Strike uill be held on June 6th, at the Lions Centre, Bovr"anville. Haved by Deputy-reeeve Hobbs cmcl !t22V() Littlo: That the meeting adjourn. (9:30 p.m.) carried. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk. lIay.I'.