HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/1961
A regular Council Heeting was held at 8 :00 p.m., Honday, March
20th, in the Council Chambers.
Councillors Lathangue and Stevens absent. All others present.
Mayor W. D. Carruthers in the Chair.
The minutes of the meeting held on March 6th, were received and
adopted on motion of Reeve Little and Deputy-Reeve Hobbs.
J.T.Mills and Mr. Rankine appeared before Council in support of
their letter appearing under Communications of which the follow-
ing is an extract:
"As was outlined to you and to Mr. Morris, we have entered into
an arrangement with Dominion Stores Limited whereby we will take
over the site on King Street, at the east end of BO\~lanville,
purchased by Dominion Stores some years ago, and construct a
modern store thereon. It is also out intention to build two or
three smaller stores at the same location so that a shall shopp-
ing plaza would fit in with the present Brewers Retail store
immediately to the west.
The whole development is contingent on our being able to obtain
title to the 66' right of way between the Dominion property and
that occupied by the Brewers Retail, which would be paved and
used for parking, and serve to obviate the necessity of several
entrances on King Street. You and Mr. Morris have indicated that
this will be possible and we therefore formally request you to
place our application on the agenda of the next meeting of Town
Council, which I believe is on March 20th."
Following discussion, it was:
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes,
That we agree in principle to the request submitted by Mr.
Rankine and on his further advice we request the Town Solicitor~
to prepare the necessary agreements taking into consideration
easements for municipal services. carried.
Mr. (. Hooper appeared before Council and requested information
with regard to the efforts being put forth by Council and the
Industrial Commission towards the acquisition of industry to
increase the employment in the community.
A report was given by the Industrial Chairman, K. Nicks, in reply
to Mr. Hooper's questions.
Mr. Hooper also advised that he felt that the public was poorly
informed with respect to the time and date of Public Utilities
Commission meetings, and asked Council to take some action if
possible, in this respect. It was:
~~oved by Con. Hughes and Beeve Little,
That we request the P.U.C. to consider the establishment of
a regular meeting date or if this is not possible, to publish
in advance the time and date of their meetings. carried.
- 2 -
A request was received from the City of Peterborough for
Council's endorsation of the following resolution:-
"WHEREAS the granting of fixed assessments by municipalities
in Ontario lends itself to misuse against the public interest
and could result in unfair competition between municipalities
in the location of industries, and such competition could prove
costly to municipal taxpayers, and also be against the best /'.
economic interest of the industries concerned: v/
THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Ontario Legislature be re-
quested to enact legislation removing any authority now given
municipal councils to grant fixed assessments or any other form
of bonus or subsidy to industrial or commercial enterprises for
any purpose."
Moved by Reeve little and Con. Hughes;
That the resolution sponsored by the City of Peterboro with
respect to fixed assessments be endorsed. carried.
Ad'Tice from the Department of Commerce & Dvelopment respecting /'
the Ninth Annua~ Ontario Housing Conference was received and v/.
authorized to be filed on mction of Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and
Con. Fice. carried.
A request
with this
from Lake Ontario Development Association for Council's
support of this Association during 1961 & 62. Enclosed/'
communication was an invoice based on~7~per capita.
considerable discussion it was;
Moved by Con. Fice and Con. Hughes;
That the communication and invoice from L.O.D.A. be received
and filed and that we advise them that the Town of Bowmanville
does not wish to continue membership in L.O.D.A. for 1961 & 62.
A letter was received from the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce
suggesting that the programme of the Bowmanville Industrial
Commission is worthy of all possible supp<rt, and advised that .J'
the Chambe~ had recorded its pleasure in the formation of Bow-
manvi11e Industrial Developments Ltd., and in the generosity of
Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries and Glen Rae Dairy in making choice
industrial land available at attractive prices. It was:
Moved by Con. Nicks and Con. Fice;
That the communication from the Bowmanville Chamber of
Commerce dated March 10th, 1961, be received and filed.
A request for endorsation of the following resolution sponsored
by the Town of Richmond Hill was received:
"WHEREAS responsible municipal leaders have repeatedly petitioned
the Provincial Government seeking changes in legislation which
would permit the Provincial Government to assume the full costs V'
of education;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable that the opinions of the said
municipal leaders should be reinforced or rejected authoritatively
by the clearly expressed \rishes of the people in their respective
municipalities r
- 3 -
5. (cont'd.)
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that subject to legal advice on the
exact wording to be used, the following question be submitted
to the electorate at the next municipal elections:
"Are you in favour of your Council seeking changes
in legislation which will permit the Provincial Gov-
ernment of Ontario to be responsible for the full
cost of education with the Province of Ontario.,"
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs & Reeve Little;
That the resolution sponsored by the Town of lhchmond Hill
respecting legislation changes to permit the Provincial Gov-
ernment to be responsible for the full cost of education, be
endorsed. carried.
6.. The minutes of the meeting dated February 21st/61, of the
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority were received
and filed on motion of Con.. Presson and Con. Nichs.
7., Durham County District High School Board letter dated Mar..17/61.
"The Board understands that the Holgate Building across from
the High School is to be demolished. The ultimate use of
that property gives the Board some concern. It is hoped that
it may be put to some use that would not be detrimental to
the school across the street. If, in any way, you have any
influence over this property, would you kindly be sympathetic
to our request."
The following resolution was:
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Fice:
That the letter dated March 17th/61, from the Durham County
Distiict High School Board be received and filed. and advise
the Board that every consideration will be given to their re-
quest contained therein! carried!
Bowmanville Planning Board letter dated March 18th/61l
"At our planning board meeting of Harch 15th, it was decided
to recommend to our Municipal Council that we rezone a portion
of the Industrially zoned area in Township lot 13, Conn.l to
In the schedule of zones referred to in our bylaw 1587, as
amended by bylaws 1612 and 1700, see page 20, of our Consol-
idated Bylaws, the section would then be revised to read as
follows:- ~
In Township Lot 13.
In Concession 1.
From the southern limit of the Lot, northerly, to a line drawn
across said lot parallel to said routhern limit, which said line
is an existing northern private property line, a distance of
approx. 12~ chains therefrom in ............. Zone Ill.
All of said Lot in said Concession lying northerly of the said
line last mentioned and extending to the Northern limit of
said Lot in Concession 1, excepting the Conservation zone in
~. . . . . . . . . . . ,.. . . . . . . Zone 1.
- 4 -
Our main reasons for this recommendation are as follows:
(a) Having been critized previously by the Dept. of Planning
and Development, since changed to The Dept. of Municipal
Affairs, as having too much land zoned Industrially for a
~own of over twice our size.
(b) On account of just recently adding an additional 50 Acres
approx. south of our Cemetery, in township lots 8 and 9, to
our Indu strially zoned areas..
(c) On account of having received threG requests within the
last two years, from the property owner Mr. E. Banting, to
have his land in Township lot 13 Conn. 1. ,rezoned to Resident-
We trust that this recommendation will reach you in time to be
!included in this years rezone ammendments."
Moved by Con. Presson and Con. Hughes,
That the communication received from
ing Board, be received and tabled until
is received.
the BO\vrnanville Plann-
further infornlation
9. Bowmanville Industrial Developments Ltd. letter - March 20/61~
"Bowmanville Industrial Developments Ltd. hereby undertakes
to negotiate for and assist in the financing of buildings
for acceptable credit approved and sui tablrl industries loc-
ating on the lands now owned by Bowbrook Investments Ltd. or
Glen Rae Dairy and shown on Proctor & Redfern Drawing No. /'
7B 920."
Moved by Con.. Hughes and Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,.
That the communication received from the B.LD.. Ltd. be
referred to the Town Solicitor for his opinion.. carried.
Deputy~Reeve Hobbs advised that the Finance Committee is pres-
ently considering the 1961 Budget and requested that a special
meeting be convened at 7:90 p;m. Thursday, March 23rd, for final
A special Council meeting is to be convened at $~OO p.m. on
the above date for. final consideration of the Budget.
Deputy-Reeve Hobbs advised that during the Budget session it
had been decided to recommend to Council that the Works Dept.
be moved from the old Post Office Bldg. to the Town Hall.
Following discussion it was;
Moved by Deputy-ReevG Hobbs, and Con. Hughes,
That the re-locating of the Works Dept. in the Tm-In Hall
be effected as soon as possible and that the Clerk is hereby
authorized to proceed. carried.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little,
That the Clerk be instructed to advertise the office space
occupied by the Works Dept. for rental.. carried.
Councillar Presson reported on the Museum Board's recent visit
to the Oshawa Museum..
- 5 -
WWHEREAS Premier Leslie M. Frost has on several occasions
stated that Governmlmt representation should be on the basis
of Population:
AND WHEREAS this Council agrees that government represent-
ation by population is fair and equitable:
AND WHEREAS if representation by population is fair at one
level of government, it is fair at all levels of government:
NOVJ THEREFORE this Council respectfully suggests to the
Ontario Legislature that when it is revising the Municipal
Act, representation by population be made law without the
restrictions contained in Section 26, Subsection 2 of the
!><1unicipal Act, R.S.O. 1960."
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
That the resolution sponsored by the Town of 'ilhi tby pAr-
taining to the amendment of Section 26, Subsection 2 of the
Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, be endorsed. carried.
Moved by Councillor Fice,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
That the meeting adjourn at 10:00 p.m.
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