HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/1961 . . ~. . 1. 2. . . ~:v n_TJ /71-6 A regular meeting of Town Council was held on Monday,April ~, at 7:30 p.m. in the ~own Hall. All members present.. Mayor Carruthers in the Chair. Moved by Councillors Hughes & Fice: That the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, April 3rd, 1961, be received and adopted.. carried~ DEPUTATIONS j Mr. W. Mutton appeared before Council and asked that consideration be given to the construction of a sidewalk on Ontario Street from Nelson, South to Liberty Street.. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. H'lghes: That the request of Mr. W. ~.lutton for a sidewalk on Ontario Street, from Nelson, South to Liberty be referred to the Roads & Streets COu~ittee for a report at the April meeting of the Board of Works. carried. COMMUNICATIONS A letter from the Town and Village Section of the Ontario Munic- / ipal Association advising of the forthcoming conference being held May 12, 13th, 1961, was ordered filed on motion of Deputy- Reeve Hobbs and Con. Fice. Letter from T. Turner. "During the early part of 1960, I made application to purchase the unused roadway to the east of my property, providing the Comm- ittee of Adjustment permitted the building of a house on it according to plans which were submitted to you at that time. A motion to sell it to me was passed at one of your meetings last / Fall. I have now received the official approval of the Committee of Adjustment and wish to proceed with the purchase of the prop- erty. II Moved by Con. Hughes and Reeve Little: That we authorize the Municipal Clerk to effect transfer of part of the unused roadway forraerly known as Centre, in accord- ance with the provisions of the resolution passed by the Council in 1960. carried. 3. To\~ of Port Hope letter dated ~il 7th. "Be it resolved that whereas the Council of the Town of Port Hope feel, that due to the rising costs of the county rate, the Town has been usable to carry out a proper road program on its own streets. That therefore, the said Council does hereby respectfully request the Council of the United Counties of Northl~berland & Durham, to seriously consider increasing the roads subsidy to the town, from the present 25% to the full smbsidy of 50% effective 1961. The motion was carried unanimously. " Moved by Reeve Little & Deputy-Reeve Hobbs: That the resolution from the Town of Port Hope respecting the increase in road subsidy be received and filed. carried. -- . . . . . fL-J - 2 - 4. A resolution was received from the City of Hindsor which would require the Provincial Government to consider the repeal of Section 13 of the Assessment Act which limits taxation of gross receipts of a telephone company, +~ 5% of the total receipts. Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice: That this council endorse the resolution sponsored by the Coun- cil of the City of Windosr respecting the repeal of Section 13 of The Assessment Act, which limits taxation of gross receipts of a telephone company to 5% of the total of such receipts. carried. 5. Department of Commerce & Development letter dated April 7/6l. "We wish to acknowledge and thank you for your letter of April 6th, which inforporated copy of Council's resolution requesting a survey to determine the need and demand for low rental housing in the town. Council's request will be referred to the Hinister of Commerce and Development and to the Federal Hinister of Public Works and when the necessary authorities have been received, we will be in touch with you again regarding a commencement date for the survey." Moved by Con.. Nicks and Fice: That the letter from the Dept. of Co"~erce and Development re- specting the survey to determine the need and demand for low rent- al housing in Bowmanville be received and filed, carried. 6. H.C. Downham Nursery le~te~ dated April 12/61. "As a result of the conversation r had with you last week in Bow- manville, r am writing to express my views to the request that has been made by some individual parties to have the north end of Frank Street closed as it runs between the Dominion Store and the Brewers Retail Store. r would like to bring before the Council the thought that if Frank Street is to be closed, it will leave Downham Nursery without any access to the balance of their property and in as much as we do not wish to stand in way of this development, we might suggest that providing we can gain ascess by some other method, we would not object. We might suggest that Queen Street be opened up through to Frank Street and would appreciate your comments. We respectively sub- mit this suggestion because we do not wish to have the value of our property appreciably effected by having Frank Street closed and not having access given us in any other way. r would appreciate your comments." Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Fice: That the letter received from Downham Nursery with respect to the closing of part of Frank Street be referred tothe Planning Board for their consideration and advise. carried. 7. A letter from the Provincial Magistrate, R.B.Baxter, commending Police Chief Kitney and a.p.p. Constable P. Cornell for their c'~~ - ~ '" i,n connection with the Traffic Clinin in the Town of Bow- laam-,-__v_ ';'te ;~agi0~rate asked that the Clinic be left to continue in the same manner and that ttcc f'o:nc c, o;ccc-ation be extended by this Council. .. . . . . . .y~ - 3 - Moved by Reeve Little & Con. Nicks; That the commendation from Magistrate Baxter be received and filed and that we advise him of Council's intention to fully support and co-operate to assure the success of the Traffic Clinic in BO\Jmanville. carried. 8. Municipal Clerks & Finance Officers' Assoc. Advice was received of the forthcoming annual conference of the flJunicipal Clerks & Finance Officers' Association. 9. 10. 11. Moved by Heeve Little & Con. Hughes: That the Clerk be authorized to attend at the Municipality's expense the forthcoming annual conference of the Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers' Assoc. being held at llelawana Inn, Honey Harbour, June 19-26-21. carried, Canadian Cancer Society letter dated April 3/61, "The Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society would like permission to run a one hour blitz for funds in the Town of Bowmanville on April 25th, from 7 to 8 p,m, We of the Bow- manville Branch feel our cause is most worthy and we hope You will be only too willing to endorse our caf,]paign~" Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Nicks: That we grant permission to the Bo\~aanville Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society to run a one hour blitz fo~ funds in Bowmanville on A~ril 25th, from 7 - 8 p,m, carried I Proctor & Redfern letter dated April 5th/61. "We have asked E.M.Peto Associates Ltd. to subnit a proposal for carrying out the necessary soil investigation at the site of the proposed bridge on the Base Line, in the new Industrial Area.. A copy of their reply is enclosed.. Their \>IOrk would be undertaken on a time basis, and the anount shown in their proposal is estimated and will be finally billed according to the actual time spent on the work~ We recommend that the investigation work be placed with the Peto firm and, accordingly, request Council's authority to proceed with same." ~i[oved by Con. Hughes & Lathangue: That we authorize Proctor & Redfern to engage Peto Associates to carry out the necessary soil investigation at the site of the proposed bridge on the Base Line, in the new Industrial Area. carried~ . Mrs.. H. T. Colmer letter dated April 13/61.. "I am desirous of operating a small business in the form of a Travel Agency.. It would be for chartered bus trips only. I should like permission to operate from my residence at 14 Orchardvie\V Blvd., Bowmanville.. This would be by use of the j>elephone, there would be no sign displayed.. I would advertise in the local paper, The Bowmanville Canadian Statesman. It would be run by myself and known as tfle Colmer Travel Agency.. Hoping to receive a favourable reply, I remain." . ... . . ~ . 12.. 13. . . .y:;/' - 4 - ill\oved by Con. Hughes & Deputy-Reeve Hobbs: That permission be granted Hrs. H.T. Colmer, 14 Orchardview Blvd., to operate a Travel Agency at the above address in accord- ance with her requested dated April 13/61.. carried. Annie M~ Oke, letter dated April 16/61. "In consideration of the ;'lemorial Park Assoc.. I was wondering if you would consider letting us have some money put in for Parks by Hr. Flett, to help us put an addition on building so greatly needed. It would be more than appreciated.." Moved by Con. Presson & N~cks: That this matter be held in abeyance pending further inform- ation from the 1.1emorial Park Association and direction from the r1unicipal Solicitor, re: the Park Fund Revenue. carried.. Petition froe Beech Avenue Residents~ "We , the undersigned, do hereby petition Council to reconsider their decision to ban parking on Beech Avenue for the following reasons: 1. We feel that Beech Avenue is a residential street and that when friends visit us they should be allowed to park on the street.. 2. The only time there is a parking problem is on the few occasions when there is a capacity assembly at the Lions Centre. 3. Prohibiting parking on Beech Avenue will force cars to park on Lowe and Concession Streets. This would create a greater hazard due to the heavier traffic on these streets. 4. Banning parking on Beech Avenue will create more traffic on a residential street. This, too, is undesirable. We trust that the mem1)ers of Council will give this peitition due consideration." Moved by Reeve Little & Con. Hughes: That the Clerk be in5tructed to prepare an ~aending by-law for the Traffic By-Law to effect the following provisions: 1. Establishing Beech Avenue as a South bound "one-way" street.. 2. Parking on the East side of Beech Avenue. carried. Moved by Reeve Little & Con. Hughes: That the petition re: "No Parking" signs on Beech Avenue be received and that the petitioners be advised of Councils intent- ion to make this Street a "one-way" street vlith Parking permitted on the East side. carried,. . . . REPORTS . f'b - 5 - A report was received from the Dog Control Officer for the year ending December 31st, 1960. Moved by Con. Nicks & Stevens: That the report of the Dog Control Officer for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1960, be received and adopted~ carried. NEli & UNFINISHED BUSINESS. L Scugog Street - C.P.R. Crossing. Moved by Con. Stevens & Fice: That the Clerk be instructed to cOI~unicate with the C-P_~. suggesting that the Scugog Street crossing be repaired. carried. . 2. Police Car - The following quotation considered: FIRIIl R. Gibbs Trade in allowance. Discount 45 Robson !,lotors Trade in allowance. Palmer Hotors frade in allowance. . 6 CYLINDER 8 CYLINDER 2664.55 2$19.15 1175.00 1175.00 45.00 45.00 1444.55 1599.15 2520.16 2622.16 900,00 90Q.00 1620116 1722.16 3034.00 3183.00 1266.00 1303.0Q 1768.00 1380.00 Moved bv Con. Presson, and Nicks: That we authorize the purchase of an 8 cylinder police vehicihe from ~ir. n.H.Gibbs, in accordance with the quotation submitted by him" dated April 10th, 1961, at a price of $1,599.15. carried. 3. Sewage Treatment Plant. (a) Application re C.M.H.C. Financing. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs & Con. Stevens~ That the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville apply tn Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation for a loan on the proposed Sewage Treatment Plant and: That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary application therefor. carried. (b) Labour Engagenent re local construction . Moved by Con. Hughes & Deputy-Reeve Hobbs: That the Clerk be instructed to comraunicate with the National Unemploymnet Office and tho Local n.p. requesting that the Unemp- loyment Office give first priority to BOlmanville Unemployed on projects under "Winter Work" mr government financed which are carried out v,i thin the Town. carried.. . . L/J - 6 - . ( c) (c) His Worship The Mayor advised that Tenders had been opened by the Committee for the construction of our proposed sewage treatment plant on April 12/61. These Tenders were considered again at a meeting of the Committee on 3aturday, April 15th, at which time it was decided to accept the Tender of ~ ~~~~ Co. 4. Additional 3chool Facilities Hoved by Con. 3tevens & Hu,o;hes: That we confurr in the School Board's decision to abandon the ieda of a two room addition to Central School and; That we concurr in their decision to obtain plans for a four room unit at Ontario Street. carried. e 5. County Road Commission. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs & Reeve Little: That \'JHlmEAS The Corporation of the Tm'lTI of Bowmanville, has through County Hate payments, been contributing considerably to the United Counties for the express purpose of improvements in the County Road System: AND \VHEREAS this 11unicipality has endeavoured over the years to keep construction and maintenance expenditures on County Roads within it's boundaries, at a minimwJ: AND .IHEREAS it is be coming increasingly d iffi cult to provide for the ever increasing demand for improved local road service, as a result of financial limitations: NOW THEREFORE BE IT I1.E30LVED that this Council respectfully petition the Council of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham to favourably consider an increase in the Iload ltebate from the present 25% to 50%, commencing 1961, in order to assist and further support this municipality in it's anticipated road improv- ement program. IT carried. . 6. Safety Deposit Vault. M~ved by Con. Stevens & Reeve Little:- That we authorize the Bank of corporations safety deposit vault and Assessor C. Oke. rlontreal to allow access to the to Clerk-Treasurer J.L.Reid, carried. 7. Heavy Trucks. Moved by Con. Fice & Con. Nicks: That signs prohibiting ITHeavy Trucks" be erected at the corner of ~ueen and Liberty Streets ending at ~ueen and Ontario and at the corner of Ontario and Liberty Streets ending at the corner of Ontario and Queen Streets. carried. . 8. Water Safety \leek. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs & Con. Fice: That an advertisement be inserted in the local press declar- ing May 14-20th. as IT,vater Saf~ y l1eo1-IT in BO\"II11anville. carried. 9. L.O.D.A. Con. Stevens advised that he and the Industrial Commissioner had attended the recent noeting of L.O.D.A. at which time he had been elected as a Director of this zone. carried. . . . . . . . - 7 - 10. Street Traffic Si~ns. Reeve Little advised that the police Chief, the 1,lorks Super- intendent and himself were presently considering the study of the street Traffic Signs in the Town which ,rill be presented in the near future. Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That we do now adjourn. (9:45 p.m,) .' .... .' .. .. .-,. ...-.'.'.. ." .'".- .'. .... .... . '..' .. .. .'.. .:.. .. MAYOR. ~.. .'. .. .. .-. .. .. .. -. .. .. .. .".. .. '. .'. .'.. .. ..'. '.-.. .. .. . . .. CLERK.