HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/23/1961 (Special)
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A special
8:45 p.m.
'meeting of ~owmanville Town Council conven~d at
. .;
on,Mat.ch :23rd, at Town Hall.
Councillors Lathangue and Presson absent.
Mayor W. Carruthers jn the Chair.
All others present~
Moved py Deputy~Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con. Stevens,
That leave be granted to bring in the following''O!(,,:,law:;'
"A 'by-law to govern and regulate the.finances of the Town pf
Bowmanville'for the fiscal year ending, Decel1lcer 31st, 1961.
, carried..
Moved by Con. Hughes,
Seconded by COn. Fice,
ThCl-t th,e
iri "Commit,tee
by-law be read a first
of the Whole, and read
Chair .'
time, referred ,t'o
a second time.'
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Moved by Con. Fice,
S,econded by Con.' Hughes;
That we -rise and report on the suc;cB!';sful se'c(,>ndre'Cl-d~~
of the bY';:1aw as amended, "To govern and regulate the finances
of the Tci~. of BOWl11an'ville for the fiscal year ending December
pl!';t, 1961". carried.
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Moved by Con. Nicks,
Seconded by Con. Fice;
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That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole be
r~ce'ived and aQ.opted; the same be now neada third time,
engrossed, signed, by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed and numbered
a13 follows:
Ii! ~y"'law to goverp and regulate the finances of the Town of
B6wmanville for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 1961"
.... By-Law No. 1798. carried.
Mr. Davidson, Liberty Street, appeared before Council complain-
ing of a bread truck which has continued to drive,; over the
curb and side"mlk on Li,b,e~ty;Street. It was:,;:,
. ';-, --
Moved by Con. Hughes and Reeve Little:
That, ~his, matter be referred to the Board of 'Works me~t-
ing on Ma~h'4$'th, at which time the Clerk is requested to ' /
present a report ohany municipal by-laws which might coverl/
this situation. carried.
Moved by Con. Nick:siih.d,\'!:on, Hugbe,s;
That the Reeve be requested,tO' Gontact
'arid request their help in eliminating this
the Police Dept.
carried. '
Moved 'by
Con. 'Ntcks'andRe-ev.e t;t~",;...
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this meeting adjourn at 9:30 porn. carried,
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