HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/03/1961 . . 2. e . e . :1J A regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council was held on Monday, April 3rd/61, at 8:00 p.m. in Town Hall. All members present. Mayor Carruthers in the Chair. Moved by Reeve Little, Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the Council Minutes dated March 20th, 23rd, and 28th, as printed, be and the same are hereby adopted. carried. COMMUNICATIONS Filed. 1. Advice that the !.lunicipal .linter Works Programme 1960-61 has i.../ been extended from April 30th, to May 31st, 1961. A letter from the Depart~ent of Commerce & Development advising/. that the 1961 Ontario Housing Conference is being held June 5, 6, and 7th, at the Royal Connaught Hotel, Hanilton, Ontario. / 3. A letter from L. Lucas conveying his personal thanks to the Town authorities for the manner in which the smoke and odour of the garbage disposal is being controlled. 4. The foll~wing resolution from the Bowlianville Planning Board: "That the Secretary of the Board be instructed to stamp the BoardsV. approval on the conveyance between W. Lycett and the Catholic Diocese, when presented to him also by virtue of a subdivision agreement between Mr. J. Flett and the Corporation which necess- itated a frontage charge on the aforesaid lots 44, 45 and 46, that the Board waiver any frontage charge on the approximate 215 ft. by 302 ft. lot conveyance." Moved by Cone. Stevens and Nicks: That this matter be laid over until the next regular Council meeting for consideration. earried. 5. A letter received from the National Unemployment Lobby asks the Corporation to express concern for the unemployed by endorsing v"" their Two Point Programme and by supporting the National Unemp- loyment Lobby financially and morally. Moved by Con. Nicks an" Fice: That in as much as time is limited for discussion of this request, that it be received and filed. carried. REPORTS Moved by Con. Nicks and Fice:: That the report of the Bowmanville Industrial Co~mission for the month of March be received and adopted. carried. . . ,j'%' .2. . Moved by Con. Lathangue and Stevens: That the Clerk be instructed to contact the Department of Highways Engineers, our Municipal Consultant Engineers and request their advice as to the possibility of Liberty Street being utilized as a full load street, and if advisable this Council take immed- iate action to effect full load to the vJhiz Factory and Foundry. carried. Moved by Reeve Little and Deputy-Reeve Hobbs: That the report of the 1!Jelfare Department for the month of March, 1961, be received and adopted. carried. Moved by Con. Stevens and Reeve Little, That the report of the Dog Control Officer for the month of March, 1961, be received and filed. carried. . Moved by Con. Lathangue and Presson: That the report of the Building Inspector for the month of March, 1961, be received and adopted. carried. Moved by Con. Presson and Lathangue: That the report of the activities of the Police Dept. for the month of March, 1961, be received and adopted. carried. Moved by Con. Presson and Hughes: That in accordance with the recowilendation of the Police Chief dated March 28th, 1961, and in accordance with the provisions of the contract now in fo rce with the merdbers of the Police Dept., we promote Second class Constable D. Anderson to First class, effective April lst/61, and Second class Constable J. Bird to First class, effective April 4th/61. carried. . Moved by Con. Presson and Hughes: That the report of the Northumberland-Durh@d Health Unit for the month of February, 1961, be received and adopted. carried .' Moved by Con. Presson and Lathangue, That the minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated March 14th, 1961, be received and filed for fu:bure reference. carried., Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Chairman of Finance, advised that at a special meeting held prior to Council, the following was recommended: ~1oved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con.- Hughes: That the amount of $100.00 be forwarded to the ~illseum Board for their operating expenses. carried. . Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes: That we advise the Bell Telephone Co. that we wish for them to make other arrangements for the collection of their telephone accounts. carried. . e- 39 , .3. -- REPORTS OF CO~~1ITTEES Moved by eon. Lathangue and Stevens: That the Board of Works Minutes dated March 28th, as printed, be and the same are hereby adopted. carried. ACCOUNTS Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens: That the accounts of the Finance in the total amount of $530.81 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. e Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens: That the accounts of the Accounts Paid Prior in the amount of $39,86$.01 be and are hereby accepted for payment. carried. Moved by Con. Stevens and Deputy-Reeve Hobbs: That the accounts of the Dog Pound in the total amount of $56.99 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. ])iloved by Con. Fice and Con. Nicks: That the accounts of the Fire Dept. in the total amount of $57.69 be and are hereby passed for payment. carriedl . Moved by Con. Presson and Con. Lathanr,ue, That the accounts of the ~1useum Board in the total amount of $61.15 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. Moved by Con. Presson and Con. Lathangue: That the accounts of the Police Dept. in the total amount of $472.66 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. Moved by Con. Hughes and Con. Fice: That the accounts of the Public Property in the total amount of $307.01 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Lathangue: That the accounts of the Relief Dept. in the total amount of 1654.19 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. . ~1oved by Con. Lathangue and Con. Stevens: That the accounts of the Works Dept. in the total amount of $1901.$3 be and are hereby passed for payment. carried. , . . ~t? . .4.. . NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS Zoning By-Law Amendment. Consideration was given to the recommendation submitted by BO\vmanville Planning Board ~dth respect to a Zoning By-Law Amendment of part of To~mship lot l)-Conc. 1 from Industrial to Residential. It was: v Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Nicks: That ~ve concur v-:.th the recommendation submitted by the Bow- manville Planning Board, dated Hardl 1$/61, respecting amendment to the Town's Zoning By-Law and request our Solicitor to include this recommended amendment in the amending by-law presently be- ing prepared by him. carried. . Vehicles driving over Curbs. This matter was brought to the attention of Council at their last session held !'larch 20/61, at which time Hr. Dadson of Liberty Street, complained of a bread truck driving over the curb and causing some damage. The Clerk reported to Council on the existance of By-Law No. 1594 entitled "A By-Law To Prohibit ".."':) Driving Of Trucks, Cars Or Other Vehicles ever The Sidewalks Within The Limits Of The Corporation. " Fbllowing considerable discussion it was: Hoved by Con. Stevens and Reeve Little: That a copy of By-Law No. 1594 be forwarded to Brown's Bread Company for their attention, and to suggest that if the Company feels it advisable, Council will entertain their representati" '"3 for further discussion of this matter. carried. . Proposed !Jew Dominion Store. There was nothing further to report in this regard. Council is waiting further advice from Mr. Rankin in this respect. L.O.D.A. Moved by Con. Lathangue and Con. Presson: That we recind the motion passed by Council at the last regular session held on March 20th/61, respecting Council's with- drawal from L.O.D.A. and that we reconsider renewal of the Corp- oration's membership in that organization for 1961. carried. Moved by Con. Lathangue and Con. Presson: That 'rie renew membership in the "Lake Ontario Development Association" for the year 1961, and authorize payment of the .OU per capita rate amounting to :p511. 56. carried. . . . ~/ # .5. . Low Rental Housing Development. Following considerable discussion of the low rental housing program offered by the Department of Commerce and Development, it was: ,/ Moved by Con. Nicks and Con. Hughes: That we request the Dept. of Commerce & Development to effect a need study in the Town of BO\Manville respecting a Low Rental Housing Promram. carried. Ontario Hydro Commission Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little: . That a letter of congratulationx be forward on behalf of Bo\vmanville Town Council and citizens of Bowmanville to Mr. Ross Strike, Q.C., in respect to his recent appointment as Chairman of the Ontario Hydro Commission. carried. ./ Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Nicks: That we do now adjourn. (10.20) carried. . ~ .. . . . u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~-1AYon . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLERK. .